#!/bin/sh # dns based ad/abuse domain blocking script # written by Dirk Brenken (dev@brenken.org) # This is free software, licensed under the GNU General Public License v3. # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . # prepare environment # adb_pid="${$}" adb_pidfile="/var/run/adblock.pid" adb_scriptver="1.4.1" adb_mincfgver="2.2" adb_scriptdir="${0%/*}" if [ -r "${adb_pidfile}" ] then rc=255 logger -s -t "adblock[${adb_pid}] error" "adblock service already running ($(cat ${adb_pidfile}))" exit ${rc} else printf "${adb_pid}" > "${adb_pidfile}" if [ -r "${adb_scriptdir}/adblock-helper.sh" ] then . "${adb_scriptdir}/adblock-helper.sh" f_envload else rc=254 logger -s -t "adblock[${adb_pid}] error" "adblock function library not found" rm -f "${adb_pidfile}" exit ${rc} fi fi # call trap function on error signals (HUP, INT, QUIT, BUS, SEGV, TERM) # trap "rc=250; f_log 'error signal received/trapped'; f_exit" 1 2 3 10 11 15 # check environment # f_envcheck # main loop for all block list sources # for src_name in ${adb_sources} do # check disabled sources # eval "enabled=\"\${enabled_${src_name}}\"" if [ "${enabled}" = "0" ] then if [ -r "${adb_dnsdir}/${adb_dnsprefix}.${src_name}" ] then rm -f "${adb_dnsdir}/${adb_dnsprefix}.${src_name}" if [ "${backup_ok}" = "true" ] && [ -r "${adb_dir_backup}/${adb_dnsprefix}.${src_name}.gz" ] then rm -f "${adb_dir_backup}/${adb_dnsprefix}.${src_name}.gz" fi rm_done="true" f_log "=> disabled source '${src_name}' removed" fi "${adb_uci}" -q delete "adblock.${src_name}.adb_src_count" "${adb_uci}" -q delete "adblock.${src_name}.adb_src_timestamp" continue fi f_log "=> processing source '${src_name}'" eval "url=\"\${adb_src_${src_name}}\"" eval "src_rset=\"\${adb_src_rset_${src_name}}\"" eval "list_time=\"\${CONFIG_${src_name}_adb_src_timestamp}\"" adb_dnsfile="${adb_dnsdir}/${adb_dnsprefix}.${src_name}" # check 'url' and 'src_rset' values # if [ -z "${url}" ] || [ -z "${src_rset}" ] then "${adb_uci}" -q set "adblock.${src_name}.adb_src_timestamp=broken config" f_log " broken source configuration, skipped" continue fi # download only block list with newer/updated timestamp # if [ "${src_name}" = "blacklist" ] then url_time="$(date -r "${url}")" else url_time="$(${adb_fetch} ${fetch_parm} ${response_parm} "${url}" 2>&1 | awk '$0 ~ /Last-Modified/ {printf substr($0,18)}')" fi if [ -z "${url_time}" ] then url_time="$(date)" f_log " no online timestamp" fi if [ -z "${list_time}" ] || [ "${list_time}" != "${url_time}" ] || [ ! -r "${adb_dnsfile}" ] ||\ ([ "${backup_ok}" = "true" ] && [ ! -r "${adb_dir_backup}/${adb_dnsprefix}.${src_name}.gz" ]) then if [ "${src_name}" = "blacklist" ] then tmp_domains="$(cat "${url}")" elif [ "${src_name}" = "shalla" ] then shalla_archive="${adb_tmpdir}/shallalist.tar.gz" shalla_file="${adb_tmpdir}/shallalist.txt" "${adb_fetch}" ${fetch_parm} -O "${shalla_archive}" "${url}" rc=${?} if [ $((rc)) -eq 0 ] then > "${shalla_file}" for category in ${adb_src_cat_shalla} do tar -xOzf "${shalla_archive}" BL/${category}/domains >> "${shalla_file}" rc=${?} if [ $((rc)) -ne 0 ] then f_log " archive extraction failed (${category})" break fi done tmp_domains="$(cat "${shalla_file}")" rm -rf "${adb_tmpdir}/BL" rm -f "${shalla_archive}" rm -f "${shalla_file}" fi else tmp_domains="$(${adb_fetch} ${fetch_parm} -O- "${url}")" fi rc=${?} else f_log " source doesn't change, skipped" continue fi # check download result and prepare domain output, backup/restore if needed # if [ $((rc)) -eq 0 ] && [ -n "${tmp_domains}" ] then count="$(printf "%s\n" "${tmp_domains}" | awk "${src_rset}" | tee "${adb_tmpfile}" | wc -l)" "${adb_uci}" -q set "adblock.${src_name}.adb_src_timestamp=${url_time}" if [ "${backup_ok}" = "true" ] then gzip -cf "${adb_tmpfile}" > "${adb_dir_backup}/${adb_dnsprefix}.${src_name}.gz" fi f_log " source download finished (${count} entries)" unset tmp_domains elif [ $((rc)) -eq 0 ] && [ -z "${tmp_domains}" ] then if [ "${backup_ok}" = "true" ] && [ -r "${adb_dir_backup}/${adb_dnsprefix}.${src_name}.gz" ] then gunzip -cf "${adb_dir_backup}/${adb_dnsprefix}.${src_name}.gz" > "${adb_tmpfile}" count="$(wc -l < "${adb_tmpfile}")" "${adb_uci}" -q set "adblock.${src_name}.adb_src_timestamp=list restored" f_log " empty source download, restored (${count} entries)" else if [ -r "${adb_dnsdir}/${adb_dnsprefix}.${src_name}" ] then rm -f "${adb_dnsdir}/${adb_dnsprefix}.${src_name}" rm_done="true" fi "${adb_uci}" -q delete "adblock.${src_name}.adb_src_count" "${adb_uci}" -q set "adblock.${src_name}.adb_src_timestamp=empty download" f_log " empty source download, skipped" continue fi else rc=0 if [ "${backup_ok}" = "true" ] && [ -r "${adb_dir_backup}/${adb_dnsprefix}.${src_name}.gz" ] then gunzip -cf "${adb_dir_backup}/${adb_dnsprefix}.${src_name}.gz" > "${adb_tmpfile}" count="$(wc -l < "${adb_tmpfile}")" "${adb_uci}" -q set "adblock.${src_name}.adb_src_timestamp=list restored" f_log " source download failed, restored (${count} entries)" else if [ -r "${adb_dnsdir}/${adb_dnsprefix}.${src_name}" ] then rm -f "${adb_dnsdir}/${adb_dnsprefix}.${src_name}" rm_done="true" fi "${adb_uci}" -q delete "adblock.${src_name}.adb_src_count" "${adb_uci}" -q set "adblock.${src_name}.adb_src_timestamp=download failed" f_log " source download failed, skipped" continue fi fi # remove whitelist domains, sort domains and make them unique, # rewrite ad/abuse domain information to separate dnsmasq files # if [ $((count)) -gt 0 ] && [ -n "${adb_tmpfile}" ] then if [ -s "${adb_tmpdir}/tmp.whitelist" ] then grep -vf "${adb_tmpdir}/tmp.whitelist" "${adb_tmpfile}" | sort -u | eval "${adb_dnsformat}" > "${adb_dnsfile}" else sort -u "${adb_tmpfile}" | eval "${adb_dnsformat}" > "${adb_dnsfile}" fi rc=${?} if [ $((rc)) -eq 0 ] then rev_done="true" f_log " domain merging finished" else rc=0 rm -f "${adb_dnsfile}" if [ "${backup_ok}" = "true" ] && [ -r "${adb_dir_backup}/${adb_dnsprefix}.${src_name}.gz" ] then rm -f "${adb_dir_backup}/${adb_dnsprefix}.${src_name}.gz" fi "${adb_uci}" -q delete "adblock.${src_name}.adb_src_count" "${adb_uci}" -q set "adblock.${src_name}.adb_src_timestamp=domain merging failed" f_log " domain merging failed, skipped" continue fi else rm -f "${adb_dnsfile}" if [ "${backup_ok}" = "true" ] && [ -r "${adb_dir_backup}/${adb_dnsprefix}.${src_name}.gz" ] then rm -f "${adb_dir_backup}/${adb_dnsprefix}.${src_name}.gz" fi "${adb_uci}" -q delete "adblock.${src_name}.adb_src_count" "${adb_uci}" -q set "adblock.${src_name}.adb_src_timestamp=empty domain input" f_log " empty domain input, skipped" continue fi done # overall sort, make block list entries unique # if [ "${rev_done}" = "true" ] && [ "${mem_ok}" = "true" ] then f_log "remove duplicates in separate block lists" for list in $(ls -ASr "${adb_dnsdir}/${adb_dnsprefix}"*) do list="${list/*./}" if [ -s "${adb_tmpdir}/blocklist.overall" ] then sort "${adb_tmpdir}/blocklist.overall" "${adb_tmpdir}/blocklist.overall" "${adb_dnsdir}/${adb_dnsprefix}.${list}" | uniq -u > "${adb_tmpdir}/tmp.blocklist" cat "${adb_tmpdir}/tmp.blocklist" > "${adb_dnsdir}/${adb_dnsprefix}.${list}" fi cat "${adb_dnsdir}/${adb_dnsprefix}.${list}" >> "${adb_tmpdir}/blocklist.overall" done fi # restart & check dnsmasq with generated set of block lists # if [ "${rev_done}" = "true" ] || [ "${rm_done}" = "true" ] || [ -n "${mv_done}" ] then "${adb_uci}" -q delete "adblock.global.adb_dnstoggle" /etc/init.d/dnsmasq restart sleep 1 check="$(pgrep -f "dnsmasq")" if [ -n "${check}" ] then f_cntconfig f_log "block lists with overall ${adb_count} domains loaded" else f_rmdns sleep 1 check="$(pgrep -f "dnsmasq")" if [ -n "${check}" ] then f_log "dnsmasq restart without block lists succeeded, please check your configuration" else f_log "dnsmasq restart without block lists failed, please check your configuration" fi rc=100 f_exit fi else f_cntconfig f_log "block lists with overall ${adb_count} domains are still valid, no update required" fi # remove temporary files and exit # f_exit