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#config upsmon 'upsmon'
# option runas run-as-user
# option minsupplies 1
# option shutdowncmd /sbin/halt
# option notifycmd /path/to/cmd
# list defaultnotify SYSLOG
# option pollfreq 5
# option pollfreqalert 5
# option hostsync 15
# option deadtime 15
# option powerdownflags /var/run/killpower
# option onlinemsg "online message"
# option onbattmsg "on battery message"
# option lowbattmsg "low battery message"
# option fsdmsg "forced shutdown message"
# option comokmsg "communications restored message"
# option combadmsg "communications bad message"
# option shutdowmsg "shutdown message"
# option replbattmsg "replace battery message"
# option nocommmsg "no communications message"
# option noparentmsg "no parent message"
# option onlinenotify "online notify flag 1|0"
# option onbattnotify "on battery notify flag 1|0"
# option lowbattnotify "low battery notify flag 1|0"
# option fsdnotify "forced shutdown notify flag 1|0"
# option comoknotify "communications restored notify flag 1|0"
# option combadnotify "communications bad notify flag 1|0"
# option shutdownotify "shutdown notify flag 1|0"
# option replbattnotify "replace battery notify flag 1|0"
# option nocommnotify "no communications notify flag 1|0"
# option noparentnotify "no parent notify flag 1|0"
# option rbwarntime 4200 # replace battery warn time
# option nocommwarntime 300 # no communications warn time
# option finaldelay 5 # final delay
# option certpath /path/to/ca/dir
# option certverify 0
# option forcessl 0
#config master
# option upsname upsname
# option hostname localhost
# option port # optional port number
# option powervalue 1
# option username upsuser
# option password upspassword
#config slave
# option upsname upsname
# option hostname localhost
# option port # optional port number
# option powervalue 1
# option username upsuser
# option password upspassword