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# Sample radsecproxy configuration
#Basic options
config options
option include '/etc/radsecproxy.conf'
#option LogLevel '3'
#option LogDestination 'x-syslog:///'
#list ListenUDP ''
#list ListenTLS ''
#list ListenTLS '[::]:2083'
#config tls
# option name 'default'
# option CACertificatePath '/etc/ssl/certs'
# option certificateFile '/etc/ssl/certs/'
# option certificateKeyFile '/etc/ssl/private/'
#config client
# option name 'localhost'
# option type 'udp'
# option secret 'mysecret'
#config server
# option name '[2001:db8::1]'
# option type 'tls'
# option secret 'radsec'
# option statusServer '1'
# Please note that ordering of realm blocks is important
#config realm
# option name '/myabc\.com$'
# option replyMessage 'Misconfigured client: default realm of Intel PRO/Wireless supplicant!'
#config realm
# option name '/^$/'
# option replyMessage 'Misconfigured client: empty realm!'
#config realm
# option name '*'
# list server '[2001:db8::1]'