#!/bin/sh # banIP - ban incoming and outgoing ip adresses/subnets via ipset # written by Dirk Brenken (dev@brenken.org) # This is free software, licensed under the GNU General Public License v3. # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . # set initial defaults # LC_ALL=C PATH="/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin" ban_ver="0.1.4" ban_sysver="unknown" ban_enabled=0 ban_automatic="1" ban_sources="" ban_iface="" ban_debug=0 ban_backup=0 ban_backupboot=0 ban_backupdir="/mnt" ban_maxqueue=4 ban_fetchutil="uclient-fetch" ban_ip="$(command -v ip)" ban_ipt="$(command -v iptables)" ban_ipt_save="$(command -v iptables-save)" ban_ipt_restore="$(command -v iptables-restore)" ban_ipt6="$(command -v ip6tables)" ban_ipt6_save="$(command -v ip6tables-save)" ban_ipt6_restore="$(command -v ip6tables-restore)" ban_ipset="$(command -v ipset)" ban_chain="banIP" ban_action="${1:-"start"}" ban_pidfile="/var/run/banip.pid" ban_rtfile="/tmp/ban_runtime.json" ban_setcnt=0 ban_cnt=0 ban_rc=0 # load environment # f_envload() { local sys_call sys_desc sys_model # get system information # sys_call="$(ubus -S call system board 2>/dev/null)" if [ -n "${sys_call}" ] then sys_desc="$(printf '%s' "${sys_call}" | jsonfilter -e '@.release.description')" sys_model="$(printf '%s' "${sys_call}" | jsonfilter -e '@.model')" ban_sysver="${sys_model}, ${sys_desc}" fi # parse 'global' and 'extra' section by callback # config_cb() { local type="${1}" if [ "${type}" = "banip" ] then option_cb() { local option="${1}" local value="${2}" eval "${option}=\"${value}\"" } else reset_cb fi } # parse 'source' typed sections # parse_config() { local value opt section="${1}" options="ban_src ban_src_6 ban_src_rset ban_src_rset_6 ban_src_settype ban_src_ruletype ban_src_on ban_src_on_6 ban_src_cat" for opt in ${options} do config_get value "${section}" "${opt}" if [ -n "${value}" ] then eval "${opt}_${section}=\"${value}\"" if [ "${opt}" = "ban_src" ] then eval "ban_sources=\"${ban_sources} ${section}\"" elif [ "${opt}" = "ban_src_6" ] then eval "ban_sources=\"${ban_sources} ${section}_6\"" fi fi done } # load config # config_load banip config_foreach parse_config source # create temp directory & files # f_temp # check status # if [ "${ban_enabled}" -eq 0 ] then f_jsnup disabled f_ipset destroy f_rmbackup f_rmtemp f_log "info" "banIP is currently disabled, please set ban_enabled to '1' to use this service" exit 0 fi } # check environment # f_envcheck() { local ssl_lib tmp # check fetch utility # case "${ban_fetchutil}" in uclient-fetch) if [ -f "/lib/libustream-ssl.so" ] then ban_fetchparm="${ban_fetchparm:-"--timeout=20 --no-check-certificate -O"}" ssl_lib="libustream-ssl" else ban_fetchparm="${ban_fetchparm:-"--timeout=20 -O"}" fi ;; wget) ban_fetchparm="${ban_fetchparm:-"--no-cache --no-cookies --max-redirect=0 --timeout=20 --no-check-certificate -O"}" ssl_lib="built-in" ;; wget-nossl) ban_fetchparm="${ban_fetchparm:-"--no-cache --no-cookies --max-redirect=0 --timeout=20 -O"}" ;; busybox) ban_fetchparm="${ban_fetchparm:-"-O"}" ;; curl) ban_fetchparm="${ban_fetchparm:-"--connect-timeout 20 --insecure -o"}" ssl_lib="built-in" ;; aria2c) ban_fetchparm="${ban_fetchparm:-"--timeout=20 --allow-overwrite=true --auto-file-renaming=false --check-certificate=false -o"}" ssl_lib="built-in" ;; esac ban_fetchutil="$(command -v "${ban_fetchutil}")" ban_fetchinfo="${ban_fetchutil:-"-"} (${ssl_lib:-"-"})" if [ ! -x "${ban_fetchutil}" ] || [ -z "${ban_fetchutil}" ] || [ -z "${ban_fetchparm}" ] then f_log "err" "download utility not found, please install 'uclient-fetch' with 'libustream-mbedtls' or the full 'wget' package" fi # get wan device and wan subnets # if [ "${ban_automatic}" = "1" ] then network_find_wan ban_iface if [ -z "${ban_iface}" ] then network_find_wan6 ban_iface fi fi for iface in ${ban_iface} do network_get_device tmp "${iface}" if [ -n "${tmp}" ] then ban_dev="${ban_dev} ${tmp}" else network_get_physdev tmp "${iface}" if [ -n "${tmp}" ] then ban_dev="${ban_dev} ${tmp}" fi fi network_get_subnets tmp "${iface}" if [ -n "${tmp}" ] then ban_subnets="${ban_subnets} ${tmp}" fi network_get_subnets6 tmp "${iface}" if [ -n "${tmp}" ] then ban_subnets6="${ban_subnets6} ${tmp}" fi done if [ -z "${ban_iface}" ] || [ -z "${ban_dev}" ] then f_log "err" "wan interface(s)/device(s) (${ban_iface:-"-"}/${ban_dev:-"-"}) not found, please please check your configuration" fi ban_dev_all="$(${ban_ip} link show | awk 'BEGIN{FS="[@: ]"}/^[0-9:]/{if(($3!="lo")&&($3!="br-lan")){print $3}}')" uci_set banip global ban_iface "${ban_iface}" uci_commit banip f_jsnup "running" f_log "info" "start banIP processing (${ban_action})" } # create temporary files and directories # f_temp() { if [ -z "${ban_tmpdir}" ] then ban_tmpdir="$(mktemp -p /tmp -d)" ban_tmpload="$(mktemp -p "${ban_tmpdir}" -tu)" ban_tmpfile="$(mktemp -p "${ban_tmpdir}" -tu)" fi if [ ! -s "${ban_pidfile}" ] then printf '%s' "${$}" > "${ban_pidfile}" fi } # remove temporary files and directories # f_rmtemp() { if [ -d "${ban_tmpdir}" ] then rm -rf "${ban_tmpdir}" fi > "${ban_pidfile}" } # remove backup files # f_rmbackup() { if [ -d "${ban_backupdir}" ] then rm -f "${ban_backupdir}"/banIP.*.gz fi } # iptables rules engine # f_iptrule() { local rc timeout="-w 5" action="${1}" rule="${2}" if [ "${src_name##*_}" = "6" ] then if [ -x "${ban_ipt6}" ] then rc="$("${ban_ipt6}" "${timeout}" -C ${rule} 2>/dev/null; printf '%u' ${?})" if { [ "${rc}" -ne 0 ] && { [ "${action}" = "-A" ] || [ "${action}" = "-I" ]; } } || \ { [ "${rc}" -eq 0 ] && [ "${action}" = "-D" ]; } then "${ban_ipt6}" "${timeout}" "${action}" ${rule} fi fi else if [ -x "${ban_ipt}" ] then rc="$("${ban_ipt}" "${timeout}" -C ${rule} 2>/dev/null; printf '%u' ${?})" if { [ "${rc}" -ne 0 ] && { [ "${action}" = "-A" ] || [ "${action}" = "-I" ]; } } || \ { [ "${rc}" -eq 0 ] && [ "${action}" = "-D" ]; } then "${ban_ipt}" "${timeout}" "${action}" ${rule} fi fi fi } # remove/add iptables rules # f_iptadd() { local rm="${1}" dev for dev in ${ban_dev_all} do f_iptrule "-D" "${ban_chain} -i ${dev} -m conntrack --ctstate NEW -m set --match-set ${src_name} src -j ${target_src}" f_iptrule "-D" "${ban_chain} -o ${dev} -m conntrack --ctstate NEW -m set --match-set ${src_name} dst -j ${target_dst}" done if [ -z "${rm}" ] && [ "${cnt}" -gt 0 ] then if [ "${src_ruletype}" != "dst" ] then if [ "${src_name##*_}" = "6" ] then # dummy, special IPv6 rules /bin/true else f_iptrule "-I" "${wan_input} -p udp --dport 67:68 --sport 67:68 -j RETURN" fi f_iptrule "-A" "${wan_input} -j ${ban_chain}" f_iptrule "-A" "${wan_forward} -j ${ban_chain}" for dev in ${ban_dev} do f_iptrule "${action:-"-A"}" "${ban_chain} -i ${dev} -m conntrack --ctstate NEW -m set --match-set ${src_name} src -j ${target_src}" done fi if [ "${src_ruletype}" != "src" ] then if [ "${src_name##*_}" = "6" ] then # dummy, special IPv6 rules /bin/true else f_iptrule "-I" "${lan_input} -p udp --dport 67:68 --sport 67:68 -j RETURN" fi f_iptrule "-A" "${lan_input} -j ${ban_chain}" f_iptrule "-A" "${lan_forward} -j ${ban_chain}" for dev in ${ban_dev} do f_iptrule "${action:-"-A"}" "${ban_chain} -o ${dev} -m conntrack --ctstate NEW -m set --match-set ${src_name} dst -j ${target_dst}" done fi else if [ -x "${ban_ipset}" ] && [ -n "$("${ban_ipset}" -q -n list "${src_name}")" ] then "${ban_ipset}" -q destroy "${src_name}" fi fi } # ipset/iptables actions # f_ipset() { local rc cnt cnt_ip cnt_cidr size source action ruleset ruleset_6 rule timeout="-w 5" mode="${1}" if [ "${src_name%_6*}" = "whitelist" ] then target_src="RETURN" target_dst="RETURN" action="-I" fi case "${mode}" in backup) ban_rc=4 if [ -d "${ban_backupdir}" ] then gzip -cf "${tmp_load}" 2>/dev/null > "${ban_backupdir}/banIP.${src_name}.gz" ban_rc=${?} fi f_log "debug" "f_ipset ::: name: ${src_name:-"-"}, mode: ${mode:-"-"}, rc: ${ban_rc}" ;; restore) ban_rc=4 if [ -d "${ban_backupdir}" ] && [ -f "${ban_backupdir}/banIP.${src_name}.gz" ] then gunzip -cf "${ban_backupdir}/banIP.${src_name}.gz" 2>/dev/null > "${tmp_load}" ban_rc=${?} fi f_log "debug" "f_ipset ::: name: ${src_name:-"-"}, mode: ${mode:-"-"}, rc: ${ban_rc}" ;; remove) if [ -d "${ban_backupdir}" ] && [ -f "${ban_backupdir}/banIP.${src_name}.gz" ] then rm -f "${ban_backupdir}/banIP.${src_name}.gz" fi f_log "debug" "f_ipset ::: name: ${src_name:-"-"}, mode: ${mode:-"-"}" ;; initial) if [ -x "${ban_ipt}" ] && [ -z "$("${ban_ipt}" "${timeout}" -nL "${ban_chain}" 2>/dev/null)" ] then "${ban_ipt}" "${timeout}" -N "${ban_chain}" elif [ -x "${ban_ipt}" ] then src_name="ruleset" ruleset="${ban_wan_input_chain:-"input_wan_rule"} ${ban_wan_forward_chain:-"forwarding_wan_rule"} ${ban_lan_input_chain:-"input_lan_rule"} ${ban_lan_forward_chain:-"forwarding_lan_rule"}" for rule in ${ruleset} do f_iptrule "-D" "${rule} -j ${ban_chain}" done fi if [ -x "${ban_ipt6}" ] && [ -z "$("${ban_ipt6}" "${timeout}" -nL "${ban_chain}" 2>/dev/null)" ] then "${ban_ipt6}" "${timeout}" -N "${ban_chain}" elif [ -x "${ban_ipt6}" ] then src_name="ruleset_6" ruleset_6="${ban_wan_input_chain_6:-"input_wan_rule"} ${ban_wan_forward_chain_6:-"forwarding_wan_rule"} ${ban_lan_input_chain_6:-"input_lan_rule"} ${ban_lan_forward_chain_6:-"forwarding_lan_rule"}" for rule in ${ruleset_6} do f_iptrule "-D" "${rule} -j ${ban_chain}" done fi f_log "debug" "f_ipset ::: name: -, mode: ${mode:-"-"}, chain: ${ban_chain:-"-"}, ruleset: ${ruleset:-"-"}, ruleset_6: ${ruleset_6:-"-"}" ;; create) cnt="$(wc -l 2>/dev/null < "${tmp_file}")" cnt_cidr="$(grep -cF "/" "${tmp_file}")" cnt_ip="$((cnt-cnt_cidr))" size="$((cnt/4))" if [ "${cnt}" -gt 0 ] then if [ -x "${ban_ipset}" ] && [ -z "$("${ban_ipset}" -q -n list "${src_name}")" ] then "${ban_ipset}" -q create "${src_name}" hash:"${src_settype}" hashsize "${size}" maxelem 262144 family "${src_setipv}" counters else "${ban_ipset}" -q flush "${src_name}" fi "${ban_ipset}" -! restore < "${tmp_file}" printf "%s\n" "1" > "${tmp_set}" printf "%s\n" "${cnt}" > "${tmp_cnt}" fi f_iptadd end_ts="$(date +%s)" f_log "debug" "f_ipset ::: name: ${src_name:-"-"}, mode: ${mode:-"-"}, settype: ${src_settype:-"-"}, setipv: ${src_setipv:-"-"}, ruletype: ${src_ruletype:-"-"}, count(sum/ip/cidr): ${cnt:-0}/${cnt_ip:-0}/${cnt_cidr:-0}, time: $((end_ts-start_ts))" ;; refresh) ban_rc=4 if [ -x "${ban_ipset}" ] && [ -n "$("${ban_ipset}" -q -n list "${src_name}")" ] then "${ban_ipset}" -q save "${src_name}" > "${tmp_file}" if [ -s "${tmp_file}" ] then ban_rc=0 cnt="$(($(wc -l 2>/dev/null < "${tmp_file}")-1))" cnt_cidr="$(grep -cF "/" "${tmp_file}")" cnt_ip="$((cnt-cnt_cidr))" printf "%s\n" "1" > "${tmp_set}" printf "%s\n" "${cnt}" > "${tmp_cnt}" fi f_iptadd fi end_ts="$(date +%s)" f_log "debug" "f_ipset ::: name: ${src_name:-"-"}, mode: ${mode:-"-"}, count: ${cnt:-0}/${cnt_ip:-0}/${cnt_cidr:-0}, time: $((end_ts-start_ts)), rc: ${ban_rc}" ;; flush) f_iptadd "remove" if [ -x "${ban_ipset}" ] && [ -n "$("${ban_ipset}" -q -n list "${src_name}")" ] then "${ban_ipset}" -q flush "${src_name}" "${ban_ipset}" -q destroy "${src_name}" fi f_log "debug" "f_ipset ::: name: ${src_name:-"-"}, mode: ${mode:-"-"}" ;; destroy) if [ -x "${ban_ipt}" ] && [ -x "${ban_ipt_save}" ] && [ -x "${ban_ipt_restore}" ] && \ [ -n "$("${ban_ipt}" "${timeout}" -nL "${ban_chain}" 2>/dev/null)" ] then "${ban_ipt_save}" | grep -v -- "-j ${ban_chain}" | "${ban_ipt_restore}" "${ban_ipt}" "${timeout}" -F "${ban_chain}" "${ban_ipt}" "${timeout}" -X "${ban_chain}" fi if [ -x "${ban_ipt6}" ] && [ -x "${ban_ipt6_save}" ] && [ -x "${ban_ipt6_restore}" ] && \ [ -n "$("${ban_ipt6}" "${timeout}" -nL "${ban_chain}" 2>/dev/null)" ] then "${ban_ipt6_save}" | grep -v -- "-j ${ban_chain}" | "${ban_ipt6_restore}" "${ban_ipt6}" "${timeout}" -F "${ban_chain}" "${ban_ipt6}" "${timeout}" -X "${ban_chain}" fi for source in ${ban_sources} do if [ -x "${ban_ipset}" ] && [ -n "$("${ban_ipset}" -q -n list "${source}")" ] then "${ban_ipset}" -q destroy "${source}" fi done f_log "debug" "f_ipset ::: name: ${src_name:-"-"}, mode: ${mode:-"-"}" ;; esac } # write to syslog # f_log() { local class="${1}" log_msg="${2}" if [ -n "${log_msg}" ] && { [ "${class}" != "debug" ] || [ "${ban_debug}" -eq 1 ]; } then logger -p "${class}" -t "banIP-[${ban_ver}]" "${log_msg}" if [ "${class}" = "err" ] then f_jsnup error f_ipset destroy f_rmbackup f_rmtemp logger -p "${class}" -t "banIP-[${ban_ver}]" "Please also check 'https://github.com/openwrt/packages/blob/master/net/banip/files/README.md'" exit 1 fi fi } # main function for banIP processing # f_main() { local pid pid_list start_ts end_ts ip tmp_raw tmp_cnt tmp_load tmp_file mem_total mem_free cnt=1 local src_name src_on src_url src_rset src_setipv src_settype src_ruletype src_cat src_log src_addon local wan_input wan_forward lan_input lan_forward target_src target_dst log_content log_content="$(logread -e "dropbear")" mem_total="$(awk '/^MemTotal/ {print int($2/1000)}' "/proc/meminfo" 2>/dev/null)" mem_free="$(awk '/^MemFree/ {print int($2/1000)}' "/proc/meminfo" 2>/dev/null)" f_log "debug" "f_main ::: fetch_util: ${ban_fetchinfo:-"-"}, fetch_parm: ${ban_fetchparm:-"-"}, interface(s): ${ban_iface:-"-"}, device(s): ${ban_dev:-"-"}, all_devices: ${ban_dev_all:-"-"}, backup: ${ban_backup:-"-"}, backup_boot: ${ban_backupboot:-"-"}, backup_dir: ${ban_backupdir:-"-"}, mem_total: ${mem_total:-0}, mem_free: ${mem_free:-0}, max_queue: ${ban_maxqueue}" f_ipset initial # main loop # for src_name in ${ban_sources} do unset src_on if [ "${src_name##*_}" = "6" ] then if [ -x "${ban_ipt6}" ] then src_on="$(eval printf '%s' \"\${ban_src_on_6_${src_name%_6*}\}\")" src_url="$(eval printf '%s' \"\${ban_src_6_${src_name%_6*}\}\")" src_rset="$(eval printf '%s' \"\${ban_src_rset_6_${src_name%_6*}\}\")" src_setipv="inet6" wan_input="${ban_wan_input_chain_6:-"input_wan_rule"}" wan_forward="${ban_wan_forward_chain_6:-"forwarding_wan_rule"}" lan_input="${ban_lan_input_chain_6:-"input_lan_rule"}" lan_forward="${ban_lan_forward_chain_6:-"forwarding_lan_rule"}" target_src="${ban_target_src_6:-"DROP"}" target_dst="${ban_target_dst_6:-"REJECT"}" fi else if [ -x "${ban_ipt}" ] then src_on="$(eval printf '%s' \"\${ban_src_on_${src_name}\}\")" src_url="$(eval printf '%s' \"\${ban_src_${src_name}\}\")" src_rset="$(eval printf '%s' \"\${ban_src_rset_${src_name}\}\")" src_setipv="inet" wan_input="${ban_wan_input_chain:-"input_wan_rule"}" wan_forward="${ban_wan_forward_chain:-"forwarding_wan_rule"}" lan_input="${ban_lan_input_chain:-"input_lan_rule"}" lan_forward="${ban_lan_forward_chain:-"forwarding_lan_rule"}" target_src="${ban_target_src:-"DROP"}" target_dst="${ban_target_dst:-"REJECT"}" fi fi src_settype="$(eval printf '%s' \"\${ban_src_settype_${src_name%_6*}\}\")" src_ruletype="$(eval printf '%s' \"\${ban_src_ruletype_${src_name%_6*}\}\")" src_cat="$(eval printf '%s' \"\${ban_src_cat_${src_name%_6*}\}\")" src_addon="" tmp_load="${ban_tmpload}.${src_name}" tmp_file="${ban_tmpfile}.${src_name}" tmp_raw="${tmp_load}.raw" tmp_cnt="${tmp_file}.cnt" tmp_set="${tmp_file}.setcnt" # basic pre-checks # f_log "debug" "f_main ::: name: ${src_name}, src_on: ${src_on:-"-"}" if [ -z "${src_on}" ] || [ "${src_on}" != "1" ] || [ -z "${src_url}" ] || \ [ -z "${src_rset}" ] || [ -z "${src_settype}" ] || [ -z "${src_ruletype}" ] then f_ipset flush f_ipset remove continue elif [ "${ban_action}" = "refresh" ] then start_ts="$(date +%s)" f_ipset refresh if [ ${ban_rc} -eq 0 ] then continue fi fi # download queue processing # ( start_ts="$(date +%s)" if [ ! -f "${src_url}" ] && [ ${ban_backup} -eq 1 ] && [ ${ban_backupboot} -eq 1 ] && [ "${ban_action}" = "start" ] then f_ipset restore fi if [ ${ban_rc} -ne 0 ] || [ ! -s "${tmp_load}" ] then if [ -f "${src_url}" ] then src_log="$(cat "${src_url}" 2>/dev/null > "${tmp_load}")" ban_rc=${?} case "${src_name}" in whitelist) src_addon="${ban_subnets}" ;; whitelist_6) src_addon="${ban_subnets6}" ;; blacklist) pid_list="$(printf "%s\n" "${log_content}" | grep -F "Exit before auth" | awk 'match($0,/(\[[0-9]+\])/){ORS=" ";print substr($0,RSTART,RLENGTH)}')" for pid in ${pid_list} do src_addon="${src_addon} $(printf "%s\n" "${log_content}" | grep -F "${pid}" | awk 'match($0,/([0-9]{1,3}\.){3}[0-9]{1,3}/){ORS=" ";print substr($0,RSTART,RLENGTH)}')" done ;; blacklist_6) pid_list="$(printf "%s\n" "${log_content}" | grep -F "Exit before auth" | awk 'match($0,/(\[[0-9]+\])/){ORS=" ";print substr($0,RSTART,RLENGTH)}')" for pid in ${pid_list} do src_addon="${src_addon} $(printf "%s\n" "${log_content}" | grep -F "${pid}" | awk 'match($0,/([0-9a-fA-F]{0,4}:){1,7}[0-9a-fA-F]{0,4}/){ORS=" ";print substr($0,RSTART,RLENGTH)}')" done ;; esac for ip in ${src_addon} do if [ -z "$(grep -F "${ip}" "${src_url}")" ] then printf '%s\n' "${ip}" >> "${tmp_load}" printf '%s\n' "${ip}" >> "${src_url}" fi done elif [ -n "${src_cat}" ] then if [ "${src_cat//[0-9]/}" != "${src_cat}" ] then for as in ${src_cat} do src_log="$("${ban_fetchutil}" ${ban_fetchparm} "${tmp_raw}" "${src_url}AS${as}" 2>&1)" ban_rc=${?} if [ ${ban_rc} -eq 0 ] then jsonfilter -i "${tmp_raw}" -e '@.data.prefixes.*.prefix' 2>/dev/null >> "${tmp_load}" else break fi done if [ ${ban_rc} -eq 0 ] && [ ${ban_backup} -eq 1 ] then f_ipset backup elif [ ${ban_backup} -eq 1 ] then f_ipset restore fi else for co in ${src_cat} do src_log="$("${ban_fetchutil}" ${ban_fetchparm} "${tmp_raw}" "${src_url}${co}&v4_format=prefix" 2>&1)" ban_rc=${?} if [ ${ban_rc} -eq 0 ] then if [ "${src_name##*_}" = "6" ] then jsonfilter -i "${tmp_raw}" -e '@.data.resources.ipv6.*' 2>/dev/null >> "${tmp_load}" else jsonfilter -i "${tmp_raw}" -e '@.data.resources.ipv4.*' 2>/dev/null >> "${tmp_load}" fi else break fi done if [ ${ban_rc} -eq 0 ] && [ ${ban_backup} -eq 1 ] then f_ipset backup elif [ ${ban_backup} -eq 1 ] then f_ipset restore fi fi else src_log="$("${ban_fetchutil}" ${ban_fetchparm} "${tmp_raw}" "${src_url}" 2>&1)" ban_rc=${?} if [ ${ban_rc} -eq 0 ] then zcat "${tmp_raw}" 2>/dev/null > "${tmp_load}" ban_rc=${?} if [ ${ban_rc} -ne 0 ] then mv -f "${tmp_raw}" "${tmp_load}" ban_rc=${?} fi if [ ${ban_rc} -eq 0 ] && [ ${ban_backup} -eq 1 ] then f_ipset backup fi elif [ ${ban_backup} -eq 1 ] then f_ipset restore fi fi fi if [ ${ban_rc} -eq 0 ] then awk "${src_rset}" "${tmp_load}" 2>/dev/null > "${tmp_file}" ban_rc=${?} if [ ${ban_rc} -eq 0 ] then f_ipset create else f_ipset refresh fi else src_log="$(printf '%s' "${src_log}" | awk '{ORS=" ";print $0}')" f_log "debug" "f_main ::: name: ${src_name}, url: ${src_url}, rc: ${ban_rc}, log: ${src_log:-"-"}" f_ipset refresh fi ) & hold="$((cnt%ban_maxqueue))" if [ "${hold}" -eq 0 ] then wait fi cnt="$((cnt+1))" done wait if [ "${ban_rc}" -eq 0 ] then for cnt in $(cat "${ban_tmpfile}".*.setcnt 2>/dev/null) do ban_setcnt="$((ban_setcnt+cnt))" done for cnt in $(cat "${ban_tmpfile}".*.cnt 2>/dev/null) do ban_cnt="$((ban_cnt+cnt))" done f_log "info" "${ban_setcnt} IPSets with overall ${ban_cnt} IPs/Prefixes loaded successfully (${ban_sysver})" fi f_jsnup f_rmtemp exit ${ban_rc} } # update runtime information # f_jsnup() { local rundate mode status="${1:-"enabled"}" rundate="$(/bin/date "+%d.%m.%Y %H:%M:%S")" mode="normal mode" ban_cntinfo="${ban_setcnt} IPSets with overall ${ban_cnt} IPs/Prefixes" if [ "${ban_backupboot}" -eq 1 ] then mode="backup mode" fi > "${ban_rtfile}" json_load_file "${ban_rtfile}" >/dev/null 2>&1 json_init json_add_object "data" json_add_string "status" "${status}" json_add_string "version" "${ban_ver}" json_add_string "fetch_info" "${ban_fetchinfo:-"-"}" json_add_string "ipset_info" "${ban_cntinfo:-"-"} (${mode})" json_add_string "last_run" "${rundate:-"-"}" json_add_string "system" "${ban_sysver}" json_close_object json_dump > "${ban_rtfile}" f_log "debug" "f_jsnup ::: status: ${status}, setcnt: ${ban_setcnt}, cnt: ${ban_cnt}" } # source required system libraries # if [ -r "/lib/functions.sh" ] && [ -r "/lib/functions/network.sh" ] && [ -r "/usr/share/libubox/jshn.sh" ] then . "/lib/functions.sh" . "/lib/functions/network.sh" . "/usr/share/libubox/jshn.sh" else f_log "err" "system libraries not found" fi # handle different banIP actions # f_envload case "${ban_action}" in stop) f_jsnup stopped f_ipset destroy f_rmbackup f_rmtemp ;; start|restart|reload|refresh) f_envcheck f_main ;; esac