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Merge branch 'ser2net' of (fixes #5302)

Signed-off-by: Michael Heimpold <>
Michael Heimpold 7 years ago
4 changed files with 332 additions and 2 deletions
  1. +9
  2. +70
  3. +67
  4. +186

+ 9
- 2
net/ser2net/Makefile View File

@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ include $(TOPDIR)/
PKG_NAME:=ser2net PKG_NAME:=ser2net
@ -43,9 +43,16 @@ endef
define Package/ser2net/install define Package/ser2net/install
$(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/usr/sbin $(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/usr/sbin
$(CP) $(PKG_INSTALL_DIR)/usr/sbin/ser2net $(1)/usr/sbin/
$(INSTALL_BIN) $(PKG_INSTALL_DIR)/usr/sbin/ser2net $(1)/usr/sbin/
$(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/etc $(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/etc
$(INSTALL_CONF) $(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/ser2net.conf $(1)/etc/ $(INSTALL_CONF) $(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/ser2net.conf $(1)/etc/
$(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/etc/config
$(INSTALL_CONF) ./files/ser2net.config $(1)/etc/config/ser2net
$(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/etc/init.d
$(INSTALL_BIN) ./files/ser2net.init $(1)/etc/init.d/ser2net
endef endef
$(eval $(call BuildPackage,ser2net)) $(eval $(call BuildPackage,ser2net))

+ 70
- 0
net/ser2net/files/ser2net.conf View File

@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
# This is a minimal example configuration file for ser2net. For a version with
# detailed comments and all possible configuration directives, please visit:
# On OpenWrt/LEDE systems, this configuration serves as a base configuration.
# During boot of the system, the UCI configuration file /etc/config/ser2net is
# parsed and converted to additional configuration lines which are _appended_
# to this file. The ser2net daemon is then started with the combined
# configuration file /tmp/ser2net.conf.
# A basic service configuration line has the following format:
# <network port>:<state>:<timeout>:<device>:<options>
# network port
# Name or number of the port to accept connections
# from for this device. A port number may be of the form
# [ipv4,|ipv6,][tcp,|udp,][host,]port, such as
#,2000 or ipv4,tcp,localhost,2000. If the host is
# specified, it will only bind to the IP address
# specified. Otherwise it will bind to all the ports on the
# machine. If ipv4 or ipv6 is specified, it will only bind
# to that network type.
# state
# Either raw or rawlp or telnet or off. off disables
# the port from accepting connections. It can be
# turned on later from the control port. raw enables
# the port and transfers all data as-is between the
# port and the long. rawlp enables the port and
# transfers all input data to device, device is open
# without any termios setting. It allow to use
# /dev/lpX devices and printers connected to them.
# telnet enables the port and runs the telnet proto-
# col on the port to set up telnet parameters. This
# is most useful for using telnet.
# timeout
# The time (in seconds) before the port will be dis-
# connected if there is no activity on it. A zero
# value disables this function.
# device
# The name of the device to connect to. This
# must be in the form of /dev/<device>.
# options
# Sets operational parameters for the serial port.
# For a serial device (not IPMI SOL):
# Options 300, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400,
# 57600, 115200 set the various baud rates. EVEN,
# ODD, NONE (MARK and SPACE if supported) set the parity.
# Note that MARK and SPACE are not available on all systems
# or hardware, if it is not supported then it will be
# silently set to ODD or EVEN parity.
# the number of stop bits. 5DATABITS, 6DATABITS,
# 7DATABITS, 8DATABITS set the number of data bits.
# [-]XONXOFF turns on (- off) XON/XOFF support.
# [-]RTSCTS turns on (- off) hardware flow control,
# [-]LOCAL turns off (- on) monitoring of the modem lines,
# and [-]HANGUP_WHEN_DONE turns on (- off) lowering the
# modem control lines when the connection is done.
# [-]NOBREAK disables automatic setting of the break
# setting of the serial port.
# The "[-]remctl" option allow remote control (ala RFC
# 2217) of serial-port configuration.
# Example:
# 5000:telnet:0:/dev/ttyAPP0:115200 8DATABITS NONE 1STOPBIT -XONXOFF -LOCAL -RTSCTS remctl

+ 67
- 0
net/ser2net/files/ser2net.config View File

@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
config global
option enabled 1
config controlport
option enabled 0
option host localhost
option port 2000
config default
option speed 115200
option databits 8
option parity 'none'
option stopbits 1
option rtscts false
option local false
option remctl true
#config led rx
# option driver sysfs
# option device 'duckbill:green:rs485'
# option duration 20
# option state 1
#config led tx
# option driver sysfs
# option device 'duckbill:red:rs485'
# option duration 20
# option state 1
config proxy
option enabled 0
option port 5000
option protocol telnet
option timeout 0
option device '/dev/ttyAPP0'
option baudrate 115200
option databits 8
option parity 'none'
option stopbits 1
# option led_tx 'tx'
# option led_rx 'rx'
option rtscts false
option local false
option xonxoff false
list options ''
config proxy
option enabled 0
option port 5001
option protocol telnet
option timeout 0
option device '/dev/ttyUSB0'
option baudrate 115200
option databits 8
option parity 'none'
option stopbits 1
config proxy
option enabled 0
option port 5002
option protocol raw
option timeout 0
option device '/dev/ttyUSB1'
option baudrate 9600
option databits 8
option parity 'none'
option stopbits 1

+ 186
- 0
net/ser2net/files/ser2net.init View File

@ -0,0 +1,186 @@
#!/bin/sh /etc/rc.common
# Copyright (C) 2017 Michael Heimpold
list_cb_append() {
local var="$2"
local value="$1"
local sep="${3:- }"
eval "export ${NO_EXPORT:+-n} -- \"$var=\${$var:+\${$var}\${value:+\$sep}}\$value\""
append_bool() {
local var="$1"
local key="$2"
local val="$3"
local uc="$4"
local s=""
[ "$uc" -eq 1 ] && key=`echo "$key" | tr '[a-z]' '[A-Z]'`
[ "$val" -eq 0 ] && s="-"
append "$var" "$s$key"
ser2net_default() {
local cfg="$1"
local key val
for key in speed baudrate databits stopbits parity chardelay_scale chardelay_min; do
config_get val "$cfg" "$key"
[ -n "$val" ] || continue
case "$key" in
baudrate) key="speed" ;;
hangup_when_done) ;;
telnet_brk_on_sync) ;;
deassert_CTS_DCD_DSR_on_connect) ;;
*) key=`echo "$key" | tr '_' '-'`
echo "DEFAULT:$key:$val"
for key in chardelay deassert_CTS_DCD_DSR_on_connect hangup_when_done kickolduser \
local nobreak remctl rtscts telnet_brk_on_sync xonxoff; do
config_get_bool val "$cfg" "$key"
[ -n "$val" ] || continue
[ "$val" -eq 0 ] && val="false" || val="true"
echo "DEFAULT:$key:$val"
ser2net_controlport() {
local cfg="$1"
local enabled host port
config_get_bool enabled "$cfg" enabled 0
[ "$enabled" -eq 0 ] && return 0
config_get host "$cfg" host
config_get port "$cfg" port
echo -e "CONTROLPORT:${host:+$host,}$port\n"
ser2net_led() {
local cfg="$1"
local driver device state duration
config_get driver "$cfg" driver sysfs
config_get device "$cfg" device
config_get state "$cfg" state 1
config_get duration "$cfg" duration 20
echo -e "LED:$cfg:$driver:device=$device state=$state duration=$duration\n"
ser2net_proxy() {
local cfg="$1"
local enabled port protocol timeout device baudrate databits parity stopbits
local led_tx led_rx key boolval options
config_get_bool enabled "$cfg" enabled 0
[ "$enabled" -eq 0 ] && return 0
config_get port "$cfg" port
[ "$port" -le 0 -o "$port" -gt 65535 ] && return 1
config_get protocol "$cfg" protocol
case "$protocol" in
raw|rawlp|telnet|off) ;;
*) return 1
config_get timeout "$cfg" timeout 0
config_get device "$cfg" device
[ -z "$device" ] && return 1
config_get baudrate "$cfg" baudrate
[ -n "$baudrate" ] && append options "$baudrate"
config_get databits "$cfg" databits
if [ -n "$databits" ]; then
[ "$databits" -lt 5 -o "$databits" -gt 8 ] && return 1
append options "${databits}DATABITS"
config_get parity "$cfg" parity
parity=`echo "$parity" | tr '[a-z]' '[A-Z]'`
case "$parity" in
EVEN|ODD|NONE|MARK|SPACE) append options "$parity" ;;
"") ;;
*) return 1
config_get stopbits "$cfg" stopbits
case "$stopbits" in
1) append options "${stopbits}STOPBIT" ;;
2) append options "${stopbits}STOPBITS" ;;
"") ;;
*) return 1
config_get led_tx "$cfg" led_tx
[ -n "$led_tx" ] && append options "led-tx=$led_tx"
config_get led_rx "$cfg" led_rx
[ -n "$led_rx" ] && append options "led-rx=$led_rx"
for key in rtscts local xonxoff nobreak hangup_when_done; do
config_get_bool boolval "$cfg" "$key"
[ -n "$boolval" ] || continue
append_bool options "$key" "$boolval" 1
for key in chardelay telnet_brk_on_sync kickolduser remctl; do
config_get_bool boolval "$cfg" "$key"
[ -n "$boolval" ] || continue
append_bool options "$key" "$boolval" 0
config_list_foreach "$cfg" options list_cb_append options
if [ "`echo "$device" | sed 's/://g'`" != "$device" ]; then
echo "DEVICE:$cfg:$device"
echo -e "$port:$protocol:$timeout:$device:$options\n"
start_service() {
local enabled
config_load ser2net
config_get_bool enabled ser2net enabled 0
[ "$enabled" -gt 0 ] || return 0
cat "$STATICCFGFILE" - 2>/dev/null <<-EOF > "$DYNAMICCFGFILE"
# Following part is auto-generated from UCI settings in /etc/config/ser2net
config_foreach ser2net_controlport controlport >> "$DYNAMICCFGFILE"
config_foreach ser2net_default default >> "$DYNAMICCFGFILE"
config_foreach ser2net_led led >> "$DYNAMICCFGFILE"
config_foreach ser2net_proxy proxy >> "$DYNAMICCFGFILE"
procd_set_param command "$PROG" -n -c "$DYNAMICCFGFILE"
