@ -0,0 +1,178 @@ |
--[[ |
LuCI ClamAV module |
Copyright (C) 2015, Itus Networks, Inc. |
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); |
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. |
You may obtain a copy of the License at |
http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 |
Author: Marko Ratkaj <marko.ratkaj@sartura.hr> |
Luka Perkov <luka.perkov@sartura.hr> |
]]-- |
local fs = require "nixio.fs" |
local sys = require "luci.sys" |
require "ubus" |
m = Map("clamav", translate("ClamAV")) |
m.on_after_commit = function() luci.sys.call("/etc/init.d/clamav restart") end |
s = m:section(TypedSection, "clamav") |
s.anonymous = true |
s.addremove = false |
s:tab("tab_advanced", translate("Settings")) |
s:tab("tab_logs", translate("Log")) |
--------------- Settings -------------- |
LogFileMaxSize = s:taboption("tab_advanced", Value, "LogFileMaxSize", translate("Max size of log file")) |
LogFileMaxSize:value("512K", translate("512K")) |
LogFileMaxSize:value("1M", translate("1M")) |
LogFileMaxSize:value("2M", translate("2M")) |
LogFileMaxSize.default = "1M" |
LogTime = s:taboption("tab_advanced", ListValue, "LogTime", translate("Log time with each message")) |
LogTime:value("no", translate("No")) |
LogTime:value("yes", translate("Yes")) |
LogTime.default = "no" |
LogVerbose = s:taboption("tab_advanced", ListValue, "LogVerbose", translate("Enable verbose logging")) |
LogVerbose:value("no", translate("No")) |
LogVerbose:value("yes", translate("Yes")) |
LogVerbose.default = "no" |
ExtendedDetectionInfo = s:taboption("tab_advanced", ListValue, "ExtendedDetectionInfo", translate("Log additional infection info")) |
ExtendedDetectionInfo:value("no", translate("No")) |
ExtendedDetectionInfo:value("yes", translate("Yes")) |
ExtendedDetectionInfo.default = "no" |
dummy3 = s:taboption("tab_advanced", DummyValue, "") |
dummy4 = s:taboption("tab_advanced", DummyValue, "") |
MaxDirectoryRecursion = s:taboption("tab_advanced", Value, "MaxDirectoryRecursion", translate("Max directory scan depth")) |
MaxDirectoryRecursion:value("15", translate("15")) |
MaxDirectoryRecursion:value("20", translate("20")) |
MaxDirectoryRecursion.default = "15" |
FollowDirectorySymlink = s:taboption("tab_advanced", ListValue, "FollowDirectorySymlink", translate("Follow directory symlinks")) |
FollowDirectorySymlink:value("no", translate("No")) |
FollowDirectorySymlink:value("yes", translate("Yes")) |
FollowDirectorySymlink.default = "no" |
FollowFileSymlinks = s:taboption("tab_advanced", ListValue, "FollowFileSymlinks", translate("Follow file symlinks")) |
FollowFileSymlinks:value("no", translate("No")) |
FollowFileSymlinks:value("yes", translate("Yes")) |
FollowFileSymlinks.default = "no" |
DetectPUA = s:taboption("tab_advanced", ListValue, "DetectPUA", translate("Detect possibly unwanted apps")) |
DetectPUA:value("no", translate("No")) |
DetectPUA:value("yes", translate("Yes")) |
DetectPUA.default = "no" |
ScanPE = s:taboption("tab_advanced", ListValue, "ScanPE", translate("Scan portable executables")) |
ScanPE:value("no", translate("No")) |
ScanPE:value("yes", translate("Yes")) |
ScanPE.default = "yes" |
ScanELF = s:taboption("tab_advanced", ListValue, "ScanELF", translate("Scan ELF files")) |
ScanELF:value("no", translate("No")) |
ScanELF:value("yes", translate("Yes")) |
ScanELF.default = "yes" |
DetectBrokenExecutables = s:taboption("tab_advanced", ListValue, "DetectBrokenExecutables", translate("Detect broken executables")) |
DetectBrokenExecutables:value("no", translate("No")) |
DetectBrokenExecutables:value("yes", translate("Yes")) |
DetectBrokenExecutables.default = "no" |
ScanOLE2 = s:taboption("tab_advanced", ListValue, "ScanOLE2", translate("Scan MS Office and .msi files")) |
ScanOLE2:value("no", translate("No")) |
ScanOLE2:value("yes", translate("Yes")) |
ScanOLE2.default = "yes" |
ScanPDF = s:taboption("tab_advanced", ListValue, "ScanPDF", translate("Scan pdf files")) |
ScanPDF:value("no", translate("No")) |
ScanPDF:value("yes", translate("Yes")) |
ScanPDF.default = "yes" |
ScanSWF = s:taboption("tab_advanced", ListValue, "ScanSWF", translate("Scan swf files")) |
ScanSWF:value("no", translate("No")) |
ScanSWF:value("yes", translate("Yes")) |
ScanSWF.default = "yes" |
ScanMail = s:taboption("tab_advanced", ListValue, "ScanMail", translate("Scan emails")) |
ScanMail:value("no", translate("No")) |
ScanMail:value("yes", translate("Yes")) |
ScanMail.default = "yes" |
ScanPartialMessages = s:taboption("tab_advanced", ListValue, "ScanPartialMessages", translate("Scan RFC1341 messages split over many emails")) |
ScanPartialMessages:value("no", translate("No")) |
ScanPartialMessages:value("yes", translate("Yes")) |
ScanPartialMessages.default = "no" |
ScanArchive = s:taboption("tab_advanced", ListValue, "ScanArchive", translate("Scan archives")) |
ScanArchive:value("no", translate("No")) |
ScanArchive:value("yes", translate("Yes")) |
ScanArchive.default = "yes" |
ArchiveBlockEncrypted = s:taboption("tab_advanced", ListValue, "ArchiveBlockEncrypted", translate("Block encrypted archives")) |
ArchiveBlockEncrypted:value("no", translate("No")) |
ArchiveBlockEncrypted:value("yes", translate("Yes")) |
ArchiveBlockEncrypted.default = "no" |
dummy5 = s:taboption("tab_advanced", DummyValue, "") |
dummy6 = s:taboption("tab_advanced", DummyValue, "") |
StreamMinPort = s:taboption("tab_advanced", Value, "StreamMinPort", translate("Port range, lowest port")) |
StreamMinPort.datatype = "portrange" |
StreamMinPort:value("1024",translate("1024")) |
StreamMinPort.default = "1024" |
StreamMaxPort = s:taboption("tab_advanced", Value, "StreamMaxPort", translate("Port range, highest port")) |
StreamMaxPort.datatype = "portrange" |
StreamMaxPort:value("2048",translate("2048")) |
StreamMaxPort.default = "2048" |
MaxThreads = s:taboption("tab_advanced", Value, "MaxThreads", translate("Max number of threads")) |
MaxThreads.datatype = "and(uinteger,min(1))" |
MaxThreads:value("10",translate("10")) |
MaxThreads:value("20",translate("20")) |
MaxThreads.default = "10" |
SelfCheck = s:taboption("tab_advanced", Value, "SelfCheck", translate("Database check every N sec")) |
SelfCheck.datatype = "and(uinteger,min(1))" |
SelfCheck:value("600",translate("600")) |
SelfCheck.default = "600" |
MaxFileSize = s:taboption("tab_advanced", Value, "MaxFileSize", translate("Max size of scanned file")) |
MaxFileSize.datatype = "string" |
MaxFileSize:value("150M",translate("150M")) |
MaxFileSize:value("50M",translate("50M")) |
MaxFileSize.default = "150M" |
------------------ Log -------------------- |
clamav_logfile = s:taboption("tab_logs", TextValue, "lines", "") |
clamav_logfile.wrap = "off" |
clamav_logfile.rows = 25 |
clamav_logfile.rmempty = true |
function clamav_logfile.cfgvalue() |
local uci = require "luci.model.uci".cursor_state() |
local file = "/tmp/clamd.log" |
if file then |
return fs.readfile(file) or "" |
else |
return "" |
end |
end |
function clamav_logfile.write() |
end |
return m |