#!/bin/sh /etc/rc.common # Copyright 2017-2019 Stan Grishin (stangri@melmac.net) # shellcheck disable=SC2039 # shellcheck disable=SC1091 PKG_VERSION='dev-test' export START=94 export USE_PROCD=1 readonly _OK_='\033[0;32m\xe2\x9c\x93\033[0m' readonly _FAIL_='\033[0;31m\xe2\x9c\x97\033[0m' readonly __OK__='\033[0;32m[\xe2\x9c\x93]\033[0m' readonly __FAIL__='\033[0;31m[\xe2\x9c\x97]\033[0m' readonly __PASS__='\033[0;33m[-]\033[0m' readonly _ERROR_='\033[0;31mERROR\033[0m' readonly _WARNING_='\033[0;33mWARNING\033[0m' # readonly readmeURL="https://github.com/openwrt/packages/tree/master/net/vpn-policy-routing/files/README.md" readonly readmeURL="https://github.com/stangri/openwrt_packages/blob/master/vpn-policy-routing/files/README.md" export EXTRA_COMMANDS='support' export EXTRA_HELP=" support Generates output required to troubleshoot routing issues Use '-d' option for more detailed output Use '-p' option to automatically upload data under VPR paste.ee account WARNING: while paste.ee uploads are unlisted, they are still publicly available List domain names after options to include their lookup in report" readonly packageName='vpn-policy-routing' readonly serviceName="$packageName $PKG_VERSION" readonly PID="/var/run/${packageName}.pid" readonly dnsmasqFile="/var/dnsmasq.d/${packageName}" readonly userFile="/etc/${packageName}.user" create_lock() { [ -e "$PID" ] && return 1; touch "$PID"; } remove_lock() { [ -e "$PID" ] && rm -f "$PID"; } trap remove_lock EXIT output_ok() { output 1 "$_OK_"; output 2 "$__OK__\\n"; } output_okn() { output 1 "$_OK_\\n"; output 2 "$__OK__\\n"; } output_fail() { s=1; output 1 "$_FAIL_"; output 2 "$__FAIL__\\n"; } output_failn() { output 1 "$_FAIL_\\n"; output 2 "$__FAIL__\\n"; } # str_replace() { printf "%b" "$1" | sed -e "s/$(printf "%b" "$2")/$(printf "%b" "$3")/g"; } # str_contains() { [ "$1" != "$(str_replace "$1" "$2" "")" ]; } # shellcheck disable=SC2018,SC2019 str_to_lower() { echo "$1" | tr 'A-Z' 'a-z'; } output() { # Can take a single parameter (text) to be output at any verbosity # Or target verbosity level and text to be output at specifc verbosity local msg if [ $# -ne 1 ]; then if [ $((verbosity & $1)) -gt 0 ] || [ "$verbosity" = "$1" ]; then shift; else return 0; fi fi [ -t 1 ] && printf "%b" "$1" msg="${1//$serviceName /service }"; if [ "$(printf "%b" "$msg" | wc -l)" -gt 0 ]; then logger -t "${packageName:-service} [$$]" "$(printf "%b" "${logmsg}${msg}")" logmsg='' else logmsg="${logmsg}${msg}" fi } is_installed() { [ -s "/usr/lib/opkg/info/${1}.control" ]; } export serviceEnabled verbosity strictMode wanTableID wanMark fwMask export ipv6Enabled localIpset remoteIpset ipruleEnabled icmpIface export ignoredIfaces="" supportedIfaces="" export appendLocalPolicy="" appendRemotePolicy="" export wanIface4 wanIface6 ifaceMark ifaceTableID ifAll ifSupported wanGW4 wanGW6 export bootTimeout insertOption list_iface() { ifAll="${ifAll}${1} "; } list_supported_iface() { is_supported_interface "$1" && ifSupported="${ifSupported}${1} "; } vpr_find_true() { local iface i param="$2" [ "$param" = 'wan6' ] || param='wan' "network_find_${param}" iface is_tunnel "$iface" && unset iface if [ -z "$iface" ]; then unset ifAll; config_load 'network'; config_foreach list_iface 'interface' for i in $ifAll; do if "is_${param}" "$i"; then break; else unset i; fi done fi export "$1=${iface:-$i}" } vpr_get_gateway() { local iface="$2" dev="$3" gw network_get_gateway gw "$iface" if [ -z "$gw" ] || [ "$gw" = '' ]; then gw="$(ip -4 a list dev "$dev" 2>/dev/null | grep inet | awk '{print $2}' | awk -F "/" '{print $1}')" fi export "$1=$gw" } vpr_get_gateway6() { local iface="$2" dev="$3" gw network_get_gateway6 gw "$iface" if [ -z "$gw" ] || [ "$gw" = '::/0' ] || [ "$gw" = '::0/0' ] || [ "$gw" = '::' ]; then gw="$(ip -6 a list dev "$dev" 2>/dev/null | grep inet6 | awk '{print $2}')" fi export "$1=$gw" } is_l2tp() { local proto; proto=$(uci -q get network."$1".proto); [ "${proto:0:4}" = "l2tp" ]; } is_oc() { local proto; proto=$(uci -q get network."$1".proto); [ "${proto:0:11}" = "openconnect" ]; } is_ovpn() { local dev; dev=$(uci -q get network."$1".ifname); [ "${dev:0:3}" = "tun" ] || [ "${dev:0:3}" = "tap" ] || [ -f "/sys/devices/virtual/net/${dev}/tun_flags" ]; } is_pptp() { local proto; proto=$(uci -q get network."$1".proto); [ "${proto:0:4}" = "pptp" ]; } is_tor() { local dev; dev=$(uci -q get network."$1".ifname); [ "${dev:0:3}" = "tor" ]; } is_wg() { local proto; proto=$(uci -q get network."$1".proto); [ "${proto:0:9}" = "wireguard" ]; } is_tunnel() { is_l2tp "$1" || is_oc "$1" || is_ovpn "$1" || is_pptp "$1" || is_tor "$1" || is_wg "$1"; } is_wan() { [ "$1" = "$wanIface4" ] || { [ "${1##wan}" != "$1" ] && [ "${1##wan6}" = "$1" ]; } || [ "${1%%wan}" != "$1" ]; } is_wan6() { [ -n "$wanIface6" ] && [ "$1" = "$wanIface6" ] || [ "${1/#wan6}" != "$1" ] || [ "${1/%wan6}" != "$1" ]; } string_match_word() { echo "$1" | grep -q -w "$2"; } is_ignored_interface() { string_match_word "$ignoredIfaces" "$1"; } is_supported_interface() { string_match_word "$supportedIfaces" "$1" || { ! is_ignored_interface "$1" && { is_wan "$1" || is_wan6 "$1" || is_tunnel "$1"; }; }; } is_mac_address() { expr "$1" : '[0-9A-F][0-9A-F]:[0-9A-F][0-9A-F]:[0-9A-F][0-9A-F]:[0-9A-F][0-9A-F]:[0-9A-F][0-9A-F]:[0-9A-F][0-9A-F]$' >/dev/null; } is_ipv4() { expr "$1" : '[0-9][0-9]*\.[0-9][0-9]*\.[0-9][0-9]*\.[0-9][0-9]*$' >/dev/null; } is_ipv6() { ! is_mac_address "$1" && [ "${1//:}" != "$1" ]; } is_ipv6_link_local() { [ "${1:0:4}" = "fe80" ]; } is_ipv6_unique_local() { [ "${1:0:2}" = "fc" ] || [ "${1:0:2}" = "fd" ]; } is_ipv6_global() { [ "${1:0:4}" = "2001" ]; } # is_ipv6_global() { is_ipv6 "$1" && ! is_ipv6_link_local "$1" && ! is_ipv6_link_local "$1"; } is_netmask() { local ip="${1%/*}"; [ "$ip" != "$1" ] && is_ipv4 "$ip"; } is_domain() { [ "${1//[a-zA-Z-]}" != "$1" ]; } is_phys_dev() { [ "${1:0:1}" = "@" ] && ip -4 r | grep -q "^${1:1}"; } is_turris() { /bin/ubus -S call system board | /bin/grep 'Turris' | /bin/grep -q '15.05'; } is_chaos_calmer() { ubus -S call system board | grep -q 'Chaos Calmer'; } dnsmasq_kill() { killall -q -HUP dnsmasq; } dnsmasq_restart() { output 1 'Restarting DNSMASQ '; if /etc/init.d/dnsmasq restart >/dev/null 2>&1; then output_okn; else output_failn; fi; } is_default_dev() { [ "$1" = "$(ip -4 r | grep -m1 'dev' | grep -Eso 'dev [^ ]*' | awk '{print $2}')" ]; } is_supported_iface_dev() { for n in $ifSupported; do if [ "$1" = "$(uci -q get "network.${n}.ifname" || echo "$n")" ] || [ "$1" = "$(uci -q get "network.${n}.proto")-${n}" ] ; then return 0; fi done return 1 } is_supported_protocol () { grep -o '^[^#]*' /etc/protocols | grep -w -v '0' | grep . | awk '{print $1}' | grep -q "$1"; } load_package_config() { config_load "$packageName" config_get_bool serviceEnabled 'config' 'enabled' 0 config_get_bool strictMode 'config' 'strict_enforcement' 1 config_get_bool ipv6Enabled 'config' 'ipv6_enabled' 0 config_get_bool localIpset 'config' 'src_ipset' 0 config_get_bool ipruleEnabled 'config' 'iprule_enabled' 0 config_get remoteIpset 'config' 'dest_ipset' config_get appendLocalPolicy 'config' 'append_src_rules' config_get appendRemotePolicy 'config' 'append_dest_rules' config_get verbosity 'config' 'verbosity' '2' config_get wanTableID 'config' 'wan_tid' '201' config_get wanMark 'config' 'wan_mark' '0x010000' config_get fwMask 'config' 'fw_mask' '0xff0000' config_get icmpIface 'config' 'icmp_interface' config_get ignoredIfaces 'config' 'ignored_interface' config_get supportedIfaces 'config' 'supported_interface' config_get bootTimeout 'config' 'boot_timeout' '30' config_get insertOption 'config' 'iptables_rule_option' 'append' if [ -z "${verbosity##*[!0-9]*}" ] || [ "$verbosity" -lt 0 ] || [ "$verbosity" -gt 2 ]; then verbosity=1 fi . /lib/functions/network.sh . /usr/share/libubox/jshn.sh vpr_find_true wanIface4 'wan' [ "$ipv6Enabled" -ne 0 ] && vpr_find_true wanIface6 'wan6' [ -n "$wanIface4" ] && network_get_gateway wanGW4 "$wanIface4" [ -n "$wanIface6" ] && network_get_gateway6 wanGW6 "$wanIface6" wanGW="${wanGW4:-$wanGW6}" } is_enabled() { load_package_config if [ "$serviceEnabled" -eq 0 ]; then if [ "$1" = 'on_start' ]; then output "$packageName is currently disabled.\\n" output "Run the following commands before starting service again:\\n" output "uci set $packageName.config.enabled='1'; uci commit;\\n" fi return 1 fi case $insertOption in insert|-i|-I) insertOption='-I';; append|-a|-A|*) insertOption='-A';; esac case $remoteIpset in ipset) if ! ipset help hash:net >/dev/null 2>&1; then output "$_ERROR_: ipset support is enabled in $packageName, but ipset is either not installed or installed ipset does not support 'hash:net' type!\\n" unset remoteIpset fi ;; dnsmasq.ipset) if dnsmasq -v 2>/dev/null | grep -q 'no-ipset' || ! dnsmasq -v 2>/dev/null | grep -q -w 'ipset'; then output "$_ERROR_: DNSMASQ ipset support is enabled in $packageName, but DNSMASQ is either not installed or installed DNSMASQ does not support ipsets!\\n" unset remoteIpset fi if ! ipset help hash:net >/dev/null 2>&1; then output "$_ERROR_: DNSMASQ ipset support is enabled in $packageName, but ipset is either not installed or installed ipset does not support 'hash:net' type!\\n" unset remoteIpset fi ;; *) unset remoteIpset;; esac if [ "$localIpset" -ne 0 ]; then if ! ipset help hash:net >/dev/null 2>&1; then output "$_ERROR_: Local ipset support is enabled in $packageName, but ipset is either not installed or installed ipset does not support 'hash:net' type!\\n" unset localIpset fi if ! ipset help hash:mac >/dev/null 2>&1; then output "$_ERROR_: Local ipset support is enabled in $packageName, but ipset is either not installed or installed ipset does not support 'hash:mac' type!\\n" unset localIpset fi fi } is_wan_up() { local sleepCount=1 while [ -z "$wanGW" ] ; do vpr_find_true wanIface4 'wan' [ "$ipv6Enabled" -ne 0 ] && vpr_find_true wanIface6 'wan6' [ -n "$wanIface4" ] && network_get_gateway wanGW4 "$wanIface4" [ -n "$wanIface6" ] && network_get_gateway6 wanGW6 "$wanIface6" wanGW="${wanGW4:-$wanGW6}" if [ $((sleepCount)) -gt $((bootTimeout)) ] || [ -n "$wanGW" ]; then break; fi output "$serviceName waiting for wan gateway...\\n"; sleep 1; network_flush_cache; sleepCount=$((sleepCount+1)); done mkdir -p "${PID%/*}"; mkdir -p "${dnsmasqFile%/*}"; unset ifSupported config_load 'network' config_foreach list_supported_iface 'interface' if [ -n "$wanGW" ]; then return 0 else output "$_ERROR_: $serviceName failed to discover WAN gateway!\\n" return 1 fi } ipt_cleanup() { local i for i in PREROUTING FORWARD INPUT OUTPUT; do while iptables -t mangle -D $i -m mark --mark 0x0/0xff0000 -j VPR_${i} >/dev/null 2>&1; do : ; done done } # shellcheck disable=SC2086 ipt() { local d failFlagIpv4=1 failFlagIpv6=1 for d in "${*//-A/-D}" "${*//-I/-D}" "${*//-N/-F}" "${*//-N/-X}"; do [ "$d" != "$*" ] && { iptables $d >/dev/null 2>&1; ip6tables $d >/dev/null 2>&1; } done d="$*"; iptables $d >/dev/null 2>&1 && failFlagIpv4=0; if [ "$ipv6Enabled" -gt 0 ]; then ip6tables $d >/dev/null 2>&1 && failFlagIpv6=0; fi [ "$failFlagIpv4" -eq 0 ] || [ "$failFlagIpv6" -eq 0 ] } # shellcheck disable=SC2086 ips() { local command="$1" ipset="${2//-/_}" param="$3" comment="$4" appendix failFlag=0 if [ "${ipset//_ip}" != "${ipset}" ]; then ipset="${ipset//_ip}"; appendix='_ip'; elif [ "${ipset//_mac}" != "${ipset}" ]; then ipset="${ipset//_mac}"; appendix='_mac'; fi if [ "$command" = "add_dnsmasq" ]; then [ "$remoteIpset" != 'dnsmasq.ipset' ] && return 1 # elif [ "$command" = "add_unbound" ]; then # [ "$remoteIpset" != 'unbound.ipset' ] && return 1 else if [[ -z "$appendix" && -z "$remoteIpset" ]] || \ [[ -n "$appendix" && "$localIpset" -eq 0 ]]; then return 1 fi fi case "$command" in add_dnsmasq) echo "ipset=/${param}/${ipset} # $comment" >> "$dnsmasqFile" || failFlag=1 ;; add) ipset -q -! $command "${ipset}${appendix}" $param comment "$comment" || failFlag=1 ;; create) ipset -q -! "$command" "${ipset}${appendix}" $param || failFlag=1 ;; destroy|flush) ipset -q -! "$command" "${ipset}${appendix}" 2>/dev/null || failFlag=1 return 0 ;; esac return $failFlag } ipr() { [ "$ipruleEnabled" -ne 0 ] || return 1 local comment="$1" tid=$(eval echo "\$tid_${2//-/_}") laddr="$3" failFlagIpv4=0 failFlagIpv6=1 ip -4 rule del from "$laddr" table "$tid" >/dev/null 2>&1 ip -4 rule add from "$laddr" table "$tid" >/dev/null 2>&1 || failFlagIpv4=1 if [ "$ipv6Enabled" -ne 0 ]; then ip -6 rule del from "$laddr" table "$tid" >/dev/null 2>&1 ip -6 rule add from "$laddr" table "$tid" >/dev/null 2>&1 && failFlagIpv6=0 fi if [ "$failFlagIpv4" -eq 0 ] || [ "$failFlagIpv6" -eq 0 ]; then return 0; else return 1; fi } insert_tor_policy() { local comment="$1" iface="$2" laddr="$3" lport="$4" raddr="$5" rport="$6" proto="$7" chain="${8:-PREROUTING}" local mark=$(eval echo "\$mark_${iface//-/_}") [ -z "$mark" ] && processPolicyError="${processPolicyError}${_ERROR_}: Unknown fw_mark for ${iface}##" param="-t mangle $insertOption VPR_${chain} 1 -j MARK --set-xmark ${mark}/${fwMask}" [ -n "$laddr" ] && param="$param -s $laddr" [ -n "$lport" ] && param="$param -p tcp -m multiport --sport ${lport//-/:}" [ -n "$raddr" ] && param="$param -d $raddr" [ -n "$rport" ] && param="$param -p $proto -m multiport --dport ${rport//-/:}" [ -n "$comment" ] && param="$param -m comment --comment $(echo "$comment" | tr '[\. ~`!@#$%^&*()\+/,<>?//;:]' '_')" # Here be dragons return 0 } insert_policy() { local comment="$1" iface="$2" laddr="$3" lport="$4" raddr="$5" rport="$6" proto="$(str_to_lower "$7")" chain="${8:-PREROUTING}" local mark=$(eval echo "\$mark_${iface//-/_}") param i valueNeg value if [ "$ipv6Enabled" -eq 0 ]; then is_ipv6 "$laddr" && return 0 is_ipv6 "$raddr" && return 0 fi if [ -z "$mark" ]; then processPolicyError="${processPolicyError}${_ERROR_}: Unknown fw_mark for ${iface}##" return 0 fi if [ -z "$proto" ] || [ "$proto" = 'all' ]; then if [ -z "${lport}${raddr}${rport}" ] && [ -n "$laddr" ]; then proto='all' elif [ -z "${laddr}${lport}${rport}" ] && [ -n "$raddr" ]; then proto='all' elif [ -n "$lport" ] || [ -n "$rport" ]; then proto='tcp udp' else proto='tcp' fi fi for i in $proto; do if [ "$i" = 'all' ]; then param="-t mangle -I VPR_${chain} -j MARK --set-xmark ${mark}/${fwMask}" elif ! is_supported_protocol "$i"; then processPolicyError="${processPolicyError}${_ERROR_}: Unknown protocol '$i' in policy '$comment'##" return 0 else param="-t mangle -I VPR_${chain} -j MARK --set-xmark ${mark}/${fwMask} -p $i" fi if [ -n "$laddr" ]; then if [ "${laddr:0:1}" = "!" ]; then valueNeg='!'; value="${laddr:1}" else unset valueNeg; value="$laddr"; fi if is_phys_dev "$value"; then param="$param $valueNeg -i ${value:1}" elif is_mac_address "$value"; then param="$param -m mac $valueNeg --mac-source $value" elif [ "${appendLocalPolicy//-d}" != "$appendLocalPolicy" ] && [ -n "$raddr" ]; then param="$param $valueNeg -s $value" processPolicyError="${processPolicyError}${_ERROR_}: Cannot append '$comment' policy with '$appendLocalPolicy' as destination is already set to '$raddr'##" else param="$param $valueNeg -s $value $appendLocalPolicy" fi fi if [ -n "$lport" ]; then if [ "${lport:0:1}" = "!" ]; then valueNeg='!'; value="${lport:1}" else unset valueNeg; value="$lport"; fi param="$param -m multiport $valueNeg --sport ${value//-/:}" fi if [ -n "$raddr" ]; then if [ "${raddr:0:1}" = "!" ]; then valueNeg='!'; value="${raddr:1}" else unset valueNeg; value="$raddr"; fi if [ "${appendRemotePolicy//-s}" != "$appendRemotePolicy" ] && [ -n "$laddr" ]; then param="$param $valueNeg -d $value" processPolicyError="${processPolicyError}${_ERROR_}: Cannot append '$comment' policy with '$appendRemotePolicy' as source is already set to '$laddr'\\n" else param="$param $valueNeg -d $value $appendRemotePolicy" fi fi if [ -n "$rport" ]; then if [ "${rport:0:1}" = "!" ]; then valueNeg='!'; value="${rport:1}" else unset valueNeg; value="$rport"; fi param="$param -m multiport $valueNeg --dport ${value//-/:}" fi [ -n "$comment" ] && param="$param -m comment --comment $(echo "$comment" | tr '[\. ~`!@#$%^&*()\+/,<>?//;:]' '_')" ipt "$param" || processPolicyError="${processPolicyError}${_ERROR_}: iptables $param\\n" done return 0 } r_process_policy(){ local comment="$1" iface="$2" laddr="$3" lport="$4" raddr="$5" rport="$6" proto="$7" chain="$8" resolved_laddr resolved_raddr i ipsFailFlag if [ "${laddr//[ ;\{\}]/}" != "$laddr" ]; then for i in $(echo "$laddr" | tr ';{}' ' '); do [ -n "$i" ] && r_process_policy "$comment" "$iface" "$i" "$lport" "$raddr" "$rport" "$proto" "$chain"; done return 0 elif [ "${lport//[ ;\{\}]/}" != "$lport" ]; then for i in $(echo "$lport" | tr ';{}' ' '); do [ -n "$i" ] && r_process_policy "$comment" "$iface" "$laddr" "$i" "$raddr" "$rport" "$proto" "$chain"; done return 0 elif [ "${raddr//[ ;\{\}]/}" != "$raddr" ]; then for i in $(echo "$raddr" | tr ';{}' ' '); do [ -n "$i" ] && r_process_policy "$comment" "$iface" "$laddr" "$lport" "$i" "$rport" "$proto" "$chain"; done return 0 elif [ "${rport//[ ;\{\}]/}" != "$rport" ]; then for i in $(echo "$rport" | tr ';{}' ' '); do [ -n "$i" ] && r_process_policy "$comment" "$iface" "$laddr" "$lport" "$raddr" "$i" "$proto" "$chain"; done return 0 fi # start non-recursive processing # process TOR, netmask, physical device and mac-address separately, so we don't send them to resolveip if is_tor "$iface"; then insert_tor_policy "$comment" "$iface" "$laddr" "$lport" "$raddr" "$rport" "$proto" "$chain" elif is_phys_dev "$laddr"; then insert_policy "$comment" "$iface" "$laddr" "$lport" "$raddr" "$rport" "$proto" "$chain" elif [ -n "$laddr" ] && [ -z "${lport}${raddr}${rport}" ] && [ "$chain" = 'PREROUTING' ]; then if is_mac_address "$laddr"; then if [ -n "$proto" ] && [ "$proto" != 'all' ] && [ "$localIpset" -ne 0 ]; then processPolicyWarning="${processPolicyWarning}${_WARNING_}: Please unset 'proto' or set 'proto' to 'all' for policy '$comment', mac-address '$laddr'\\n" fi ips 'add' "${iface}_mac" "$laddr" "${comment}: $laddr" || ipsFailFlag=1 else if [ -n "$proto" ] && [ "$proto" != "all" ] && [ "$localIpset" -ne 0 ]; then processPolicyWarning="${processPolicyWarning}${_WARNING_}: Please unset 'proto' or set 'proto' to 'all' for policy '$comment', address '$laddr'\\n" fi if ! ips 'add' "${iface}_ip" "$laddr" "${comment}: $laddr"; then ipr "$comment" "$iface" "$i" || ipsFailFlag=1 fi fi elif [ -n "$raddr" ] && [ -z "${laddr}${lport}${rport}" ] && [ "$chain" = 'PREROUTING' ] && [ -n "$remoteIpset" ]; then if [ -n "$proto" ] && [ "$proto" != 'all' ]; then processPolicyWarning="${processPolicyWarning}${_WARNING_}: Please unset 'proto' or set 'proto' to 'all' for policy '$comment', domain '$raddr'\\n" fi case "$remoteIpset" in ipset) ips 'add' "${iface}" "$raddr" "${comment}: $raddr" || ipsFailFlag=1;; dnsmasq.ipset) if is_domain "$raddr"; then ips 'add_dnsmasq' "${iface}" "$raddr" "${comment}" || ipsFailFlag=1 else ips 'add' "${iface}" "$raddr" "${comment}: $raddr" || ipsFailFlag=1; fi;; esac else ipsFailFlag=1 fi if [ -n "$ipsFailFlag" ]; then if is_mac_address "$laddr"; then insert_policy "$comment" "$iface" "$laddr" "$lport" "$raddr" "$rport" "$proto" "$chain" elif is_netmask "$laddr" || is_netmask "$raddr"; then insert_policy "$comment" "$iface" "$laddr" "$lport" "$raddr" "$rport" "$proto" "$chain" else [ -n "$laddr" ] && resolved_laddr="$(resolveip "$laddr")" [ -n "$raddr" ] && resolved_raddr="$(resolveip "$raddr")" if [ -n "$resolved_laddr" ] && [ "$resolved_laddr" != "$laddr" ]; then for i in $resolved_laddr; do [ -n "$i" ] && r_process_policy "$comment $laddr" "$iface" "$i" "$lport" "$raddr" "$rport" "$proto" "$chain"; done elif [ -n "$resolved_raddr" ] && [ "$resolved_raddr" != "$raddr" ]; then for i in $resolved_raddr; do [ -n "$i" ] && r_process_policy "$comment $raddr" "$iface" "$laddr" "$lport" "$i" "$rport" "$proto" "$chain"; done else insert_policy "$comment" "$iface" "$laddr" "$lport" "$raddr" "$rport" "$proto" "$chain" fi fi fi } process_policy(){ local name comment iface laddr lport raddr rport param mark processPolicyError processPolicyWarning proto chain enabled config_get comment "$1" 'comment' config_get name "$1" 'name' 'blank' config_get iface "$1" 'interface' config_get laddr "$1" 'src_addr' config_get lport "$1" 'src_port' config_get raddr "$1" 'dest_addr' config_get rport "$1" 'dest_port' config_get proto "$1" 'proto' config_get chain "$1" 'chain' 'PREROUTING' config_get_bool enabled "$1" 'enabled' 1 [ "$enabled" -gt 0 ] || return 0 [ "$proto" = 'auto' ] && unset proto [ "$proto" = 'AUTO' ] && unset proto comment="${comment:-$name}" output 2 "Routing '$comment' via $iface " if [ -z "$comment" ]; then errorSummary="${errorSummary}${_ERROR_}: Policy name is empty\\n" output_fail; return 1; fi if [ -z "${laddr}${lport}${raddr}${rport}" ]; then errorSummary="${errorSummary}${_ERROR_}: Policy '$comment' missing all IPs/ports\\n" output_fail; return 1; fi if [ -z "$iface" ]; then errorSummary="${errorSummary}${_ERROR_}: Policy '$comment' has no assigned interface\\n" output_fail; return 1; fi if ! is_supported_interface "$iface"; then errorSummary="${errorSummary}${_ERROR_}: Policy '$comment' has unknown interface: '${iface}'\\n" output_fail; return 1; fi lport="${lport// / }"; lport="${lport// /,}"; lport="${lport//,\!/ !}"; rport="${rport// / }"; rport="${rport// /,}"; rport="${rport//,\!/ !}"; r_process_policy "$comment" "$iface" "$laddr" "$lport" "$raddr" "$rport" "$proto" "$chain" if [ -n "$processPolicyWarning" ]; then warningSummary="${warningSummary}${processPolicyWarning}\\n" fi if [ -n "$processPolicyError" ]; then output_fail errorSummary="${errorSummary}${processPolicyError}\\n" else output_ok fi } table_destroy(){ local tid="$1" iface="$2" mark="$3" if [ -n "$tid" ] && [ -n "$iface" ] && [ -n "$mark" ]; then ip -4 rule del fwmark "$mark" table "$tid" >/dev/null 2>&1 ip -6 rule del fwmark "$mark" table "$tid" >/dev/null 2>&1 ip -4 rule del table "$tid" >/dev/null 2>&1 ip -6 rule del table "$tid" >/dev/null 2>&1 ip -4 route flush table "$tid"; ip -6 route flush table "$tid"; ips 'flush' "${iface}"; ips 'destroy' "${iface}"; ips 'flush' "${iface}_ip"; ips 'destroy' "${iface}_ip"; ips 'flush' "${iface}_mac"; ips 'destroy' "${iface}_mac"; ip -4 route flush cache ip -6 route flush cache return 0 else return 1 fi } # shellcheck disable=SC2086 table_create(){ local tid="$1" mark="$2" iface="$3" gw4="$4" dev="$5" gw6="$6" dev6="$7" dscp s=0 i ipv4_error=0 ipv6_error=0 if [ -z "$tid" ] || [ -z "$mark" ] || [ -z "$iface" ]; then return 1 fi table_destroy "$tid" "$iface" "$mark" if [ -n "$gw4" ] || [ "$strictMode" -ne 0 ]; then if [ -z "$gw4" ]; then ip -4 route add unreachable default table "$tid" >/dev/null 2>&1 || ipv4_error=1 else ip -4 route add default via "$gw4" dev "$dev" table "$tid" >/dev/null 2>&1 || ipv4_error=1 fi ip -4 route ls table main | grep -v 'br-lan' | while read -r i; do idev="$(echo "$i" | grep -Eso 'dev [^ ]*' | awk '{print $2}')" if ! is_supported_iface_dev "$idev"; then ip -4 route add $i table "$tid" >/dev/null 2>&1 || ipv4_error=1 fi done ip -4 route flush cache || ipv4_error=1 ip -4 rule add fwmark "$mark" table "$tid" || ipv4_error=1 fi if [ "$ipv6Enabled" -ne 0 ]; then if { [ -n "$gw6" ] && [ "$gw6" != "::/0" ]; } || [ "$strictMode" -ne 0 ]; then if [ -z "$gw6" ] || [ "$gw6" = "::/0" ]; then ip -6 route add unreachable default table "$tid" || ipv6_error=1 else ip -6 route ls table main | grep " dev $dev6 " | while read -r i; do ip -6 route add $i table "$tid" >/dev/null 2>&1 || ipv6_error=1 done fi ip -6 route flush cache || ipv6_error=1 ip -6 rule add fwmark "$mark" table "$tid" || ipv6_error=1 fi fi if [ $ipv4_error -eq 0 ] || [ $ipv6_error -eq 0 ]; then dscp="$(uci -q get "${packageName}".config."${iface}"_dscp)" if [ "${dscp:-0}" -ge 1 ] && [ "${dscp:-0}" -le 63 ]; then ipt -t mangle -I VPR_PREROUTING -m dscp --dscp "${dscp}" -j MARK --set-xmark "${mark}/${fwMask}" || s=1 fi if [ -n "$remoteIpset" ]; then if ips 'create' "${iface}" 'hash:net comment' && ips 'flush' "${iface}"; then ipt -t mangle -I VPR_PREROUTING -m set --match-set "${iface}" dst $appendRemotePolicy -j MARK --set-xmark "${mark}/${fwMask}" || s=1 else s=1 fi fi if [ "$localIpset" -ne 0 ]; then if ips 'create' "${iface}_ip" 'hash:net comment' && ips 'flush' "${iface}_ip"; then ipt -t mangle -I VPR_PREROUTING -m set --match-set "${iface}_ip" src $appendLocalPolicy -j MARK --set-mark "${mark}/${fwMask}" || s=1 else s=1 fi if ips 'create' "${iface}_mac" 'hash:mac comment' && ips 'flush' "${iface}_mac"; then ipt -t mangle -I VPR_PREROUTING -m set --match-set "${iface}_mac" src $appendLocalPolicy -j MARK --set-mark "${mark}/${fwMask}" || s=1 else s=1 fi fi if [ "$iface" = "$icmpIface" ]; then ipt -t mangle -I VPR_OUTPUT -p icmp -j MARK --set-xmark "${mark}/${fwMask}" || s=1 fi else s=1 fi return $s } process_interface(){ local gw4 gw6 dev dev6 s=0 dscp iface="$1" action="$2" displayText is_supported_interface "$iface" || return 0 is_wan6 "$iface" && return 0 [ $((ifaceMark)) -gt $((fwMask)) ] && return 1 network_get_device dev "$iface" [ -z "$dev" ] && config_get dev "$iface" 'ifname' if is_wan "$iface" && [ -n "$wanIface6" ]; then network_get_device dev6 "$wanIface6" [ -z "$dev6" ] && config_get dev6 "$wanIface6" 'ifname' fi [ -z "$dev6" ] && dev6="$dev" [ -z "$ifaceTableID" ] && ifaceTableID="$wanTableID"; [ -z "$ifaceMark" ] && ifaceMark="$wanMark"; case "$action" in destroy) table_destroy "${ifaceTableID}" "${iface}" "${ifaceMark}" ifaceTableID="$((ifaceTableID + 1))"; ifaceMark="$(printf '0x%06x' $((ifaceMark + wanMark)))"; ;; create) export "mark_${iface//-/_}=$ifaceMark"; export "tid_${iface//-/_}=$ifaceTableID"; table_destroy "${ifaceTableID}" "${iface}" vpr_get_gateway gw4 "$iface" "$dev" vpr_get_gateway6 gw6 "$iface" "$dev6" if [ "$iface" = "$dev" ]; then displayText="${iface}/${gw4:-}" else displayText="${iface}/${dev}/${gw4:-}" fi [ "$ipv6Enabled" -ne 0 ] && displayText="${displayText}/${gw6:-::/0}" output 2 "Creating table '$displayText' " is_default_dev "$dev" && displayText="${displayText} ${__OK__}" if table_create "$ifaceTableID" "$ifaceMark" "$iface" "$gw4" "$dev" "$gw6" "$dev6"; then gatewaySummary="${gatewaySummary}${displayText}\\n" output_ok else errorSummary="${errorSummary}${_ERROR_}: Failed to set up '$displayText'\\n" output_fail fi ifaceTableID="$((ifaceTableID + 1))"; ifaceMark="$(printf '0x%06x' $((ifaceMark + wanMark)))"; ;; esac return $s } convert_config(){ local i [ -s "/etc/config/${packageName}" ] || return 0 sed -i 's/ignored_interfaces/ignored_interface/g' "/etc/config/${packageName}" sed -i 's/supported_interfaces/supported_interface/g' "/etc/config/${packageName}" sed -i 's/local_addresses/local_address/g' "/etc/config/${packageName}" sed -i 's/local_ports/local_port/g' "/etc/config/${packageName}" sed -i 's/remote_addresses/remote_address/g' "/etc/config/${packageName}" sed -i 's/remote_ports/remote_port/g' "/etc/config/${packageName}" sed -i 's/ipset_enabled/remote_ipset/g' "/etc/config/${packageName}" sed -i 's/dnsmasq_enabled/dnsmasq_ipset/g' "/etc/config/${packageName}" sed -i 's/enable_control/webui_enable_column/g' "/etc/config/${packageName}" sed -i 's/proto_control/webui_protocol_column/g' "/etc/config/${packageName}" sed -i 's/chain_control/webui_chain_column/g' "/etc/config/${packageName}" sed -i 's/sort_control/webui_sorting/g' "/etc/config/${packageName}" sed -i 's/local_address/src_addr/g' "/etc/config/${packageName}" sed -i 's/local_port/src_port/g' "/etc/config/${packageName}" sed -i 's/remote_address/dest_addr/g' "/etc/config/${packageName}" sed -i 's/remote_port/dest_port/g' "/etc/config/${packageName}" sed -i 's/append_local_rules/append_src_rules/g' "/etc/config/${packageName}" sed -i 's/append_remote_rules/append_dest_rules/g' "/etc/config/${packageName}" sync config_load "$packageName" config_get_bool dnsmasqIpset 'config' 'dnsmasq_ipset' 0 config_get remoteIpset 'config' 'remote_ipset' config_get webuiProtocol 'config' 'webui_supported_protocol' # shellcheck disable=SC2154 if [ "$dnsmasqIpset" = "1" ]; then remoteIpset="dnsmasq.ipset"; elif [ "$remoteIpset" = "1" ]; then remoteIpset="ipset"; elif [ "$remoteIpset" = "0" ]; then remoteIpset="" fi uci -q del "$packageName.config.dnsmasq_ipset" uci -q set "$packageName".config.remote_ipset="$remoteIpset" # shellcheck disable=SC2154 if [ -z "$webuiProtocol" ]; then uci add_list "$packageName".config.webui_supported_protocol='tcp' uci add_list "$packageName".config.webui_supported_protocol='udp' uci add_list "$packageName".config.webui_supported_protocol='tcp udp' uci add_list "$packageName".config.webui_supported_protocol='icmp' uci add_list "$packageName".config.webui_supported_protocol='all' fi uci commit "$packageName" sed -i 's/local_ipset/src_ipset/g' "/etc/config/${packageName}" sed -i 's/remote_ipset/dest_ipset/g' "/etc/config/${packageName}" for i in udp_proto_enabled forward_chain_enabled input_chain_enabled output_chain_enabled; do grep -q "$i" "/etc/config/${packageName}" && output "${_WARNING_}: $i setting is not supported in ${serviceName}.\\n" done } check_config(){ local en; config_get_bool en "$1" 'enabled' 1; [ "$en" -gt 0 ] && _cfg_enabled=0; } is_config_enabled(){ local cfg="$1" _cfg_enabled=1 [ -n "$1" ] || return 1 config_load "$packageName" config_foreach check_config "$cfg" return "$_cfg_enabled" } process_user_file(){ local path enabled shellBin="${SHELL:-/bin/ash}" config_get_bool enabled "$1" 'enabled' 1 config_get path "$1" 'path' [ "$enabled" -gt 0 ] || return 0 if [ ! -s "$path" ]; then errorSummary="${errorSummary}${_ERROR_}: Custom user file '$path' not found or empty\\n" output_fail return 1 fi if ! $shellBin -n "$path"; then errorSummary="${errorSummary}${_ERROR_}: Syntax error in custom user file '$path'\\n" output_fail return 1 fi # shellcheck disable=SC1090 if ! . "$path"; then errorSummary="${errorSummary}${_ERROR_}: Error running custom user file '$path'\\n" output_fail return 1 else output 2 "Running $path " output_ok return 0 fi } start_service() { local gatewaySummary errorSummary warningSummary dnsmasqStoredHash dnsmasqNewHash i modprobeStatus=0 convert_config is_enabled 'on_start' || return 1 is_wan_up || return 0 if create_lock; then if [ -s "$dnsmasqFile" ]; then dnsmasqStoredHash="$(md5sum $dnsmasqFile | awk '{ print $1; }')" rm -f "$dnsmasqFile" fi for i in xt_set ip_set ip_set_hash_ip; do modprobe "$i" >/dev/null 2>/dev/null || modprobeStatus=$((modprobeStatus + 1)) done if [ "$modprobeStatus" -gt 0 ] && ! is_chaos_calmer; then errorSummary="${errorSummary}${_ERROR_}: Failed to load kernel modules\\n" fi for i in PREROUTING FORWARD INPUT OUTPUT; do ipt -t mangle -N "VPR_${i}" ipt -t mangle "$insertOption" "$i" -m mark --mark "0x00/${fwMask}" -j "VPR_${i}" done output 1 'Processing Interfaces ' config_load 'network'; config_foreach process_interface 'interface' 'create'; output 1 '\n' if is_config_enabled 'policy'; then output 1 'Processing Policies ' config_load "$packageName"; config_foreach process_policy 'policy'; output 1 '\n' fi if is_config_enabled 'include'; then output 1 'Processing User File(s) ' config_load "$packageName"; config_foreach process_user_file 'include'; output 1 '\n' fi if [ -s "$dnsmasqFile" ]; then dnsmasqNewHash="$(md5sum $dnsmasqFile | awk '{ print $1; }')" fi [ "$dnsmasqNewHash" != "$dnsmasqStoredHash" ] && dnsmasq_restart if [ -z "$gatewaySummary" ]; then errorSummary="${errorSummary}${_ERROR_}: failed to set up any gateway\\n" else output "$serviceName started with gateways:\\n${gatewaySummary}" [ -n "$errorSummary" ] && output "${errorSummary}" [ -n "$warningSummary" ] && output "${warningSummary}" fi procd_open_instance "main" procd_set_param command /bin/true procd_set_param stdout 1 procd_set_param stderr 1 procd_open_data json_add_array 'status' json_add_object '' [ -n "$gatewaySummary" ] && json_add_string gateway "$gatewaySummary" [ -n "$errorSummary" ] && json_add_string error "$errorSummary" [ -n "$warningSummary" ] && json_add_string warning "$warningSummary" if [ "$strictMode" -ne 0 ] && [ "${gatewaySummary//}" != "${gatewaySummary}" ]; then json_add_string mode "strict" fi json_close_object json_close_array procd_close_data procd_close_instance remove_lock else output "$serviceName: another instance of ${packageName} is currently running " output_failn return 1 fi } restart() { reload; } restart_service() { reload; } stop_service() { local i iptables -t mangle -L | grep -q VPR_PREROUTING || return 0 if create_lock; then load_package_config for i in PREROUTING FORWARD INPUT OUTPUT; do ipt -t mangle -D "${i}" -m mark --mark "0x00/${fwMask}" -j "VPR_${i}" ipt -t mangle -F "VPR_${i}"; ipt -t mangle -X "VPR_${i}"; done config_load 'network'; config_foreach process_interface 'interface' 'destroy' unset ifaceTableID; unset ifaceMark; if [ -s "$dnsmasqFile" ]; then rm -f "$dnsmasqFile" dnsmasq_restart fi if [ "$serviceEnabled" -ne 0 ]; then output "$serviceName stopped "; output_okn; fi remove_lock else output "$serviceName: another instance of ${packageName} is currently running "; output_failn; return 1 fi } # shellcheck disable=SC2119 service_triggers() { local n is_enabled || return 1 procd_open_validate validate_config validate_policy validate_include procd_close_validate procd_add_reload_trigger 'firewall' 'openvpn' 'vpn-policy-routing' procd_open_trigger for n in $ifSupported; do procd_add_reload_interface_trigger "$n"; procd_add_interface_trigger "interface.*" "$n" /etc/init.d/${packageName} reload; done; # output "$serviceName monitoring interfaces: $ifSupported\\n"; # output_okn; # for n in $ifAll; do procd_add_reload_interface_trigger "$n"; procd_add_interface_trigger "interface.*" "$n" /etc/init.d/${packageName} reload; done; # output "$serviceName monitoring ALL interfaces: $ifAll"; output_okn; procd_close_trigger } input() { local data; while read -r data; do echo "$data" | tee -a /var/${packageName}-support; done; } support() { local dist vers out id s param status set_d set_p tableCount i=0 dev dev6 is_enabled json_load "$(ubus call system board)"; json_select release; json_get_var dist distribution; json_get_var vers version if [ -n "$wanIface4" ]; then network_get_gateway wanGW4 "$wanIface4" dev="$(uci -q get network."${wanIface4}".ifname)" fi if [ -n "$wanIface6" ]; then dev6="$(uci -q get network."${wanIface6}".ifname)" wanGW6=$(ip -6 route show | grep -m1 " dev $dev6 " | awk '{print $1}') [ "$wanGW6" = "default" ] && wanGW6=$(ip -6 route show | grep -m1 " dev $dev6 " | awk '{print $3}') fi while [ "${1:0:1}" = "-" ]; do param="${1//-/}"; export "set_$param=1"; shift; done [ -e "/var/${packageName}-support" ] && rm -f "/var/${packageName}-support" status="$serviceName running on $dist $vers." [ -n "$wanIface4" ] && status="$status WAN (IPv4): $wanIface4/dev/${wanGW4:-}." [ -n "$wanIface6" ] && status="$status WAN (IPv6): $wanIface6/dev6/${wanGW6:-::/0}." { echo "$status" echo "============================================================" dnsmasq --version 2>/dev/null | sed '/^$/,$d' [ -n "$1" ] && { echo "============================================================" echo "Resolving domains" while [ -n "$1" ]; do echo "$1: $(resolveip "$1" | tr '\n' ' ')"; shift; done; } echo "============================================================" echo "Routes/IP Rules" tableCount=$(ip rule list | grep -c 'fwmark') || tableCount=0 if [ -n "$set_d" ]; then route; else route | grep '^default'; fi if [ -n "$set_d" ]; then ip rule list; fi # || ip rule list | grep 'fwmark' i=0; while [ $i -lt $tableCount ]; do echo "IPv4 Table $((wanTableID + i)): $(ip route show table $((wanTableID + i)))"; echo "IPv4 Table $((wanTableID + i)) Rules:"; ip rule list | grep $((wanTableID + i)); i=$((i + 1)); done [ "$ipv6Enabled" -ne 0 ] && { i=0; while [ $i -lt $tableCount ]; do ip -6 route show table $((wanTableID + i)) | while read -r param; do echo "IPv6 Table $((wanTableID + i)): $param"; done i=$((i + 1)) done; } echo "============================================================" if [ -z "$set_d" ]; then echo "IP Tables PREROUTING"; else echo "IP Tables"; fi if [ -z "$set_d" ]; then iptables -v -t mangle -S VPR_PREROUTING; else iptables -L -t mangle; fi [ "$ipv6Enabled" -ne 0 ] && { echo "============================================================" if [ -z "$set_d" ]; then echo "IP6 Tables PREROUTING"; else echo "IP6 Tables"; fi if [ -z "$set_d" ]; then ip6tables -v -t mangle -S VPR_PREROUTING; else ip6tables -L -t mangle; fi } [ -z "$set_d" ] && { echo "============================================================" echo "IP Tables FORWARD" iptables -v -t mangle -S VPR_FORWARD [ "$ipv6Enabled" -ne 0 ] && { echo "============================================================" echo "IPv6 Tables FORWARD" ip6tables -v -t mangle -S VPR_FORWARD };} [ -z "$set_d" ] && { echo "============================================================" echo "IP Tables INPUT" iptables -v -t mangle -S VPR_INPUT [ "$ipv6Enabled" -ne 0 ] && { echo "============================================================" echo "IPv6 Tables INPUT" ip6tables -v -t mangle -S VPR_INPUT };} [ -z "$set_d" ] && { echo "============================================================" echo "IP Tables OUTPUT" iptables -v -t mangle -S VPR_OUTPUT [ "$ipv6Enabled" -ne 0 ] && { echo "============================================================" echo "IPv6 Tables OUTPUT" ip6tables -v -t mangle -S VPR_OUTPUT };} echo "============================================================" echo "Current ipsets" ipset save if [ -s "$dnsmasqFile" ]; then echo "============================================================" echo "DNSMASQ ipsets" cat "$dnsmasqFile" fi echo "============================================================" } | input if [ -n "$set_p" ]; then printf "%b" "Pasting to paste.ee... " if is_installed 'curl' && is_installed 'libopenssl' && is_installed 'ca-bundle'; then json_init; json_add_string "description" "${packageName}-support" json_add_array "sections"; json_add_object '0' json_add_string "name" "$(uci -q get system.@system[0].hostname)" json_add_string "contents" "$(cat /var/${packageName}-support)" json_close_object; json_close_array; payload=$(json_dump) out=$(curl -s -k "https://api.paste.ee/v1/pastes" -X "POST" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "X-Auth-Token:uVOJt6pNqjcEWu7qiuUuuxWQafpHhwMvNEBviRV2B" -d "$payload") json_load "$out"; json_get_var id id; json_get_var s success [ "$s" = "1" ] && printf "%b" "https://paste.ee/p/$id $__OK__" || printf "%b" "$__FAIL__" [ -e "/var/${packageName}-support" ] && rm -f "/var/${packageName}-support" else printf "%b" "$__FAIL__\\n" printf "%b" "$_ERROR_: curl, libopenssl or ca-bundle were not found!\\nRun 'opkg update; opkg install curl libopenssl ca-bundle' to install them.\\n" fi else printf "%b" "Your support details have been logged to '/var/${packageName}-support'. $__OK__\\n" fi } # shellcheck disable=SC2120 validate_config() { uci_validate_section "${packageName}" config "${1}" \ 'enabled:bool:0' \ 'verbosity:range(0,2):1' \ 'strict_enforcement:bool:1' \ 'src_ipset:bool:0' \ 'dest_ipset:string' \ 'ipv6_enabled:bool:0' \ 'supported_interface:list(string)' \ 'ignored_interface:list(string)' \ 'boot_timeout:integer:30' \ 'iptables_rule_option:or("", "append", "insert")' \ 'iprule_enabled:bool:0' \ 'webui_enable_column:bool:0' \ 'webui_protocol_column:bool:0' \ 'webui_supported_protocol:list(string)' \ 'webui_chain_column:bool:0' \ 'webui_sorting:bool:1' \ 'icmp_interface:string' \ 'wan_tid:integer:201' \ 'wan_fw_mark:hex(8)' \ 'fw_mask:hex(8)' } # shellcheck disable=SC2120 validate_policy() { uci_validate_section "${packageName}" policy "${1}" \ 'name:string' \ 'enabled:bool:0' \ 'interface:network' \ 'proto:or(string)' \ 'chain:or("", "PREROUTING", "FORWARD", "INPUT", "OUTPUT")' \ 'src_addr:list(neg(or(host,network,macaddr)))' \ 'src_port:list(neg(or(portrange, string)))' \ 'dest_addr:list(neg(host))' \ 'dest_port:list(neg(or(portrange, string)))' } # shellcheck disable=SC2120 validate_include() { uci_validate_section "${packageName}" include "${1}" \ 'path:string' \ 'enabled:bool:0' }