@ -0,0 +1,49 @@ |
include $(TOPDIR)/rules.mk |
PKG_NAME:=udp-broadcast-relay-redux |
PKG_SOURCE_URL:=https://github.com/udp-redux/udp-broadcast-relay-redux |
PKG_SOURCE_DATE:=2021-04-05 |
PKG_SOURCE_VERSION:=671372938b55a186625a80516f86e8b9948c977a |
PKG_MIRROR_HASH:=11cf8728f2b8e966f4f57032d817a889f680ed8e61afff35b52ca9c6789a03c6 |
include $(INCLUDE_DIR)/package.mk |
define Package/udp-broadcast-relay-redux |
SECTION:=net |
CATEGORY:=Network |
SUBMENU:=Routing and Redirection |
TITLE:=listens for packets on a specified UDP broadcast port and replays them |
URL:=https://github.com/udp-redux/udp-broadcast-relay-redux |
endef |
define Package/udp-broadcast-relay-redux/description |
This program listens for packets on a specified UDP broadcast port. |
When a packet is received, it sends that packet to all specified interfaces but |
the one it came from as though it originated from the original sender. |
The primary purpose of this is to allow games on machines on separated |
local networks (Ethernet, WLAN) that use udp broadcasts to find each other to do so. |
It also works on ppp links, so you can log in from windows boxes (e.g. using pptp) |
and play LAN-based games together. Currently, you have to care about upcoming or |
downgoing interfaces yourself. |
endef |
define Package/udp-broadcast-relay-redux/conffiles |
/etc/config/udp_broadcast_relay_redux |
endef |
define Build/Compile |
endef |
define Package/udp-broadcast-relay-redux/install |
$(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/usr/sbin $(1)/etc/config $(1)/etc/init.d |
$(CP) $(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/$(PKG_NAME) $(1)/usr/sbin/ |
$(INSTALL_CONF) ./files/udp_broadcast_relay_redux.config $(1)/etc/config/udp_broadcast_relay_redux |
$(INSTALL_BIN) ./files/udp-broadcast-relay-redux.init $(1)/etc/init.d/udp-broadcast-relay-redux |
endef |
$(eval $(call BuildPackage,udp-broadcast-relay-redux)) |