@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ include $(TOPDIR)/rules.mk
PKG_NAME := strongswan
PKG_VERSION := 5.3.2
PKG_SOURCE := $( PKG_NAME) -$( PKG_VERSION) .tar.bz2
PKG_SOURCE_URL := http://download.strongswan.org/ http://download2.strongswan.org/
@ -291,6 +291,18 @@ $(call Package/strongswan/description/Default)
This package contains the pki & scepclient utilities.
e n d e f
d e f i n e P a c k a g e / s t r o n g s w a n - l i b t l s
$( call Package /strongswan /Default )
TITLE += libtls
DEPENDS:= +strongswan
e n d e f
d e f i n e P a c k a g e / s t r o n g s w a n - l i b t l s / d e s c r i p t i o n
$( call Package /strongswan /description /Default )
This package contains libtls for strongSwan plugins eap-tls, eap-ttls,
eap-peap, tnc-tnccs
e n d e f
d e f i n e B u i l d P l u g i n
define Package/strongswan-mod-$( 1)
$$ ( call Package/strongswan/Default)
@ -338,7 +350,7 @@ define Package/strongswan/install
$( INSTALL_DIR) $( 1) /etc
$( CP) $( PKG_INSTALL_DIR) /etc/strongswan.conf $( 1) /etc/
$( INSTALL_DIR) $( 1) /usr/lib/ipsec
$( CP) $( PKG_INSTALL_DIR) /usr/lib/ipsec/{ libtls.so.*,lib strongswan.so.*,libhydra.so.*} $( 1) /usr/lib/ipsec/
$( CP) $( PKG_INSTALL_DIR) /usr/lib/ipsec/{ libstrongswan.so.*,libhydra.so.*} $( 1) /usr/lib/ipsec/
$( INSTALL_CONF) ./files/ipsec.secrets $( 1) /etc/
$( INSTALL_DIR) $( 1) /etc/init.d
$( INSTALL_BIN) ./files/ipsec.init $( 1) /etc/init.d/ipsec
@ -371,6 +383,11 @@ define Package/strongswan-utils/install
$( INSTALL_BIN) $( PKG_INSTALL_DIR) /usr/lib/ipsec/scepclient $( 1) /usr/lib/ipsec/
e n d e f
d e f i n e P a c k a g e / s t r o n g s w a n - l i b t l s / i n s t a l l
$( INSTALL_DIR) $( 1) /usr/lib/ipsec
$( CP) $( PKG_INSTALL_DIR) /usr/lib/ipsec/libtls.so.* $( 1) /usr/lib/ipsec/
e n d e f
d e f i n e P l u g i n / d u p l i c h e c k / i n s t a l l
$( INSTALL_DIR) $( 1) /usr/lib/ipsec/plugins
$( CP) $( PKG_INSTALL_DIR) /usr/lib/ipsec/duplicheck $( 1) /usr/lib/ipsec/
@ -430,6 +447,7 @@ $(eval $(call BuildPackage,strongswan-full))
$( eval $ ( call BuildPackage ,strongswan -minimal ) )
$( eval $ ( call BuildPackage ,strongswan -charon ) )
$( eval $ ( call BuildPackage ,strongswan -utils ) )
$( eval $ ( call BuildPackage ,strongswan -libtls ) )
$( eval $ ( call BuildPlugin ,addrblock ,RFC 3779 address block constraint support ,) )
$( eval $ ( call BuildPlugin ,aes ,AES crypto ,) )
$( eval $ ( call BuildPlugin ,af -alg ,AF_ALG crypto interface to Linux Crypto API ,+kmod -crypto -user ) )
@ -451,7 +469,7 @@ $(eval $(call BuildPlugin,eap-identity,EAP identity helper,))
$( eval $ ( call BuildPlugin ,eap -md 5,EAP MD 5 ( CHAP ) EAP auth ,) )
$( eval $ ( call BuildPlugin ,eap -mschapv 2,EAP MS -CHAPv 2 EAP auth ,+strongswan -mod -md 4 +strongswan -mod -des ) )
$( eval $ ( call BuildPlugin ,eap -radius ,EAP RADIUS auth ,) )
$( eval $ ( call BuildPlugin ,eap -tls ,EAP TLS auth ,) )
$( eval $ ( call BuildPlugin ,eap -tls ,EAP TLS auth ,+strongswan -libtls ) )
$( eval $ ( call BuildPlugin ,farp ,fake arp respsonses ,) )
$( eval $ ( call BuildPlugin ,fips -prf ,FIPS PRF crypto ,+strongswan -mod -sha 1) )
$( eval $ ( call BuildPlugin ,gcm ,GCM AEAD wrapper crypto ,) )