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#!/bin/sh /etc/rc.common
# Copyright © 2012
# This is free software, licensed under the GNU General Public License v2.
# See /LICENSE for more information.
get_write_driver_config() {
local cfg="$1"
local var="$2"
local def="$3"
local flag="$4"
local val
[ -z "$flag" ] && {
config_get val "$cfg" "$var" "$def"
[ -n "$val" ] && [ "$val" != "0" ] && echo "$var = $val" >>"$UPS_C"
[ -n "$flag" ] && {
config_get_bool val "$cfg" "$var" "$def"
[ "$val" = 1 ] && echo "$var" >>"$UPS_C"
upsd_statepath() {
local cfg="$1"
local statepath
config_get statepath "$cfg" statepath "/var/run/nut"
upsd_runas() {
local cfg="$1"
local runas
[ -n "$RUNAS" ] && return
config_get runas "$cfg" runas "nut"
listen_address() {
local cfg="$1"
config_get address "$cfg" address "::1"
config_get port "$cfg" port
echo "LISTEN $address $port" >>"$UPSD_C"
upsd_config() {
local cfg="$1"
local maxage maxconn certfile runas statepath
# Note runas support requires you make sure USB device file is readable by
# the runas user
config_get runas "$cfg" runas "nut"
config_get statepath "$cfg" statepath "/var/run/nut"
config_get maxage "$cfg" maxage
[ -n "$maxage" ] && echo "MAXAGE $maxage" >>"$UPSD_C"
[ -n "$statepath" ] && echo "STATEPATH $statepath" >>"$UPSD_C"
config_get maxconn "$cfg" maxconn
[ -n "$maxconn" ] && echo "MAXCONN $maxconn" >>"$UPSD_C"
#NOTE: certs only apply to SSL-enabled version
config_get certfile "$cfg" certfile
[ -n "$certfile" ] && echo "CERTFILE $certfile" >>"$UPSD_C"
nut_user_add() {
local cfg="$1"
local a
local val
config_get val "$cfg" username "$1"
echo "[$val]" >> "$USERS_C"
config_get val "$cfg" password
echo " password = $val" >> "$USERS_C"
config_get val "$cfg" actions
for a in $val; do
echo " actions = $a" >> "$USERS_C"
instcmd() {
local val="$1"
echo " instcmds = $val" >> "$USERS_C"
config_list_foreach "$cfg" instcmd instcmd
config_get val "$cfg" upsmon
if [ -n "$val" ]; then
echo " upsmon $val" >> "$USERS_C"
build_server_config() {
mkdir -m 0755 -p "$(dirname "$UPSD_C")"
rm -f "$USERS_C"
rm -f "$UPSD_C"
rm -f /var/etc/nut/nut.conf
echo "# Config file automatically generated from UCI config" > "$USERS_C"
echo "# Config file automatically generated from UCI config" > "$UPSD_C"
config_foreach nut_user_add user
config_foreach listen_address listen_address
config_foreach upsd_config upsd
echo "MODE=netserver" >>/var/etc/nut/nut.conf
chmod 0640 "$USERS_C"
chmod 0640 "$UPSD_C"
chmod 0644 /var/etc/nut/nut.conf
[ -d "${STATEPATH}" ] || {
mkdir -m 0750 -p "${STATEPATH}"
if [ -n "$RUNAS" ]; then
chown $RUNAS:$(id -gn $RUNAS) "${STATEPATH}"
chgrp $(id -gn $RUNAS) "$USERS_C"
chgrp $(id -gn $RUNAS) "$UPSD_C"
build_driver_config() {
local cfg="$1"
echo "[$cfg]" >>"$UPS_C"
get_write_driver_config "$cfg" driver "usbhid-ups"
get_write_driver_config "$cfg" port "auto"
get_write_driver_config "$cfg" sdorder
get_write_driver_config "$cfg" desc
get_write_driver_config "$cfg" nolock 0 1
get_write_driver_config "$cfg" ignorelb 0 1
get_write_driver_config "$cfg" mfr
get_write_driver_config "$cfg" model
get_write_driver_config "$cfg" serial
get_write_driver_config "$cfg" sdtime
get_write_driver_config "$cfg" offdelay
get_write_driver_config "$cfg" ondelay
get_write_driver_config "$cfg" pollfreq
get_write_driver_config "$cfg" vendor
get_write_driver_config "$cfg" product
get_write_driver_config "$cfg" bus
get_write_driver_config "$cfg" interruptonly 0 1
get_write_driver_config "$cfg" interruptsize
get_write_driver_config "$cfg" maxreport
get_write_driver_config "$cfg" vendorid
get_write_driver_config "$cfg" productid
get_write_driver_config "$cfg" community
get_write_driver_config "$cfg" snmp_version
get_write_driver_config "$cfg" snmp_retries
get_write_driver_config "$cfg" snmp_timeout
get_write_driver_config "$cfg" notransferoids 0 1
get_write_driver_config "$cfg" maxstartdelay
get_write_driver_config "$cfg" retrydelay
get_write_driver_config "$cfg" synchronous
get_write_driver_config "$cfg" other
get_write_driver_config "$cfg" otherflag
defoverride() {
local overvar="$1"
local defover="$2"
local overtype="$(echo "$overvar" | tr '.' '_')"
config_get overval "${defover}_${overtype}" value
[ -n "$overval" ] && echo "${defover}.${overvar} = $overval" >>"$UPS_C"
config_list_foreach "$cfg" override defoverride override
config_list_foreach "$cfg" default defoverride default
other() {
local othervar="$1"
local othervarflag="$2"
if [ "$othervarflag" = "otherflag" ]; then
config_get_bool otherval "${othervarflag}_${overtype}" value
[ "$otherval" = "1" ] && echo "${othervarflag}_${othervar}" >>"$UPS_C"
config_get otherval "${othervarflag}_${overtype}" value
[ -n "$otherval" ] && echo "${othervarflag}_${othervar} = $otherval" >>"$UPS_C"
config_list_foreach "$cfg" override defoverride override
config_list_foreach "$cfg" default defoverride default
config_list_foreach "$cfg" default other other
config_list_foreach "$cfg" default other otherflag
echo "" >>$UPS_C
build_global_driver_config() {
local cfg="$1"
# Global driver config
get_write_driver_config "$cfg" chroot
get_write_driver_config "$cfg" driverpath
get_write_driver_config "$cfg" maxstartdelay
get_write_driver_config "$cfg" maxretry
get_write_driver_config "$cfg" retrydelay
get_write_driver_config "$cfg" pollinterval
get_write_driver_config "$cfg" synchronous
config_get runas "$cfg" user "nut"
echo "" >>$UPS_C
build_config() {
local RUNAS=nut
local STATEPATH=/var/run/nut
mkdir -m 0755 -p "$(dirname "$UPS_C")"
rm -f "$UPS_C"
echo "# Config file automatically generated from UCI config" > "$UPS_C"
chmod 0640 "$UPS_C"
config_load nut_server
config_foreach upsd_statepath upsd
config_foreach build_global_driver_config driver_global
config_foreach build_driver_config driver
[ -n "$RUNAS" ] && chgrp $(id -gn $RUNAS) "$UPS_C"
start_driver_instance() {
local cfg="$1"
local requested="$2"
local driver
local STATEPATH=/var/run/nut
local RUNAS=nut
[ "$havedriver" != 1 ] && return
# If wanting a specific instance, only start it
[ "$requested" != "$cfg" ] && [ x"$requested" != x ] && return 0
mkdir -m 0755 -p "$(dirname "$UPS_C")"
[ ! -s "$UPS_C" ] && build_config
# Avoid hotplug inadvertenly restarting driver during
# forced shutdown
[ -f /var/run/killpower ] && return 0
[ -d /var/run/nut ] && [ -f /var/run/nut/disable-hotplug ] && return 0
config_foreach upsd_statepath upsd
if [ -n "$RUNAS" ]; then
chown $RUNAS:$(id -gn $RUNAS) "${STATEPATH}"
config_get driver "$cfg" driver "usbhid-ups"
procd_open_instance "$cfg"
procd_set_param respawn
procd_set_param stderr 0
procd_set_param stdout 1
procd_set_param command /lib/nut/${driver} -D -a "$cfg" ${RUNAS:+-u $RUNAS}
start_server_instance() {
local RUNAS
[ "$haveserver" != 1 ] && return
procd_open_instance "upsd"
procd_set_param respawn
procd_set_param stderr 0
procd_set_param stdout 1
procd_set_param command /usr/sbin/upsd -D ${RUNAS:+-u $RUNAS}
start_service() {
local havedriver haveserver
local STATEPATH=/var/run/nut
# Avoid hotplug inadvertenly restarting driver during
# forced shutdown
[ -f /var/run/killpower ] && return 0
[ -f /var/run/nut/disable-hotplug ] && return 0
config_load nut_server
config_foreach start_driver_instance driver "$@"
start_server_instance "upsd"
reload_service() {
sleep 2
local havedriver haveserver
service_triggers() {
procd_add_reload_trigger "nut_server"