#!/bin/sh # # safety wrapper for IBR-DTN daemon # # Tasks: # * start IBR-DTN daemon # * restart the daemon after a crash # * if respawning to fast, then slow down with backoff # * check for enough space on disk and delete bundles if necessary. # * clean the blob directory on startup # DTND=/usr/sbin/dtnd TMPCONF=/tmp/ibrdtn.config UCI=/sbin/uci getstate() { $UCI -P/var/state -q get ibrdtn.$1 return $? } setstate() { $UCI -P/var/state -q set ibrdtn.$1=$2 return $? } getconfig() { $UCI -q get ibrdtn.$1 return $? } setconfig() { $UCI -q set ibrdtn.$1=$2 return $? } # remove the old state file /bin/rm /var/state/ibrdtn # read uci configuration BLOB_PATH=`getconfig storage.blobs` BUNDLE_PATH=`getconfig storage.bundles` CONTAINER_PATH=`getconfig storage.path` CONTAINER_FILE=`getconfig storage.container` LOG_FILE=`getconfig main.logfile` ERR_FILE=`getconfig main.errfile` DEBUG_LEVEL=`getconfig main.debug` SAFEMODE=no # run a system check /bin/sh /usr/share/ibrdtn/systemcheck.sh if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then # mount container if specified if [ -n "$CONTAINER_FILE" ] && [ -n "$CONTAINER_PATH" ]; then /bin/sh /usr/share/ibrdtn/mountcontainer.sh # if the mount of the container failed # switch to safe mode! if [ $? -gt 0 ]; then SAFEMODE=yes fi fi else SAFEMODE=yes fi # create blob & bundle path if [ -n "$BLOB_PATH" ]; then /bin/mkdir -p $BLOB_PATH # clean the blob directory on startup /bin/rm -f $BLOB_PATH/file* fi if [ -n "$BUNDLE_PATH" ]; then /bin/mkdir -p $BUNDLE_PATH fi LOGGING="" if [ -n "$LOG_FILE" ]; then LOGGING="$LOGGING > $LOG_FILE" else LOGGING="$LOGGING > /dev/null" fi if [ -n "$ERR_FILE" ]; then LOGGING="$LOGGING 2> $ERR_FILE" else LOGGING="$LOGGING 2> /dev/null" fi if [ -z "$LOG_FILE" ] && [ -z "$ERR_FILE" ]; then LOGGING="-q" fi # check for debugging option if [ -n "$DEBUG_LEVEL" ]; then DEBUG_ARGS="-v -d ${DEBUG_LEVEL}" else DEBUG_ARGS="" fi # create configuration if [ "$SAFEMODE" == "yes" ]; then /bin/sh /usr/share/ibrdtn/build-config.sh --safe-mode $TMPCONF else /bin/sh /usr/share/ibrdtn/build-config.sh $TMPCONF fi # set the crash counter to zero CRASH=0 # run the daemon setstate state running while [ "`getstate state`" == "running" ]; do # run a system check /bin/sh /usr/share/ibrdtn/systemcheck.sh # run in safe mode if the system check has failed if [ $? -gt 0 ] && [ "$SAFEMODE" == "no" ]; then SAFEMODE=yes /usr/bin/logger -t "ibrdtn-safe-wrapper" -p 2 "system check failed! Switch to safe-mode settings." /bin/sh /usr/share/ibrdtn/build-config.sh --safe-mode $TMPCONF fi # measure the running time TIMESTART=`/bin/date +%s` # run the daemon echo "${DTND} ${DEBUG_ARGS} -c ${TMPCONF} ${LOGGING}" | /bin/sh # measure the stopping time TIMESTOP=`/bin/date +%s` # calc the running time let TIMERUN=$TIMESTOP-$TIMESTART # reset the CRASH counter if there is one hour between the crashes if [ $TIMERUN -ge 3600 ]; then CRASH=0 fi # check if the daemon is crashed if [ "`getstate state`" == "running" ]; then # if the crash counter is higher than 20 switch to safe-mode settings if [ $CRASH -eq 20 ] && [ "$SAFEMODE" == "no" ]; then SAFEMODE=yes /usr/bin/logger -t "ibrdtn-safe-wrapper" -p 2 "IBR-DTN daemon crashed 20 times! Switch to safe-mode settings." /bin/sh /usr/share/ibrdtn/build-config.sh --safe-mode $TMPCONF fi # increment the crash counter let CRASH=$CRASH+1 # backoff wait timer let WAIT=2**$CRASH # set a upper limit for the wait time if [ $WAIT -ge 1800 ]; then WAIT=1800 fi # log the crash /usr/bin/logger -t "ibrdtn-safe-wrapper" -p 2 "IBR-DTN daemon crashed $CRASH times! Wait $WAIT seconds." # wait sometime /bin/sleep $WAIT fi done