You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

192 lines
7.9 KiB

#!/bin/sh /etc/rc.common
# Copyright (C) 2015
validate_e2guardian_section() {
uci_validate_section e2guardian e2guardian "${1}" \
'config_file:string' \
'accessdeniedaddress:string' \
'bannediplist:string' \
'contentscanexceptions:string' \
'contentscannertimeout:uinteger' \
'createlistcachefiles:string' \
'custombannedflashfile:string' \
'custombannedimagefile:string' \
'deletedownloadedtempfiles:string' \
'downloadmanager:string' \
'exceptioniplist:string' \
'filecachedir:string' \
'filtergroups:uinteger' \
'filtergroupslist:string' \
'filterip:ipaddr' \
'filterports:port:8080' \
'forcequicksearch:string' \
'forwardedfor:string' \
'hexdecodecontent:string' \
'initialtrickledelay:uinteger' \
'ipcfilename:string' \
'ipipcfilename:string' \
'languagedir:string' \
'language:string' \
'logadblocks:string' \
'logchildprocesshandling:string' \
'logclienthostnames:string' \
'logconnectionhandlingerrors:string' \
'logexceptionhits:range(0,2)' \
'logfileformat:range(1,6)' \
'loglevel:range(0,3)' \
'loglocation:string' \
'loguseragent:string' \
'maxagechildren:uinteger' \
'maxchildren:uinteger' \
'maxcontentfilecachescansize:uinteger' \
'maxcontentfiltersize:uinteger' \
'maxcontentramcachescansize:uinteger' \
'maxips:uinteger' \
'maxsparechildren:uinteger' \
'maxuploadsize:integer' \
'minchildren:uinteger' \
'minsparechildren:uinteger' \
'nodaemon:string' \
'nologger:string' \
'pcontimeout:range(5,300)' \
'perroomdirectory:string' \
'phrasefiltermode:range(0,3)' \
'prefercachedlists:string' \
'preforkchildren:uinteger' \
'preservecase:range(0,2)' \
'proxyexchange:range(20,300)' \
'proxyip:ipaddr' \
'proxyport:port:3128' \
'proxytimeout:range(5,100)' \
'recheckreplacedurls:string' \
'reverseaddresslookups:string' \
'reverseclientiplookups:string' \
'scancleancache:string' \
'showweightedfound:string' \
'softrestart:string' \
'trickledelay:uinteger' \
'urlcacheage:uinteger' \
'urlcachenumber:uinteger' \
'urlipcfilename:string' \
'usecustombannedflash:string' \
'usecustombannedimage:string' \
'usexforwardedfor:string' \
start_service() {
local config_file accessdeniedaddress bannediplist contentscanexceptions contentscannertimeout \
createlistcachefiles custombannedflashfile custombannedimagefile deletedownloadedtempfiles \
downloadmanager exceptioniplist filecachedir loglocation \
filtergroups filtergroupslist filterip filterports forcequicksearch forwardedfor hexdecodecontent \
initialtrickledelay ipcfilename ipipcfilename language languagedir logadblocks logchildprocesshandling \
logclienthostnames logconnectionhandlingerrors logexceptionhits logfileformat loglevel loguseragent \
maxagechildren maxchildren maxcontentfilecachescansize maxcontentfiltersize maxcontentramcachescansize \
maxips maxsparechildren maxuploadsize minchildren minsparechildren nodaemon nologger \
pcontimeout perroomdirectory phrasefiltermode prefercachedlists preforkchildren preservecase proxyexchange \
proxyip proxyport proxytimeout recheckreplacedurls reverseaddresslookups reverseclientiplookups scancleancache \
showweightedfound softrestart trickledelay urlcacheage urlcachenumber urlipcfilename usecustombannedflash \
usecustombannedimage usexforwardedfor weightedphrasemode
validate_e2guardian_section e2guardian || {
echo "validation failed"
return 1
mkdir -p $(dirname $CONFIGFILE)
ln -sf $config_file $(dirname $CONFIGFILE)
echo "accessdeniedaddress = " $accessdeniedaddress > $CONFIGFILE
echo "bannediplist = " $bannediplist >> $CONFIGFILE
echo "contentscanexceptions = " $contentscanexceptions >> $CONFIGFILE
echo "contentscannertimeout = " $contentscannertimeout >> $CONFIGFILE
echo "createlistcachefiles = " $createlistcachefiles >> $CONFIGFILE
echo "custombannedflashfile = " $custombannedflashfile >> $CONFIGFILE
echo "custombannedimagefile = " $custombannedimagefile >> $CONFIGFILE
echo "deletedownloadedtempfiles = " $deletedownloadedtempfiles >> $CONFIGFILE
echo "downloadmanager = " $downloadmanager >> $CONFIGFILE
echo "exceptioniplist = " $exceptioniplist >> $CONFIGFILE
echo "filecachedir = " $filecachedir >> $CONFIGFILE
echo "filtergroups = " $filtergroups >> $CONFIGFILE
echo "filtergroupslist = " $filtergroupslist >> $CONFIGFILE
echo "filterip = " $filterip >> $CONFIGFILE
echo "filterports = " $filterports >> $CONFIGFILE
echo "forcequicksearch = " $forcequicksearch >> $CONFIGFILE
echo "forwardedfor = " $forwardedfor >> $CONFIGFILE
echo "hexdecodecontent = " $hexdecodecontent >> $CONFIGFILE
echo "initialtrickledelay = " $initialtrickledelay >> $CONFIGFILE
echo "ipcfilename = " $ipcfilename >> $CONFIGFILE
echo "ipipcfilename = " $ipipcfilename >> $CONFIGFILE
echo "language = " $language >> $CONFIGFILE
echo "languagedir = " $languagedir >> $CONFIGFILE
echo "logadblocks = " $logadblocks >> $CONFIGFILE
echo "logchildprocesshandling = " $logchildprocesshandling >> $CONFIGFILE
echo "logclienthostnames = " $logclienthostnames >> $CONFIGFILE
echo "logconnectionhandlingerrors = " $logconnectionhandlingerrors >> $CONFIGFILE
echo "logexceptionhits = " $logexceptionhits >> $CONFIGFILE
echo "logfileformat = " $logfileformat >> $CONFIGFILE
echo "loglevel = " $loglevel >> $CONFIGFILE
echo "loglocation = " $loglocation >> $CONFIGFILE
echo "loguseragent = " $loguseragent >> $CONFIGFILE
echo "maxagechildren = " $maxagechildren >> $CONFIGFILE
echo "maxchildren = " $maxchildren >> $CONFIGFILE
echo "maxcontentfilecachescansize = " $maxcontentfilecachescansize >> $CONFIGFILE
echo "maxcontentfiltersize = " $maxcontentfiltersize >> $CONFIGFILE
echo "maxcontentramcachescansize = " $maxcontentramcachescansize >> $CONFIGFILE
echo "maxips = " $maxips >> $CONFIGFILE
echo "maxsparechildren = " $maxsparechildren >> $CONFIGFILE
echo "maxuploadsize = " $maxuploadsize >> $CONFIGFILE
echo "minchildren = " $minchildren >> $CONFIGFILE
echo "minsparechildren = " $minsparechildren >> $CONFIGFILE
echo "nodaemon = " $nodaemon >> $CONFIGFILE
echo "nologger = " $nologger >> $CONFIGFILE
echo "pcontimeout = " $pcontimeout >> $CONFIGFILE
echo "perroomdirectory = " $perroomdirectory >> $CONFIGFILE
echo "phrasefiltermode = " $phrasefiltermode >> $CONFIGFILE
echo "prefercachedlists = " $prefercachedlists >> $CONFIGFILE
echo "preforkchildren = " $preforkchildren >> $CONFIGFILE
echo "preservecase = " $preservecase >> $CONFIGFILE
echo "proxyexchange = " $proxyexchange >> $CONFIGFILE
echo "proxyip = " $proxyip >> $CONFIGFILE
echo "proxyport = " $proxyport >> $CONFIGFILE
echo "proxytimeout = " $proxytimeout >> $CONFIGFILE
echo "recheckreplacedurls = " $recheckreplacedurls >> $CONFIGFILE
echo "reverseaddresslookups = " $reverseaddresslookups >> $CONFIGFILE
echo "reverseclientiplookups = " $reverseclientiplookups >> $CONFIGFILE
echo "scancleancache = " $scancleancache >> $CONFIGFILE
echo "showweightedfound = " $showweightedfound >> $CONFIGFILE
echo "softrestart = " $softrestart >> $CONFIGFILE
echo "trickledelay = " $trickledelay >> $CONFIGFILE
echo "urlcacheage = " $urlcacheage >> $CONFIGFILE
echo "urlcachenumber = " $urlcachenumber >> $CONFIGFILE
echo "urlipcfilename = " $urlipcfilename >> $CONFIGFILE
echo "usecustombannedflash = " $usecustombannedflash >> $CONFIGFILE
echo "usecustombannedimage = " $usecustombannedimage >> $CONFIGFILE
echo "usexforwardedfor = " $usexforwardedfor >> $CONFIGFILE
echo "weightedphrasemode = " $weightedphrasemode >> $CONFIGFILE
procd_set_param command $PROG -N -c "$CONFIGFILE"
procd_set_param file $CONFIGFILE
procd_set_param respawn
e2guardian -s | awk -F':' '{ print $2}' | xargs kill -9
procd_add_reload_trigger "e2guardian"
procd_add_validation validate_e2guardian_section