# Tor Hidden service configurator **tor-hs** packages tries to simplify creating of hidden services on OpenWrt routers. ## Requirements To run **tor-hs**, you need Tor package with uci config support (it was added with [this commit](https://github.com/openwrt/packages/commit/ca6528f002d74445e3d0a336aeb9074fc337307a) ). ## Instalation To install package simple run ``` opkg update opkg install tor-hs ``` ## Configuration Uci configuration is located in **/etc/config/tor-hs** ### Required section of configuration There is one required section **common** Example of this section ``` config tor-hs common option GenConf "/etc/tor/torrc_hs" option HSDir "/etc/tor/hidden_service" option RestartTor "true" option UpdateTorConf "true" ``` #### Table with options description | Type | Name | Default | Description | | ------ | ------ | ------ | ------ | | option |GenConf | /etc/tor/torrc_generated|Generated config by tor-hs.| | option | HSDir |/etc/tor/hidden_service|Directory with meta-data for hidden services (hostname,keys,etc).| | option | RestartTor | true| It will restart tor after running **/etc/init.d/tor-hs start**.| | option | UpdateTorConf | true|Update /etc/config/tor with config from **GenConf** option.| ### Hidden service configuration If you want to create a new hidden service, you have to add a hidden-service section. For every hidden service, there should be a new **hidden-service** section. Example of hidden service section for ssh server: ``` config hidden-service option Name 'sshd' option Description "Hidden service for ssh" option Enabled 'false' option IPv4 '' #public port=2222, local port=22 list PublicLocalPort '2222;22' ``` #### Table with options description | Type | Name | Example value | Description | | ------ | ------ | ------ | ------ | | option | Name | sshd| Name of hidden service. It is used as directory name in **HSDir**| | option | Description| Hidden service for ssh| Description used in **rpcd** service| | option | Enabled |false| Enable hidden service after running **tor-hs** init script| | option |IPv4 ||Local IPv4 address of service. Service could run on another device, in that case OpenWrt will redirect comunication. | | list | PublicLocalPort| 2222;22| Public port is port accesible via Tor network. Local port is normal port of service.| |option| HookScript |'/etc/tor/nextcloud-update.php'| Path to script which is executed after starting tor-hs. Script is executed with paramters **--update-onion** **hostname** . Hostname is replaced with Onion v3 address for given hidden service. ## Running service To enable tor-hs service run ``` /etc/init.d/tor-hs enable /etc/init.d/tor-hs start ``` In case you enabled option *RestartTor* and *UpdateTorConf* hidden service should be running. Otherwise, you should also restart tor daemon. ``` /etc/init.d/tor restart ``` After that you should also restart rpcd daemon, so you can use tor-hs RPCD service. ``` /etc/init.d/rpcd restart ``` ### RPCD RPCD servis helps users to access basic informations about hidden services on router. After running HS it contains onion url for given hidden service in hostname value. ``` root@turris:/# ubus call tor_rpcd.sh list-hs '{}' { "hs-list": [ { "name": "sshd", "description": "Hidden service for ssh", "enabled": "1", "ipv4": "", "hostname": "****hidden-service-hostname****.onion", "ports": [ "22;22" ] } ] } ```