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510 lines
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# Copyright (C) 2016-2019 Aleksander Morgado <>
[ -x /usr/bin/mmcli ] || exit 0
[ -x /usr/sbin/pppd ] || exit 0
[ -n "$INCLUDE_ONLY" ] || {
. /lib/
. ../
. ./
init_proto "$@"
cdr2mask ()
# Number of args to shift, 255..255, first non-255 byte, zeroes
set -- $(( 5 - ($1 / 8) )) 255 255 255 255 $(( (255 << (8 - ($1 % 8))) & 255 )) 0 0 0
if [ "$1" -gt 1 ]
shift "$1"
echo "${1-0}"."${2-0}"."${3-0}"."${4-0}"
# This method expects as first argument a list of key-value pairs, as returned by mmcli --output-keyvalue
# The second argument must be exactly the name of the field to read
# Sample output:
# $ mmcli -m 0 -K
# modem.dbus-path : /org/freedesktop/ModemManager1/Modem/0
# modem.generic.device-identifier : ed6eff2e3e0f90463da1c2a755b2acacd1335752
# modem.generic.manufacturer : Dell Inc.
# modem.generic.model : DW5821e Snapdragon X20 LTE
# modem.generic.revision : T77W968.F1.\n026
# modem.generic.carrier-configuration : GCF
# modem.generic.carrier-configuration-revision : 08E00009
# modem.generic.hardware-revision : DW5821e Snapdragon X20 LTE
# ....
modemmanager_get_field() {
local list=$1
local field=$2
local value=""
[ -z "${list}" ] || [ -z "${field}" ] && return
# there is always at least a whitespace after each key, and we use that as part of the
# key matching we do (e.g. to avoid getting 'modem.generic.state-failed-reason' as a result
# when grepping for 'modem.generic.state'.
line=$(echo "${list}" | grep "${field} ")
value=$(echo ${line#*:})
# not found?
[ -n "${value}" ] || return 2
# only print value if set
[ "${value}" != "--" ] && echo "${value}"
return 0
# build a comma-separated list of values from the list
modemmanager_get_multivalue_field() {
local list=$1
local field=$2
local value=""
local length idx item
[ -z "${list}" ] || [ -z "${field}" ] && return
length=$(modemmanager_get_field "${list}" "${field}.length")
[ -n "${length}" ] || return 0
[ "$length" -ge 1 ] || return 0
while [ $idx -le "$length" ]; do
item=$(modemmanager_get_field "${list}" "${field}.value\[$idx\]")
[ -n "${item}" ] && [ "${item}" != "--" ] && {
[ -n "${value}" ] && value="${value}, "
idx=$((idx + 1))
# nothing built?
[ -n "${value}" ] || return 2
# only print value if set
echo "${value}"
return 0
modemmanager_cleanup_connection() {
local modemstatus="$1"
local bearercount idx bearerpath
bearercount=$(modemmanager_get_field "${modemstatus}" "modem.generic.bearers.length")
# do nothing if no bearers reported
[ -n "${bearercount}" ] && [ "$bearercount" -ge 1 ] && {
# explicitly disconnect just in case
mmcli --modem="${device}" --simple-disconnect >/dev/null 2>&1
# and remove all bearer objects, if any found
while [ $idx -le "$bearercount" ]; do
bearerpath=$(modemmanager_get_field "${modemstatus}" "modem.generic.bearers.value\[$idx\]")
mmcli --modem "${device}" --delete-bearer="${bearerpath}" >/dev/null 2>&1
idx=$((idx + 1))
modemmanager_connected_method_ppp_ipv4() {
local interface="$1"
local ttyname="$2"
local username="$3"
local password="$4"
proto_run_command "${interface}" /usr/sbin/pppd \
"${ttyname}" \
115200 \
nodetach \
noaccomp \
nobsdcomp \
nopcomp \
novj \
noauth \
${username:+ user $username} \
${password:+ password $password} \
lcp-echo-failure 5 \
lcp-echo-interval 15 \
lock \
crtscts \
nodefaultroute \
usepeerdns \
ipparam "${interface}" \
ip-up-script /lib/netifd/ppp-up \
ip-down-script /lib/netifd/ppp-down
modemmanager_disconnected_method_ppp_ipv4() {
local interface="$1"
echo "running disconnection (ppp method)"
[ -n "${ERROR}" ] && {
local errorstring
errorstring=$(ppp_exitcode_tostring "${ERROR}")
case "$ERROR" in
proto_notify_error "$interface" "$errorstring"
proto_block_restart "$interface"
proto_notify_error "$interface" "$errorstring"
} || echo "pppd result code not given"
proto_kill_command "$interface"
modemmanager_connected_method_dhcp_ipv4() {
local interface="$1"
local wwan="$2"
local metric="$3"
proto_init_update "${wwan}" 1
proto_set_keep 1
proto_send_update "${interface}"
json_add_string name "${interface}_4"
json_add_string ifname "@${interface}"
json_add_string proto "dhcp"
[ -n "$metric" ] && json_add_int metric "${metric}"
ubus call network add_dynamic "$(json_dump)"
modemmanager_connected_method_static_ipv4() {
local interface="$1"
local wwan="$2"
local address="$3"
local prefix="$4"
local gateway="$5"
local mtu="$6"
local dns1="$7"
local dns2="$8"
local metric="$9"
local mask=""
[ -n "${address}" ] || {
proto_notify_error "${interface}" ADDRESS_MISSING
[ -n "${prefix}" ] || {
proto_notify_error "${interface}" PREFIX_MISSING
mask=$(cdr2mask "${prefix}")
# TODO: mtu reporting in proto handler
proto_init_update "${wwan}" 1
proto_set_keep 1
echo "adding IPv4 address ${address}, netmask ${mask}"
proto_add_ipv4_address "${address}" "${mask}"
[ -n "${gateway}" ] && {
echo "adding default IPv4 route via ${gateway}"
proto_add_ipv4_route "" "0" "${gateway}" "${address}"
[ -n "${dns1}" ] && {
echo "adding primary DNS at ${dns1}"
proto_add_dns_server "${dns1}"
[ -n "${dns2}" ] && {
echo "adding secondary DNS at ${dns2}"
proto_add_dns_server "${dns2}"
[ -n "$metric" ] && json_add_int metric "${metric}"
proto_send_update "${interface}"
modemmanager_connected_method_dhcp_ipv6() {
local interface="$1"
local wwan="$2"
local metric="$3"
proto_init_update "${wwan}" 1
proto_set_keep 1
proto_send_update "${interface}"
json_add_string name "${interface}_6"
json_add_string ifname "@${interface}"
json_add_string proto "dhcpv6"
json_add_string extendprefix 1 # RFC 7278: Extend an IPv6 /64 Prefix to LAN
[ -n "$metric" ] && json_add_int metric "${metric}"
ubus call network add_dynamic "$(json_dump)"
modemmanager_connected_method_static_ipv6() {
local interface="$1"
local wwan="$2"
local address="$3"
local prefix="$4"
local gateway="$5"
local mtu="$6"
local dns1="$7"
local dns2="$8"
local metric="$9"
[ -n "${address}" ] || {
proto_notify_error "${interface}" ADDRESS_MISSING
[ -n "${prefix}" ] || {
proto_notify_error "${interface}" PREFIX_MISSING
# TODO: mtu reporting in proto handler
proto_init_update "${wwan}" 1
proto_set_keep 1
echo "adding IPv6 address ${address}, prefix ${prefix}"
proto_add_ipv6_address "${address}" "128"
proto_add_ipv6_prefix "${address}/${prefix}"
[ -n "${gateway}" ] && {
echo "adding default IPv6 route via ${gateway}"
proto_add_ipv6_route "${gateway}" "128"
proto_add_ipv6_route "::0" "0" "${gateway}" "" "" "${address}/${prefix}"
[ -n "${dns1}" ] && {
echo "adding primary DNS at ${dns1}"
proto_add_dns_server "${dns1}"
[ -n "${dns2}" ] && {
echo "adding secondary DNS at ${dns2}"
proto_add_dns_server "${dns2}"
[ -n "$metric" ] && json_add_int metric "${metric}"
proto_send_update "${interface}"
modemmanager_disconnected_method_common() {
local interface="$1"
echo "running disconnection (common)"
proto_init_update "*" 0
proto_send_update "${interface}"
proto_modemmanager_init_config() {
proto_config_add_string "device:device"
proto_config_add_string apn
proto_config_add_string username
proto_config_add_string password
proto_config_add_string pincode
proto_config_add_string iptype
proto_config_add_boolean lowpower
proto_modemmanager_setup() {
local interface="$1"
local modempath modemstatus bearercount bearerpath connectargs bearerstatus beareriface
local bearermethod_ipv4 bearermethod_ipv6
local operatorname operatorid registration accesstech signalquality
local device apn username password pincode iptype metric
local address prefix gateway mtu dns1 dns2
json_get_vars device apn username password pincode iptype metric
# validate sysfs path given in config
[ -n "${device}" ] || {
echo "No device specified"
proto_notify_error "${interface}" NO_DEVICE
proto_set_available "${interface}" 0
return 1
[ -e "${device}" ] || {
echo "Device not found in sysfs"
proto_set_available "${interface}" 0
return 1
# validate that ModemManager is handling the modem at the sysfs path
modemstatus=$(mmcli --modem="${device}" --output-keyvalue)
modempath=$(modemmanager_get_field "${modemstatus}" "modem.dbus-path")
[ -n "${modempath}" ] || {
echo "Device not managed by ModemManager"
proto_notify_error "${interface}" DEVICE_NOT_MANAGED
proto_set_available "${interface}" 0
return 1
echo "modem available at ${modempath}"
# always cleanup before attempting a new connection, just in case
modemmanager_cleanup_connection "${modemstatus}"
# ip type IPv4 is assumed if none explicitly given
[ -z "${iptype}" ] && iptype="ipv4"
# setup connect args; APN mandatory (even if it may be empty)
echo "starting connection with apn '${apn}'..."
mmcli --modem="${device}" --timeout 120 --simple-connect="${connectargs}" || {
proto_notify_error "${interface}" CONNECT_FAILED
proto_block_restart "${interface}"
return 1
# log additional useful information
modemstatus=$(mmcli --modem="${device}" --output-keyvalue)
operatorname=$(modemmanager_get_field "${modemstatus}" "modem.3gpp.operator-name")
[ -n "${operatorname}" ] && echo "network operator name: ${operatorname}"
operatorid=$(modemmanager_get_field "${modemstatus}" "modem.3gpp.operator-code")
[ -n "${operatorid}" ] && echo "network operator MCCMNC: ${operatorid}"
registration=$(modemmanager_get_field "${modemstatus}" "modem.3gpp.registration-state")
[ -n "${registration}" ] && echo "registration type: ${registration}"
accesstech=$(modemmanager_get_multivalue_field "${modemstatus}" "modem.generic.access-technologies")
[ -n "${accesstech}" ] && echo "access technology: ${accesstech}"
signalquality=$(modemmanager_get_field "${modemstatus}" "modem.generic.signal-quality.value")
[ -n "${signalquality}" ] && echo "signal quality: ${signalquality}%"
# we won't like it if there are more than one bearers, as that would mean the
# user manually created them, and that's unsupported by this proto
bearercount=$(modemmanager_get_field "${modemstatus}" "modem.generic.bearers.length")
[ -n "${bearercount}" ] && [ "$bearercount" -eq 1 ] || {
proto_notify_error "${interface}" INVALID_BEARER_LIST
return 1
# load connected bearer information
bearerpath=$(modemmanager_get_field "${modemstatus}" "modem.generic.bearers.value\[1\]")
bearerstatus=$(mmcli --bearer "${bearerpath}" --output-keyvalue)
# load network interface and method information
beareriface=$(modemmanager_get_field "${bearerstatus}" "bearer.status.interface")
[ "$iptype" = "ipv4" ] || [ "$iptype" = "ipv4v6" ] && {
bearermethod_ipv4=$(modemmanager_get_field "${bearerstatus}" "bearer.ipv4-config.method")
echo "IPv4 connection setup required in interface ${interface}: ${bearermethod_ipv4}"
[ "$iptype" = "ipv6" ] || [ "$iptype" = "ipv4v6" ] && {
bearermethod_ipv6=$(modemmanager_get_field "${bearerstatus}" "bearer.ipv6-config.method")
echo "IPv6 connection setup required in interface ${interface}: ${bearermethod_ipv6}"
# setup IPv4
[ -n "${bearermethod_ipv4}" ] && {
case "${bearermethod_ipv4}" in
modemmanager_connected_method_dhcp_ipv4 "${interface}" "${beareriface}" "${metric}"
address=$(modemmanager_get_field "${bearerstatus}" "bearer.ipv4-config.address")
prefix=$(modemmanager_get_field "${bearerstatus}" "bearer.ipv4-config.prefix")
gateway=$(modemmanager_get_field "${bearerstatus}" "bearer.ipv4-config.gateway")
mtu=$(modemmanager_get_field "${bearerstatus}" "bearer.ipv4-config.mtu")
dns1=$(modemmanager_get_field "${bearerstatus}" "bearer.ipv4-config.dns.value\[1\]")
dns2=$(modemmanager_get_field "${bearerstatus}" "bearer.ipv4-config.dns.value\[2\]")
modemmanager_connected_method_static_ipv4 "${interface}" "${beareriface}" "${address}" "${prefix}" "${gateway}" "${mtu}" "${dns1}" "${dns2}" "${metric}"
modemmanager_connected_method_ppp_ipv4 "${interface}" "${beareriface}" "${username}" "${password}"
proto_notify_error "${interface}" UNKNOWN_METHOD
return 1
# setup IPv6
# note: if using ipv4v6, both IPv4 and IPv6 settings will have the same MTU and metric values reported
[ -n "${bearermethod_ipv6}" ] && {
case "${bearermethod_ipv6}" in
modemmanager_connected_method_dhcp_ipv6 "${interface}" "${beareriface}" "${metric}"
address=$(modemmanager_get_field "${bearerstatus}" "bearer.ipv6-config.address")
prefix=$(modemmanager_get_field "${bearerstatus}" "bearer.ipv6-config.prefix")
gateway=$(modemmanager_get_field "${bearerstatus}" "bearer.ipv6-config.gateway")
mtu=$(modemmanager_get_field "${bearerstatus}" "bearer.ipv6-config.mtu")
dns1=$(modemmanager_get_field "${bearerstatus}" "bearer.ipv6-config.dns.value\[1\]")
dns2=$(modemmanager_get_field "${bearerstatus}" "bearer.ipv6-config.dns.value\[2\]")
modemmanager_connected_method_static_ipv6 "${interface}" "${beareriface}" "${address}" "${prefix}" "${gateway}" "${mtu}" "${dns1}" "${dns2}" "${metric}"
proto_notify_error "${interface}" "unsupported method"
return 1
proto_notify_error "${interface}" UNKNOWN_METHOD
return 1
return 0
proto_modemmanager_teardown() {
local interface="$1"
local modemstatus bearerpath errorstring
local bearermethod_ipv4 bearermethod_ipv6
local device lowpower iptype
json_get_vars device lowpower iptype
echo "stopping network"
# load connected bearer information, just the first one should be ok
modemstatus=$(mmcli --modem="${device}" --output-keyvalue)
bearerpath=$(modemmanager_get_field "${modemstatus}" "modem.generic.bearers.value\[1\]")
[ -n "${bearerpath}" ] || {
echo "couldn't load bearer path"
# ip type IPv4 is assumed if none explicitly given
[ -z "${iptype}" ] && iptype="ipv4"
# load bearer connection methods
bearerstatus=$(mmcli --bearer "${bearerpath}" --output-keyvalue)
[ "$iptype" = "ipv4" ] || [ "$iptype" = "ipv4v6" ] && {
bearermethod_ipv4=$(modemmanager_get_field "${bearerstatus}" "bearer.ipv4-config.method")
echo "IPv4 connection teardown required in interface ${interface}: ${bearermethod_ipv4}"
[ "$iptype" = "ipv6" ] || [ "$iptype" = "ipv4v6" ] && {
bearermethod_ipv6=$(modemmanager_get_field "${bearerstatus}" "bearer.ipv6-config.method")
echo "IPv6 connection teardown required in interface ${interface}: ${bearermethod_ipv6}"
# disconnection handling only requires special treatment in IPv4/PPP
[ "${bearermethod_ipv4}" = "ppp" ] && modemmanager_disconnected_method_ppp_ipv4 "${interface}"
modemmanager_disconnected_method_common "${interface}"
# disconnect
mmcli --modem="${device}" --simple-disconnect ||
proto_notify_error "${interface}" DISCONNECT_FAILED
# disable
mmcli --modem="${device}" --disable
# low power, only if requested
[ "${lowpower:-0}" -lt 1 ] ||
mmcli --modem="${device}" --set-power-state-low
[ -n "$INCLUDE_ONLY" ] || {
add_protocol modemmanager