# adblock configuration sample # # generic options (always required) # config adblock "global" # ip address of the local adblock interface/uhttpd instance, # needs to be a different subnet from the normal LAN option adb_ip "" # name of an "always accessible" domain, # this domain will be used for the final nslookup check option adb_domain "heise.de" # full path to static domain blacklist file (one domain per line) option adb_blacklist "/etc/adblock/adblock.blacklist" # full path to static domain whitelist file (one domain per line) option adb_whitelist "/etc/adblock/adblock.whitelist" # list of wan devices that are allowed for adblock updates (check /sys/class/net/), # if no one found the last adlist backup will be restored, # useful only for (mobile) multiwan setups # disabled by default config service "wancheck" option enabled "0" list adb_wanlist "wan" # check that ntp has adjusted the system time on this device, # will be used for logfile writing and logfile housekeeping # disabled by default config service "ntpcheck" option enabled "0" # full path to backup file for adlist backups # disabled by default config service "backup" option enabled "0" option adb_backupfile "/tmp/adlist.backup" # full path to debug logfile # by default adblock logs to syslog and stdout only # disabled by default config service "debuglog" option enabled "0" option adb_logfile "/tmp/adb_debug.log" # full path to domain query logfile # a background task will trace every dns request to file, to easily identify free and already blocked domains, # for this to work, you've to enable the dnsmasq option "logqueries" too. # the "queryhistory" option deletes query logfiles older than n days (req. busybox find with mtime support) # disabled by default config service "querylog" option enabled "0" option adb_queryfile "/tmp/adb_query.log" option adb_queryhistory "1" # different adblock list sources # please do not change the urls listed below, # enable/disable sources as needed # for shallalist you can also enable/disable different ad categories config source "yoyo" option enabled "1" option adb_src_yoyo "http://pgl.yoyo.org/adservers/serverlist.php?hostformat=one-line&showintro=0&mimetype=plaintext&ruleset=rset_yoyo" config source "malware" option enabled "0" option adb_src_malware "http://mirror1.malwaredomains.com/files/justdomains&ruleset=rset_default" config source "zeus" option enabled "0" option adb_src_zeus "https://zeustracker.abuse.ch/blocklist.php?download=domainblocklist&ruleset=rset_default" config source "feodo" option enabled "0" option adb_src_feodo "https://feodotracker.abuse.ch/blocklist/?download=domainblocklist&ruleset=rset_default" config source "palevo" option enabled "0" option adb_src_palevo "https://palevotracker.abuse.ch/blocklists.php?download=domainblocklist&ruleset=rset_default" config source "dshield" option enabled "0" option adb_src_dshield "http://www.dshield.org/feeds/suspiciousdomains_Low.txt&ruleset=rset_default" config source "spam404" option enabled "0" option adb_src_spam404 "http://spam404bl.com/spam404scamlist.txt&ruleset=rset_spam404" config source "winhelp" option enabled "0" option adb_src_winhelp "http://winhelp2002.mvps.org/hosts.txt&ruleset=rset_winhelp" config source "shalla" option enabled "0" option adb_arc_shalla "http://www.shallalist.de/Downloads/shallalist.tar.gz" list adb_catlist "adv" list adb_catlist "costtraps" list adb_catlist "downloads" list adb_catlist "spyware" list adb_catlist "tracker" list adb_catlist "warez"