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#!/bin/sh /etc/rc.common
# Copyright (C) 2009-2016
# Copyright (C) 2016 Luke McKee <>
# Procd init script reference:
_log() {
logger -p -t mini_snmpd "$@"
_err() {
logger -p daemon.err -t mini_snmpd "$@"
# mini_snmpd 1.3+ now starts later in the game. Expects filesystems monitored to be already mounted, or wont pass args to mini_snmpd
# and at least configuration entry for network physical interface defined in /etc/config/network
# It handles network interfaces not yet present (e.g. ppp) but will statfs() the root/wrong filesystem if device not mounted
# Tip: complex scripts run faster without in openwrt if you stop busybox forking and searching for applets. Faster bootups
mini_snmpd_validation="enabled:bool:0 \
ipv6:bool:0 \
debug:bool:0 \
auth:bool:1 \
community:rangelength(1,32):public \
contact:maxlength(255) \
location:maxlength(255) \
listen_interface:uciname \
udp_port:port \
tcp_port:port \
vendor_oid:string \
mib_timeout:and(min(1),uinteger) \
disks:list(directory) \
interfaces:list(uciname) \
respawn_threshold:uinteger respawn_timeout:uinteger respawn_retry:uinteger"
# busybox ash has no array variable support, when put validations in a string be careful to have no spaces in each validate constraint
# this makes it very difficult to use the 'or(uciname, "all")' test, so listen_interface '' or undefined now meands bind to "all".
# this is the sarafice you have to make to avoid typing it all in twice in this script so we can give feedback to user on what's misconfigered
# in syslog
append_disk() {
local disk="$1" disk_count
[ -z $disk_count ] && disk_count=0
if grep -qF "$disk" /proc/mounts ; then
# check the fileystem is mountpoint, and directory search permissions available for statfs()
# presence as a directory -d test done is already done by uci_validate_section()
[ -x "$disk" ] || {
_err "$cfg: mountpoint $disk for snmp monitoring EACCES error. Check permissions, ignoring"
return 1
if [ $disk_count -lt 4 ] ; then
append disks_arg "$disk" ','
_err "$cfg: more than 4 mountpoints defined in uci. Disc $disk ignored."
_err "$cfg: mountpoint $disk for snmp monitoring not mounted, ignoring."
append_interface() {
local name="$1" netdev netdev_count
[ -z $netdev_count ] && netdev_count=0
# for the purposes of snmp monitoring it doesn't need to be up, it just needs to exist in /proc/net/dev
netdev=$(ubus -S call network.interface dump|jsonfilter -e "@.interface[@.interface=\"$name\"].device")
if [ -n "$netdev" ] && grep -qF "$netdev" /proc/net/dev ]; then
[ $netdev_count -ge 4 ] && {
_err "$cfg: too many network interfaces configured, ignoring $name"
if [ -n "$interfaces_arg" ]; then
append interfaces_arg "$netdev" ','
append interfaces_arg "$netdev"
_err "$cfg: physical interface for network $name not found in uci or kernel so not monitoring"
append_arg() {
local var="$2"
local opt="$1"
[ -n "$var" ] && procd_append_param command $opt "$var"
watch_interfaces() {
local cfg="$1"
local enabled listen_interface # listen_interface_up
config_get_bool enabled "$cfg" "enabled" '1'
[ "$enabled" -gt 0 ] || return 0
config_get listen_interface "$cfg" listen_interface
# listen_interface_up=$(ubus -S call network.interface dump | jsonfilter -e "@.interface[@.interface=\"$listen_interface\"].up")
# If the interface is up & instance is running we'll watch at the instance level and only restart that instance if it's bound interface changes
# Regardless of ubus knowing about an interface (in the case it's not yet configured)
[ -n "$listen_interface" ] && trigger_interfaces="${listen_interface} ${trigger_interfaces} "
validate_mini_snmpd_section() {
# validate a mini_snmpd instance in uci config file mini_snmpd
# ubox/validate/validate.c
uci_validate_section mini_snmpd mini_snmpd "${1}" $mini_snmpd_validation
service_triggers() {
config_load 'mini_snmpd'
procd_add_config_trigger "config.change" "mini_snmpd" /etc/init.d/mini_snmpd reload
config_foreach watch_interfaces 'mini_snmpd'
# this only watches interfaces for which there is no running instance due to interface down / not in ubus
# hence start not reload, this trigger will not affect running instances as another start will not change their procd command arguments
# or stop the already running process
[ -n "$trigger_interfaces" ] & {
for n in $trigger_interfaces ; do
procd_add_interface_trigger "interface.*" $n /etc/init.d/mini_snmpd start
procd_add_validation validate_mini_snmpd_section
start_instance() {
local cfg validation_failed validation_err disks_arg interfaces_arg
#uci_validate_section should unset undefined variables from other instances
#however defining uci variables as local will scope them to this instance
#"local variables are also visible to functions called by the parent function" so it's good practice
local enabled ipv6 debug auth community contact location listen_interface \
udp_port tcp_port vendor_oid mib_timeout
local disks="" interfaces=""
validate_mini_snmpd_section "$cfg" 2>/dev/null || validation_failed=1
[ "$enabled" == 1 ] || {
_log "instance:$cfg disabled not starting"
return 1
local listen_interface_json listen_interface_ip listen_interface_device listen_interface_up ubus_exit ubus_err
[ -n "$listen_interface" ] && {
listen_interface_json=$(ubus -S call network.interface.$listen_interface status)
[ $ubus_exit = 4 ] && {
_err "$cfg: listen_interface $listen_interface not properly configured in ubus network.interface.* not starting this instance "
return 1
[ $ubus_exit = 255 -a -z "$listen_interface_json" ] && {
_log "$cfg: ubusd not yet up, will try to start mini_snmpd shorlty when procd detects $listen_interface comes up"
return 1
[ -z "$listen_interface_json" ] && {
ubus_err=`ubus call network.interface.$listen_interface status 2>&1 >/dev/null`
_err "$cfg: unknown ubus error. exit: $ubus_exit errormsg: $ubus_err "
return 1
listen_interface_up=$(jsonfilter -s "$listen_interface_json" -e '@.up')
if [ "$ipv6" = 1 ]; then
listen_interface_ip=$(jsonfilter -s "$listen_interface_json" -e "@['ipv6-address'][0].address")
listen_interface_ip=$(jsonfilter -s "$listen_interface_json" -e "@['ipv4-address'][0].address")
[ -n "$listen_interface_ip" -a "$listen_interface_up" = 'true' ] || {
_log "$cfg:listen interface $listen_interface not up yet / not configured properly"
_log "$cfg:procd will try again when interface state changes"
return 1
listen_interface_device=$(jsonfilter -s "$listen_interface_json" -e '@.l3_device')
[ $validation_failed ] && {
_err "validation of $NAME configuration for $cfg instance failed, all tests should be within constraints"
_err "please edit the configuration values below using [l]uci "
validation_err=`/sbin/validate_data mini_snmpd mini_snmpd "$cfg" $mini_snmpd_validation 2>&1 | sed '/with\ false$/!d;s/validates\ as\ /needs\ to\ be\ /;s/with\ false//' `
_err "${validation_err}"
return 1
config_list_foreach "$cfg" 'disks' append_disk
config_list_foreach "$cfg" 'interfaces' append_interface
# test if variables are unset or zero length
[ -z "${disks_arg:+1}" -a -z "${interfaces_arg:+1}" ] && {
_err "$cfg: you haven't sucessfully configured any mountpoints or disks for this instance, not starting"
return 1
procd_set_param command "$PROG" -n
procd_set_param stdout "1"
procd_set_param stderr "1"
# don't the like default respawn values? you can override through uci.
# vars left as global so you only need to do it in the first mini_snmpd instance
procd_set_param respawn ${respawn_threshold:-3600} ${respawn_timeout:-10} ${respawn_retry:-1}
# this monitors ubus changes
[ -n "$listen_interface" ] && {
#procd_add_interface_trigger "interface.*" $listen_interface /etc/init.d/mini_snmpd reload
procd_add_reload_interface_trigger $listen_interface #or use shorthand of above
# this re-starts the daemon if a properly configured network interface is changed whilst it is already running
# igmpproxy has this as well as "procd_set_param netdev"
append_arg "-c" "$community"
append_arg "-L" "${location}"
append_arg "-C" "${contact}"
append_arg "-p" $udp_port
append_arg "-P" $tcp_port
append_arg "-V" "${vendor_oid}"
append_arg "-t" $mib_timeout
[ "$ipv6" = 1 ] && procd_append_param command "-6"
[ "$debug" = 1 ] && procd_append_param command "-v"
# uci_validate_section() aka /sbin/validate_data can only cast default values not defined in /etc/config/* to string
# e.g. ="1" however it sets bools defined in /etc/config/* to =1 / =0
[ "$auth" = 1 -o "$auth" = "1" ] && procd_append_param command "-a"
[ -n "$disks_arg" ] && procd_append_param command "-d $disks_arg"
[ -n "$interfaces_arg" ] && procd_append_param command "-i $interfaces_arg"
[ -n "$listen_interface_device" ] && {
procd_append_param command "-I" "$listen_interface_device"
# and this monitors the hardware device for changes outside of ubus - just a guess
procd_set_param netdev $listen_interface_device
start_service() {
config_load 'mini_snmpd'
config_foreach start_instance 'mini_snmpd'