#!/bin/sh /etc/rc.common # Copyright (c) 2015-2020 Dirk Brenken (dev@brenken.org) # This is free software, licensed under the GNU General Public License v3. START=30 USE_PROCD=1 EXTRA_COMMANDS="suspend resume query report list timer status_service" EXTRA_HELP=" suspend Suspend adblock processing resume Resume adblock processing query Query active blocklists and backups for a specific domain report [] Print DNS statistics with an optional search parameter list [[|] [source(s)]] List available adblock sources or add/remove them from config timer [] [] Set a cron based update interval" adb_init="/etc/init.d/adblock" adb_script="/usr/bin/adblock.sh" adb_pidfile="/var/run/adblock.pid" if [ -s "${adb_pidfile}" ] && { [ "${action}" = "start" ] || [ "${action}" = "stop" ] || \ [ "${action}" = "restart" ] || [ "${action}" = "reload" ] || [ "${action}" = "report" ] || \ [ "${action}" = "suspend" ] || [ "${action}" = "resume" ] || [ "${action}" = "query" ] || \ { [ "${action}" = "list" ] && [ -n "${1}" ]; }; } then exit 0 fi boot() { [ -s "${adb_pidfile}" ] && > "${adb_pidfile}" rc_procd start_service } start_service() { if [ "$("${adb_init}" enabled; printf "%u" ${?})" -eq 0 ] then if [ "${action}" = "boot" ] then if [ -n "$(uci_get adblock global adb_trigger)" ] then return 0 fi fi procd_open_instance "adblock" procd_set_param command "${adb_script}" "${@}" procd_set_param pidfile "${adb_pidfile}" procd_set_param nice "$(uci_get adblock global adb_nice "0")" procd_set_param stdout 1 procd_set_param stderr 1 procd_close_instance fi } reload_service() { rc_procd start_service reload } stop_service() { rc_procd "${adb_script}" stop } restart() { rc_procd start_service restart } suspend() { rc_procd start_service suspend } resume() { rc_procd start_service resume } query() { rc_procd "${adb_script}" query "${1}" } report() { rc_procd "${adb_script}" report "${1:-"+"}" "${2:-"50"}" "${3:-"true"}" "${4:-"cli"}" } list() { local src_archive src_file src_enabled enabled name action="${1}" if [ "${action}" = "add" ] || [ "${action}" = "remove" ] then shift for name in "${@}" do if [ "${action}" = "add" ] then if [ -z "$(uci_get adblock global adb_sources | grep -Fo "${name}")" ] then uci_add_list adblock global adb_sources "${name}" printf "%s\\n" "::: adblock source '${name}' added to config" fi else if [ -n "$(uci_get adblock global adb_sources | grep -Fo "${name}")" ] then uci_remove_list adblock global adb_sources "${name}" printf "%s\\n" "::: adblock source '${name}' removed from config" fi fi done if [ -n "$(uci -q changes adblock)" ] then uci_commit adblock fi else src_archive="$(uci_get adblock global adb_srcarc "/etc/adblock/adblock.sources.gz")" src_file="$(uci_get adblock global adb_srcfile "/tmp/adb_sources.json")" src_enabled="$(uci -q show adblock.global.adb_sources)" if [ ! -r "${src_file}" ] then if [ -r "${src_archive}" ] then zcat "${src_archive}" > "${src_file}" else printf "%s\\n" "::: adblock source archive '${src_archive}' not found" fi fi if [ -r "${src_file}" ] then src_enabled="${src_enabled#*=}" src_enabled="${src_enabled//\'}" printf "%s\\n" "::: Available adblock sources" printf "%s\\n" ":::" printf "%-25s%-10s%-7s%-20s%s\\n" " Name" "Enabled" "Size" "Focus" "Info URL" printf "%s\\n" " ------------------------------------------------------------------" json_load_file "${src_file}" json_get_keys keylist for key in ${keylist} do json_select "${key}" json_get_var size "size" json_get_var focus "focus" json_get_var descurl "descurl" json_get_var url "url" json_get_var rule "rule" if [ -n "${url}" ] && [ -n "${rule}" ] then if [ -n "$(printf "%s" "${src_enabled}" | grep -Fo "${key}")" ] then enabled="x" else enabled=" " fi src_enabled="${src_enabled/${key}}" printf " + %-21s%-10s%-7s%-20s%s\\n" "${key}" "${enabled}" "${size}" "${focus}" "${descurl}" else src_enabled="${src_enabled} ${key}" fi json_select .. done if [ -n "${src_enabled// }" ] then printf "%s\\n" " ----------------------------------------------" printf "%s\\n" " Sources without valid configuration" printf "%s\\n" " ----------------------------------------------" for key in ${src_enabled} do printf " - %s\\n" "${key}" done fi else printf "%s\\n" "::: adblock source file '${src_file}' not found" fi fi } status_service() { local key keylist value rtfile rtfile="$(uci_get adblock global adb_rtfile "/tmp/adb_runtime.json")" if [ -s "${rtfile}" ] then printf "%s\\n" "::: adblock runtime information" json_load_file "${rtfile}" json_select data json_get_keys keylist for key in ${keylist} do json_get_var value "${key}" if [ "${key}" = "active_sources" ] then printf " + %-15s : " "${key}" json_select "${key}" index=1 while json_get_type status "${index}" && [ "${status}" = "object" ] do json_get_values source "${index}" printf "%s " "${source}" index=$((index+1)) done printf "\\n" json_select ".." else printf " + %-15s : %s\\n" "${key}" "${value}" fi done else printf "%s\\n" "::: no adblock runtime information available" fi } timer() { local action="${1}" hour="${2}" minute="${3:-0}" weekday="${4:-"*"}" hour="${hour//[[:alpha:]]/}" minute="${minute//[[:alpha:]]/}" if [ -n "${action}" ] && [ -n "${hour}" ] && [ -n "${minute}" ] && [ -n "${weekday}" ] && \ [ "${hour}" -ge 0 ] && [ "${hour}" -le 23 ] && \ [ "${minute}" -ge 0 ] && [ "${minute}" -le 59 ] then if [ -r "/etc/crontabs/root" ] then search="${adb_init//\//\\/}" search="${search//./\\.}" sed -i "/${search}/d" "/etc/crontabs/root" fi printf "%02d %02d %s\\n" "${minute}" "${hour}" "* * ${weekday} ${adb_init} ${action}" >> "/etc/crontabs/root" /etc/init.d/cron restart else printf "%s\\n" "::: the refresh timer could not been updated" fi } service_triggers() { local trigger delay type PROCD_RELOAD_DELAY=$((delay*1000)) trigger="$(uci_get adblock global adb_trigger)" delay="$(uci_get adblock global adb_triggerdelay "2")" type="$(uci_get adblock global adb_starttype "start")" if [ -n "${trigger}" ] then procd_add_interface_trigger "interface.*.up" "${trigger}" "${adb_init}" "${type}" fi procd_add_reload_trigger "adblock" }