-- -- This file is part of SmartSNMP -- Copyright (C) 2014, Credo Semiconductor Inc. -- -- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify -- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by -- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or -- (at your option) any later version. -- -- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, -- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -- MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the -- GNU General Public License for more details. -- -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along -- with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., -- 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. -- local mib = require "smartsnmp" require "ubus" require "uloop" uloop.init() local conn = ubus.connect() if not conn then error("Failed to connect to ubusd") end local if_cache = {} local if_status_cache = {} local if_index_cache = {} local last_load_time = os.time() local function need_to_reload() if os.time() - last_load_time >= 3 then last_load_time = os.time() return true else return false end end local function load_config() if need_to_reload() == true then if_cache = {} if_status_cache = {} if_index_cache = {} -- if description for k, v in pairs(conn:call("network.device", "status", {})) do if_status_cache[k] = {} end for name_ in pairs(if_status_cache) do for k, v in pairs(conn:call("network.device", "status", { name = name_ })) do if k == 'mtu' then if_status_cache[name_].mtu = v elseif k == 'macaddr' then if_status_cache[name_].macaddr = v elseif k == 'up' then if v == true then if_status_cache[name_].up = 1 else if_status_cache[name_].up = 2 end elseif k == 'statistics' then for item, stat in pairs(v) do if item == 'rx_bytes' then if_status_cache[name_].in_octet = stat elseif item == 'tx_bytes' then if_status_cache[name_].out_octet = stat elseif item == 'rx_errors' then if_status_cache[name_].in_errors = stat elseif item == 'tx_errors' then if_status_cache[name_].out_errors = stat elseif item == 'rx_dropped' then if_status_cache[name_].in_discards = stat elseif item == 'tx_dropped' then if_status_cache[name_].out_discards = stat end end end end end if_cache['desc'] = {} for name, status in pairs(if_status_cache) do table.insert(if_cache['desc'], name) for k, v in pairs(status) do if if_cache[k] == nil then if_cache[k] = {} end table.insert(if_cache[k], v) end end -- if index for i in ipairs(if_cache['desc']) do table.insert(if_index_cache, i) end end end mib.module_methods.or_table_reg("", "The MIB module for managing Interfaces implementations") local ifGroup = { [1] = mib.ConstInt(function () load_config() return #if_index_cache end), [2] = { [1] = { [1] = mib.ConstIndex(function () load_config() return if_index_cache end), [2] = mib.ConstString(function (i) load_config() return if_cache['desc'][i] end), [4] = mib.ConstInt(function (i) load_config() return if_cache['mtu'][i] end), [6] = mib.ConstString(function (i) load_config() return if_cache['macaddr'][i] end), [8] = mib.ConstInt(function (i) load_config() return if_cache['up'][i] end), [10] = mib.ConstCount(function (i) load_config() return if_cache['in_octet'][i] end), [13] = mib.ConstCount(function (i) load_config() return if_cache['in_discards'][i] end), [14] = mib.ConstCount(function (i) load_config() return if_cache['in_errors'][i] end), [16] = mib.ConstCount(function (i) load_config() return if_cache['out_octet'][i] end), [19] = mib.ConstCount(function (i) load_config() return if_cache['out_discards'][i] end), [20] = mib.ConstCount(function (i) load_config() return if_cache['out_errors'][i] end), } } } return ifGroup