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. /lib/
upgrade_watchcat() {
local cfg="$1"
config_get period "$cfg" period
config_get mode "$cfg" mode
config_get pinghosts "$cfg" pinghosts
config_get forcedelay "$cfg" forcedelay
[ -f "/etc/config/watchcat" ] || touch /etc/config/watchcat
uci_add watchcat watchcat
uci_set watchcat @watchcat[-1] period "$period"
uci_set watchcat @watchcat[-1] mode "$mode"
uci_set watchcat @watchcat[-1] pinghosts "$pinghosts"
uci_set watchcat @watchcat[-1] forcedelay "$forcedelay"
uci_remove system "$cfg"
config_load system
config_foreach upgrade_watchcat watchcat
uci_commit watchcat
uci commit system