#!/bin/sh ############################################## # function library used by adblock-update.sh # # written by Dirk Brenken (dirk@brenken.org) # ############################################## ##################################### # f_envload: load adblock environment # f_envload() { # source in openwrt function library # if [ -r "/lib/functions.sh" ] then . "/lib/functions.sh" 2>/dev/null else rc=500 f_log "openwrt function library not found" "${rc}" f_deltemp fi # source in openwrt json helpers library # if [ -r "/usr/share/libubox/jshn.sh" ] then . "/usr/share/libubox/jshn.sh" 2>/dev/null else rc=505 f_log "openwrt json helpers library not found" "${rc}" f_deltemp fi # get list with all installed openwrt packages # pkg_list="$(opkg list-installed 2>/dev/null)" if [ -z "${pkg_list}" ] then rc=510 f_log "empty openwrt package list" "${rc}" f_deltemp fi } ###################################################### # f_envparse: parse adblock config and set environment # f_envparse() { # set the C locale, characters are single bytes, the charset is ASCII # speeds up sort, grep etc. # LC_ALL=C # set initial defaults (may be overwritten by setting appropriate adblock config options) # adb_if="adblock" adb_minspace="20000" adb_maxtime="60" adb_maxloop="5" adb_unique="1" adb_blacklist="/etc/adblock/adblock.blacklist" adb_whitelist="/etc/adblock/adblock.whitelist" # adblock device name auto detection # derived from first entry in openwrt lan ifname config # adb_dev="$(uci get network.lan.ifname 2>/dev/null)" adb_dev="${adb_dev/ *}" # adblock ntp server name auto detection # derived from ntp list found in openwrt ntp server config # adb_ntpsrv="$(uci get system.ntp.server 2>/dev/null)" # function to read/set global options by callback, # prepare list items and build option list for all others # config_cb() { local type="${1}" local name="${2}" if [ "${type}" = "adblock" ] then option_cb() { local option="${1}" local value="${2}" eval "${option}=\"${value}\"" } else option_cb() { local option="${1}" local value="${2}" local opt_out="$(printf "${option}" | sed -n '/.*_ITEM[0-9]$/p; /.*_LENGTH$/p; /enabled/p' 2>/dev/null)" if [ -z "${opt_out}" ] then all_options="${all_options} ${option}" fi } list_cb() { local list="${1}" local value="${2}" if [ "${list}" = "adb_wanlist" ] then adb_wandev="${adb_wandev} ${value}" elif [ "${list}" = "adb_ntplist" ] then adb_ntpsrv="${adb_ntpsrv} ${value}" elif [ "${list}" = "adb_catlist" ] then adb_cat_shalla="${adb_cat_shalla} ${value}" fi } fi } # function to iterate through option list, read/set all options in "enabled" sections # parse_config() { local config="${1}" config_get switch "${config}" "enabled" if [ "${switch}" = "1" ] then for option in ${all_options} do config_get value "${config}" "${option}" if [ -n "${value}" ] then local opt_src="$(printf "${option}" | sed -n '/^adb_src_[a-z0-9]*$/p' 2>/dev/null)" if [ -n "${opt_src}" ] then adb_sources="${adb_sources} ${value}" else eval "${option}=\"${value}\"" fi fi done elif [ "${config}" = "wancheck" ] then unset adb_wandev elif [ "${config}" = "ntpcheck" ] then unset adb_ntpsrv elif [ "${config}" = "shalla" ] then unset adb_cat_shalla fi } # load adblock config and start parsing functions # config_load adblock config_foreach parse_config service config_foreach parse_config source # set temp variables and defaults # adb_tmpfile="$(mktemp -tu 2>/dev/null)" adb_tmpdir="$(mktemp -p /tmp -d 2>/dev/null)" unset adb_srcfind unset adb_revsrcfind # set adblock source ruleset definitions # rset_start="sed -r 's/[[:space:]]|[\[!#/:;_].*|[0-9\.]*localhost.*//g; s/[\^#/:;_\.\t ]*$//g'" rset_end="sed '/^[#/:;_\s]*$/d'" rset_adaway="${rset_start} | sed 's/\([0-9]\{1,3\}\.\)\{3\}[0-1]\{1,1\}//g' | ${rset_end}" rset_blacklist="${rset_start} | ${rset_end}" rset_disconnect="${rset_start} | ${rset_end}" rset_dshield="${rset_start} | ${rset_end}" rset_feodo="${rset_start} | ${rset_end}" rset_malware="${rset_start} | ${rset_end}" rset_palevo="${rset_start} | ${rset_end}" rset_shalla="${rset_start} | sed 's/\([0-9]\{1,3\}\.\)\{3\}[0-9]\{1,3\}$//g' | ${rset_end}" rset_spam404="${rset_start} | sed 's/^\|\|//g' | ${rset_end}" rset_whocares="${rset_start} | sed 's/\([0-9]\{1,3\}\.\)\{3\}[0-1]\{1,1\}//g' | ${rset_end}" rset_winhelp="${rset_start} | sed 's/\([0-9]\{1,3\}\.\)\{3\}[0-1]\{1,1\}//g' | ${rset_end}" rset_yoyo="${rset_start} | sed 's/,/\n/g' | ${rset_end}" rset_zeus="${rset_start} | ${rset_end}" # set dnsmasq defaults # adb_dnsdir="/tmp/dnsmasq.d" adb_dnsformat="sed 's/^/address=\//;s/$/\/'${adb_ip}'/'" adb_dnsprefix="adb_list" } ############################################# # f_envcheck: check environment prerequisites # f_envcheck() { # check adblock config file # check_config="$(grep -F "ruleset=rset_default" /etc/config/adblock 2>/dev/null)" if [ -n "${check_config}" ] then rc=515 grep -Fv "#" "/etc/adblock/samples/adblock.conf.sample" > /etc/config/adblock f_log "new default adblock config applied, please check your configuration settings in /etc/config/adblock" "${rc}" f_deltemp fi # check required config options # adb_varlist="adb_ip adb_dev adb_domain" for var in ${adb_varlist} do if [ -z "$(eval printf \"\$"${var}"\")" ] then rc=520 f_log "missing adblock config option (${var})" "${rc}" f_deltemp fi done # check main uhttpd configuration # check_uhttpd="$(uci get uhttpd.main.listen_http 2>/dev/null | grep -Fo "" 2>/dev/null)" if [ -n "${check_uhttpd}" ] then rc=525 lan_ip="$(uci get network.lan.ipaddr 2>/dev/null)" f_log "please bind main uhttpd instance to LAN only (lan ip: ${lan_ip})" "${rc}" f_deltemp fi # check adblock network device configuration # if [ ! -d "/sys/class/net/${adb_dev}" ] then rc=530 f_log "invalid adblock network device input (${adb_dev})" "${rc}" f_deltemp fi # check adblock network interface configuration # check_if="$(printf "${adb_if}" | sed -n '/[^._0-9A-Za-z]/p' 2>/dev/null)" banned_if="$(printf "${adb_if}" | sed -n '/.*lan.*\|.*wan.*\|.*switch.*\|main\|globals\|loopback\|px5g/p' 2>/dev/null)" if [ -n "${check_if}" ] || [ -n "${banned_if}" ] then rc=535 f_log "invalid adblock network interface input (${adb_if})" "${rc}" f_deltemp fi # check adblock ip address configuration # check_ip="$(printf "${adb_ip}" | sed -n '/\([0-9]\{1,3\}\.\)\{3\}[0-9]\{1,3\}/p' 2>/dev/null)" lan_ip="$(uci get network.lan.ipaddr 2>/dev/null)" if [ -z "${check_ip}" ] then rc=540 f_log "invalid adblock ip address input (${adb_ip})" "${rc}" f_deltemp elif [ "${adb_ip}" = "${lan_ip}" ] then rc=545 f_log "adblock ip needs to be a different subnet from the normal LAN (adblock ip: ${adb_ip})" "${rc}" f_deltemp fi # check adblock blacklist/whitelist configuration # if [ ! -r "${adb_blacklist}" ] then rc=550 f_log "adblock blacklist not found" "${rc}" f_deltemp elif [ ! -r "${adb_whitelist}" ] then rc=555 f_log "adblock whitelist not found" "${rc}" f_deltemp fi # check adblock temp directory # if [ -n "${adb_tmpdir}" ] && [ -d "${adb_tmpdir}" ] then f_space "${adb_tmpdir}" tmp_ok="true" else rc=560 tmp_ok="false" f_log "temp directory not found" "${rc}" f_deltemp fi # check curl package dependency # check="$(printf "${pkg_list}" | grep "^curl -" 2>/dev/null)" if [ -z "${check}" ] then rc=565 f_log "curl package not found" "${rc}" f_deltemp fi # check wget package dependency # check="$(printf "${pkg_list}" | grep "^wget -" 2>/dev/null)" if [ -z "${check}" ] then rc=570 f_log "wget package not found" "${rc}" f_deltemp fi # check ca-certificates package and set wget/curl options accordingly # check="$(printf "${pkg_list}" | grep "^ca-certificates -" 2>/dev/null)" if [ -z "${check}" ] then curl_parm="-q --insecure --silent" wget_parm="--no-config --no-hsts --no-check-certificate --quiet" else curl_parm="-q --silent" wget_parm="--no-config --no-hsts --quiet" fi # check total and swap memory # mem_total="$(grep -F "MemTotal" "/proc/meminfo" 2>/dev/null | grep -o "[0-9]*" 2>/dev/null)" mem_free="$(grep -F "MemFree" "/proc/meminfo" 2>/dev/null | grep -o "[0-9]*" 2>/dev/null)" swap_total="$(grep -F "SwapTotal" "/proc/meminfo" 2>/dev/null | grep -o "[0-9]*" 2>/dev/null)" if [ $((mem_total)) -le 64000 ] && [ $((swap_total)) -eq 0 ] then adb_unique=0 f_log "overall sort/unique processing will be disabled," f_log "please consider adding an external swap device to supersize your /tmp directory (total: ${mem_total}, free: ${mem_free}, swap: ${mem_swap})" fi # check backup configuration # if [ -n "${adb_backupdir}" ] && [ -d "${adb_backupdir}" ] then f_space "${adb_backupdir}" backup_ok="true" else backup_ok="false" f_log "backup/restore will be disabled" fi # check dns query log configuration # adb_querydir="${adb_queryfile%/*}" adb_querypid="/var/run/adb_query.pid" if [ -n "${adb_querydir}" ] && [ -d "${adb_querydir}" ] then # check find capabilities # check="$(find --help 2>&1 | grep -F "mtime" 2>/dev/null)" if [ -z "${check}" ] then query_ok="false" f_log "busybox without 'find/mtime' support (min. r47362), dns query logging will be disabled" else f_space "${adb_querydir}" query_ok="true" query_name="${adb_queryfile##*/}" query_ip="${adb_ip//./\\.}" fi else query_ok="false" f_log "dns query logging will be disabled" if [ -s "${adb_querypid}" ] then kill -9 "$(cat "${adb_querypid}")" >/dev/null 2>&1 f_log "remove old dns query log background process (pid: $(cat "${adb_querypid}" 2>/dev/null))" > "${adb_querypid}" fi fi # check debug log configuration # adb_logdir="${adb_logfile%/*}" if [ -n "${adb_logdir}" ] && [ -d "${adb_logdir}" ] then f_space "${adb_logdir}" log_ok="true" else log_ok="false" f_log "debug logging will be disabled" fi # check wan update configuration # if [ -n "${adb_wandev}" ] then f_wancheck "${adb_maxloop}" else wan_ok="false" f_log "wan update check will be disabled" fi # check ntp sync configuration # if [ -n "${adb_ntpsrv}" ] then f_ntpcheck "${adb_maxloop}" else ntp_ok="false" f_log "ntp time sync will be disabled" fi # check dynamic/volatile adblock network interface configuration # rc="$(ifstatus "${adb_if}" >/dev/null 2>&1; printf ${?})" if [ $((rc)) -ne 0 ] then json_init json_add_string name "${adb_if}" json_add_string ifname "${adb_dev}" json_add_string proto "static" json_add_array ipaddr json_add_string "" "${adb_ip}" json_close_array json_close_object ubus call network add_dynamic "$(json_dump)" rc=${?} if [ $((rc)) -eq 0 ] then f_log "created new dynamic/volatile network interface (${adb_if}, ${adb_ip})" else f_log "failed to initialize new dynamic/volatile network interface (${adb_if}, ${adb_ip})" "${rc}" f_remove fi fi # check dynamic/volatile adblock uhttpd instance configuration # rc="$(ps | grep "[u]httpd.*\-r ${adb_if}" >/dev/null 2>&1; printf ${?})" if [ $((rc)) -ne 0 ] then uhttpd -h "/www/adblock" -r "${adb_if}" -E "/adblock.html" -p "${adb_ip}:80" >/dev/null 2>&1 rc=${?} if [ $((rc)) -eq 0 ] then f_log "created new dynamic/volatile uhttpd instance (${adb_if}, ${adb_ip})" else f_log "failed to initialize new dynamic/volatile uhttpd instance (${adb_if}, ${adb_ip})" "${rc}" f_remove fi fi # remove no longer used package list # unset pkg_list } ################################################ # f_log: log messages to stdout, syslog, logfile # f_log() { local log_msg="${1}" local log_rc="${2}" local class="info " if [ -n "${log_msg}" ] then if [ $((log_rc)) -ne 0 ] then class="error" log_rc=", rc: ${log_rc}" log_msg="${log_msg}${log_rc}" fi /usr/bin/logger -s -t "adblock[${pid}] ${class}" "${log_msg}" if [ "${log_ok}" = "true" ] && [ "${ntp_ok}" = "true" ] then printf "%s\n" "$(/bin/date "+%d.%m.%Y %H:%M:%S") adblock[${pid}] ${class}: ${log_msg}" >> "${adb_logfile}" fi fi } ################################################ # f_space: check mount points/space requirements # f_space() { local mp="${1}" if [ -d "${mp}" ] then df "${mp}" 2>/dev/null |\ tail -n1 2>/dev/null |\ while read filesystem overall used available scrap do av_space="${available}" if [ $((av_space)) -eq 0 ] then rc=575 f_log "no space left on device/not mounted (${mp})" "${rc}" exit ${rc} elif [ $((av_space)) -lt $((adb_minspace)) ] then rc=580 f_log "not enough space left on device (${mp})" "${rc}" exit ${rc} fi done rc=${?} if [ $((rc)) -eq 0 ] then space_ok="true" else space_ok="false" f_deltemp fi fi } #################################################### # f_deltemp: delete temp files, directories and exit # f_deltemp() { if [ -f "${adb_tmpfile}" ] then rm -f "${adb_tmpfile}" >/dev/null 2>&1 fi if [ -d "${adb_tmpdir}" ] then rm -rf "${adb_tmpdir}" >/dev/null 2>&1 fi f_log "domain adblock processing finished (${adb_version}, ${openwrt_version}, $(/bin/date "+%d.%m.%Y %H:%M:%S"))" exit ${rc} } #################################################### # f_remove: maintain and (re-)start domain query log # f_remove() { local query_pid local query_date local query_total local query_blocked if [ "${query_ok}" = "true" ] && [ "${ntp_ok}" = "true" ] then query_date="$(date "+%Y%m%d")" if [ -s "${adb_querypid}" ] && [ -f "${adb_queryfile}.${query_date}" ] then query_total="$(grep -F "query[A]" "${adb_queryfile}.${query_date}" 2>/dev/null | wc -l)" query_blocked="$(grep -Fv "query[A]" "${adb_queryfile}.${query_date}" 2>/dev/null | wc -l)" f_log "adblock statistics for query date ${query_date} (total: ${query_total}, blocked: ${query_blocked})" fi if [ -s "${adb_querypid}" ] && [ ! -f "${adb_queryfile}.${query_date}" ] then query_pid="$(cat "${adb_querypid}" 2>/dev/null)" > "${adb_querypid}" kill -9 "${query_pid}" >/dev/null 2>&1 rc=${?} if [ $((rc)) -eq 0 ] then find "${adb_backupdir}" -maxdepth 1 -type f -mtime +"${adb_queryhistory}" -name "${query_name}.*" -exec rm -f "{}" \; 2>/dev/null rc=${?} if [ $((rc)) -eq 0 ] then f_log "remove old domain query background process (pid: ${query_pid}) and do logfile housekeeping" else f_log "error during domain query logfile housekeeping" "${rc}" fi else f_log "error during domain query background process removal (pid: ${query_pid})" "${rc}" fi fi if [ ! -s "${adb_querypid}" ] then (logread -f 2>/dev/null & printf ${!} > "${adb_querypid}") | grep -Eo "(query\[A\].*)|([a-z0-9\.\-]* is ${query_ip}$)" 2>/dev/null >> "${adb_queryfile}.${query_date}" & rc=${?} if [ $((rc)) -eq 0 ] then sleep 1 f_log "new domain query log background process started (pid: $(cat "${adb_querypid}" 2>/dev/null))" else f_log "error during domain query background process start" "${rc}" fi fi fi f_deltemp } ################################################################ # f_restore: restore last adblocklist backup and restart dnsmasq # f_restore() { # remove bogus adblocklists # if [ -n "${adb_revsrclist}" ] then find "${adb_dnsdir}" -maxdepth 1 -type f \( ${adb_revsrcfind} \) -exec rm -f "{}" \; 2>/dev/null if [ $((rc)) -eq 0 ] then f_log "bogus adblocklists removed" else f_log "error during removal of bogus adblocklists" "${rc}" f_remove fi fi # restore backups # if [ "${backup_ok}" = "true" ] && [ -d "${adb_backupdir}" ] && [ "$(printf "${adb_backupdir}/${adb_dnsprefix}."*)" != "${adb_backupdir}/${adb_dnsprefix}.*" ] then cp -f "${adb_backupdir}/${adb_dnsprefix}."* "${adb_dnsdir}" >/dev/null 2>&1 rc=${?} if [ $((rc)) -eq 0 ] then f_log "all available backups restored" else f_log "error during restore" "${rc}" f_remove fi fi /etc/init.d/dnsmasq restart >/dev/null 2>&1 f_remove } ####################################################### # f_wancheck: check for usable adblock update interface # f_wancheck() { local cnt=0 local cnt_max="${1}" local dev local dev_out while [ $((cnt)) -le $((cnt_max)) ] do for dev in ${adb_wandev} do if [ -d "/sys/class/net/${dev}" ] then dev_out="$(cat /sys/class/net/${dev}/operstate 2>/dev/null)" rc=${?} if [ "${dev_out}" = "up" ] then wan_ok="true" f_log "get wan/update interface (${dev}), after ${cnt} loops" break 2 fi fi done sleep 1 cnt=$((cnt + 1)) done if [ -z "${wan_ok}" ] then rc=585 wan_ok="false" f_log "no wan/update interface(s) found (${adb_wandev# })" "${rc}" f_restore fi } ##################################### # f_ntpcheck: check/get ntp time sync # f_ntpcheck() { local cnt=0 local cnt_max="${1}" local ntp_pool for srv in ${adb_ntpsrv} do ntp_pool="${ntp_pool} -p ${srv}" done while [ $((cnt)) -le $((cnt_max)) ] do /usr/sbin/ntpd -nq ${ntp_pool} >/dev/null 2>&1 rc=${?} if [ $((rc)) -eq 0 ] then ntp_ok="true" f_log "get ntp time sync (${adb_ntpsrv# }), after ${cnt} loops" break fi sleep 1 cnt=$((cnt + 1)) done if [ -z "${ntp_ok}" ] then rc=590 ntp_ok="false" f_log "ntp time sync failed (${adb_ntpsrv# })" "${rc}" f_restore fi }