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. /lib/
. /usr/share/libubox/
[ "$ACTION" != ifup ] && exit
config_get iface $1 iface_name
[ $INTERFACE != "$iface" ] && return
[ $(config_get $1 proto) != "openfortivpn" ] && return
config_get_bool load_on_boot $1 auto
[ -n "$load_on_boot" ] && [ "$load_on_boot" -eq 0 ] && return
status="$(ifstatus $1)" || continue
json_load "$status"
json_get_var autostart autostart
logger -t "openfortivpnhotplug" "$ACTION on $INTERFACE to bring up $1. Autostart is $autostart"
[ "$autostart" -eq 0 ] && {
logger -t "openfortivpnhotplug" "auto-start was false. bringing $1 up"
ubus call network.interface up "{ \"interface\" : \"$1\" }"
config_load network
config_foreach handle_network interface
exit 0