* backend/frontend: supports a Connection Limit ('trm_maxretry')
of '0', to disable this feature (unlimited retries)
Signed-off-by: Dirk Brenken <dev@brenken.org>
@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ edit /etc/config/travelmate and set 'trm_enabled' to '1'
**A:** In "manual" mode travelmate will be triggered solely by procd interface down events, whenever an uplink disappears travelmate tries n times (default 3) to find a new uplink or reconnect to the old one. The 'automatic' mode keeps travelmate in an active state and checks every n seconds the connection status / the uplink availability regardless of procd event trigger.
**Q:** What happen with misconfigured uplinks, e.g. due to outdated wlan passwords?
**A:** Travelmate tries n times (default 3) to connect, then the respective uplink SSID will be marked / renamed to '_SSID_\_err'. In this case use the builtin wireless station manager to update your wireless credentials.
**A:** Travelmate tries n times (default 3) to connect, then the respective uplink SSID will be marked / renamed to '_SSID_\_err'. In this case use the builtin wireless station manager to update your wireless credentials. To disable this functionality at all set the Connection Limit ('trm\_maxretry') to '0', which means unlimited retries.
**Q:** Is travelmate compatible with CC/Openwrt?
**A:** Travelmate was never tested with an ancient CC/OpenWrt release ... it should still work, but no promises.