-- ------ extra functions ------ -- function iface_check() metcheck = ut.trim(sys.exec("uci get -p /var/state network." .. arg[1] .. ".metric")) if metcheck == "" then -- no metric err_nomet = 1 else -- if metric exists create list of interface metrics to compare against for duplicates uci.cursor():foreach("mwan3", "interface", function (section) local metlkp = ut.trim(sys.exec("uci get -p /var/state network." .. section[".name"] .. ".metric")) metric_list = metric_list .. section[".name"] .. " " .. metlkp .. "\n" end ) -- compare metric against list local metric_dupnums, metric_dupes = sys.exec("echo '" .. metric_list .. "' | awk '{ print $2 }' | uniq -d"), "" for line in metric_dupnums:gmatch("[^\r\n]+") do metric_dupes = sys.exec("echo '" .. metric_list .. "' | grep '" .. line .. "' | awk '{ print $1 }'") err_dupmet_list = err_dupmet_list .. metric_dupes end if sys.exec("echo '" .. err_dupmet_list .. "' | grep -w " .. arg[1]) ~= "" then err_dupmet = 1 end end -- check if this interface has a higher reliability requirement than track IPs configured local tipnum = tonumber(ut.trim(sys.exec("echo $(uci get -p /var/state mwan3." .. arg[1] .. ".track_ip) | wc -w"))) if tipnum > 0 then local relnum = tonumber(ut.trim(sys.exec("uci get -p /var/state mwan3." .. arg[1] .. ".reliability"))) if relnum and relnum > tipnum then err_reliability = 1 end end -- check if any interfaces are not properly configured in /etc/config/network or have no default route in main routing table if ut.trim(sys.exec("uci get -p /var/state network." .. arg[1])) == "interface" then local ifdev = ut.trim(sys.exec("uci get -p /var/state network." .. arg[1] .. ".ifname")) if ifdev == "uci: Entry not found" or ifdev == "" then err_netcfg = 1 err_route = 1 else local rtcheck = ut.trim(sys.exec("route -n | awk '{ if ($8 == \"" .. ifdev .. "\" && $1 == \"\" && $3 == \"\") print $1 }'")) if rtcheck == "" then err_route = 1 end end else err_netcfg = 1 err_route = 1 end end function iface_warn() -- display warning messages at the top of the page local warns, linebrk = "", "" if err_reliability == 1 then warns = "WARNING: this interface has a higher reliability requirement than there are tracking IP addresses!" linebrk = "

" end if err_route == 1 then warns = warns .. linebrk .. "WARNING: this interface has no default route in the main routing table!" linebrk = "

" end if err_netcfg == 1 then warns = warns .. linebrk .. "WARNING: this interface is configured incorrectly or not at all in /etc/config/network!" linebrk = "

" end if err_nomet == 1 then warns = warns .. linebrk .. "WARNING: this interface has no metric configured in /etc/config/network!" elseif err_dupmet == 1 then warns = warns .. linebrk .. "WARNING: this and other interfaces have duplicate metrics configured in /etc/config/network!" end return warns end -- ------ interface configuration ------ -- dsp = require "luci.dispatcher" sys = require "luci.sys" ut = require "luci.util" arg[1] = arg[1] or "" metcheck = "" metric_list = "" err_dupmet_list = "" err_rel_list = "" err_nomet = 0 err_dupmet = 0 err_route = 0 err_netcfg = 0 err_reliability = 0 iface_check() m5 = Map("mwan3", translate("MWAN3 Multi-WAN Interface Configuration - " .. arg[1]), translate(iface_warn())) m5.redirect = dsp.build_url("admin", "network", "mwan3", "configuration", "interface") mwan_interface = m5:section(NamedSection, arg[1], "interface", "") mwan_interface.addremove = false mwan_interface.dynamic = false enabled = mwan_interface:option(ListValue, "enabled", translate("Enabled")) enabled.default = "1" enabled:value("1", translate("Yes")) enabled:value("0", translate("No")) track_ip = mwan_interface:option(DynamicList, "track_ip", translate("Tracking IP"), translate("This IP address will be pinged to dermine if the link is up or down. Leave blank to assume interface is always online")) track_ip.datatype = "ipaddr" reliability = mwan_interface:option(Value, "reliability", translate("Tracking reliability"), translate("Acceptable values: 1-100. This many Tracking IP addresses must respond for the link to be deemed up")) reliability.datatype = "range(1, 100)" reliability.default = "1" count = mwan_interface:option(ListValue, "count", translate("Ping count")) count.default = "1" count:value("1") count:value("2") count:value("3") count:value("4") count:value("5") timeout = mwan_interface:option(ListValue, "timeout", translate("Ping timeout")) timeout.default = "2" timeout:value("1", translate("1 second")) timeout:value("2", translate("2 seconds")) timeout:value("3", translate("3 seconds")) timeout:value("4", translate("4 seconds")) timeout:value("5", translate("5 seconds")) timeout:value("6", translate("6 seconds")) timeout:value("7", translate("7 seconds")) timeout:value("8", translate("8 seconds")) timeout:value("9", translate("9 seconds")) timeout:value("10", translate("10 seconds")) interval = mwan_interface:option(ListValue, "interval", translate("Ping interval")) interval.default = "5" interval:value("1", translate("1 second")) interval:value("3", translate("3 seconds")) interval:value("5", translate("5 seconds")) interval:value("10", translate("10 seconds")) interval:value("20", translate("20 seconds")) interval:value("30", translate("30 seconds")) interval:value("60", translate("1 minute")) interval:value("300", translate("5 minutes")) interval:value("600", translate("10 minutes")) interval:value("900", translate("15 minutes")) interval:value("1800", translate("30 minutes")) interval:value("3600", translate("1 hour")) down = mwan_interface:option(ListValue, "down", translate("Interface down"), translate("Interface will be deemed down after this many failed ping tests")) down.default = "3" down:value("1") down:value("2") down:value("3") down:value("4") down:value("5") down:value("6") down:value("7") down:value("8") down:value("9") down:value("10") up = mwan_interface:option(ListValue, "up", translate("Interface up"), translate("Downed interface will be deemed up after this many successful ping tests")) up.default = "3" up:value("1") up:value("2") up:value("3") up:value("4") up:value("5") up:value("6") up:value("7") up:value("8") up:value("9") up:value("10") metric = mwan_interface:option(DummyValue, "metric", translate("Metric"), translate("This displays the metric assigned to this interface in /etc/config/network")) metric.rawhtml = true function metric.cfgvalue(self, s) if err_nomet == 0 then return metcheck else return "—" end end return m5