include $(TOPDIR)/ PKG_NAME:=delve PKG_VERSION:=1.7.2 PKG_RELEASE:=1 PKG_SOURCE:=$(PKG_NAME)-$(PKG_VERSION).tar.gz PKG_SOURCE_URL:=$(PKG_VERSION)? PKG_HASH:=c2eb068d5677e114286b38f57f784b3792dbd2db06743bb57217611a092b31f2 PKG_LICENSE:=MIT PKG_LICENSE_FILES:=LICENSE PKG_MAINTAINER:=Niels Widger PKG_BUILD_DEPENDS:=golang/host PKG_BUILD_PARALLEL:=1 PKG_USE_MIPS16:=0 GO_PKG_LDFLAGS_X:=main.Build=$(PKG_VERSION) include $(INCLUDE_DIR)/ include ../../lang/golang/ # this is a subset of $(GO_ARCH_DEPENDS) as delve does not support all # architectures, see build constraints in #$(PKG_VERSION)/pkg/proc/native/support_sentinel.go DELVE_GO_ARCH_DEPENDS:=@(aarch64||i386||x86_64) define Package/delve SECTION:=devel CATEGORY:=Development TITLE:=Debugger for the Go programming language URL:= DEPENDS:=$(DELVE_GO_ARCH_DEPENDS) endef define Package/delve/description Delve is a debugger for the Go programming language. The goal of the project is to provide a simple, full featured debugging tool for Go. Delve should be easy to invoke and easy to use. Chances are if you're using a debugger, things aren't going your way. With that in mind, Delve should stay out of your way as much as possible. endef $(eval $(call GoBinPackage,delve)) $(eval $(call BuildPackage,delve))