There are multiple guides online on how to configure the OpenVPN client on OpenWrt "the easy way", and they usually result either in a kill-switch configuration or configuration where the OpenVPN tunnel cannot be properly (and separately from WAN) routed, either way, incompatible with the VPN Policy-Based Routing.
Below is the sample OpenVPN client configuration for OpenWrt which is guaranteed to work. If you have already deviated from the instructions below (ie: made any changes to any of the ```wan``` or ```lan``` configurations in either ```/etc/config/network``` or ```/etc/config/firewall```), you will need to start from scratch with a fresh OpenWrt install.
Relevant part of ```/etc/config/vpn-policy-routing```:
config vpn-policy-routing 'config'
list supported_interface 'vpnc'
The recommended network/firewall settings are below.
Relevant part of ```/etc/config/network``` (**DO NOT** modify default OpenWrt network settings for neither ```wan``` nor ```lan```):
config interface 'vpnc'
option proto 'none'
option ifname 'ovpnc0'
Relevant part of ```/etc/config/firewall``` (**DO NOT** modify default OpenWrt firewall settings for neither ```wan``` nor ```lan```):
config zone
option name 'vpnc'
option network 'vpnc'
option input 'REJECT'
option forward 'REJECT'
option output 'ACCEPT'
option masq '1'
option mtu_fix '1'
config forwarding
option src 'lan'
option dest 'vpnc'
If you have a Guest Network, add the following to the ```/etc/config/firewall```:
config forwarding
option src 'guest'
option dest 'vpnc'
Relevant part of ```/etc/config/openvpn``` (configure the rest of the client connection for your specifics by either referring to an existing ```.ovpn``` file or thru the OpenWrt uci settings):
config openvpn 'vpnc'
option enabled '1'
option client '1'
option dev_type 'tun'
option dev 'ovpnc0'
## Footnotes/Known Issues
1. <aname="footnote1"></a> See [note about multiple OpenVPN clients](#multiple-openvpn-clients).