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updated code and hardware for clog detection and defrost

Barb 6 months ago
2 changed files with 96 additions and 10 deletions
  1. +86
  2. +10

+ 86
- 9
AulaStud_fridge_compressor_timer_controller.ino View File

@ -1,24 +1,45 @@
// Hi! Barb here: this is a quick and dirty implementation of a refrigeration compressor + evaporator fan(s) controller.
// I wrote this code to run it on an attiny45 that I was able to solder on the back of a 5V relay inside the refrigerator's
// I wrote this code to run it on an arduino nano 168 (previously: attiny45) that I was able to solder on the back of a 5V relay inside the refrigerator's
// control panel. This code relies on an external thermostat already doing its work and is not meant to manage internal
// temperature. It is written to make sure the compressor can get a minimum rest-time between cycles as to not overheat.
// This relay and attiny are connected in series with the main thermost's relay, so that they only function when it's calling.
// With this in mind, we assume the thermostat has just called for cooling every time the attiny is booted and leave the
// This relay and microcontroller are connected in series with the main thermost's relay, so that they only function when it's calling.
// With this in mind, we assume the thermostat has just called for cooling every time the arduino is booted and leave the
// compressor running. After a set period of s (timerMAX) the compressor is switched off.
// In order to aid thermal transfer and maximize COP while using butane as refrigerant, the system needs to have a higher
// average temperature. Due to this reason, a fan is fitted between the fridge and freezer compartments to move air between
// the two. The fan is turned on after fanStartDelay to prevent rapid heating of the freezer and turned back on when the
// timer hits fanStopAdvance to allow for further freezer sub-cooling.
// Last updated: 05/03/24
// updated: 05/03/24
// notes: tweaked timing and added fan startup delay + anticipated shut-off
// updated: 02/07/24
// notes: added temperature-based clog detection and provision for reversing valve
// updated: 04/07/24
// notes: moved from attiny45 to arduino nano to increase memory and serial port
#include <OneWire.h>
#include <DallasTemperature.h>
bool disable = 0; // bool to store compressor disable status
int timer = 0; // active countdown timer, between timerMax and 0
const int timerMAX = 1500; // (countdown in seconds)
int relayPin = 0; // compressor relay output pin (active LOW)
int fanPin = 1; // fan MOSFET output pin (active HIGH)
const int relayPin = 3; // compressor relay output pin (active LOW)
const int fanPin = 2; // fan MOSFET output pin (active HIGH)
const int alertLED = 4; // Defrost ongoing warning LED
const int SENSOR = 5; // digital Input connected to DS18B20 sensor's DQ pin, used to detect clogs in refrigeration cycle
//const int RValve = 3; // Reversing Valve relay output (relay N.O.; valve normally not reversed)
const int fanStartDelay = 60; // fan turn-on delay in seconds
const int fanStopAdvance = 30; // fan turn-off advance in seconds (before the compressor stops, allows to sub-cool the freezer)
const int checkTimeDelay = 300; // after this amount of seconds we start checking condenser temperature
const int delayTime = 750; // cycle delay in ms (should be 1s, but we need to correct for computing time)
OneWire oneWire(SENSOR); // setup a oneWire instance
DallasTemperature sensors(&oneWire); // pass oneWire to DallasTemperature library
float temperature = 0; // var to store temperature in Celsius
int minTemp = 35; // hot gas low-temp limit in celcius (indicative of clog!) usually 40 to 45C when actively running
void setup() {
// put your setup code here, to run once:
@ -26,53 +47,108 @@ void setup() {
// firstly, we initialize the needed outputs
pinMode(relayPin, OUTPUT);
pinMode(fanPin, OUTPUT);
pinMode(alertLED, OUTPUT);
//pinMode(RValve, OUTPUT);
// then we set them low to keep the compressor on and the fans off at boot
// the reversing valve is in the non-reversed position by default
digitalWrite(relayPin, LOW);
digitalWrite(fanPin, LOW);
digitalWrite(alertLED, LOW);
//digitalWrite(RValve, LOW);
// initialize serial
Serial.println("serial initialized");
// initialize the dallas temperature sensor
Serial.println("condenser temperature sensor initialized");
Serial.println("minimum condenser temperature:");
// lastly, we set the timer at maximum so that the loop starts counting down
timer = timerMAX;
void loop() {
// put your main code here, to run repeatedly:
Serial.print("timer: ");
Serial.print("compressor status: ");
if (disable == 0){
else {
sensors.requestTemperatures(); // send command to get temperatures
temperature = sensors.getTempCByIndex(0); // read temperature in Celsius
Serial.print("condenser temperature: ");
// fan control logic:
// only enable fans after the compressor has been running for a while
if (timer == (timerMAX - fanStartDelay) && disable == 0) {
// enable fan(s) after set delay if the compressor is not disabled
digitalWrite(fanPin, HIGH);
Serial.println("fans enabled");
else if (timer == fanStopAdvance && disable == 0) {
// disable when we are about to stop the compressor
digitalWrite(fanPin, LOW);
Serial.println("fans disabled");
else {
// do nothing
// detect clogs by reading condenser temperature and automatically defrost to fix them
if (timer < (timerMAX - checkTimeDelay) && temperature < minTemp && disable == 0) {
digitalWrite(fanPin, HIGH); // keep fans on to defrost and prevent thermostat from satsfying
digitalWrite(alertLED, HIGH); // turn on an LED on front panel to warn of current defrost
digitalWrite(relayPin, HIGH); // compressor off
Serial.println("clog detected! requesting defrost...");
Serial.println("compressor off, fans on");
timer = timerMAX;
while (timer > 0) {
timer = timer - 5;
Serial.println("counting down, defrost");
Serial.print("timer: ");
delay (1000);
timer = 0; // zero the timer so that we immediately go into an off cycle
// compressor control logic
if (timer > 0 && disable == 0) {
// when compressor is active, countdown moves at 1s/cycle
digitalWrite(relayPin, LOW);
else if (timer > 0 && disable == 1) {
// when compressor is off, countdown moves at (1/5)s/cycle (5 times faster!)
timer = timer - 5;
digitalWrite(relayPin, HIGH);
else if (timer == 0) {
// reset countdown timer to max once 0 is reached
Serial.println("countdown complete, resetting timer");
timer = timerMAX;
// relay control logic: warning! LOW = active!
if (disable == 0) {
disable = 1;
digitalWrite(relayPin, HIGH);
else if (disable == 1) {
disable = 0;
digitalWrite(relayPin, LOW);
digitalWrite(relayPin, LOW); // turn compressor on at end of off cycle
digitalWrite(fanPin, LOW); // turn fans off at end of off cycle (in case defrost was triggered)
@ -81,9 +157,10 @@ void loop() {
timer = 0;
disable = 0;
digitalWrite(fanPin, LOW);
Serial.println("error detected, fans & compressor disabled");
// now wait 1s so that we can roughly count time using the timer variable
// this is a stopping delay, kinda bad, but we don't have any inputs, hence it shouldn't matter!

+ 10
- 1 View File

@ -4,4 +4,13 @@ Questo controller è montato DOPO il termostato, in modo da impostare dei limiti
UPDATE 03/'24:
Ho aggiunto un delay di 60s all'accensione delle ventole per permettere al freezer di pre-raffreddarsi e poi uno spegnimento delle stesse 30s prima del compressore per far calare ulteriormente la temperatura nel comparto freezer.
Ho aumentato il tempo totale di accensione a 1500s (25'), portando il tempo di spegnimento forzato a 1/5 (5' con l'impostazione corrente)
Ho aumentato il tempo totale di accensione a 1500s (25'), portando il tempo di spegnimento forzato a 1/5 (5' con l'impostazione corrente)
// updated: 05/03/24
// notes: tweaked timing and added fan startup delay + anticipated shut-off
// updated: 02/07/24
// notes: added temperature-based clog detection and provision for reversing valve
// updated: 04/07/24
// notes: moved from attiny45 to arduino nano 168 to increase memory and serial port
