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config global
# option uci_enabled '1'
config network
# Logical network dependency, fully tracked, fwknopd gets restarted when
# necessary. Specifying network takes precedence over config.PCAP_INTF
# option network 'wan'
config access
option SOURCE 'ANY'
option HMAC_KEY '__CHANGEME__'
option KEY '__CHANGEME__'
config config
# Alternative direct physical interface definition, but untracked - you
# are on your own to correctly start/stop the service when needed
# option PCAP_INTF 'eth0'
# Allow SPA clients to request access to services through an iptables
# firewall instead of just to it (i.e. access through the FWKNOP_FORWARD
# chain instead of the INPUT chain
# Allow fwknopd to resolve hostnames in NAT access messages