@ -6,27 +6,34 @@ |
. /lib/mwan3/mwan3.sh |
. /lib/mwan3/common.sh |
command_help() { |
local cmd="$1" |
local help="$2" |
echo "$(printf "%-25s%s" "${cmd}" "${help}")" |
} |
help() |
{ |
cat <<EOF |
Syntax: mwan3 [command] |
Available commands: |
start Load iptables rules, ip rules and ip routes |
stop Unload iptables rules, ip rules and ip routes |
restart Reload iptables rules, ip rules and ip routes |
ifup <iface> Load rules and routes for specific interface |
ifdown <iface> Unload rules and routes for specific interface |
interfaces Show interfaces status |
policies Show currently active policy |
connected Show directly connected networks |
rules Show active rules |
status Show all status |
use <iface> <cmd> Run a command bound to <iface> and avoid mwan3 rules |
command_help "start" "Load iptables rules, ip rules and ip routes" |
command_help "stop" "Unload iptables rules, ip rules and ip routes" |
command_help "restart" "Reload iptables rules, ip rules and ip routes" |
command_help "ifup <iface>" "Load rules and routes for specific interface" |
command_help "ifdown <iface>" "Unload rules and routes for specific interface" |
command_help "interfaces" "Show interfaces status" |
command_help "policies" "Show currently active policy" |
command_help "connected" "Show directly connected networks" |
command_help "rules" "Show active rules" |
command_help "status" "Show all status" |
command_help "internal <ipv4|ipv6>" "Show internal configuration <default: ipv4>" |
command_help "use <iface> <cmd>" "Run a command bound to <iface> and avoid mwan3 rules" |
} |
ifdown() { |
if [ -z "$1" ]; then |
echo "Error: Expecting interface. Usage: mwan3 ifdown <interface>" |
@ -107,6 +114,92 @@ status() |
rules |
} |
internal() |
{ |
local family="$1" |
local dash="-------------------------------------------------" |
if [ -f "/etc/openwrt_release" ]; then |
. /etc/openwrt_release |
fi |
local ipt ip output |
if [ "$family" = "ipv6" ]; then |
ipt="$IPT6" |
ip="$IP6" |
else |
ipt="$IPT4" |
ip="$IP4" |
fi |
echo "Software-Version" |
echo "$dash" |
if [ "$DISTRIB_RELEASE" != "" ]; then |
echo "OpenWrt - $DISTRIB_RELEASE" |
else |
echo "OpenWrt - unknown" |
fi |
echo "" |
echo "Output of \"$ip a show\"" |
echo "$dash" |
output="$($ip a show)" |
if [ "$output" != "" ]; then |
echo "$output" |
else |
echo "No data found" |
fi |
echo "" |
echo "Output of \"$ip route show\"" |
echo "$dash" |
output="$($ip route show)" |
if [ "$output" != "" ]; then |
echo "$output" |
else |
echo "No data found" |
fi |
echo "" |
echo "Output of \"$ip rule show\"" |
echo "$dash" |
output="$($ip rule show)" |
if [ "$output" != "" ]; then |
echo "$output" |
else |
echo "No data found" |
fi |
echo "" |
echo "Output of \"$ip route list table 1-250\"" |
echo "$dash" |
local dump=0 |
for i in $(seq 1 250); do |
output=$($ip route list table $i 2>/dev/null) |
if [ "$output" != "" ];then |
dump=1 |
echo "Routing table $i:" |
echo "$output" |
echo "" |
fi |
done |
if [ "$dump" = "0" ]; then |
echo "No data found" |
echo "" |
fi |
echo "Output of \"$ipt -L -v -n\"" |
echo "$dash" |
output="$($ipt -L -v -n)" |
if [ "$output" != "" ]; then |
echo "$output" |
else |
echo "No data found" |
fi |
} |
start() { |
/etc/init.d/mwan3 enable |
/etc/init.d/mwan3 start |
@ -148,7 +241,7 @@ use() { |
} |
case "$1" in |
ifup|ifdown|interfaces|policies|connected|rules|status|start|stop|restart|use) |
ifup|ifdown|interfaces|policies|connected|rules|status|start|stop|restart|use|internal) |
mwan3_init |
# shellcheck disable=SC2048 |
$* |