--[[ LuCI - Lua Configuration Interface Copyright 2014 Steven Barth Copyright 2014 Dave Taht Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 $Id$ ]]-- local wa = require "luci.tools.webadmin" local fs = require "nixio.fs" local net = require "luci.model.network".init() local sys = require "luci.sys" --local ifaces = net:get_interfaces() local ifaces = sys.net:devices() local path = "/usr/lib/sqm" m = Map("sqm", translate("Smart Queue Management"), translate("With SQM you " .. "can enable traffic shaping, better mixing (Fair Queueing)," .. " active queue length management (AQM) " .. " and prioritisation on one " .. "network interface.")) s = m:section(TypedSection, "queue", translate("Queues")) s:tab("tab_basic", translate("Basic Settings")) s:tab("tab_qdisc", translate("Queue Discipline")) s:tab("tab_linklayer", translate("Link Layer Adaptation")) s.addremove = true -- set to true to allow adding SQM instances in the GUI s.anonymous = true -- BASIC e = s:taboption("tab_basic", Flag, "enabled", translate("Enable")) e.rmempty = false n = s:taboption("tab_basic", ListValue, "interface", translate("Interface name")) -- sm lifted from luci-app-wol, the original implementation failed to show pppoe-ge00 type interface names for _, iface in ipairs(ifaces) do -- if iface:is_up() then -- n:value(iface:name()) -- end if iface ~= "lo" then n:value(iface) end end n.rmempty = false dl = s:taboption("tab_basic", Value, "download", translate("Download speed (kbit/s) (ingress) set to 0 to selectively disable ingress shaping:")) dl.datatype = "and(uinteger,min(0))" dl.rmempty = false ul = s:taboption("tab_basic", Value, "upload", translate("Upload speed (kbit/s) (egress) set to 0 to selectively disable egress shaping:")) ul.datatype = "and(uinteger,min(0))" ul.rmempty = false -- QDISC c = s:taboption("tab_qdisc", ListValue, "qdisc", translate("Queueing discipline")) c:value("fq_codel", "fq_codel ("..translate("default")..")") c:value("efq_codel") c:value("nfq_codel") c:value("sfq") c:value("codel") c:value("ns2_codel") c:value("pie") c:value("sfq") c.default = "fq_codel" c.rmempty = false local qos_desc = "" sc = s:taboption("tab_qdisc", ListValue, "script", translate("Queue setup script")) for file in fs.dir(path) do if string.find(file, ".qos$") then sc:value(file) end if string.find(file, ".qos.help$") then fh = io.open(path .. "/" .. file, "r") qos_desc = qos_desc .. "

" .. file:gsub(".help$", "") .. ":
" .. fh:read("*a") .. "

" end end sc.default = "simple.qos" sc.rmempty = false sc.description = qos_desc ad = s:taboption("tab_qdisc", Flag, "qdisc_advanced", translate("Show and Use Advanced Configuration")) ad.default = false ad.rmempty = true squash_dscp = s:taboption("tab_qdisc", ListValue, "squash_dscp", translate("Squash DSCP on inbound packets (ingress):")) squash_dscp:value("1", "SQUASH") squash_dscp:value("0", "DO NOT SQUASH") squash_dscp.default = "1" squash_dscp.rmempty = true squash_dscp:depends("qdisc_advanced", "1") squash_ingress = s:taboption("tab_qdisc", ListValue, "squash_ingress", translate("Ignore DSCP on ingress:")) squash_ingress:value("1", "Ignore") squash_ingress:value("0", "Allow") squash_ingress.default = "1" squash_ingress.rmempty = true squash_ingress:depends("qdisc_advanced", "1") iecn = s:taboption("tab_qdisc", ListValue, "ingress_ecn", translate("Explicit congestion notification (ECN) status on inbound packets (ingress):")) iecn:value("ECN", "ECN ("..translate("default")..")") iecn:value("NOECN") iecn.default = "ECN" iecn.rmempty = true iecn:depends("qdisc_advanced", "1") eecn = s:taboption("tab_qdisc", ListValue, "egress_ecn", translate("Explicit congestion notification (ECN) status on outbound packets (egress).")) eecn:value("NOECN", "NOECN ("..translate("default")..")") eecn:value("ECN") eecn.default = "NOECN" eecn.rmempty = true eecn:depends("qdisc_advanced", "1") ad2 = s:taboption("tab_qdisc", Flag, "qdisc_really_really_advanced", translate("Show and Use Dangerous Configuration")) ad2.default = false ad2.rmempty = true ad2:depends("qdisc_advanced", "1") ilim = s:taboption("tab_qdisc", Value, "ilimit", translate("Hard limit on ingress queues; leave empty for default.")) -- ilim.default = 1000 ilim.isnumber = true ilim.datatype = "and(uinteger,min(0))" ilim.rmempty = true ilim:depends("qdisc_really_really_advanced", "1") elim = s:taboption("tab_qdisc", Value, "elimit", translate("Hard limit on egress queues; leave empty for default.")) -- elim.default = 1000 elim.datatype = "and(uinteger,min(0))" elim.rmempty = true elim:depends("qdisc_really_really_advanced", "1") itarg = s:taboption("tab_qdisc", Value, "itarget", translate("Latency target for ingress, e.g 5ms [units: s, ms, or us]; leave empty for automatic selection, put in the word default for the qdisc's default.")) itarg.datatype = "string" itarg.rmempty = true itarg:depends("qdisc_really_really_advanced", "1") etarg = s:taboption("tab_qdisc", Value, "etarget", translate("Latency target for egress, e.g. 5ms [units: s, ms, or us]; leave empty for automatic selection, put in the word default for the qdisc's default.")) etarg.datatype = "string" etarg.rmempty = true etarg:depends("qdisc_really_really_advanced", "1") iqdisc_opts = s:taboption("tab_qdisc", Value, "iqdisc_opts", translate("Advanced option string to pass to the ingress queueing disciplines; no error checking, use very carefully.")) iqdisc_opts.rmempty = true iqdisc_opts:depends("qdisc_really_really_advanced", "1") eqdisc_opts = s:taboption("tab_qdisc", Value, "eqdisc_opts", translate("Advanced option string to pass to the egress queueing disciplines; no error checking, use very carefully.")) eqdisc_opts.rmempty = true eqdisc_opts:depends("qdisc_really_really_advanced", "1") -- LINKLAYER ll = s:taboption("tab_linklayer", ListValue, "linklayer", translate("Which link layer to account for:")) ll:value("none", "none ("..translate("default")..")") ll:value("ethernet", "Ethernet with overhead: select for e.g. VDSL2.") ll:value("atm", "ATM: select for e.g. ADSL1, ADSL2, ADSL2+.") -- ll:value("adsl") -- reduce the options ll.default = "none" po = s:taboption("tab_linklayer", Value, "overhead", translate("Per Packet Overhead (byte):")) po.datatype = "and(integer,min(-1500))" po.default = 0 po.isnumber = true po.rmempty = true po:depends("linklayer", "ethernet") -- po:depends("linklayer", "adsl") po:depends("linklayer", "atm") adll = s:taboption("tab_linklayer", Flag, "linklayer_advanced", translate("Show Advanced Linklayer Options, (only needed if MTU > 1500)")) adll.rmempty = true adll:depends("linklayer", "ethernet") -- adll:depends("linklayer", "adsl") adll:depends("linklayer", "atm") smtu = s:taboption("tab_linklayer", Value, "tcMTU", translate("Maximal Size for size and rate calculations, tcMTU (byte); needs to be >= interface MTU + overhead:")) smtu.datatype = "and(uinteger,min(0))" smtu.default = 2047 smtu.isnumber = true smtu.rmempty = true smtu:depends("linklayer_advanced", "1") stsize = s:taboption("tab_linklayer", Value, "tcTSIZE", translate("Number of entries in size/rate tables, TSIZE; for ATM choose TSIZE = (tcMTU + 1) / 16:")) stsize.datatype = "and(uinteger,min(0))" stsize.default = 128 stsize.isnumber = true stsize.rmempty = true stsize:depends("linklayer_advanced", "1") smpu = s:taboption("tab_linklayer", Value, "tcMPU", translate("Minimal packet size, MPU (byte); needs to be > 0 for ethernet size tables:")) smpu.datatype = "and(uinteger,min(0))" smpu.default = 0 smpu.isnumber = true smpu.rmempty = true smpu:depends("linklayer_advanced", "1") lla = s:taboption("tab_linklayer", ListValue, "linklayer_adaptation_mechanism", translate("Which linklayer adaptation mechanism to use; for testing only")) lla:value("htb_private") lla:value("tc_stab", "tc_stab ("..translate("default")..")") lla.default = "tc_stab" lla.rmempty = true lla:depends("linklayer_advanced", "1") -- PRORITIES? return m