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147 lines
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config global_defs
option alt_config_file "/etc/keepalived/keepalived.conf"
# list notification_email "acassen@firewall.loc"
# list notification_email "failover@firewall.loc"
# list notification_email "sysadmin@firewall.loc"
# option notification_email_from "Alexandre.Cassen@firewall.loc"
# option smtp_server ""
# option smtp_connect_timeout "30"
# option router_id "LVS_DEVEL"
# option vrrp_mcast_group4 "" # optional, default
# option vrrp_mcast_group6 "f02::12" # optional, default ff02::12
# option linkbeat_use_polling "1"
#config ipaddress
# option name "ipaddress0"
# option address ""
# option device "eth0"
# option scope "global"
#config ipaddress
# option name "ipaddress1"
# option address ""
# option device "eth1"
# option scope "global"
#config ipaddress
# option name "ipaddress2"
# option address ""
# option device "eth0"
# option scope "link"
#config ipaddress
# option name "ipaddress3"
# option address ""
# option device "eth2"
# option scope "site"
#config ipaddress
# option name "ipaddress4"
# option address ""
# option device "eth0"
# option scope "host"
#config ipaddress
# option name "ipaddress5"
# option address ""
# option device "eth0"
# option scope "nowhere"
#config route
# option name "route0"
# option address ""
# option gateway ""
# option device "eth0"
#config route
# option name "route1"
# option address ""
# option gateway ""
# option device "eth0"
#config route
# option name "route2"
# option address ""
# option blackhole "1"
#config static_ipaddress
# list address "ipaddress0"
# list address "ipaddress1"
#config static_routes
# list route "route0"
# list route "route1"
#config vrrp_sync_group
# option name "VI_sync_group_1"
# list group "VI_1"
# list group "VI_2"
# option smtp_alert "1"
# option notify_backup "<switch-backup-state-script>"
# option notify_master "<switch-master-state-script>"
# option notify_fault "<switch-fault-state-script>"
# option notify "<switch-any-state-script>"
# option global_tracking 1
#config track_interface
# option name "track_intf1"
# option value "eth0"
# option weight "1"
#config track_interface
# option name "track_intf2"
# option value "eth1"
# option weight "2"
#config track_script
# option name "track_script1"
# option value "<script-file1>"
# option weight "1"
#config track_script
# option name "track_script2"
# option value "<script-file2>"
# option weight "2"
#config vrrp_instance
# option name "VI_1"
# option use_vmac "eth0"
# option native_ipv6 "1"
# option state "MASTER"
# option interface "eth0"
# list track_interface "track_intf1"
# list track_interface "track_intf2"
# list track_script "track_script1"
# list track_script "track_script2"
# option dont_track_primary "1"
# list unicast_peer ""
# list unicast_peer ""
# list virtual_ipaddress "ipaddress2"
# list virtual_ipaddress "ipaddress3"
# list virtual_ipaddress_excluded "ipaddress4"
# list virtual_ipaddress_excluded "ipaddress5"
# list virtual_routes "route1"
# list virtual_routes "route2"
# option mcast_src_ip ""
# option unicast_src_ip ""
# option virtual_router_id "128"
# option priority "128"
# option advert_int "5"
# option nopreempt "1"
# option preempt_delay "500"
# option debug "2"
# option notify_backup "<switch-backup-state-script>"
# option notify_master "<switch-master-state-script>"
# option notify_fault "<switch-fault-state-script>"
# option notify_stop "<switch-stop-state-script>"
# option notify "<switch-any-state-script>"
# option smtp_alert "1"
# option accept "1"
#config vrrp_script
# option script "<script-file>"
# option interval "5"
# option weight "10"
# option fall "2"
# option rise "3"