#!/bin/sh /etc/rc.common # START=90 EXTRA_COMMANDS="toggle stats cfgup query" EXTRA_HELP=" toggle Toggle adblock 'on' or 'off' stats Update adblock statistics cfgup Update adblock configuration file query Query active blocklists for specific domain" adb_debug=0 adb_pid="${$}" adb_script="/usr/bin/adblock-update.sh" adb_helper="/usr/bin/adblock-helper.sh" adb_pidfile="/var/run/adblock.pid" bg_parm="&" if [ $((adb_debug)) -eq 0 ] then exec 2>/dev/null fi if [ -r "${adb_pidfile}" ] then logger -s -t "adblock[${adb_pid}] error" "adblock service already running ($(cat ${adb_pidfile}))" 2>&1 exit 255 fi . "${adb_helper}" f_envload if [ "${adb_restricted}" = "1" ] then adb_uci="$(which true)" fi boot() { return 0 } start() { if [ -t 1 ] then unset bg_parm fi eval "${adb_script}" ${bg_parm} return 0 } restart() { stop start } reload() { reload="true" stop start } stop() { f_rmdns f_rmuhttpd config_foreach f_rmconfig source if [ -z "${reload}" ] then f_rmfirewall fi if [ -n "${rm_dns}" ] || [ -n "${rm_uhttpd}" ] || [ -n "${rm_fw}" ] || [ -n "$(${adb_uci} -q changes adblock)" ] then "${adb_uci}" -q commit adblock f_log "all adblock related services stopped" fi return 0 } toggle() { if [ -d "${adb_dnshidedir}" ] then list_dns="$(find "${adb_dnsdir}" -maxdepth 1 -type f -name "${adb_dnsprefix}*" -print)" list_dnshide="$(find "${adb_dnshidedir}" -maxdepth 1 -type f -name "${adb_dnsprefix}*" -print)" if [ -n "${list_dns}" ] then source="${adb_dnsdir}/${adb_dnsprefix}" target="${adb_dnshidedir}" pos="off" elif [ -n "${list_dnshide}" ] then source="${adb_dnshidedir}/${adb_dnsprefix}" target="${adb_dnsdir}" pos="on" fi if [ -n "${list_dns}" ] || [ -n "${list_dnshide}" ] then mv -f "${source}"* "${target}" /etc/init.d/dnsmasq restart "${adb_uci}" -q set "adblock.global.adb_dnstoggle=${pos}" "${adb_uci}" -q commit "adblock" f_log "adblock toggle switched '${pos}'" fi fi return 0 } stats() { f_statistics "${adb_uci}" -q commit "adblock" return 0 } cfgup() { stop cp -pf "/etc/adblock/adblock.conf.default" "/etc/config/adblock" rc=$? if [ $((rc)) -eq 0 ] then f_log "default adblock configuration applied, please check the settings in '/etc/config/adblock'" else f_log "default adblock configuration not found, please re-install the package via 'opkg install adblock --force-maintainer'" fi return 0 } query() { domain="${1}" tld="${domain#*.}" list_dns="$(find "${adb_dnsdir}" -maxdepth 1 -type f -name "${adb_dnsprefix}*" -print)" if [ -z "${list_dns}" ] then f_log "no active blocklists found, please start adblock first" elif [ -z "${domain}" ] || [ "${domain}" = "${tld}" ] then f_log "invalid domain query input, please submit a specific (sub-)domain, i.e. 'www.abc.xyz'" else while [ "${domain}" != "${tld}" ] do search="${domain//./\.}" result="$(grep -Hm 1 "[/\.]${search}/" "${adb_dnsdir}/adb_list"* | awk -F ':|/' '{print " "$4"\t: "$6}')" count="$(grep -hc "[/\.]${search}/" "${adb_dnsdir}/adb_list"* | awk '{sum += $1} END {printf sum}')" printf "%s\n" "=> distinct results for domain '${domain}' (overall ${count})" if [ -z "${result}" ] then printf "%s\n" " no matches in active blocklists" else printf "%s\n" "${result}" fi domain="${tld}" tld="${domain#*.}" done fi return 0 }