#!/bin/bash /etc/rc.common START=99 APP=seahub EXTRA_HELP=" clearsessions Clears expired sessions from database" EXTRA_COMMANDS="clearsessions" SEAHUB_FASTCGI=0 SEAHUB_PORT=8000 SEAHUB_METHOD=threaded SEAHUB_WORKERS=3 [ -f /etc/config/seafile ] && \ . /etc/config/seafile INSTALLPATH=/usr/share/seafile/seafile-server TOPDIR=$(dirname "${INSTALLPATH}") default_ccnet_conf_dir=${TOPDIR}/ccnet central_config_dir=${TOPDIR}/conf manage_py=${INSTALLPATH}/seahub/manage.py gunicorn_conf=${INSTALLPATH}/runtime/seahub.conf pidfile=/var/run/seafile/seahub.pid errorlog=${INSTALLPATH}/runtime/error.log accesslog=${INSTALLPATH}/runtime/access.log gunicorn_exe=/usr/bin/gunicorn function check_python_executable() { if [[ "$PYTHON" != "" && -x $PYTHON ]]; then return 0 fi if which python2.7 2>/dev/null 1>&2; then PYTHON=python2.7 elif which python27 2>/dev/null 1>&2; then PYTHON=python27 else echo echo "Can't find a python executable of version 2.7 or above in PATH" echo "Install python 2.7+ before continue." echo "Or if you installed it in a non-standard PATH, set the PYTHON enviroment varirable to it" echo exit 1 fi } function validate_ccnet_conf_dir() { if [[ ! -d ${default_ccnet_conf_dir} ]]; then echo "Error: there is no ccnet config directory." echo "Have you run '/etc/init.d/seafile setup'?" echo "" exit 1 fi } function read_seafile_data_dir() { seafile_ini=${default_ccnet_conf_dir}/seafile.ini if [[ ! -f ${seafile_ini} ]]; then echo "Error: ${seafile_ini} not found." exit 1 fi seafile_data_dir=$(cat "${seafile_ini}") if [[ ! -d ${seafile_data_dir} ]]; then echo "Your seafile server data directory \"${seafile_data_dir}\" is invalid or doesn't exits." echo "Please check it first, or create this directory yourself." echo "" exit 1 fi } function validate_seahub_running() { if pid=$(pgrep -f "${manage_py}" 2>/dev/null); then return 1 elif pid=$(pgrep -f "seahub.wsgi:application" 2>/dev/null); then return 1 fi } function validate_port() { if ! [[ ${SEAHUB_PORT} =~ ^[1-9][0-9]{1,4}$ ]] ; then printf "\033[033m${SEAHUB_PORT}\033[m is not a valid port number\n" exit 1 fi } function warning_if_seafile_not_running() { if ! pgrep -f "seafile-controller -F ${central_config_dir}" 2>/dev/null 1>&2; then echo echo "Error: seafile-controller not running. Have you run \"/etc/init.d/seafile start\"?" echo exit 1 fi } function prepare_seahub_log_dir() { logdir="${TOPDIR}/logs" if ! [[ -d "${logsdir}" ]]; then if ! mkdir -p "${logdir}"; then echo "Error: failed to create log dir \"${logdir}\"" exit 1 fi fi export SEAHUB_LOG_DIR="${logdir}" } function before_start() { prepare_env warning_if_seafile_not_running if ! validate_seahub_running; then echo "Seahub is already running." exit 1 fi prepare_seahub_log_dir validate_port } function start_seahub() { before_start echo "Starting seahub at port ${SEAHUB_PORT} ..." check_init_admin $PYTHON $gunicorn_exe seahub.wsgi:application -c "${gunicorn_conf}" -b "${SEAHUB_PORT}" --preload # Ensure seahub is started successfully retry=1 while ! validate_seahub_running && [[ ! -f "${pidfile}" ]] && [[ $retry -lt 120 ]]; do sleep 1; ((retry++)); done if ! validate_seahub_running && [[ -f "${pidfile}" ]]; then echo echo "Seahub is started" echo else printf "\033[33mError: Seahub failed to start.\033[m\n" exit 1 fi } function start_seahub_fastcgi() { before_start # Returns if SEAFILE_FASTCGI_HOST is unset or hasn't got any value, # otherwise returns value of SEAFILE_FASTCGI_HOST environment variable address=`(test -z "$SEAFILE_FASTCGI_HOST" && echo "") || echo $SEAFILE_FASTCGI_HOST` echo "Starting seahub (fastcgi) at ${address}:${SEAHUB_PORT} ..." check_init_admin $PYTHON "${manage_py}" runfcgi host=${address} port=${SEAHUB_PORT} pidfile=${pidfile} \ outlog=${accesslog} errlog=${errorlog} maxchildren=${SEAHUB_WORKERS} method=${SEAHUB_METHOD} # Ensure seahub is started successfully retry=1 while ! validate_seahub_running && [[ ! -f "${pidfile}" ]] && [[ $retry -lt 120 ]]; do sleep 1; ((retry++)); done if ! validate_seahub_running && [[ -f "${pidfile}" ]]; then echo echo "Seahub is started" echo else printf "\033[33mError: Seahub failed to start.\033[m\n" exit 1 fi } function prepare_env() { check_python_executable validate_ccnet_conf_dir read_seafile_data_dir export CCNET_CONF_DIR=${default_ccnet_conf_dir} export SEAFILE_CONF_DIR=${seafile_data_dir} export SEAFILE_CENTRAL_CONF_DIR=${central_config_dir} export PYTHONPATH="${INSTALLPATH}/seahub:${INSTALLPATH}/seahub/thirdpart:${PYTHONPATH}" } function clear_sessions() { prepare_env echo "Start clear expired session records ..." $PYTHON "${manage_py}" clearsessions echo echo "Done" echo } function stop_seahub() { if [[ -f ${pidfile} ]]; then pid=$(cat "${pidfile}") echo "Stopping seahub ..." kill ${pid} rm -f ${pidfile} retry=1 while ! validate_seahub_running && [ $retry -lt 60 ]; do sleep 1; ((retry++)); done if ! validate_seahub_running; then echo "Error: seahub cannot be stopped. Please try stopping it manually by running \"kill $(echo "$pid" | tr '\n' ' ')\"." echo "To force killing the processes, use \"kill -9 $(echo "$pid" | tr '\n' ' ')\"." fi else echo "Seahub is not running" fi } function check_init_admin() { check_init_admin_script=${INSTALLPATH}/check_init_admin.py if ! $PYTHON $check_init_admin_script; then exit 1 fi } function start() { if [ "$SEAHUB_FASTCGI" == "1" ]; then start_seahub_fastcgi else start_seahub fi } function stop() { stop_seahub } function restart() { stop start } function clearsessions() { clear_sessions }