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commit 6df3f672313f8dbca219199c8ec8d20c0247347f
Author: Tomás Guisasola <>
Date: Mon Jul 31 09:41:49 2017 -0300
Add support for building with MariaDB (thanks to Florian Weimer).
--- a/src/ls_mysql.c
+++ b/src/ls_mysql.c
@@ -602,7 +602,11 @@ LUASQL_API int luaopen_luasql_mysql (lua
luaL_setfuncs(L, driver, 0);
luasql_set_info (L);
lua_pushliteral (L, "_MYSQLVERSION");
+ lua_pushliteral (L, MARIADB_CLIENT_VERSION_STR);
lua_pushliteral (L, MYSQL_SERVER_VERSION);
lua_settable (L, -3);
return 1;