#!/bin/sh # travelmate, a wlan connection manager for travel router # Copyright (c) 2016-2020 Dirk Brenken (dev@brenken.org) # This is free software, licensed under the GNU General Public License v3. # set (s)hellcheck exceptions # shellcheck disable=1091,2016,2039,2059,2086,2143,2181,2188 # set initial defaults # LC_ALL=C PATH="/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin" trm_ver="1.5.4" trm_enabled=0 trm_debug=0 trm_iface="trm_wwan" trm_captive=1 trm_proactive=1 trm_netcheck=0 trm_autoadd=0 trm_captiveurl="http://captive.apple.com" trm_scanbuffer=1024 trm_minquality=35 trm_maxretry=5 trm_maxwait=30 trm_timeout=60 trm_listexpiry=0 trm_radio="" trm_connection="" trm_rtfile="/tmp/trm_runtime.json" trm_wifi="$(command -v wifi)" trm_wificmd="reload" trm_fetch="$(command -v uclient-fetch)" trm_iwinfo="$(command -v iwinfo)" trm_wpa="$(command -v wpa_supplicant)" trm_logger="$(command -v logger)" trm_action="${1:-"start"}" trm_pidfile="/var/run/travelmate.pid" # load travelmate environment # f_env() { local IFS check wpa_checks # (re-)initialize global list variables # unset trm_devlist trm_stalist trm_radiolist trm_active_sta # get system information # trm_sysver="$(ubus -S call system board 2>/dev/null | jsonfilter -e '@.model' -e '@.release.description' | \ awk 'BEGIN{ORS=", "}{print $0}' | awk '{print substr($0,1,length($0)-2)}')" # load config and check 'enabled' option # config_cb() { local name="${1}" type="${2}" if [ "${name}" = "travelmate" ] && [ "${type}" = "global" ] then option_cb() { local option="${1}" value="${2}" eval "${option}=\"${value}\"" } else option_cb() { return 0 } fi } config_load travelmate if [ "${trm_enabled}" -ne 1 ] then f_log "info" "travelmate is currently disabled, please set 'trm_enabled' to '1' to use this service" > "${trm_pidfile}" exit 0 fi # get wpa_supplicant capabilities # wpa_checks="eap sae owe" for check in ${wpa_checks} do if [ -x "${trm_wpa}" ] then eval "trm_${check}check=\"$("${trm_wpa}" -v${check} >/dev/null 2>&1; printf "%u" "${?}")\"" else eval "trm_${check}check=\"1\"" fi done # get wifi reconf capabilities # if [ -n "$(grep -F "reconf" "${trm_wifi}" 2>/dev/null)" ] then trm_wificmd="reconf" fi # enable 'disabled' wifi devices # config_load wireless config_foreach f_prepdev wifi-device if [ -n "$(uci -q changes "wireless")" ] then uci_commit "wireless" "${trm_wifi}" "${trm_wificmd}" sleep $((trm_maxwait/6)) fi # validate input ranges # if [ "${trm_minquality}" -lt 20 ] || [ "${trm_minquality}" -gt 80 ] then trm_minquality=35 fi if [ "${trm_listexpiry}" -lt 0 ] || [ "${trm_listexpiry}" -gt 300 ] then trm_listexpiry=0 fi if [ "${trm_maxretry}" -lt 1 ] || [ "${trm_maxretry}" -gt 10 ] then trm_maxretry=5 fi if [ "${trm_maxwait}" -lt 20 ] || [ "${trm_maxwait}" -gt 40 ] || [ "${trm_maxwait}" -ge "${trm_timeout}" ] then trm_maxwait=30 fi if [ "${trm_timeout}" -lt 30 ] || [ "${trm_timeout}" -gt 300 ] || [ "${trm_timeout}" -le "${trm_maxwait}" ] then trm_timeout=60 fi # load json runtime file # json_load_file "${trm_rtfile}" >/dev/null 2>&1 json_select data >/dev/null 2>&1 if [ "${?}" -ne 0 ] then > "${trm_rtfile}" json_init json_add_object "data" fi f_log "debug" "f_env ::: trm_eapcheck: ${trm_eapcheck:-"-"}, trm_saecheck: ${trm_saecheck:-"-"}, trm_owecheck: ${trm_owecheck:-"-"}, trm_wificmd: ${trm_wificmd}" } # trim leading and trailing whitespace characters # f_trim() { local IFS trim="${1}" trim="${trim#"${trim%%[![:space:]]*}"}" trim="${trim%"${trim##*[![:space:]]}"}" printf '%s' "${trim}" } # prepare the 'wifi-device' sections # f_prepdev() { local IFS disabled config="${1}" disabled="$(uci_get "wireless" "${config}" "disabled")" if [ "${disabled}" = "1" ] then uci_set wireless "${config}" disabled 0 fi f_log "debug" "f_prepdev ::: config: ${config}, disabled: ${disabled:-"-"}" } # prepare the 'wifi-iface' sections # f_prepif() { local IFS mode network radio encryption eaptype disabled config="${1}" proactive="${2}" mode="$(uci_get "wireless" "${config}" "mode")" network="$(uci_get "wireless" "${config}" "network")" radio="$(uci_get "wireless" "${config}" "device")" encryption="$(uci_get "wireless" "${config}" "encryption")" eaptype="$(uci_get "wireless" "${config}" "eap_type")" disabled="$(uci_get "wireless" "${config}" "disabled")" if [ -n "${config}" ] && [ -n "${radio}" ] && [ -n "${mode}" ] && [ -n "${network}" ] then if [ -z "${trm_radio}" ] && [ -z "$(printf "%s" "${trm_radiolist}" | grep -Fo "${radio}")" ] then trm_radiolist="$(f_trim "${trm_radiolist} ${radio}")" elif [ -n "${trm_radio}" ] && [ -z "${trm_radiolist}" ] then trm_radiolist="$(f_trim "$(printf "%s" "${trm_radio}" | \ awk '{while(match(tolower($0),/[a-z0-9]+/)){ORS=" ";print substr(tolower($0),RSTART,RLENGTH);$0=substr($0,RSTART+RLENGTH)}}')")" fi if [ "${mode}" = "sta" ] && [ "${network}" = "${trm_iface}" ] then if { [ -z "${disabled}" ] || [ "${disabled}" = "0" ]; } && { [ "${proactive}" -eq 0 ] || [ "${trm_ifstatus}" != "true" ]; } then uci_set wireless "${config}" disabled 1 elif [ "${disabled}" = "0" ] && [ "${trm_ifstatus}" = "true" ] && [ "${proactive}" -eq 1 ] then if [ -z "${trm_active_sta}" ] then trm_active_sta="${config}" else uci_set wireless "${config}" disabled 1 fi fi if [ -z "${eaptype}" ] || { [ -n "${eaptype}" ] && [ "${trm_eapcheck}" -eq 0 ]; } then if { [ "${encryption%-*}" != "sae" ] && [ "${encryption%-*}" != "wpa3" ] && [ "${encryption}" != "owe" ]; } || \ { { [ "${encryption%-*}" = "sae" ] || [ "${encryption%-*}" = "wpa3" ]; } && [ "${trm_saecheck}" -eq 0 ]; } || \ { [ "${encryption}" = "owe" ] && [ "${trm_owecheck}" -eq 0 ]; } then trm_stalist="$(f_trim "${trm_stalist} ${config}-${radio}")" fi fi fi fi f_log "debug" "f_prepif ::: config: ${config}, mode: ${mode}, network: ${network}, radio: ${radio}, trm_radio: ${trm_radio:-"-"}, trm_active_sta: ${trm_active_sta:-"-"}, proactive: ${proactive}, disabled: ${disabled}" } # check net status # f_net() { local IFS result result="$(${trm_fetch} --timeout=$((trm_maxwait/6)) "${trm_captiveurl}" -O /dev/null 2>&1 | tail -n 1)" result="$(printf "%s" "${result//[\?\$\%\&\+\|\'\"\:]*/}" | awk '/^Failed to redirect|^Redirected/{printf "%s" "net cp \047"$NF"\047";exit}/^Download completed/{printf "%s" "net ok";exit}/^Failed|Connection error/{printf "%s" "net nok";exit}')" printf "%s" "${result}" f_log "debug" "f_net ::: fetch: ${trm_fetch}, timeout: $((trm_maxwait/6)), url: ${trm_captiveurl}, result: ${result}" } # check interface status # f_check() { local IFS ifname radio dev_status result uci_section login_command login_command_args wait_time=1 mode="${1}" status="${2:-"false"}" cp_domain="${3:-"false"}" if [ "${mode}" != "initial" ] && [ "${mode}" != "dev" ] && [ "${status}" = "false" ] then "${trm_wifi}" "${trm_wificmd}" sleep $((trm_maxwait/6)) fi while [ "${wait_time}" -le "${trm_maxwait}" ] do dev_status="$(ubus -S call network.wireless status 2>/dev/null)" if [ -n "${dev_status}" ] then if [ "${mode}" = "dev" ] then if [ "${trm_ifstatus}" != "${status}" ] then trm_ifstatus="${status}" f_jsnup fi for radio in ${trm_radiolist} do result="$(printf "%s" "${dev_status}" | jsonfilter -l1 -e "@.${radio}.up")" if [ "${result}" = "true" ] && [ -z "$(printf "%s" "${trm_devlist}" | grep -Fo "${radio}")" ] then trm_devlist="$(f_trim "${trm_devlist} ${radio}")" fi done if [ "${trm_devlist}" = "${trm_radiolist}" ] || [ "${wait_time}" -eq "${trm_maxwait}" ] then ifname="${trm_devlist}" break else unset trm_devlist fi elif [ "${mode}" = "rev" ] then break else ifname="$(printf "%s" "${dev_status}" | jsonfilter -l1 -e '@.*.interfaces[@.config.mode="sta"].ifname')" if [ -n "${ifname}" ] then trm_ifquality="$(${trm_iwinfo} "${ifname}" info 2>/dev/null | awk -F "[ ]" '/Link Quality:/{split($NF,var0,"/");printf "%i\n",(var0[1]*100/var0[2])}')" if [ "${mode}" = "initial" ] && [ "${trm_captive}" -eq 1 ] then result="$(f_net)" if [ "${cp_domain}" = "true" ] then cp_domain="$(printf "%s" "${result}" | awk -F "[\\'| ]" '/^net cp/{printf "%s" $4}')" uci_section="$(printf "%s" "${dev_status}" | jsonfilter -l1 -e '@.*.interfaces[@.config.mode="sta"].section')" fi fi if [ "${trm_ifquality}" -ge "${trm_minquality}" ] && [ "${result}" != "net nok" ] then trm_ifstatus="$(ubus -S call network.interface dump 2>/dev/null | jsonfilter -l1 -e "@.interface[@.device=\"${ifname}\"].up")" if [ "${trm_ifstatus}" = "true" ] then if [ "${mode}" = "sta" ] && [ "${trm_captive}" -eq 1 ] then while true do result="$(f_net)" cp_domain="$(printf "%s" "${result}" | awk -F "[\\'| ]" '/^net cp/{printf "%s" $4}')" uci_section="$(printf "%s" "${dev_status}" | jsonfilter -l1 -e '@.*.interfaces[@.config.mode="sta"].section')" if [ "${trm_netcheck}" -eq 1 ] && [ "${result}" = "net nok" ] then trm_ifstatus="${status}" f_jsnup break 2 fi if [ -z "${cp_domain}" ] || [ -n "$(uci_get "dhcp" "@dnsmasq[0]" "rebind_domain" | grep -Fo "${cp_domain}")" ] then break fi uci -q add_list dhcp.@dnsmasq[0].rebind_domain="${cp_domain}" f_log "info" "captive portal domain '${cp_domain}' added to to dhcp rebind whitelist" if [ -z "$(uci_get "travelmate" "${uci_section}")" ] then uci_add travelmate "login" "${uci_section}" uci_set travelmate "${uci_section}" "command" "none" f_log "info" "captive portal login section '${uci_section}' added to travelmate config section" fi done if [ -n "$(uci -q changes "dhcp")" ] then uci_commit "dhcp" /etc/init.d/dnsmasq reload fi if [ -n "$(uci -q changes "travelmate")" ] then uci_commit "travelmate" fi fi if [ -n "${cp_domain}" ] && [ "${cp_domain}" != "false" ] && [ -n "${uci_section}" ] && [ "${trm_captive}" -eq 1 ] then trm_connection="${result:-"-"}/${trm_ifquality}" f_jsnup login_command="$(uci_get "travelmate" "${uci_section}" "command")" if [ -x "${login_command}" ] then login_command_args="$(uci_get "travelmate" "${uci_section}" "command_args")" "${login_command}" ${login_command_args} >/dev/null 2>&1 rc=${?} f_log "info" "captive portal login '${login_command:0:40} ${login_command_args:0:20}' for '${cp_domain}' has been executed with rc '${rc}'" if [ "${rc}" -eq 0 ] then result="$(f_net)" fi fi fi trm_connection="${result:-"-"}/${trm_ifquality}" f_jsnup break fi elif [ -n "${trm_connection}" ] then uci_section="$(printf "%s" "${dev_status}" | jsonfilter -l1 -e '@.*.interfaces[@.config.mode="sta"].section')" if [ "${trm_ifquality}" -lt "${trm_minquality}" ] then unset trm_connection trm_ifstatus="${status}" f_log "info" "uplink '${uci_section}' is out of range (${trm_ifquality}/${trm_minquality})" elif [ "${trm_netcheck}" -eq 1 ] && [ "${result}" = "net nok" ] then unset trm_connection trm_ifstatus="${status}" f_log "info" "uplink '${uci_section}' has no internet (${result})" fi f_jsnup break elif [ "${mode}" = "initial" ] then f_jsnup break fi elif [ -n "${trm_connection}" ] then unset trm_connection trm_ifstatus="${status}" f_jsnup break elif [ "${mode}" = "initial" ] then f_jsnup break fi fi fi wait_time=$((wait_time+1)) sleep 1 done f_log "debug" "f_check ::: mode: ${mode}, name: ${ifname:-"-"}, status: ${trm_ifstatus}, connection: ${trm_connection:-"-"}, wait: ${wait_time}, max_wait: ${trm_maxwait}, min_quality: ${trm_minquality}, captive: ${trm_captive}, netcheck: ${trm_netcheck}" } # update runtime information # f_jsnup() { local IFS uci_section d1 d2 d3 last_date last_station sta_iface sta_radio sta_essid sta_bssid last_status dev_status wpa_status status="${trm_ifstatus}" faulty_list faulty_station="${1}" dev_status="$(ubus -S call network.wireless status 2>/dev/null)" if [ -n "${dev_status}" ] then uci_section="$(printf "%s" "${dev_status}" | jsonfilter -l1 -e '@.*.interfaces[@.config.mode="sta"].section')" if [ -n "${uci_section}" ] then sta_iface="$(uci_get "wireless" "${uci_section}" "network")" sta_radio="$(uci_get "wireless" "${uci_section}" "device")" sta_essid="$(uci_get "wireless" "${uci_section}" "ssid")" sta_bssid="$(uci_get "wireless" "${uci_section}" "bssid")" fi fi json_get_var last_date "last_rundate" json_get_var last_station "station_id" if [ "${status}" = "true" ] then status="connected (${trm_connection:-"-"})" json_get_var last_status "travelmate_status" if [ "${last_status}" = "running / not connected" ] || [ "${last_station}" != "${sta_radio:-"-"}/${sta_essid:-"-"}/${sta_bssid:-"-"}" ] then last_date="$(date "+%Y.%m.%d-%H:%M:%S")" fi elif [ "${status}" = "error" ] then unset trm_connection status="program error" else unset trm_connection status="running / not connected" fi if [ -z "${last_date}" ] then last_date="$(date "+%Y.%m.%d-%H:%M:%S")" fi json_get_var faulty_list "faulty_stations" if [ -n "${faulty_list}" ] && [ "${trm_listexpiry}" -gt 0 ] then d1="$(date -d "${last_date}" "+%s")" d2="$(date "+%s")" d3=$(((d2 - d1)/60)) if [ "${d3}" -ge "${trm_listexpiry}" ] then faulty_list="" fi fi if [ -n "${faulty_station}" ] then if [ -z "$(printf "%s" "${faulty_list}" | grep -Fo "${faulty_station}")" ] then faulty_list="$(f_trim "${faulty_list} ${faulty_station}")" last_date="$(date "+%Y.%m.%d-%H:%M:%S")" fi fi if [ "${trm_eapcheck}" -eq 0 ] then wpa_status="EAP" else wpa_status="-" fi if [ "${trm_saecheck}" -eq 0 ] then wpa_status="${wpa_status}/SAE" else wpa_status="${wpa_status}/-" fi if [ "${trm_owecheck}" -eq 0 ] then wpa_status="${wpa_status}/OWE" else wpa_status="${wpa_status}/-" fi json_add_string "travelmate_status" "${status}" json_add_string "travelmate_version" "${trm_ver}" json_add_string "station_id" "${sta_radio:-"-"}/${sta_essid:-"-"}/${sta_bssid:-"-"}" json_add_string "station_interface" "${sta_iface:-"-"}" json_add_string "faulty_stations" "${faulty_list}" json_add_string "wpa_capabilities" "${wpa_status:-"-"}" json_add_string "last_rundate" "${last_date}" json_add_string "system" "${trm_sysver}" json_dump > "${trm_rtfile}" f_log "debug" "f_jsnup ::: uci_section: ${uci_section:-"-"}, status: ${status:-"-"}, sta_iface: ${sta_iface:-"-"}, sta_radio: ${sta_radio:-"-"}, sta_essid: ${sta_essid:-"-"}, sta_bssid: ${sta_bssid:-"-"}, faulty_list: ${faulty_list:-"-"}, list_expiry: ${trm_listexpiry}" } # write to syslog # f_log() { local IFS class="${1}" log_msg="${2}" if [ -n "${log_msg}" ] && { [ "${class}" != "debug" ] || [ "${trm_debug}" -eq 1 ]; } then if [ -x "${trm_logger}" ] then "${trm_logger}" -p "${class}" -t "travelmate-${trm_ver}[${$}]" "${log_msg}" else printf "%s %s %s\\n" "${class}" "travelmate-${trm_ver}[${$}]" "${log_msg}" fi if [ "${class}" = "err" ] then trm_ifstatus="error" f_jsnup > "${trm_pidfile}" exit 1 fi fi } # main function for connection handling # f_main() { local IFS cnt dev config spec scan_dev scan_list scan_essid scan_bssid scan_open scan_quality uci_essid cfg_essid faulty_list local station_id sta sta_essid sta_bssid sta_radio sta_iface active_essid active_bssid active_radio f_check "initial" "false" "true" f_log "debug" "f_main ::: status: ${trm_ifstatus}, proactive: ${trm_proactive}" if [ "${trm_ifstatus}" != "true" ] || [ "${trm_proactive}" -eq 1 ] then config_load wireless config_foreach f_prepif wifi-iface ${trm_proactive} if [ "${trm_ifstatus}" = "true" ] && [ -n "${trm_active_sta}" ] && [ "${trm_proactive}" -eq 1 ] then json_get_var station_id "station_id" active_radio="${station_id%%/*}" active_essid="${station_id%/*}" active_essid="${active_essid#*/}" active_bssid="${station_id##*/}" f_check "dev" "true" f_log "debug" "f_main ::: active_radio: ${active_radio}, active_essid: \"${active_essid}\", active_bssid: ${active_bssid:-"-"}" else uci_commit "wireless" f_check "dev" fi json_get_var faulty_list "faulty_stations" f_log "debug" "f_main ::: iwinfo: ${trm_iwinfo:-"-"}, dev_list: ${trm_devlist:-"-"}, sta_list: ${trm_stalist:0:${trm_scanbuffer}}, faulty_list: ${faulty_list:-"-"}" # radio loop # for dev in ${trm_devlist} do if [ -z "$(printf "%s" "${trm_stalist}" | grep -o "\\-${dev}")" ] then f_log "debug" "f_main ::: no station on '${dev}' - continue" continue fi # station loop # for sta in ${trm_stalist} do config="${sta%%-*}" sta_radio="${sta##*-}" sta_essid="$(uci_get "wireless" "${config}" "ssid")" sta_bssid="$(uci_get "wireless" "${config}" "bssid")" sta_iface="$(uci_get "wireless" "${config}" "network")" json_get_var faulty_list "faulty_stations" if [ -n "$(printf "%s" "${faulty_list}" | grep -Fo "${sta_radio}/${sta_essid}/${sta_bssid}")" ] then f_log "debug" "f_main ::: faulty station '${sta_radio}/${sta_essid}/${sta_bssid:-"-"}' - continue" continue fi if [ "${dev}" = "${active_radio}" ] && [ "${sta_essid}" = "${active_essid}" ] && [ "${sta_bssid:-"-"}" = "${active_bssid}" ] then f_log "debug" "f_main ::: active station prioritized '${active_radio}/${active_essid}/${active_bssid:-"-"}' - break" break 2 fi f_log "debug" "f_main ::: sta_radio: ${sta_radio}, sta_essid: \"${sta_essid}\", sta_bssid: ${sta_bssid:-"-"}" if [ -z "${scan_list}" ] then scan_dev="$(ubus -S call network.wireless status 2>/dev/null | jsonfilter -l1 -e "@.${dev}.interfaces[@.config.mode=\"sta\"].ifname")" scan_list="$("${trm_iwinfo}" "${scan_dev:-${dev}}" scan 2>/dev/null | \ awk 'BEGIN{FS="[[:space:]]"}/Address:/{var1=$NF}/ESSID:/{var2="";for(i=12;i<=NF;i++)if(var2==""){var2=$i}else{var2=var2" "$i}; gsub(/,/,".",var2)}/Quality:/{split($NF,var0,"/")}/Encryption:/{if($NF=="none"){var3="+"}else{var3="-"};printf "%i,%s,%s,%s\n",(var0[1]*100/var0[2]),var1,var2,var3}' | \ sort -rn | awk -v buf="${trm_scanbuffer}" 'BEGIN{ORS=","}{print substr($0,1,buf)}')" f_log "debug" "f_main ::: scan_radio: ${dev}, scan_device: ${scan_dev:-"-"}, scan_buffer: ${trm_scanbuffer}, scan_list: ${scan_list:-"-"}" if [ -z "${scan_list}" ] then f_log "debug" "f_main ::: no scan results on '${dev}/${scan_dev:-"-"}' - continue" continue 2 fi fi # scan loop # IFS="," for spec in ${scan_list} do if [ -z "${scan_quality}" ] then scan_quality="${spec}" elif [ -z "${scan_bssid}" ] then scan_bssid="${spec}" elif [ -z "${scan_essid}" ] then scan_essid="${spec}" elif [ -z "${scan_open}" ] then scan_open="${spec}" fi if [ -n "${scan_quality}" ] && [ -n "${scan_bssid}" ] && [ -n "${scan_essid}" ] && [ -n "${scan_open}" ] then if [ "${scan_quality}" -ge "${trm_minquality}" ] then if { { [ "${scan_essid}" = "\"${sta_essid//,/.}\"" ] && { [ -z "${sta_bssid}" ] || [ "${scan_bssid}" = "${sta_bssid}" ]; } } || \ { [ "${scan_bssid}" = "${sta_bssid}" ] && [ "${scan_essid}" = "unknown" ]; } } && [ "${dev}" = "${sta_radio}" ] then f_log "debug" "f_main ::: scan_quality: ${scan_quality}, scan_essid: ${scan_essid}, scan_bssid: ${scan_bssid:-"-"}, scan_open: ${scan_open}" if [ -n "${active_radio}" ] then uci_set "wireless" "${trm_active_sta}" "disabled" "1" uci_commit "wireless" f_log "debug" "f_main ::: active uplink connection '${active_radio}/${active_essid}/${active_bssid:-"-"}' terminated" unset trm_connection active_radio active_essid active_bssid fi # retry loop # cnt=1 while [ "${cnt}" -le "${trm_maxretry}" ] do uci_set "wireless" "${config}" "disabled" "0" trm_radio="${sta_radio}" f_check "sta" if [ "${trm_ifstatus}" = "true" ] then unset IFS scan_list uci_commit "wireless" f_log "info" "connected to uplink '${sta_radio}/${sta_essid}/${sta_bssid:-"-"}' (${cnt}/${trm_maxretry}, ${trm_sysver})" return 0 else uci -q revert "wireless" f_check "rev" if [ "${cnt}" -eq "${trm_maxretry}" ] then faulty_station="${sta_radio}/${sta_essid}/${sta_bssid:-"-"}" f_jsnup "${faulty_station}" f_log "info" "uplink disabled '${sta_radio}/${sta_essid}/${sta_bssid:-"-"}' (${cnt}/${trm_maxretry}, ${trm_sysver})" break 2 else f_jsnup f_log "info" "can't connect to uplink '${sta_radio}/${sta_essid}/${sta_bssid:-"-"}' (${cnt}/${trm_maxretry}, ${trm_sysver})" fi fi cnt=$((cnt+1)) sleep $((trm_maxwait/6)) done elif [ "${trm_autoadd}" -eq 1 ] && [ "${scan_open}" = "+" ] && [ "${scan_essid}" != "unknown" ] then cfg_essid="${scan_essid#*\"}" cfg_essid="${cfg_essid%\"*}" uci_essid="${cfg_essid//[^[:alnum:]_]/_}" if [ -z "$(uci_get "wireless" "trm_${uci_essid}")" ] then uci_add "wireless" "wifi-iface" "trm_${uci_essid}" uci_set "wireless" "trm_${uci_essid}" "mode" "sta" uci_set "wireless" "trm_${uci_essid}" "network" "${trm_iface}" uci_set "wireless" "trm_${uci_essid}" "device" "${sta_radio}" uci_set "wireless" "trm_${uci_essid}" "ssid" "${cfg_essid}" uci_set "wireless" "trm_${uci_essid}" "encryption" "none" uci_set "wireless" "trm_${uci_essid}" "disabled" "1" uci_commit "wireless" f_log "info" "open uplink '${sta_radio}/${cfg_essid}' added to wireless config" fi fi unset scan_quality scan_bssid scan_essid scan_open continue else unset scan_quality scan_bssid scan_essid scan_open continue fi fi done unset IFS scan_quality scan_bssid scan_essid scan_open done unset scan_list done fi } # source required system libraries # if [ -r "/lib/functions.sh" ] && [ -r "/usr/share/libubox/jshn.sh" ] then . "/lib/functions.sh" . "/usr/share/libubox/jshn.sh" else f_log "err" "system libraries not found" fi # control travelmate actions # f_env while true do if [ -z "${trm_action}" ] then rc=0 while true do if [ "${rc}" -eq 0 ] then f_check "initial" fi sleep ${trm_timeout} 0 rc=${?} if [ "${rc}" -ne 0 ] then f_check "initial" fi if [ "${rc}" -eq 0 ] || { [ "${rc}" -ne 0 ] && [ "${trm_ifstatus}" = "false" ]; } then break fi done elif [ "${trm_action}" = "stop" ] then f_log "info" "travelmate instance stopped ::: action: ${trm_action}, pid: $(cat ${trm_pidfile} 2>/dev/null)" > "${trm_rtfile}" > "${trm_pidfile}" exit 0 else f_log "info" "travelmate instance started ::: action: ${trm_action}, pid: ${$}" unset trm_action fi json_cleanup f_env f_main done