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201 lines
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#!/bin/sh /etc/rc.common
export START=94
export USE_PROCD=1
readonly A_TMP='/var/hosts.allowed.tmp'
readonly B_TMP='/var/hosts.blocked.tmp'
readonly T_TMP='/var/simple-adblock.hosts'
readonly dl='wget --no-check-certificate -qO-'
readonly h_filter='/localhost/d;/^#/d;/*/d;/^[^0-9]/d;s/^0\.0\.0\.0.//;s/^127\.0\.0\.1.//;s/[[:space:]]*#.*$//;s/[[:cntrl:]]$//;s/[[:space:]]//g;/^$/d;'
readonly d_filter='/localhost/d;/^#/d;/*/d;s/[[:space:]]*#.*$//;s/[[:space:]]*$//;s/[[:cntrl:]]$//;/[[:space:]]/d;/^</d;/^$/d;'
readonly f_filter='s|^|local=/|;s|$|/|'
readonly _ok_='\033[0;32m\xe2\x9c\x93\033[0m'
readonly _fail_='\033[0;31m\xe2\x9c\x97\033[0m'
readonly __ok__='\033[0;32m[\xe2\x9c\x93]\033[0m'
readonly __fail__='\033[0;31m[\xe2\x9c\x97]\033[0m'
readonly _error_='\033[0;31mERROR\033[0m'
export verbosity=2 force_dns=1 bgrun=0 hosts_file='/var/dnsmasq.d/simple-adblock' led wan_if wan_gw wanphysdev
ok() { case $verbosity in 1) output "$_ok_";; 2) output "$__ok__\n";; esac; }
okn() { case $verbosity in 1) output "$_ok_\n";; 2) output "$__ok__\n";; esac; }
fail() { case $verbosity in 1) output "$_fail_";; 2) output "$__fail__\n";; esac; }
failn() { case $verbosity in 1) output "$_fail_\n";; 2) output "$__fail__\n";; esac; }
output() { [[ $# -ne 1 ]] && { [[ ! $((verbosity & $1)) -gt 0 ]] && return 0 || shift; }; local msg; msg=$(echo -n "${1/$p_name /service }" | sed 's|\\033\[[0-9]\?;\?[0-9]\?[0-9]\?m||g'); [[ -t 1 ]] && echo -e -n "$1"; [[ $(echo -e -n "$msg" | wc -l) -gt 0 ]] && logger -t "${PKG_NAME:-service} [$$]" "$(echo -e -n ${logmsg}${msg})" && logmsg='' || logmsg=${logmsg}${msg}; }
PKG_NAME="${PKG_NAME:-simple-adblock}"; p_name="${PKG_NAME} ${PKG_VERSION}"
led_on(){ [[ -n "$led" && -e "$led/trigger" ]] && echo "default-on" > "$led/trigger"; }
led_off(){ [[ -n "$led" && -e "$led/trigger" ]] && echo "none" > "$led/trigger"; }
is_enabled () {
local c=1 enabled
config_load $PKG_NAME
config_get_bool enabled 'config' 'enabled' 1
config_get_bool bgrun 'config' 'run_in_background' 0
config_get_bool force_dns 'config' 'force_dns' 1
config_get verbosity 'config' 'verbosity' '2'
config_get hosts_file 'config' 'hosts_file' '/var/dnsmasq.d/simple-adblock'
config_get led 'config' 'led'
[[ $enabled -gt 0 ]] || { output "$_error_: $p_name is not enabled.\n"; return 1; }
source /lib/functions/
while : ; do
network_find_wan wan_if; [ -n "$wan_if" ] && network_get_gateway wan_gw $wan_if;
[[ $c -ge 25 || -n "$wan_gw" ]] && break
output "$p_name waiting for wan gateway...\n"; sleep 2; network_flush_cache; let "c+=1";
[ -n "$wan_gw" ] && return 0 || { output "$_error_: $p_name failed to discover WAN gateway.\n"; return 1; }
reset_iptables() {
[[ $force_dns -eq 0 ]] && return 0
[ -z "$PKG_NAME" ] && return 1
iptables-save | grep -Fv -- "$PKG_NAME" | iptables-restore
lsmod | grep -q ip6table_nat && ip6tables-save | grep -Fv -- "$PKG_NAME" | ip6tables-restore
[ ! "$1" == "quiet" ] && output 'No longer forcing local DNS server.\n'
set_iptables() {
local ip ipv6 label ipv6wan brname
network_get_ipaddr ip lan; network_get_ipaddr6 ipv6 lan; network_get_device brname lan; network_get_physdev wanphysdev wan;
ipv6wan=$(ifconfig $wanphysdev | grep inet6 | awk '{print $3}')
if [[ $force_dns -ne 0 ]]; then
[ -n "$ip" ] && iptables -t nat -A prerouting_rule -i $brname -p tcp --dport 53 -j DNAT --to $ip -m comment --comment "$PKG_NAME"
[ -n "$ip" ] && iptables -t nat -A prerouting_rule -i $brname -p udp --dport 53 -j DNAT --to $ip -m comment --comment "$PKG_NAME"
if [[ -n "$ipv6" && -n "$ipv6wan" ]] && lsmod | grep -q ip6table_nat; then
ip6tables -t nat -A PREROUTING -i $brname -p tcp --dport 53 -j DNAT --to-destination [$ipv6] -m comment --comment "$PKG_NAME"
ip6tables -t nat -A PREROUTING -i $brname -p udp --dport 53 -j DNAT --to-destination [$ipv6] -m comment --comment "$PKG_NAME"
[ -n "$label" ] && output "Forcing local DNS server: $label.\n" || output "$_error_: $p_name failed to obtain LAN IP address for DNS forcing!\n"
stop_adblocking () {
[ -f $hosts_file ] && mv $hosts_file $T_TMP
output 3 "Restarting dnsmasq "
/etc/init.d/dnsmasq restart >/dev/null 2>&1
[[ $? -eq 0 ]] && { okn; output "$p_name stopped.\n"; } || { failn; output "$_error_: $p_name failed to reload dnsmasq!\n"; }
process_url() {
local label type D_TMP R_TMP
[[ -n "$1" && -n "$2" && -n "$3" ]] || return 1
local url=$1
[ "$2" == "hosts" ] && label="Hosts: $(echo $1 | cut -d'/' -f3)" filter="$h_filter" || label="Domains: $(echo $1 | cut -d'/' -f3)" filter="$d_filter"
[ "$3" == "blocked" ] && { type='Blocked'; D_TMP="$B_TMP"; } || { type='Allowed'; D_TMP="$A_TMP"; }
R_TMP="/var/simple-adblock_$(head /dev/urandom | tr -dc 'A-Za-z0-9' | head -c10)"
while [ -e "$R_TMP" ]; do R_TMP="/var/simple-adblock_$(head /dev/urandom | tr -dc 'A-Za-z0-9' | head -c10)"; done
touch "$R_TMP"
output 2 "[DL] $type $label "
$dl "${url}" > "$R_TMP" && ok || fail
{ sed -i "$filter" "$R_TMP"; cat "$R_TMP" >> "$D_TMP"; rm -f "$R_TMP"; } &
start_adblocking () {
local whitelist_domains blacklist_domains whitelist_domains_urls blacklist_domains_urls blacklist_hosts_urls
config_get whitelist_domains 'config' 'whitelist_domain'
config_get blacklist_domains 'config' 'blacklist_domain'
config_get whitelist_domains_urls 'config' 'whitelist_domains_url'
config_get blacklist_domains_urls 'config' 'blacklist_domains_url'
config_get blacklist_hosts_urls 'config' 'blacklist_hosts_url'
local hf w_filter
[ ! -d ${hosts_file%/*} ] && mkdir -p ${hosts_file%/*}
if [[ -s $T_TMP && ! "$1" == "reload" ]]; then
output 3 'Found existing data file, reusing it '
mv $T_TMP $hosts_file && okn || failn
[ -f $A_TMP ] && rm -f $A_TMP; [ -f $B_TMP ] && rm -f $B_TMP; [ -f $T_TMP ] && rm -f $T_TMP; [ -f $hosts_file ] && rm -f $hosts_file
touch $A_TMP; touch $B_TMP; touch $T_TMP;
if [ -n "$blacklist_hosts_urls" ]; then
output 1 '[DL] Blocked Hosts '
for hf in ${blacklist_hosts_urls}; do process_url "$hf" 'hosts' 'blocked'; done
output 1 '\n'
if [ -n "$blacklist_domains_urls" ]; then
output 1 '[DL] Blocked Domains '
for hf in ${blacklist_domains_urls}; do process_url "$hf" 'domains' 'blocked'; done
output 1 '\n'
if [ -n "$whitelist_domains_urls" ]; then
output 1 '[DL] Allowed Domains '
for hf in ${whitelist_domains_urls}; do process_url "$hf" 'domains' 'allowed'; done
output 1 '\n'
output 3 'Waiting for background processes '
wait && okn
[ -n "$blacklist_domains" ] && for hf in ${blacklist_domains}; do echo "$hf" | sed "$d_filter" >> $B_TMP; done
whitelist_domains="${whitelist_domains}"$'\n'"$(cat $A_TMP)"
[ -n "$whitelist_domains" ] && for hf in ${whitelist_domains}; do hf=$(echo $hf | sed 's/\./\\./g'); w_filter="$w_filter/^${hf}$/d;/\\.${hf}$/d;"; done
if [ -s $B_TMP ]; then
output 1 'Processing downloads '
output 2 'Sorting merged file '; sort $B_TMP | uniq > $T_TMP && ok || fail
output 2 'Whitelisting domains '; sed -i "$w_filter" $T_TMP && ok || fail
output 2 'Formatting merged file '; sed "$f_filter" $T_TMP > $hosts_file && ok || fail
output 1 '\n'
output 3 'Removing temporary files '
[ -f $A_TMP ] && rm -f $A_TMP; [ -f $B_TMP ] && rm -f $B_TMP; [ -f $T_TMP ] && rm -f $T_TMP;
if [ -s $hosts_file ]; then
output 3 'Restarting dnsmasq '
/etc/init.d/dnsmasq restart >/dev/null 2>&1
if [[ $? -eq 0 ]]; then
led_on; okn;
output "$p_name blocking $(wc -l < $hosts_file) domains $_ok_\n"
failn; output "$_error_: $p_name failed to reload dnsmasq!\n";
exit 1
output "$_error_: $p_name failed to create its data file!\n"
exit 1
boot() { sleep 10; rc_procd start_service; rc_procd service_triggers; }
reload_service () {
is_enabled || return 1
[[ -t 1 && $bgrun -eq 1 ]] && (start_adblocking 'reload' | cat &) || start_adblocking 'reload'
start_service () {
is_enabled || return 1
procd_set_param stdout 1
procd_set_param stderr 1
reset_iptables quiet
[[ -t 1 && $bgrun -eq 1 ]] && (start_adblocking $1 | cat &) || start_adblocking $1
stop_service () {
is_enabled || return 1
[[ -t 1 && $bgrun -eq 1 ]] && (stop_adblocking | cat &) || stop_adblocking
service_triggers () {
procd_add_reload_trigger 'simple-adblock'