#!/bin/sh /etc/rc.common USE_PROCD=1 START=30 EXTRA_COMMANDS="get_key probeid log create_backup load_backup create_key" EXTRA_HELP=" get_key print probe public key (used for probe registration) probeid print probe id log print probe status log create_backup backup ssh key to tar.gz load_backup 'backup.tar.gz' load backup ssh key from tar.gz create_key create probe priv/pub key " SCRIPTS_DIR="/usr/libexec/atlas-probe-scripts" TMP_BASE_DIR="/tmp/ripe_atlas_probe" PUB_KEY_FILE="$SCRIPTS_DIR/etc/probe_key.pub" PRIV_KEY_FILE="$SCRIPTS_DIR/etc/probe_key" PROBE_ID_FILE="$TMP_BASE_DIR/status/reg_init_reply.txt" LOG_FILE="/tmp/log/ripe_sw_probe" STATE_CONFIG="$SCRIPTS_DIR/state/config.txt" load_backup() { local backup_arch local tmp_dir backup_arch="$1" tmp_dir="$(mktemp -u -p /var/run/atlas)" if [ -f "$backup_arch" ]; then safe_mkdir "$tmp_dir" tar -xzf "$backup_arch" -C "$tmp_dir/" if [ -f "$tmp_dir/probe_key.pub" ] && [ -f "$tmp_dir/probe_key" ]; then mv "$tmp_dir/probe_key.pub" "$PUB_KEY_FILE" mv "$tmp_dir/probe_key" "$PRIV_KEY_FILE" rm -rf "$tmp_dir" print_msg "Info: public and private key loaded from backup" else print_msg "Error: Could not extract probe_key or probe_key form backup archive" rm -rf "$tmp_dir" exit 1 fi else print_msg "Error: Provided backup file $backup_arch does not exists" exit 1 fi } create_backup() { local back_dir back_dir="$(pwd)" if [ -f "$PUB_KEY_FILE" -a -f "$PRIV_KEY_FILE" ]; then print_msg "Info: Creating backup arch in $back_dir" tar -czf "$back_dir/atlas-key-backup.tar.gz" -C "$SCRIPTS_DIR/etc" probe_key probe_key.pub else print_msg "Error: private or public key does not exists." exit 1 fi } create_key() { local username local probe_key=/etc/atlas/probe_key local probe_pub_key=/etc/atlas/probe_key.pub config_load atlas config_get username "common" username if [ -f "$PRIV_KEY_FILE" ]; then if [ ! -f $probe_key ]; then print_msg "Missing probe_key in /etc/atlas" print_msg "The key will be lost on sysupgrade. Cosider moving the keys in /etc/atlas and create a link in the $SCRIPTS_DIR/etc/ dir." fi print_msg "probe_key already present. Exiting..." exit 1 fi if [ -z "$username" ]; then print_msg "Username not set in atlas config file. Enter your ripe-atlas username." exit 1 fi if [ -n "$(which ssh-keygen)" ]; then ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 2048 -f $probe_key -N "" sed -i "s/ \S*$/ "$username"/" $probe_pub_key elif [ -n "$(which dropbearkey)" ] && [ -n "$(which dropbearconvert)" ]; then local public_key public_key="$(dropbearkey -t rsa -f /etc/atlas/probe_key_dropbear -s 2048 | sed -n 2p)" public_key="$(echo "$public_key" | sed "s/ \S*$/ "$username"/")" echo $public_key > $probe_pub_key dropbearconvert dropbear openssh /etc/atlas/probe_key_dropbear $probe_key rm /etc/atlas/probe_key_dropbear else print_msg "Can't find a way to generate key." exit 1 fi #Link priv/pub key [ -f $PRIV_KEY_FILE ] || ln -s $probe_key $PRIV_KEY_FILE [ -f $PRIV_KEY_FILE ] || ln -s $probe_pub_key $PUB_KEY_FILE #Fix permission chown atlas $probe_key $probe_pub_key chgrp atlas $probe_key $probe_pub_key chmod 644 $probe_key $probe_pub_key print_msg "Key generated successfully. Use the get_key command to show the public key and get instruction on how to register your probe." } log() { if [ -f "$LOG_FILE" ];then tail "$LOG_FILE" else print_msg "Error. No log file found. Probe isn't probably running" exit 1 fi } get_key() { if [ -f "$PUB_KEY_FILE" ]; then echo "Probe public key (use for registration)" echo "URL with registration form https://atlas.ripe.net/apply/swprobe/" echo "==========================================" cat "$PUB_KEY_FILE" else print_msg "Error! Pub. key not found" exit 1 fi } probeid() { local probe_id if [ -f "$PROBE_ID_FILE" ]; then probe_id="$(awk '/PROBE_ID/ {print $2}' "$PROBE_ID_FILE")" if [ -z "$probe_id" ]; then print_msg "Probe ID not found SW probe isn't probably registered yet" exit 1 else print_msg "Probe ID is $probe_id" fi else print_msg "Probe ID not found. SW probe is not running or probe_key isn't registered yet" exit 1 fi } print_msg() { echo "$1" >&2 logger -t atlas-sw-probe "$1" } stop_service() { local atlas_pid local tunnel_pid local pid_file print_msg "Stopping atlas sw probe" print_msg "Kill all atlas processes" for pid_file in "$SCRIPTS_DIR/run/"*.vol; do [ -f "$pid_file" ] || continue # test if proccess is still running atlas_pid="$(cat "$pid_file")" if kill -0 "$atlas_pid" 2>/dev/null; then kill "$atlas_pid" fi done if [ -f "$SCRIPTS_DIR/status/con_keep_pid.vol" ]; then print_msg "Kill ssh tunnel" tunnel_pid="$(cat "$SCRIPTS_DIR/status/con_keep_pid.vol")" if kill -0 "$tunnel_pid" 2>/dev/null; then kill "$tunnel_pid" fi fi } safe_mkdir() { local dir="$1" if [ -e "$dir" ] && [ ! -d "$dir" -o -L "$dir" ]; then rm -rf "$dir" fi mkdir -p "$dir" chmod 700 "$dir" chown root:root "$dir" } create_tmp_dirs() { local dirs chown -R atlas:atlas "$SCRIPTS_DIR/bin" chmod 755 "$SCRIPTS_DIR/bin" dirs='crons data run status' safe_mkdir "$TMP_BASE_DIR" for i in $dirs; do safe_mkdir "$TMP_BASE_DIR/$i" done } start_service() { local log_stderr local log_stdout local rxtxrpt local test_setting local probe_key=/etc/atlas/probe_key local probe_pub_key=/etc/atlas/probe_key.pub # The link is not saved across sysupgrade, recreate if missing if [ ! -f $PRIV_KEY_FILE ]; then [ -f $probe_key ] && ln -s $probe_key $PRIV_KEY_FILE [ -f $probe_pub_key ] && ln -s $probe_pub_key $PUB_KEY_FILE fi # With the precheck done, check if the priv key is actually present if [ ! -f $PRIV_KEY_FILE ]; then print_msg "Missing probe_key. To init the key follow instruction in /etc/atlas/atlas.readme" print_msg "Assuming atlas-sw-probe not init. Exiting..." exit 1 fi create_tmp_dirs config_load atlas config_get_bool log_stderr "common" log_stderr "0" config_get_bool log_stdout "common" log_stdout "0" config_get_bool rxtxrpt "common" rxtxrpt "1" test_setting=$(grep "^[ ]*RXTXRPT=yes" "$STATE_CONFIG") # Decide if we should write to permanent storage if [ "$rxtxrpt" == "1" ] && [ -z "$test_setting" ]; then echo "RXTXRPT=yes">$STATE_CONFIG elif [ "$rxtxrpt" == "0" ] && [ ! -z "$test_setting" ]; then echo "RXTXRPT=no">$STATE_CONFIG fi procd_open_instance procd_set_param command "$SCRIPTS_DIR/bin/ATLAS" procd_set_param stdout "$log_stdout" procd_set_param stderr "$log_stderr" procd_close_instance }