You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

41 lines
861 B

# For documents, please see
config dnsproxy 'global'
option enabled '0'
option listen_addr ''
option listen_port '5353'
option log_file ''
option all_servers '0'
option fastest_addr '0'
option insecure '0'
option ipv6_disabled '0'
option max_go_routines ''
option rate_limit ''
option refuse_any '0'
option udp_buf_size ''
option verbose '0'
config dnsproxy 'bogus_nxdomain'
list ip_addr ''
config dnsproxy 'cache'
option enabled '0'
option cache_optimistic '0'
option size '65535'
option min_ttl ''
option max_ttl ''
config dnsproxy 'dns64'
option enabled '0'
option dns64_prefix '64:ff9b::'
config dnsproxy 'edns'
option enabled '0'
option edns_addr ''
config dnsproxy 'servers'
list bootstrap 'tls://'
list fallback 'tls://'
list upstream 'tls://'