@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ define Package/seafile-server |
TITLE:=Seafile server |
MAINTAINER:=Gergely Kiss <mail.gery@gmail.com> |
URL:=http://seafile.com/ |
DEPENDS:=+shadow-useradd +libarchive +libopenssl +glib2 +libsearpc +seafile-ccnet +seafile-seahub \
DEPENDS:=+libarchive +libopenssl +glib2 +libsearpc +seafile-ccnet +seafile-seahub \
+sqlite3-cli +python-mysql +jansson +libevent2 +libevent2-openssl +zlib +libzdb +libsqlite3 \
+libmysqlclient +libpthread +libuuid \
+bash +sudo +procps-ng +procps-ng-pkill $(ICONV_DEPENDS) |
@ -93,43 +93,50 @@ endef |
define Package/seafile-server/postinst |
if ! id -u seafile >/dev/null 2>&1; then |
useradd seafile -d "/usr/share/seafile" -s /bin/sh; fi |
if ! group_exists seafile; then |
group_add_next seafile; fi |
chown -R seafile:seafile /usr/share/seafile/ |
chmod -R o-rwx /usr/share/seafile/ |
SEAFILE_GID=$$(grep -s '^seafile:' "$${IPKG_INSTROOT}/etc/group" | cut -d: -f3) |
if [ ! -d "/usr/share/seafile/seafile-data" ] |
if ! user_exists seafile; then |
user_add seafile "" "$${SEAFILE_GID}" seafile /usr/share/seafile /bin/sh; fi |
if [ -z "$${IPKG_INSTROOT}" ] |
then |
echo "*** Installation completed, running configuration script..." |
/etc/init.d/seafile setup |
chown -R seafile:seafile /usr/share/seafile/ |
chmod -R o-rwx /usr/share/seafile/ |
if [ $$? -ne 0 ] |
if [ ! -d /usr/share/seafile/seafile-data ] |
then |
echo "*** Installation completed, running configuration script..." |
/etc/init.d/seafile setup |
if [ $$? -ne 0 ] |
then |
echo |
echo "*** ERROR: Configuration failed. Please fix the issues if any and re-run the script using the command below:" |
echo "*** \"/etc/init.d/seafile setup\"" |
fi |
echo |
echo "*** NOTE: you need to create an admin account before using Seafile." |
echo "*** Please run \"/etc/init.d/seafile create_admin\" to do so." |
else |
echo "*** It seems you are upgrading from an older version." |
echo "*** If so, please run the appropriate upgrade scripts before using the new version of Seafile." |
echo "*** Upgrade scripts are located at \"/usr/share/seafile/seafile-server/upgrade\"" |
echo |
echo "*** ERROR: Configuration failed. Please fix the issues if any and re-run the script using the command below:" |
echo "*** \"/etc/init.d/seafile setup\"" |
echo "*** For more information, please read http://manual.seafile.com/deploy/upgrade.html" |
fi |
echo |
echo "*** NOTE: you need to create an admin account before using Seafile." |
echo "*** Please run \"/etc/init.d/seafile create_admin\" to do so." |
else |
echo "*** WARNING: it seems you are upgrading from an older version." |
echo "*** If so, please run the appropriate upgrade script before using the new version of Seafile." |
echo "*** Upgrade scripts are located at \"/usr/share/seafile/seafile-server/upgrade\"" |
echo |
echo "*** For more information, please read http://manual.seafile.com/deploy/upgrade.html" |
exit |
fi |
/etc/init.d/seafile enable |
/etc/init.d/seafile restart |
endef |
define Package/seafile-server/prerm |
cat > "$${IPKG_INSTROOT}/etc/uci-defaults/99_seafile-server" << EOF |
/etc/init.d/seafile stop |
chown -R seafile:seafile /usr/share/seafile/ |
chmod -R o-rwx /usr/share/seafile/ |
exit 0 |
fi |
endef |
$(eval $(call BuildPackage,seafile-server)) |