#!/bin/sh /etc/rc.common # Copyright (C) 2006-2015 OpenWrt.org START=50 PROG=/usr/bin/postmaster USE_PROCD=1 EXTRA_COMMANDS="status" EXTRA_HELP=" status Show current status of the PostgreSQL server" fix_hosts() { # make sure localhost (without a dot) is in /etc/hosts grep -q 'localhost$' /etc/hosts || echo ' localhost' >> /etc/hosts } fix_perms() { # for whatever reason, /dev/null gets wrong perms chmod a+w /dev/null } cleanup() { if [ -f "$1/postmaster.pid" ]; then rm "$1/postmaster.pid" fi } start_service() { config_load "postgresql" config_get pgdata config PGDATA config_get pguser config PGUSER config_get pgctl config PG_CTL config_get pgopts config PGOPTS user_exists postgres 5432 || user_add postgres 5432 group_exists postgres 5432 || group_add postgres 5432 if [ ! -d "${pgdata}" ]; then echo "Create the data directory (${pgdata}) and try again" return 1 fi fix_perms fix_hosts procd_open_instance procd_set_param user ${pguser} procd_set_param command $PROG procd_append_param command -D "${pgdata}" [ -n "${pgopts}" ] && procd_append_param command -o "${pgopts}" procd_set_param respawn retry=60 procd_close_instance } reload_service() { config_load "postgresql" config_get pgdata config PGDATA config_get pguser config PGUSER config_get pgctl config PG_CTL ${pgctl} reload -U ${pguser} -D '${pgdata}' -s } status() { config_load "postgresql" config_get pgdata config PGDATA config_get pguser config PGUSER config_get pgctl config PG_CTL echo "status postgres..." ${pgctl} status -U ${pguser} -D '${pgdata}' echo "ok" }