#!/bin/sh # # Copyright (c) 2020 Gregory L. Dietsche # This is free software, licensed under the MIT License # ######################## #Yucky global variables# ######################## global_result=0 # A list of adult websites that support both IPv4 and IPv6 IPv4andIPv6EnabledSiteList="https://xhamster.com https://www.watchmyexgf.net https://gaymaletube.com" expect_not_safe(){ title=$1 size=$2 web=$3 actual=$(wget -4 -O - "$web" | wc -l) 2> /dev/null if [ "$actual" -gt "$size" ] ; then echo "$title: IPv4: $size/$actual. NOT SAFE" else echo "$title: IPv4: SAFE. $actual (expected not safe!) ***************" global_result=1 fi actual=$(wget -6 -O - "$web" | wc -l) 2> /dev/null if [ "$actual" -gt "$size" ] ; then echo "$title: IPv6: $size/$actual. NOT SAFE" else echo "$title: IPv6: SAFE. $actual (expected not safe!) ***************" global_result=1 fi return $global_result } expect_safe(){ title=$1 size=$2 web=$3 actual=$(wget -4 -O - "$web" | wc -l) 2> /dev/null if [ "$actual" -gt "$size" ] ; then echo "$title: IPv4: $size/$actual. NOT SAFE ******************" global_result=1 else echo "$title: IPv4: SAFE. $actual" fi actual=$(wget -6 -O - "$web" | wc -l) 2> /dev/null if [ "$actual" -gt "$size" ] ; then echo "$title: IPv6: $size/$actual. NOT SAFE ******************" global_result=1 else echo "$title: IPv6: SAFE. $actual" fi } test_not_safe(){ uci set family-dns.default.enabled=0 uci commit family-dns family-dns-update echo "******************************" echo "Testing Without Protection ***" echo "******************************" c=0 for site in ${IPv4andIPv6EnabledSiteList}; do expect_not_safe "Site $c" 500 "$site" c=$((c+1)) done uci set family-dns.default.enabled=1 uci commit family-dns family-dns-update echo } test_filter(){ echo "******************************" echo "Testing With Protection ***" echo "******************************" echo testing "$1" uci set family-dns.default.dns="$1" uci commit family-dns family-dns-update c=0 for site in ${IPv4andIPv6EnabledSiteList}; do expect_safe "Testing Site $c" 500 "$site" c=$((c+1)) done echo } ############################################# ## Main Tests ## ############################################# test_not_safe test_filter cisco-family-shield test_filter cloudflare-malware-and-adult-content test_filter cleanbrowsing-family-filter test_filter cleanbrowsing-adult-filter # with cleanbrowsing-adult-filter on, run this test on a different device (not the router) # the result should be 0 when redirect_dns=1 and the result should be 1 when redirect_dns=0 #count=$(nslookup -query=A www.sex.com | grep NXDOMAIN | wc -l) #if [ $count -eq 1 ]; then # echo Clean Browsing returned NXDOMAIN. This is expected. #else # echo Clean Browsing did not return NXDOMAIN. This is NOT expected. #fi if [ $global_result -ne 0 ]; then echo '************ Test(s) failed! ********************************************************' fi exit $global_result