# # This is free software, licensed under the GNU General Public License v2. # See /LICENSE for more information. # # # Original Boost 1.51 Makefile by Mirko Vogt # Dude, this "boost" is really one of the most crude stuff I ported yet. # include $(TOPDIR)/rules.mk PKG_NAME:=boost PKG_VERSION:=1.70.0 PKG_SOURCE_VERSION:=1_70_0 PKG_RELEASE:=1 PKG_SOURCE:=$(PKG_NAME)_$(PKG_SOURCE_VERSION).tar.bz2 PKG_SOURCE_URL:=@SF/$(PKG_NAME)/$(PKG_NAME)/$(PKG_VERSION) https://dl.bintray.com/boostorg/release/$(PKG_VERSION)/source/ PKG_BUILD_DIR:=$(BUILD_DIR)/$(PKG_NAME)_$(PKG_SOURCE_VERSION) HOST_BUILD_DIR:=$(BUILD_DIR_HOST)/$(PKG_NAME)_$(PKG_SOURCE_VERSION) PKG_HASH:=430ae8354789de4fd19ee52f3b1f739e1fba576f0aded0897c3c2bc00fb38778 PKG_LICENSE:=Boost Software License PKG_MAINTAINER:=Carlos M. Ferreira PKG_BUILD_PARALLEL:=1 PKG_USE_MIPS16:=0 include $(INCLUDE_DIR)/package.mk include $(INCLUDE_DIR)/nls.mk define Package/boost/Default SECTION:=libs CATEGORY:=Libraries TITLE:=Boost C++ source library URL:=http://www.boost.org DEPENDS:=+libstdcpp +libpthread +librt endef define Package/boost/description This package provides the Boost v1.70.0 libraries. Boost is a set of free, peer-reviewed, portable C++ source libraries. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Warning | | In order to build all of the Boost Libraries, it is necessary | | to use, at least, GCC version 5 (C++14 support) and, it is necessary to | | compile the kernel with Full Language Support. | | Without these requirerements, the following libs will not be available: | | - Boost.Locale | | - Boost.Coroutine2 (header-only library - requires C++11) | | - Boost.Fiber (requires C++14) | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- This package provides the following run-time libraries: - atomic - chrono - container - context - contract - coroutine (Deprecated - use Coroutine2) - - coroutine2 (Requires GCC v5 and up) - date_time - exception - filesystem - fiber (Requires GCC v5 and up) - graph - - graph-parallel - iostreams - locale (Requires kernel being compiled with full language support) - log - math - program_options - python - python3 - random - regex - serialization and wserialization - stackstrace - system - thread - timer - type_erasure - wave There are many more header-only libraries supported by Boost. See more at http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_70_0/ endef PKG_BUILD_DEPENDS:=boost/host PACKAGE_python:python PACKAGE_python3:python3 include ../../lang/python/python-version.mk BOOST_PYTHON_VER=$(PYTHON_VERSION) include ../../lang/python/python3-version.mk BOOST_PYTHON3_VER=$(PYTHON3_VERSION) BOOST_LIBS = define Package/boost-libs $(call Package/boost/Default) TITLE+= (all libs) DEPENDS+= $(BOOST_DEPENDS) HIDDEN:=1 endef define Package/boost-libs/description This meta package contains only dependencies to the other libraries from the boost libraries collection. endef # Create a meta-package of dependent libraries (for ALL) define Package/boost-libs/install true endef define Package/boost/install true endef define Package/boost $(call Package/boost/Default) TITLE+= packages endef define Package/boost/config menu "Select Boost Options" depends on PACKAGE_boost comment "Boost compilation options." choice prompt "Compile Visibility." default boost-compile-visibility-hidden help Choose Boost symbols compilation visibility. -> Global: - a.k.a. "default" in gcc documentation. Global symbols are considered public, they are exported from shared libraries and can be redefined by another shared library or executable. -> Protected: - a.k.a. "symbolic". Protected symbols are exported from shared libraries but cannot be redefined by another shared library or executable. This mode is not supported on some platforms, for example OS X. -> Hidden: - Hidden symbols are not exported from shared libraries and cannot be redefined by a different shared library or executable loaded in a process. In this mode, public symbols have to be explicitly marked in the source code to be exported from shared libraries. This is the recommended mode. config boost-compile-visibility-global bool "Global" config boost-compile-visibility-protected bool "Protected" config boost-compile-visibility-hidden bool "Hidden" endchoice choice prompt "Compile Boost libraries." default boost-static-and-shared-libs help Choose which version to compile. -> Shared: - Only Shared libs will be compiled. -> Static: - Only Static libs will be compiled. -> Both: - Both Static and Shared libs will be compiled. config boost-shared-libs bool "Shared" config boost-static-libs bool "Static" config boost-static-and-shared-libs bool "Both" endchoice choice prompt "Selects Boost Runtime linkage." default boost-runtime-shared help Choose which C and C++ runtimes to use: -> Use Shared runtimes. -> Use Static runtimes. - Not available if Shared libs are to be built. -> Use both runtimes. - Not available if Shared libs are to be built. - Two separate versions of Boost are built, linking each to a different runtime. - This option requires "Use tagged names" option to be active. config boost-runtime-shared bool "Shared" config boost-runtime-static depends on @(!boost-shared-libs&&!boost-static-and-shared-libs) bool "Static" config boost-runtime-static-and-shared depends on @(boost-use-name-tags&&!boost-shared-libs&&!boost-static-and-shared-libs) bool "Both" endchoice choice prompt "Select a Variant." default boost-variant-release help Chooses which boost variant should be selected: -> Release: Optimizes Boost for release. - Optimization: Speed; Debug Symbols: Off; Inlining: Full; Runtime Debugging: Off. -> Debug: - Optimization: Off; Debug Symbols: On; Inlining: Off; Runtime Debugging: On. -> Profile: - Profiling: On; Debug Symbols: On. config boost-variant-release bool "Release" config boost-variant-debug bool "Debug" config boost-variant-profile bool "Profile" endchoice config boost-use-name-tags bool "Use tagged names." help Add name tags the lib files, to diferentiate each library version: "-mt" for multi-threading. "-d" for debugging. "-s" for runtime static link". Might break compatibility with libraries that expect boost libs with default names. default n config boost-single-thread depends on @boost-use-name-tags bool "Single thread Support." help Compile Boost libraries in single-thread mode. default n config boost-build-type-complete depends on @boost-use-name-tags bool "Complete Boost Build." help Builds both release and debug libs. It will take much longer to compile. default n endmenu menu "Select Boost libraries" depends on PACKAGE_boost comment "Libraries" config boost-libs-all bool "Include all Boost libraries." default m if ALL select PACKAGE_boost-libs select boost-test-pkg select boost-coroutine2 select boost-graph-parallel # Invisible config dependency config boost-fiber-exclude bool default y if (CPU_TYPE=mips32 || CPU_TYPE=mips64) config boost-test-pkg bool "Boost test package." default m if ALL select PACKAGE_boost-test config boost-coroutine2 depends on !@GCC_VERSION_4_8 bool "Boost couroutine2 support." select PACKAGE_boost-coroutine default n config boost-graph-parallel bool "Boost parallel graph support." select PACKAGE_boost-graph default n $(foreach lib,$(BOOST_LIBS), \ config PACKAGE_boost-$(lib) prompt "Boost $(lib) $(if $(findstring python,$(lib)),$(paren_left)v$(if $(findstring 3,$(lib)),$(BOOST_PYTHON3_VER),$(BOOST_PYTHON_VER))$(paren_right) ,)library." default m if ALL $(if $(findstring locale,$(lib)),depends on BUILD_NLS,)\ $(if $(findstring python,$(lib)),depends on PACKAGE_$(lib),)\ $(if $(findstring fiber,$(lib)),depends on (CPU_TYPE!=mips32 && CPU_TYPE!=mips64),) ) endmenu endef PKG_CONFIG_DEPENDS:= CONFIG_PACKAGE_boost-test define Package/boost-test $(call Package/boost/Default) TITLE+= (test) HIDDEN:=1 DEPENDS+=+boost-system +boost-timer endef define Build/Configure endef # 1: short name # 2: dependencies on other boost libraries (short name) # 3: dependencies on other packages # 4: conditional/inward dependencies define DefineBoostLibrary BOOST_DEPENDS+= +$(if $(4),$(4):boost-$(1),boost-$(1)) PKG_CONFIG_DEPENDS+= CONFIG_PACKAGE_boost-$(1) BOOST_LIBS+= $(1) define Package/boost-$(1) $(call Package/boost/Default) TITLE+= ($(1)) DEPENDS+= $$(foreach lib,$(2),+boost-$$(lib)) $(3) $(if $(4),@$(4),) HIDDEN:=1 endef define Package/boost-$(1)/description This package contains the Boost $(1) library. endef endef $(eval $(call DefineBoostLibrary,atomic,system,)) $(eval $(call DefineBoostLibrary,chrono,system,)) $(eval $(call DefineBoostLibrary,container,,)) $(eval $(call DefineBoostLibrary,context,chrono system thread,)) $(eval $(call DefineBoostLibrary,contract,system,)) $(eval $(call DefineBoostLibrary,coroutine,system chrono context thread,)) $(eval $(call DefineBoostLibrary,date_time,,)) #$(eval $(call DefineBoostLibrary,exception,,)) $(eval $(call DefineBoostLibrary,fiber,coroutine filesystem,,!boost-fiber-exclude)) $(eval $(call DefineBoostLibrary,filesystem,system,)) $(eval $(call DefineBoostLibrary,graph,regex,)) $(eval $(call DefineBoostLibrary,iostreams,,+zlib +liblzma +libbz2 +zstd)) $(eval $(call DefineBoostLibrary,locale,system,$(ICONV_DEPENDS),BUILD_NLS)) $(eval $(call DefineBoostLibrary,log,system chrono date_time thread filesystem regex,)) $(eval $(call DefineBoostLibrary,math,,)) #$(eval $(call DefineBoostLibrary,mpi,,)) # OpenMPI does no exist in OpenWRT at this time. $(eval $(call DefineBoostLibrary,program_options,,)) $(eval $(call DefineBoostLibrary,python,,,PACKAGE_python)) $(eval $(call DefineBoostLibrary,python3,,,PACKAGE_python3)) $(eval $(call DefineBoostLibrary,random,system,)) $(eval $(call DefineBoostLibrary,regex,,)) $(eval $(call DefineBoostLibrary,serialization,,)) $(eval $(call DefineBoostLibrary,wserialization,serialization,)) $(eval $(call DefineBoostLibrary,stacktrace,,)) $(eval $(call DefineBoostLibrary,system,,)) $(eval $(call DefineBoostLibrary,thread,system chrono atomic,)) $(eval $(call DefineBoostLibrary,timer,chrono)) $(eval $(call DefineBoostLibrary,type_erasure,chrono system thread,)) $(eval $(call DefineBoostLibrary,wave,date_time thread filesystem,)) include $(INCLUDE_DIR)/host-build.mk define Host/Compile # b2 does not provide a configure-script nor a Makefile ( cd $(HOST_BUILD_DIR)/tools/build/src/engine ; ./build.sh gcc ) endef CONFIGURE_PREFIX:=$(PKG_INSTALL_DIR) TARGET_LDFLAGS += -pthread -lrt TARGET_CFLAGS += \ $(if $(CONFIG_SOFT_FLOAT),-DBOOST_NO_FENV_H) -fPIC EXTRA_CXXFLAGS += $(if $(CONFIG_GCC_USE_VERSION_5),-std=gnu++14,-std=gnu++17) ifneq ($(findstring mips,$(ARCH)),) BOOST_ABI = o32 ifneq ($(findstring 64,$(ARCH)),) BOOST_ABI = o64 endif else ifneq ($(findstring arm,$(ARCH)),) BOOST_ABI = aapcs else ifeq ($(ARCH),aarch64) BOOST_ABI = aapcs else BOOST_ABI = sysv endif comma := , define Build/Compile $(info Selected Boost API $(BOOST_ABI) for architecture $(ARCH) and cpu type $(CONFIG_CPU_TYPE) $(if $(CONFIG_CPU_SUBTYPE),and cpu subtype $(CONFIG_CPU_SUBTYPE),)) ( cd $(PKG_BUILD_DIR) ; \ echo "using gcc : $(GCC_VERSION) : $(GNU_TARGET_NAME)-gcc : \"$(TARGET_CFLAGS)\" \"$(TARGET_CXXFLAGS) $(EXTRA_CXXFLAGS)\" \"$(TARGET_LDFLAGS)\" ;" > \ tools/build/src/user-config.jam ; \ b2 \ $(CONFIGURE_ARGS) \ --ignore-site-config \ --toolset=gcc abi=$(BOOST_ABI) \ --disable-long-double \ $(if $(CONFIG_boost-compile-visibility-global), visibility=global,) \ $(if $(CONFIG_boost-compile-visibility-protected), visibility=protected,) \ $(if $(CONFIG_boost-compile-visibility-hidden), visibility=hidden,) \ $(if $(CONFIG_boost-variant-release), variant=release,) \ $(if $(CONFIG_boost-variant-debug), variant=debug,) \ $(if $(CONFIG_boost-variant-profile), variant=profile,) \ $(if $(CONFIG_boost-use-name-tags),--layout=tagged,--layout=system) \ $(if $(CONFIG_boost-build-type-complete),--build-type=complete,--build-type=minimal) \ $(if $(CONFIG_boost-shared-libs),link=shared,) \ $(if $(CONFIG_boost-static-libs),link=static,) \ $(if $(CONFIG_boost-static-and-shared-libs),link=static$(comma)shared,) \ $(if $(CONFIG_boost-runtime-shared),runtime-link=shared,) \ $(if $(CONFIG_boost-runtime-static),runtime-link=static,) \ $(if $(CONFIG_boost-runtime-static-and-shared),runtime-link=shared$(comma)static,) \ $(if $(CONFIG_boost-single-thread),threading=single,) \ threading=multi \ --without-mpi \ $(if $(CONFIG_boost-graph-parallel),,--without-graph_parallel) \ $(if $(CONFIG_PACKAGE_boost-test),,--without-test) \ --without-python \ $(foreach lib,$(BOOST_LIBS), \ $(if $(findstring python,$(lib)),, \ $(if $(CONFIG_PACKAGE_boost-$(lib)),, \ $(if $(findstring wserialization,$(lib)),,--without-$(lib)) \ ) \ ) \ ) \ $(if $(CONFIG_PACKAGE_boost-locale),boost.locale.iconv=on -sICONV_PATH=$(ICONV_PREFIX) boost.locale.posix=$(if $(USE_MUSL),on,off), \ boost.locale.iconv=off) \ \ $(if $(CONFIG_PACKAGE_boost-iostreams),-sNO_BZIP2=1 -sZLIB_INCLUDE=$(STAGING_DIR)/usr/include \ -sZLIB_LIBPATH=$(STAGING_DIR)/usr/lib) \ install ;\ $(if $(CONFIG_PACKAGE_boost-python), \ echo "using gcc : $(GCC_VERSION) : $(GNU_TARGET_NAME)-gcc : \"$(TARGET_CFLAGS) -I$(STAGING_DIR)/usr/include/python$(BOOST_PYTHON_VER)/ \" \"$(TARGET_CXXFLAGS) $(EXTRA_CXXFLAGS)\" \"$(TARGET_LDFLAGS)\" ;" > \ tools/build/src/user-config.jam ; \ echo "using python : $(BOOST_PYTHON_VER) : : $(STAGING_DIR)/usr/include/python$(BOOST_PYTHON_VER)/ : $(STAGING_DIR)/usr/lib/libpython$(BOOST_PYTHON_VER).so ;" >> \ tools/build/src/user-config.jam; \ b2 -a \ $(CONFIGURE_ARGS) \ --ignore-site-config \ --toolset=gcc abi=$(BOOST_ABI) \ --disable-long-double \ $(if $(CONFIG_boost-variant-release), variant=release,) \ $(if $(CONFIG_boost-variant-debug), variant=debug,) \ $(if $(CONFIG_boost-variant-profile), variant=profile,) \ $(if $(CONFIG_boost-use-name-tags),--layout=tagged,--layout=system) \ $(if $(CONFIG_boost-build-type-complete),--build-type=complete,--build-type=minimal) \ $(if $(CONFIG_boost-shared-libs),link=shared,) \ $(if $(CONFIG_boost-static-libs),link=static,) \ $(if $(CONFIG_boost-static-and-shared-libs),link=static$(comma)shared,) \ $(if $(CONFIG_boost-runtime-shared),runtime-link=shared,) \ $(if $(CONFIG_boost-runtime-static),runtime-link=static,) \ $(if $(CONFIG_boost-runtime-static-and-shared),runtime-link=shared$(comma)static,) \ $(if $(CONFIG_boost-single-thread),threading=single,) \ threading=multi \ --with-python \ install ;\ ,) \ $(if $(CONFIG_PACKAGE_boost-python3), \ echo "using gcc : $(GCC_VERSION) : $(GNU_TARGET_NAME)-gcc : \"$(TARGET_CFLAGS) -I$(STAGING_DIR)/usr/include/python$(BOOST_PYTHON3_VER)/ \" \"$(TARGET_CXXFLAGS) $(EXTRA_CXXFLAGS)\" \"$(TARGET_LDFLAGS)\" ;" > \ tools/build/src/user-config.jam ; \ echo "using python : $(BOOST_PYTHON3_VER) : : $(STAGING_DIR)/usr/include/python$(BOOST_PYTHON3_VER)/ : $(STAGING_DIR)/usr/lib/libpython$(BOOST_PYTHON3_VER).so ;" >> \ tools/build/src/user-config.jam; \ b2 -a \ $(CONFIGURE_ARGS) \ --ignore-site-config \ --toolset=gcc abi=$(BOOST_ABI) \ --disable-long-double \ $(if $(CONFIG_boost-variant-release), variant=release,) \ $(if $(CONFIG_boost-variant-debug), variant=debug,) \ $(if $(CONFIG_boost-variant-profile), variant=profile,) \ $(if $(CONFIG_boost-use-name-tags),--layout=tagged,--layout=system) \ $(if $(CONFIG_boost-build-type-complete),--build-type=complete,--build-type=minimal) \ $(if $(CONFIG_boost-shared-libs),link=shared,) \ $(if $(CONFIG_boost-static-libs),link=static,) \ $(if $(CONFIG_boost-static-and-shared-libs),link=static$(comma)shared,) \ $(if $(CONFIG_boost-runtime-shared),runtime-link=shared,) \ $(if $(CONFIG_boost-runtime-static),runtime-link=static,) \ $(if $(CONFIG_boost-runtime-static-and-shared),runtime-link=shared$(comma)static,) \ $(if $(CONFIG_boost-single-thread),threading=single,) \ threading=multi \ --with-python \ install ;\ ,) \ ) endef define Build/InstallDev $(INSTALL_DIR) \ $(1)/usr/include/boost/ $(CP) \ $(PKG_INSTALL_DIR)/include/boost/* \ $(1)/usr/include/boost/ \ # copies _all_ header files - independent of <--with-library>-argument above $(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/usr/lib # copies all compiled archive and shared object files $(CP) -v $(PKG_INSTALL_DIR)/lib/*.{a,so*} $(1)/usr/lib/ || : endef define Host/Install $(INSTALL_DIR) $(STAGING_DIR_HOSTPKG)/bin $(CP) $(HOST_BUILD_DIR)/tools/build/src/engine/bin.*/b2 $(STAGING_DIR_HOSTPKG)/bin/ endef define Package/boost/Default/install $(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/usr/lib $(if $(findstring python,$(2)), $(if $(findstring 3,$(2)), \ $(CP) $(PKG_INSTALL_DIR)/lib/libboost_python3*.so* $(1)/usr/lib/ , \ $(CP) $(PKG_INSTALL_DIR)/lib/libboost_python2*.so* $(1)/usr/lib/ ), \ $(CP) $(PKG_INSTALL_DIR)/lib/libboost_$(2)*.so* $(1)/usr/lib/ ) endef define Package/boost-test/install $(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/usr/lib $(CP) $(PKG_INSTALL_DIR)/lib/libboost_unit_test_framework*.so* $(1)/usr/lib/ $(CP) $(PKG_INSTALL_DIR)/lib/libboost_prg_exec_monitor*.so* $(1)/usr/lib/ endef define BuildBoostLibrary define Package/boost-$(1)/install $(call Package/boost/Default/install,$$(1),$(1)) endef $$(eval $$(call BuildPackage,boost-$(1))) endef $(eval $(call HostBuild)) $(foreach lib,$(BOOST_LIBS),$(eval $(call BuildBoostLibrary,$(lib)))) $(eval $(call BuildPackage,boost-test)) $(eval $(call BuildPackage,boost-libs)) $(eval $(call BuildPackage,boost))