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[ "${PKG_UPGRADE}" = "1" ] && /etc/init.d/etesync-server stop
cd /usr/share/etesync-server || exit 1
python3 manage.pyc migrate --noinput || exit 1
# setup minimal ini for collectstatic:
mkdir -p /var/etc/etesync-server/ || exit 1
printf "[global]\nSTATIC_ROOT=/www/etesync/static" >etesync-server.ini || exit 1
python3 manage.pyc collectstatic --noinput || exit 1
ETESYNC_HAS_USER_PY3CMD="import sqlite3
c = sqlite3.connect('db.sqlite3').cursor()
c.execute('select * from auth_user')
if c.fetchone()==None: print('0')
else: print('1')"
if [ "$(python3 -c "$ETESYNC_HAS_USER_PY3CMD" || exit 1)" = "0" ]
echo "===== First, create a superuser of the Webinterface by ====="
[ -t 0 ] && python3 manage.pyc createsuperuser ||
echo "===== python3 $(pwd)/manage.pyc createsuperuser ====="
chown -Rh etesync:nogroup . /www/etesync/ || exit 1
[ -x /etc/init.d/nginx ] || exit 1
/etc/init.d/nginx running && /etc/init.d/nginx reload || /etc/init.d/nginx start
router_ip() {
local ifstat="$(ifstatus "lan")"
for ip in $(echo "${ifstat}" | jsonfilter -e '@["ipv4-address"].*.address')
do echo "${ip}" && return
for ip in $(echo "${ifstat}" | jsonfilter -e '@["ipv6-address"].*.address')
do echo "[${ip}]" && return
for ip in $(echo "${ifstat}" | \
jsonfilter -e '@["ipv6-prefix-assignment"].*["local-address"].address')
do echo "[${ip}]" && return
echo '$ROUTER'
echo "===== You can add users by https://$(router_ip)/etesync/admin/login ====="
exit 0