@ -10,28 +10,29 @@ export LC_ALL=C
export PATH = "/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin"
set -o pipefail
trm_ver = "2.0.4 "
trm_enabled = 0
trm_debug = 0
trm_ver = "2.0.5 "
trm_enabled = "0"
trm_debug = "0"
trm_iface = ""
trm_captive = 1
trm_proactive = 1
trm_netcheck = 0
trm_autoadd = 0
trm_randomize = 0
trm_mail = 0
trm_vpn = 0
trm_captive = "1"
trm_proactive = "1"
trm_netcheck = "0"
trm_autoadd = "0"
trm_randomize = "0"
trm_mail = "0"
trm_mailpgm = "/etc/travelmate/travelmate.mail"
trm_vpnpgm = "/etc/travelmate/travelmate.vpn"
trm_vpnservice = ""
trm_scanbuffer = 1024
trm_minquality = 35
trm_maxretry = 3
trm_maxwait = 30
trm_timeout = 60
trm_scanbuffer = "1024"
trm_minquality = "35"
trm_maxretry = "3"
trm_maxwait = "30"
trm_maxautoadd = "5"
trm_timeout = "60"
trm_opensta = "0"
trm_radio = ""
trm_connection = ""
trm_wpaflags = ""
trm_uplinkcfg = ""
trm_rtfile = "/tmp/trm_runtime.json"
trm_wifi = " $( command -v wifi) "
trm_fetch = " $( command -v curl) "
@ -49,60 +50,45 @@ trm_action="${1:-"start"}"
# load travelmate environment
f_env( )
f_env( ) {
local IFS check wpa_checks ubus_check result
# do nothing on stop
if [ " ${ trm_action } " = "stop" ] ; then
# (re-)initialize global list variables
unset trm_stalist trm_radiolist trm_uplinklist trm_wpaflags trm_activesta
unset trm_stalist trm_radiolist trm_uplinklist trm_uplinkcfg trm_wpaflags trm_activesta trm_opensta
# get system information
trm_sysver = " $( ubus -S call system board 2>/dev/null | jsonfilter -q -e '@.model' -e '@.release.description' |
awk 'BEGIN{ORS=", "}{print $0}' | awk '{print substr($0,1,length($0)-2) }' ) "
awk 'BEGIN{RS="";FS="\n"}{printf "%s, %s",$1,$2}' ) "
# check travelmate config
if [ ! -r "/etc/config/travelmate" ] || [ -z " $( uci -q show travelmate.global.trm_vpn) " ] ; then
f_log "err" "invalid travelmate config, please re-install the package via opkg with the '--force-reinstall --force-maintainer' options"
# load travelmate config
config_cb( )
config_cb( ) {
local name = " ${ 1 } " type = " ${ 2 } "
if [ " ${ name } " = "travelmate" ] && [ " ${ type } " = "global" ] ; then
option_cb( )
option_cb( ) {
local option = " ${ 1 } " value = " ${ 2 } "
eval " ${ option } =\" ${ value } \" "
elif [ " ${ name } " = "uplink" ] ; then
if [ " $( uci_get " travelmate. ${ type } .opensta " ) " = "1" ] ; then
eval " trm_opensta=\" $(( ${ trm_opensta :- 0 } + 1 )) \" "
eval " trm_opensta=\" ${ trm_opensta :- 0 } \" "
option_cb( )
option_cb( ) {
return 0
config_load travelmate
# check 'enabled' option
if [ " ${ trm_enabled } " != "1" ] ; then
f_log "info" "travelmate is currently disabled, please set 'trm_enabled' to '1' to use this service"
/etc/init.d/travelmate stop
# check ubus network interface
if [ -n " ${ trm_iface } " ] ; then
ubus_check = " $( ubus -t " ${ trm_maxwait } " wait_for network.wireless network.interface." ${ trm_iface } " 2>& 1) "
if [ -n " ${ ubus_check } " ] ; then
@ -114,42 +100,25 @@ f_env()
/etc/init.d/travelmate stop
# check wpa capabilities
wpa_checks = "sae owe eap suiteb192"
for check in ${ wpa_checks } ; do
if [ -x " ${ trm_wpa } " ] ; then
result = " $(
" ${ trm_wpa } " -v${ check } >/dev/null 2>& 1
printf "%u" " ${ ? } "
) "
if [ -z " ${ trm_wpaflags } " ] ; then
if [ " ${ result } " = "0" ] ; then
trm_wpaflags = " ${ check } : $( f_char 1) "
trm_wpaflags = " ${ check } : $( f_char 0) "
if " ${ trm_wpa } " -v" ${ check } " >/dev/null 2>& 1; then
result = " $( f_trim " ${ result } ${ check } : $( f_char 1) " ) "
if [ " ${ result } " = "0" ] ; then
trm_wpaflags = " $( f_trim " ${ trm_wpaflags } , ${ check } : $( f_char 1) " ) "
trm_wpaflags = " $( f_trim " ${ trm_wpaflags } , ${ check } : $( f_char 0) " ) "
result = " $( f_trim " ${ result } ${ check } : $( f_char 0) " ) "
trm_wpaflags = " $( printf "%s" " ${ result } " | awk '{printf "%s %s, %s %s, %s %s, %s %s",$1,$2,$3,$4,$5,$6,$7,$8}' ) "
# get and enable wifi devices
config_load wireless
config_foreach f_prepdev wifi-device
config_foreach f_setdev "wifi-device"
if [ -n " $( uci -q changes "wireless" ) " ] ; then
uci_commit "wireless"
# load json runtime file
json_load_file " ${ trm_rtfile } " >/dev/null 2>& 1
if ! json_select data >/dev/null 2>& 1; then
@ -157,13 +126,12 @@ f_env()
json_add_object "data"
f_log "debug" " f_env ::: wpa_flags: ${ trm_wpaflags } , sys_ver: ${ trm_sysver } "
f_log "debug" " f_env ::: auto_sta: ${ trm_opensta :- "-" } , wpa_flags: ${ trm_wpaflags } , sys_ver: ${ trm_sysver } "
# trim helper function
f_trim( )
f_trim( ) {
local IFS trim = " ${ 1 } "
trim = " ${ trim # " ${ trim %%[![ : space : ]]* } " } "
@ -173,9 +141,8 @@ f_trim()
# status helper function
f_char( )
local result input = " ${ 1 } "
f_char( ) {
local IFS result input = " ${ 1 } "
if [ " ${ input } " = "1" ] ; then
result = "✔"
@ -185,11 +152,10 @@ f_char()
printf "%s" " ${ result } "
# wifi reconf helper function
# wifi helper function
f_reconf( )
local radio tmp_radio cnt = "0"
f_wifi( ) {
local IFS radio tmp_radio cnt = "0"
" ${ trm_wifi } " reconf
for radio in ${ trm_radiolist } ; do
@ -205,110 +171,103 @@ f_reconf()
sleep 1
f_log "debug" " f_reconf ::: radio_list: ${ trm_radiolist } , radio: ${ radio } , cnt: ${ cnt } "
f_log "debug" " f_wifi ::: radio_list: ${ trm_radiolist } , radio: ${ radio } , cnt: ${ cnt } "
# vpn helper function
f_vpn( )
local IFS rc action = " ${ 1 } "
if [ " ${ trm_vpn } " = "1" ] && [ -x " ${ trm_vpnpgm } " ] ; then
if [ " ${ action } " = "disable" ] || {
[ " ${ action } " = "enable" ] && [ ! -f " ${ trm_vpnfile } " ]
} ; then
" ${ trm_vpnpgm } " " ${ action } " >/dev/null 2>& 1
f_vpn( ) {
local IFS rc vpn vpn_service vpn_iface vpn_action = " ${ 1 } "
vpn = " $( f_getval "vpn" ) "
if [ -n " ${ vpn } " ] && [ -x " ${ trm_vpnpgm } " ] ; then
vpn_service = " $( f_getval "vpnservice" ) "
vpn_iface = " $( f_getval "vpniface" ) "
if [ -n " ${ vpn_service } " ] && [ -n " ${ vpn_iface } " ] &&
{ [ " ${ vpn_action } " = "disable" ] || { [ " ${ vpn } " = "1" ] && [ " ${ vpn_action } " = "enable" ] && [ ! -f " ${ trm_vpnfile } " ] ; } ||
{ [ " ${ vpn } " = "0" ] && [ " ${ vpn_action } " = "enable" ] && [ -f " ${ trm_vpnfile } " ] ; } ; } ; then
" ${ trm_vpnpgm } " " ${ vpn } " " ${ vpn_action } " " ${ vpn_service } " " ${ vpn_iface } " >/dev/null 2>& 1
rc = " ${ ? } "
if [ " ${ action } " = "enable" ] && [ " ${ rc } " = "0" ] ; then
if [ " ${ vpn } " = "1" ] && [ " ${ vpn_ action} " = "enable" ] && [ " ${ rc } " = "0" ] ; then
: >" ${ trm_vpnfile } "
elif [ " ${ action } " = "disable" ] && [ -f " ${ trm_vpnfile } " ] ; then
elif { [ " ${ vpn } " = "0" ] || [ " ${ vpn_ action} " = "disable" ] ; } && [ -f " ${ trm_vpnfile } " ] ; then
rm -f " ${ trm_vpnfile } "
f_log "debug" " f_vpn ::: vpn: ${ trm_vp n} , vpnservice: ${ trm_ vpnservice:- "-" } , vpnpgm: ${ trm_vpnpgm } , action: ${ action } , rc: ${ rc :- "-" } "
f_log "debug" " f_vpn ::: vpn_enabled : ${ vpn :- "-" } , vpn_action: ${ vpn_actio n} , vpn_ service: ${ vpn_ service :- "-" } , vpn_iface: ${ vpn_iface :- "-" } , rc: ${ rc :- "-" } , vpn_program: ${ trm_vpnpgm } "
# mac randomizer helper function
# mac helper function
f_mac( )
local result ifname action = " ${ 1 } " section = " ${ 2 } "
if [ " ${ trm_randomize } " = "1" ] && [ " ${ action } " = "set" ] ; then
result = " $( hexdump -n6 -ve '/1 "%.02X "' /dev/random 2>/dev/null |
awk -v local = "2,6,A,E" -v seed = " $( date +%s) " 'BEGIN{srand(seed)}NR==1{split(local,b,",");seed=int(rand()*4+1);printf "%s%s:%s:%s:%s:%s:%s",substr($1,0,1),b[seed],$2,$3,$4,$5,$6}' ) "
uci_set "wireless" " ${ section } " "macaddr" " ${ result } "
result = " $( uci_get "wireless" " ${ section } " "macaddr" ) "
if [ -z " ${ result } " ] ; then
ifname = " $( ubus -S call network.wireless status 2>/dev/null | jsonfilter -q -l1 -e '@.*.interfaces[@.config.mode="sta"].ifname' ) "
result = " $( ${ trm_iwinfo } " ${ ifname } " info 2>/dev/null | awk '/Access Point:/{printf "%s",$3}' ) "
f_mac( ) {
local IFS result ifname macaddr action = " ${ 1 } " section = " ${ 2 } "
if [ " ${ action } " = "set" ] ; then
macaddr = " $( f_getval "macaddr" ) "
if [ -n " ${ macaddr } " ] ; then
result = " ${ macaddr } "
uci_set "wireless" " ${ section } " "macaddr" " ${ result } "
elif [ " ${ trm_randomize } " = "1" ] ; then
result = " $( hexdump -n6 -ve '/1 "%.02X "' /dev/random 2>/dev/null |
awk -v local = "2,6,A,E" -v seed = " $( date +%s) " 'BEGIN{srand(seed)}NR==1{split(local,b,",");seed=int(rand()*4+1);printf "%s%s:%s:%s:%s:%s:%s",substr($1,0,1),b[seed],$2,$3,$4,$5,$6}' ) "
uci_set "wireless" " ${ section } " "macaddr" " ${ result } "
result = " $( uci_get "wireless" " ${ section } " "macaddr" ) "
elif [ " ${ action } " = "get" ] ; then
result = " $( uci_get "wireless" " ${ section } " "macaddr" ) "
printf "%s" " ${ result } "
f_log "debug" " f_mac ::: action: ${ action :- "-" } , section: ${ section :- "-" } , mac: ${ result :- "-" } "
f_log "debug" " f_mac ::: action: ${ action :- "-" } , section: ${ section :- "-" } , macaddr: ${ macaddr :- "-" } , result : ${ result :- "-" } "
# track/ set travelmate connection information
# set connection information
f_contrack( )
local uplink_config radio_config essid_config bssid_config expiry action = " ${ 1 } " radio = " ${ 2 } " essid = " ${ 3 } " bssid = " ${ 4 } " cnt = 0
while [ " $(
uci_get "travelmate" " @uplink[ $cnt ] " >/dev/null 2>& 1
echo $?
) " = " 0" ]; do
radio_config = " $( uci_get "travelmate" " @uplink[ $cnt ] " "device" ) "
essid_config = " $( uci_get "travelmate" " @uplink[ $cnt ] " "ssid" ) "
bssid_config = " $( uci_get "travelmate" " @uplink[ $cnt ] " "bssid" ) "
if [ " ${ radio_config } " = " ${ radio } " ] && [ " ${ essid_config } " = " ${ essid } " ] && [ " ${ bssid_config } " = " ${ bssid } " ] ; then
uplink_config = " @uplink[ $cnt ] "
cnt = " $(( cnt + 1 )) "
if [ -n " ${ uplink_config } " ] ; then
f_ctrack( ) {
local IFS expiry action = " ${ 1 } "
if [ -n " ${ trm_uplinkcfg } " ] ; then
case " ${ action } " in
"start" )
uci_remove "travelmate" " ${ uplink_ con fi g } " "con_start" 2>/dev/null
uci_remove "travelmate" " ${ uplink_ con fi g } " "con_end" 2>/dev/null
uci_remove "travelmate" " ${ trm_uplinkcfg } " "con_start" 2>/dev/null
uci_remove "travelmate" " ${ trm_uplinkcfg } " "con_end" 2>/dev/null
if [ -f " ${ trm_ntpfile } " ] ; then
uci_set "travelmate" " ${ uplink_ con fi g } " "con_start" " $( date "+%Y.%m.%d-%H:%M:%S" ) "
uci_set "travelmate" " ${ trm_uplinkcfg } " "con_start" " $( date "+%Y.%m.%d-%H:%M:%S" ) "
; ;
"refresh" )
if [ -f " ${ trm_ntpfile } " ] && [ -z " $( uci_get "travelmate" " ${ uplink_ con fi g } " "con_start" ) " ] ; then
uci_set "travelmate" " ${ uplink_ con fi g } " "con_start" " $( date "+%Y.%m.%d-%H:%M:%S" ) "
if [ -f " ${ trm_ntpfile } " ] && [ -z " $( uci_get "travelmate" " ${ trm_uplinkcfg } " "con_start" ) " ] ; then
uci_set "travelmate" " ${ trm_uplinkcfg } " "con_start" " $( date "+%Y.%m.%d-%H:%M:%S" ) "
; ;
"end" )
if [ -f " ${ trm_ntpfile } " ] ; then
uci_set "travelmate" " ${ uplink_ con fi g } " "con_end" " $( date "+%Y.%m.%d-%H:%M:%S" ) "
uci_set "travelmate" " ${ trm_ uplinkcfg} " "con_end" " $( date "+%Y.%m.%d-%H:%M:%S" ) "
; ;
"start_expiry" )
if [ -f " ${ trm_ntpfile } " ] ; then
expiry = " $( uci_get "travelmate" " ${ uplink_ con fi g } " "con_start_expiry" ) "
uci_set "travelmate" " ${ uplink_ con fi g } " "enabled" "0"
uci_set "travelmate" " ${ uplink_ con fi g } " "con_end" " $( date "+%Y.%m.%d-%H:%M:%S" ) "
expiry = " $( uci_get "travelmate" " ${ trm_ uplinkcfg} " "con_start_expiry" ) "
uci_set "travelmate" " ${ trm_ uplinkcfg} " "enabled" "0"
uci_set "travelmate" " ${ trm_ uplinkcfg} " "con_end" " $( date "+%Y.%m.%d-%H:%M:%S" ) "
f_log "info" " uplink ' ${ radio } / ${ essid } / ${ bssid :- "-" } ' expired after ${ expiry } minutes "
; ;
"end_expiry" )
if [ -f " ${ trm_ntpfile } " ] ; then
expiry = " $( uci_get "travelmate" " ${ uplink_ con fi g } " "con_end_expiry" ) "
uci_set "travelmate" " ${ uplink_ con fi g } " "enabled" "1"
uci_remove "travelmate" " ${ uplink_ con fi g } " "con_start" 2>/dev/null
uci_remove "travelmate" " ${ uplink_ con fi g } " "con_end" 2>/dev/null
expiry = " $( uci_get "travelmate" " ${ trm_ uplinkcfg} " "con_end_expiry" ) "
uci_set "travelmate" " ${ trm_ uplinkcfg} " "enabled" "1"
uci_remove "travelmate" " ${ trm_ uplinkcfg} " "con_start" 2>/dev/null
uci_remove "travelmate" " ${ trm_ uplinkcfg} " "con_end" 2>/dev/null
f_log "info" " uplink ' ${ radio } / ${ essid } / ${ bssid :- "-" } ' re-enabled after ${ expiry } minutes "
; ;
"disabled" )
uci_set "travelmate" " ${ uplink_ con fi g } " "enabled" "0"
uci_set "travelmate" " ${ trm_ uplinkcfg} " "enabled" "0"
if [ -f " ${ trm_ntpfile } " ] ; then
uci_set "travelmate" " ${ uplink_ con fi g } " "con_end" " $( date "+%Y.%m.%d-%H:%M:%S" ) "
uci_set "travelmate" " ${ trm_ uplinkcfg} " "con_end" " $( date "+%Y.%m.%d-%H:%M:%S" ) "
; ;
@ -319,112 +278,61 @@ f_contrack()
f_log "debug" " f_ctrack ::: action: ${ action :- "-" } , uplink_config: ${ trm_uplinkcfg :- "-" } "
# get/match travelmate uplink op tion
# get uplink config sec tion
f_uplink( )
local IFS result t_radio t_essid t_bssid t_option = " ${ 1 } " w_radio = " ${ 2 } " w_essid = " ${ 3 } " w_bssid = " ${ 4 } " cnt = 0
while [ " $(
uci_get "travelmate" " @uplink[ $cnt ] " >/dev/null 2>& 1
echo $?
) " = " 0" ]; do
t_radio = " $( uci_get "travelmate" " @uplink[ $cnt ] " "device" ) "
t_essid = " $( uci_get "travelmate" " @uplink[ $cnt ] " "ssid" ) "
t_bssid = " $( uci_get "travelmate" " @uplink[ $cnt ] " "bssid" ) "
if [ -n " ${ w_radio } " ] && [ -n " ${ w_essid } " ] &&
[ " ${ t_radio } " = " ${ w_radio } " ] && [ " ${ t_essid } " = " ${ w_essid } " ] && [ " ${ t_bssid } " = " ${ w_bssid } " ] ; then
result = " $( uci_get "travelmate" " @uplink[ $cnt ] " " ${ t_option } " ) "
f_getcfg( ) {
local IFS t_radio t_essid t_bssid radio = " ${ 1 } " essid = " ${ 2 } " bssid = " ${ 3 } " cnt = "0"
while uci_get "travelmate" " @uplink[ ${ cnt } ] " >/dev/null 2>& 1; do
t_radio = " $( uci_get "travelmate" " @uplink[ ${ cnt } ] " "device" ) "
t_essid = " $( uci_get "travelmate" " @uplink[ ${ cnt } ] " "ssid" ) "
t_bssid = " $( uci_get "travelmate" " @uplink[ ${ cnt } ] " "bssid" ) "
if [ -n " ${ radio } " ] && [ -n " ${ essid } " ] &&
[ " ${ t_radio } " = " ${ radio } " ] && [ " ${ t_essid } " = " ${ essid } " ] && [ " ${ t_bssid } " = " ${ bssid } " ] ; then
trm_uplinkcfg = " @uplink[ ${ cnt } ] "
cnt = " $(( cnt + 1 )) "
printf "%s" " ${ result } "
f_log "debug" " f_uplink ::: option: ${ t_option } , result: ${ result } "
f_log "debug" " f_getcfg ::: status: ${ status } , section: ${ section } , active_sta: ${ trm_activesta :- "-" } , uplink_config: ${ trm_uplinkcfg :- "-" } "
# prepare the 'wifi-device ' sections
# get travelmate option value in 'uplink ' sections
f_prepdev( )
f_getval( ) {
local IFS result t_option = " ${ 1 } "
if [ -n " ${ trm_uplinkcfg } " ] ; then
result = " $( uci_get "travelmate" " ${ trm_uplinkcfg } " " ${ t_option } " ) "
printf "%s" " ${ result } "
f_log "debug" " f_getval ::: option: ${ t_option :- "-" } , result: ${ result :- "-" } , uplink_config: ${ trm_uplinkcfg :- "-" } "
# set 'wifi-device' sections
f_setdev( ) {
local IFS disabled radio = " ${ 1 } "
disabled = " $( uci_get "wireless" " ${ radio } " "disabled" ) "
if [ " ${ disabled } " = "1" ] ; then
uci_set wireless " ${ radio } " disabled 0
uci_set wireless " ${ radio } " "disabled" "0"
if [ -z " ${ trm_radio } " ] && ! printf "%s" " ${ trm_radiolist } " | grep -q " ${ radio } " ; then
if [ -n " ${ trm_radio } " ] && [ -z " ${ trm_radiolist } " ] ; then
trm_radiolist = " ${ trm_radio } "
elif [ -z " ${ trm_radio } " ] && ! printf "%s" " ${ trm_radiolist } " | grep -q " ${ radio } " ; then
trm_radiolist = " $( f_trim " ${ trm_radiolist } ${ radio } " ) "
elif [ -n " ${ trm_radio } " ] && [ -z " ${ trm_radiolist } " ] ; then
trm_radiolist = " $( f_trim " $( printf "%s" " ${ trm_radio } " |
awk '{while(match(tolower($0),/[a-z0-9_]+/)){ORS=" ";print substr(tolower($0),RSTART,RLENGTH);$0=substr($0,RSTART+RLENGTH)}}' ) ")"
f_log "debug" " f_prepdev ::: trm_radio: ${ trm_radio :- "-" } , radio: ${ radio } , radio_list: ${ trm_radiolist :- "-" } , disabled: ${ disabled :- "-" } "
# add open uplink to new 'wifi-iface' section
f_addif( )
local IFS uci_cfg offset = 1 radio = " ${ 1 } " essid = " ${ 2 } "
config_cb( )
local type = " ${ 1 } " name = " ${ 2 } "
if [ " ${ type } " = "wifi-iface" ] ; then
if [ " $( uci -q get " wireless. ${ name } .ssid " ) " = " ${ essid } " ] ; then
offset = 0
elif [ " ${ offset } " != "0" ] ; then
offset = " $(( offset + 1 )) "
return " ${ offset } "
config_load wireless
if [ " ${ offset } " != "0" ] ; then
uci_cfg = " trm_uplink ${ offset } "
while [ -n " $( uci -q get " wireless. ${ uci_cfg } " ) " ] ; do
offset = " $(( offset + 1 )) "
uci_cfg = " trm_uplink ${ offset } "
uci -q batch <<-EOC
set wireless." ${ uci_cfg } " = "wifi-iface"
set wireless." ${ uci_cfg } " .mode= "sta"
set wireless." ${ uci_cfg } " .network= " ${ trm_iface } "
set wireless." ${ uci_cfg } " .device= " ${ radio } "
set wireless." ${ uci_cfg } " .ssid= " ${ essid } "
set wireless." ${ uci_cfg } " .encryption= "none"
set wireless." ${ uci_cfg } " .disabled= "1"
uci_cfg = " $( uci -q add travelmate uplink) "
uci -q batch <<-EOC
set travelmate." ${ uci_cfg } " .device= " ${ radio } "
set travelmate." ${ uci_cfg } " .ssid= " ${ essid } "
set travelmate." ${ uci_cfg } " .con_start_expiry= "0"
set travelmate." ${ uci_cfg } " .con_end_expiry= "0"
set travelmate." ${ uci_cfg } " .enabled= "1"
if [ -n " $( uci -q changes "travelmate" ) " ] || [ -n " $( uci -q changes "wireless" ) " ] ; then
uci_commit "travelmate"
uci_commit "wireless"
if [ ! -f " ${ trm_refreshfile } " ] ; then
printf "%s" "ui_reload" >" ${ trm_refreshfile } "
f_log "info" " open uplink ' ${ radio } / ${ essid } ' added to wireless config "
f_log "debug" " f_addif ::: radio: ${ radio :- "-" } , essid: ${ essid } , offset: ${ offset :- "-" } "
f_log "debug" " f_setdev ::: radio: ${ radio :- "-" } , radio_list(cnf/cur): ${ trm_radio :- "-" } / ${ trm_radiolist :- "-" } , disabled: ${ disabled :- "-" } "
# prepare the 'wifi-iface' sections
# set 'wifi-iface' sections
f_prepif( )
f_setif( ) {
local IFS mode radio essid bssid disabled status con_start con_end con_start_expiry con_end_expiry section = " ${ 1 } " proactive = " ${ 2 } "
mode = " $( uci_get "wireless" " ${ section } " "mode" ) "
@ -432,11 +340,14 @@ f_prepif()
essid = " $( uci_get "wireless" " ${ section } " "ssid" ) "
bssid = " $( uci_get "wireless" " ${ section } " "bssid" ) "
disabled = " $( uci_get "wireless" " ${ section } " "disabled" ) "
status = " $( f_uplink "enabled" " ${ radio } " " ${ essid } " " ${ bssid } " ) "
con_start = " $( f_uplink "con_start" " ${ radio } " " ${ essid } " " ${ bssid } " ) "
con_end = " $( f_uplink "con_end" " ${ radio } " " ${ essid } " " ${ bssid } " ) "
con_start_expiry = " $( f_uplink "con_start_expiry" " ${ radio } " " ${ essid } " " ${ bssid } " ) "
con_end_expiry = " $( f_uplink "con_end_expiry" " ${ radio } " " ${ essid } " " ${ bssid } " ) "
f_getcfg " ${ radio } " " ${ essid } " " ${ bssid } "
status = " $( f_getval "enabled" ) "
con_start = " $( f_getval "con_start" ) "
con_end = " $( f_getval "con_end" ) "
con_start_expiry = " $( f_getval "con_start_expiry" ) "
con_end_expiry = " $( f_getval "con_end_expiry" ) "
if [ " ${ status } " = "0" ] && [ -n " ${ con_end } " ] && [ -n " ${ con_end_expiry } " ] && [ " ${ con_end_expiry } " != "0" ] ; then
d1 = " $( date -d " ${ con_end } " "+%s" ) "
@ -444,7 +355,7 @@ f_prepif()
d3 = " $(( ( d2 - d1) / 60 )) "
if [ " ${ d3 } " -ge " ${ con_end_expiry } " ] ; then
status = "1"
f_con track "end_expiry" " ${ radio } " " ${ essid } " " ${ bssid } "
f_ctrack "end_expiry"
elif [ " ${ status } " = "1" ] && [ -n " ${ con_start } " ] && [ -n " ${ con_start_expiry } " ] && [ " ${ con_start_expiry } " != "0" ] ; then
d1 = " $( date -d " ${ con_start } " "+%s" ) "
@ -452,19 +363,13 @@ f_prepif()
d3 = " $(( d1 + ( con_start_expiry * 60 )) ) "
if [ " ${ d2 } " -gt " ${ d3 } " ] ; then
status = "0"
f_con track "start_expiry" " ${ radio } " " ${ essid } " " ${ bssid } "
f_ctrack "start_expiry"
if [ " ${ mode } " = "sta" ] ; then
if [ " ${ status } " = "0" ] ||
[ -z " ${ disabled } " ] || [ " ${ disabled } " = "0" ]
} && {
[ " ${ proactive } " = "0" ] || [ " ${ trm_ifstatus } " != "true" ]
} ; then
if [ " ${ status } " = "0" ] || { { [ -z " ${ disabled } " ] || [ " ${ disabled } " = "0" ] ; } &&
{ [ " ${ proactive } " = "0" ] || [ " ${ trm_ifstatus } " != "true" ] ; } ; } ; then
uci_set "wireless" " ${ section } " "disabled" "1"
elif [ " ${ disabled } " = "0" ] && [ " ${ trm_ifstatus } " = "true" ] && [ " ${ proactive } " = "1" ] ; then
if [ -z " ${ trm_activesta } " ] ; then
@ -477,52 +382,113 @@ f_prepif()
trm_stalist = " $( f_trim " ${ trm_stalist } ${ section } - ${ radio } " ) "
f_log "debug" " f_prepif ::: status: ${ status } , section: ${ section } , active_sta: ${ trm_activesta :- "-" } "
f_log "debug" " f_setif ::: status: ${ status } , section: ${ section } , active_sta: ${ trm_activesta :- "-" } , uplink_config: ${ trm_uplinkcfg :- "-" } "
# add open uplinks
f_addsta( ) {
local IFS uci_cfg new_uplink = "1" offset = "1" radio = " ${ 1 } " essid = " ${ 2 } "
if [ " ${ trm_maxautoadd } " = "0" ] || [ " ${ trm_opensta } " -lt " ${ trm_maxautoadd } " ] ; then
config_cb( ) {
local type = " ${ 1 } " name = " ${ 2 } "
if [ " ${ type } " = "wifi-iface" ] ; then
if [ " $( uci_get " wireless. ${ name } .ssid " ) " = " ${ essid } " ] &&
[ " $( uci_get " wireless. ${ name } .device " ) " = " ${ radio } " ] ; then
new_uplink = "0"
return 0
offset = $(( offset + 1 ))
config_load wireless
new_uplink = "0"
if [ " ${ new_uplink } " = "1" ] ; then
uci_cfg = " trm_uplink $(( offset + 1 )) "
while [ -n " $( uci_get " wireless. ${ uci_cfg } " ) " ] ; do
offset = " $(( offset + 1 )) "
uci_cfg = " trm_uplink ${ offset } "
uci -q batch <<-EOC
set wireless." ${ uci_cfg } " = "wifi-iface"
set wireless." ${ uci_cfg } " .mode= "sta"
set wireless." ${ uci_cfg } " .network= " ${ trm_iface } "
set wireless." ${ uci_cfg } " .device= " ${ radio } "
set wireless." ${ uci_cfg } " .ssid= " ${ essid } "
set wireless." ${ uci_cfg } " .encryption= "none"
set wireless." ${ uci_cfg } " .disabled= "1"
uci_cfg = " $( uci -q add travelmate uplink) "
uci -q batch <<-EOC
set travelmate." ${ uci_cfg } " .device= " ${ radio } "
set travelmate." ${ uci_cfg } " .ssid= " ${ essid } "
set travelmate." ${ uci_cfg } " .opensta= "1"
set travelmate." ${ uci_cfg } " .con_start_expiry= "0"
set travelmate." ${ uci_cfg } " .con_end_expiry= "0"
set travelmate." ${ uci_cfg } " .enabled= "1"
if [ -n " $( uci -q changes "travelmate" ) " ] || [ -n " $( uci -q changes "wireless" ) " ] ; then
trm_opensta = " $(( trm_opensta + 1 )) "
uci_commit "travelmate"
uci_commit "wireless"
if [ ! -f " ${ trm_refreshfile } " ] ; then
printf "%s" "ui_reload" >" ${ trm_refreshfile } "
f_log "info" " open uplink ' ${ radio } / ${ essid } ' added to wireless config "
f_log "debug" " f_addsta ::: radio: ${ radio :- "-" } , essid: ${ essid } , opensta/maxautoadd: ${ trm_opensta :- "-" } / ${ trm_maxautoadd :- "-" } , new_uplink: ${ new_uplink } , offset: ${ offset } "
# check net status
f_net( )
local IFS err err_rc err_domain raw html_raw html_cp json_raw json_cp json_rc result = "net nok"
f_net( ) {
local IFS err_msg raw html_raw html_cp json_raw json_ec json_rc json_cp json_ed result = "net nok"
raw = " $( ${ trm_fetch } --user-agent " ${ trm_useragent } " --referer "http://www.example.com" --header "Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate" --header "Pragma: no-cache" --header "Expires: 0" --write-out "%{json}" --silent --show-error --connect-timeout $(( trm_maxwait / 10 )) " ${ trm_captiveurl } " 2>/tmp/trm_fetch.err) "
raw = " $( ${ trm_fetch } --user-agent " ${ trm_useragent } " --referer "http://www.example.com" --header "Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate" --header "Pragma: no-cache" --header "Expires: 0" --write-out "%{json}" --silent --connect-timeout $(( trm_maxwait / 10 )) " ${ trm_captiveurl } " ) "
json_raw = " ${ raw #* \{ } "
html_raw = " ${ raw %% \{ * } "
if [ -s "/tmp/trm_fetch.err" ] ; then
err = " $( awk 'BEGIN{FS="[()' \' ' ]"}{printf "%s %s",$3,$(NF-1)}' "/tmp/trm_fetch.err" ) "
err_rc = " ${ err % * } "
err_domain = " ${ err #* } "
if [ " ${ err_rc } " = "6" ] ; then
if [ -n " ${ err_domain } " ] && [ " ${ err_domain } " != "timed" ] && [ " ${ err_domain } " != " ${ trm_captiveurl #http* : //* } " ] ; then
result = " net cp ' ${ err_domain } ' "
elif [ -n " ${ json_raw } " ] ; then
json_cp = " $( printf "%s" " { ${ json_raw } " | jsonfilter -q -l1 -e '@.redirect_url' | awk 'BEGIN{FS="/"}{printf "%s",$3}' ) "
if [ -n " ${ json_raw } " ] ; then
json_ec = " $( printf "%s" " { ${ json_raw } " | jsonfilter -q -l1 -e '@.exitcode' ) "
json_rc = " $( printf "%s" " { ${ json_raw } " | jsonfilter -q -l1 -e '@.response_code' ) "
if [ -n " ${ json_cp } " ] ; then
result = " net cp ' ${ json_cp } ' "
json_cp = " $( printf "%s" " { ${ json_raw } " | jsonfilter -q -l1 -e '@.redirect_url' | awk 'BEGIN{FS="/"}{printf "%s",tolower($3)}' ) "
if [ " ${ json_ec } " = "0" ] ; then
if [ -n " ${ json_cp } " ] ; then
result = " net cp ' ${ json_cp } ' "
if [ " ${ json_rc } " = "200" ] || [ " ${ json_rc } " = "204" ] ; then
html_cp = " $( printf "%s" " ${ html_raw } " | awk 'match(tolower($0),/^.*<meta[ \t]+http-equiv=["]*refresh.*[ \t;]url=/){print substr(tolower($0),RLENGTH+1)}' | awk 'BEGIN{FS="[:/]"}{printf "%s",$4;exit}' ) "
if [ -n " ${ html_cp } " ] ; then
result = " net cp ' ${ html_cp } ' "
result = "net ok"
if [ " ${ json_rc } " = "200" ] || [ " ${ json_rc } " = "204" ] ; then
html_cp = " $( printf "%s" " ${ html_raw } " | awk 'match(tolower($0),/^.*<meta[ \t]+http-equiv=["]*refresh.*[ \t;]url=/){print substr(tolower($0),RLENGTH+1)}' | awk 'BEGIN{FS="[:/]"}{printf "%s",$4;exit}' ) "
if [ -n " ${ html_cp } " ] ; then
result = " net cp ' ${ html_cp } ' "
result = "net ok"
err_msg = " $( printf "%s" " { ${ json_raw } " | jsonfilter -q -l1 -e '@.errormsg' ) "
json_ed = " $( printf "%s" " { ${ err_msg } " | awk '/([[:alnum:]_-]{1,63}\.)+[[:alpha:]]+$/{printf "%s",tolower($NF)}' ) "
if [ " ${ json_ec } " = "6" ] ; then
if [ -n " ${ json_ed } " ] && [ " ${ json_ed } " != " ${ trm_captiveurl #http* : //* } " ] ; then
result = " net cp ' ${ json_ed } ' "
rm -f "/tmp/trm_fetch.err"
printf "%s" " ${ result } "
f_log "debug" " f_net ::: fetch: ${ trm_fetch } , timeout: $(( trm_maxwait / 6 )) , url: ${ trm_captiveurl } , user_agent: ${ trm_useragent } , cp (json/html): ${ json_cp :- "-" } / ${ html_cp :- "-" } , result: ${ result } , error: ${ err :- "-" } "
f_log "debug" " f_net ::: fetch: ${ trm_fetch } , timeout: $(( trm_maxwait / 6 )) , cp (json/html): ${ json_cp :- "-" } / ${ html_cp :- "-" } , result: ${ result } , error: ${ err_msg :- "-" } , url: ${ trm_captiveurl } , user_agent: ${ trm_useragent } "
# check interface status
f_check( )
f_check( ) {
local IFS ifname radio dev_status result login_script login_script_args cp_domain wait_time = "1" enabled = "1" mode = " ${ 1 } " status = " ${ 2 } " sta_radio = " ${ 3 } " sta_essid = " ${ 4 } " sta_bssid = " ${ 5 } "
if [ " ${ mode } " = "initial" ] || [ " ${ mode } " = "dev" ] ; then
@ -533,20 +499,15 @@ f_check()
sta_bssid = " ${ station_id ##*/ } "
sta_bssid = " ${ sta_bssid //-/ } "
f_getcfg " ${ sta_radio } " " ${ sta_essid } " " ${ sta_bssid } "
if [ " ${ mode } " != "rev" ] && [ -n " ${ sta_radio } " ] && [ " ${ sta_radio } " != "-" ] && [ -n " ${ sta_essid } " ] && [ " ${ sta_essid } " != "-" ] ; then
enabled = " $( f_uplink "enabled" " ${ sta_radio } " " ${ sta_essid } " " ${ sta_bssid } " ) "
enabled = " $( f_getval "enabled " ) "
if {
[ " ${ mode } " != "initial" ] && [ " ${ mode } " != "dev" ] && [ " ${ status } " = "false" ]
} ||
[ " ${ mode } " = "dev" ] && {
[ " ${ status } " = "false" ] || {
[ " ${ trm_ifstatus } " != " ${ status } " ] && [ " ${ enabled } " = "0" ]
} ; then
if { [ " ${ mode } " != "initial" ] && [ " ${ mode } " != "dev" ] && [ " ${ status } " = "false" ] ; } ||
{ [ " ${ mode } " = "dev" ] && { [ " ${ status } " = "false" ] ||
{ [ " ${ trm_ifstatus } " != " ${ status } " ] && [ " ${ enabled } " = "0" ] ; } ; } ; } ; then
while [ " ${ wait_time } " -le " ${ trm_maxwait } " ] ; do
dev_status = " $( ubus -S call network.wireless status 2>/dev/null) "
@ -582,9 +543,9 @@ f_check()
if [ -n " ${ cp_domain } " ] && [ " ${ trm_captive } " = "1" ] ; then
trm_connection = " ${ result :- "-" } / ${ trm_ifquality } "
login_script = " $( f_uplink "script" " ${ sta_radio } " " ${ sta_essid } " " ${ sta_bssid } " ) "
login_script = " $( f_getval "script " ) "
if [ -x " ${ login_script } " ] ; then
login_script_args = " $( f_uplink "script_args" " ${ sta_radio } " " ${ sta_essid } " " ${ sta_bssid } " ) "
login_script_args = " $( f_getval "script_args " ) "
" ${ login_script } " ${ login_script_args } >/dev/null 2>& 1
rc = " ${ ? } "
f_log "info" " captive portal login for ' ${ cp_domain } ' has been executed with rc ' ${ rc } ' "
@ -611,7 +572,7 @@ f_check()
f_vpn "disable"
unset trm_connection
trm_ifstatus = " ${ status } "
f_con track "end" " ${ sta_radio } " " ${ sta_essid } " " ${ sta_bssid } "
f_ctrack "end"
elif [ " ${ trm_netcheck } " = "1" ] && [ " ${ result } " = "net nok" ] ; then
f_log "info" "uplink has no internet (existing connection)"
f_vpn "disable"
@ -646,16 +607,16 @@ f_check()
wait_time = " $(( wait_time + 1 )) "
sleep 1
f_log "debug" " f_check ::: mode: ${ mode } , name: ${ ifname :- "-" } , status: ${ trm_ifstatus } , enabled: ${ enabled } , connection: ${ trm_connection :- "-" } , wait: ${ wait_time } , max_wait: ${ trm_maxwait } , min_quality: ${ trm_minquality } , captive: ${ trm_captive } , netcheck: ${ trm_netcheck } "
f_log "debug" " f_check ::: mode: ${ mode } , name: ${ ifname :- "-" } , status: ${ trm_ifstatus } , enabled: ${ enabled } , connection: ${ trm_connection :- "-" } , wait: ${ wait_time } , max_wait: ${ trm_maxwait } , min_quality: ${ trm_minquality } , captive: ${ trm_captive } , netcheck: ${ trm_netcheck } "
# update runtime information
f_jsnup( )
local IFS section last_date last_station sta_iface sta_radio sta_essid sta_bssid sta_mac dev_status last_status status = " ${ trm_ifstatus } " ntp_done = "0" vpn_done = "0" mail_done = "0"
f_jsnup( ) {
local IFS vpn section last_date last_station sta_iface sta_radio sta_essid sta_bssid sta_mac dev_status last_status status = " ${ trm_ifstatus } " ntp_done = "0" vpn_done = "0" mail_done = "0"
if [ " ${ status } " = "true" ] ; then
vpn = " $( f_getval "vpn" ) "
status = " connected ( ${ trm_connection :- "-" } ) "
dev_status = " $( ubus -S call network.wireless status 2>/dev/null) "
if [ -n " ${ dev_status } " ] ; then
@ -672,12 +633,8 @@ f_jsnup()
json_get_var last_station "station_id"
json_get_var last_status "travelmate_status"
if {
[ -f " ${ trm_ntpfile } " ] && [ ! -s " ${ trm_ntpfile } " ]
} || [ " ${ last_status } " = "running (not connected)" ] ||
[ -n " ${ last_station } " ] && [ " ${ last_station } " != " ${ sta_radio :- "-" } / ${ sta_essid :- "-" } / ${ sta_bssid :- "-" } " ]
} ; then
if { [ -f " ${ trm_ntpfile } " ] && [ ! -s " ${ trm_ntpfile } " ] ; } || [ " ${ last_status } " = "running (not connected)" ] ||
{ [ -n " ${ last_station } " ] && [ " ${ last_station } " != " ${ sta_radio :- "-" } / ${ sta_essid :- "-" } / ${ sta_bssid :- "-" } " ] ; } ; then
last_date = " $( date "+%Y.%m.%d-%H:%M:%S" ) "
if [ -f " ${ trm_ntpfile } " ] && [ ! -s " ${ trm_ntpfile } " ] ; then
printf "%s" " ${ last_date } " >" ${ trm_ntpfile } "
@ -697,7 +654,7 @@ f_jsnup()
if [ -s " ${ trm_ntpfile } " ] ; then
ntp_done = "1"
if [ " ${ trm_ vpn} " = "1" ] && [ -f " ${ trm_vpnfile } " ] ; then
if [ " ${ vpn } " = "1" ] && [ -f " ${ trm_vpnfile } " ] ; then
vpn_done = "1"
if [ " ${ trm_mail } " = "1" ] && [ -f " ${ trm_mailfile } " ] ; then
@ -718,7 +675,7 @@ f_jsnup()
if [ " ${ status %% (net ok/* } " = "connected" ] ; then
f_vpn "enable"
if [ " ${ trm_mail } " = "1" ] && [ -x " ${ trm_mailpgm } " ] && [ " ${ ntp_done } " = "1" ] && [ " ${ mail_done } " = "0" ] ; then
if [ " ${ trm_ vpn} " = "0 " ] || [ " ${ vpn_done } " = "1" ] ; then
if [ -z " ${ vpn } " ] || [ " ${ vpn_done } " = "1" ] ; then
: >" ${ trm_mailfile } "
" ${ trm_mailpgm } " >/dev/null 2>& 1
@ -726,22 +683,19 @@ f_jsnup()
f_vpn "disable"
f_log "debug" " f_jsnup ::: section: ${ section :- "-" } , status: ${ status :- "-" } , sta_iface: ${ sta_iface :- "-" } , sta_radio: ${ sta_radio :- "-" } , sta_essid: ${ sta_essid :- "-" } , sta_bssid: ${ sta_bssid :- "-" } , ntp: ${ ntp_done } , vpn: ${ trm_ vpn} / ${ vpn_done } , mail: ${ trm_mail } / ${ mail_done } "
f_log "debug" " f_jsnup ::: section: ${ section :- "-" } , status: ${ status :- "-" } , sta_iface: ${ sta_iface :- "-" } , sta_radio: ${ sta_radio :- "-" } , sta_essid: ${ sta_essid :- "-" } , sta_bssid: ${ sta_bssid :- "-" } , ntp: ${ ntp_done } , vpn: ${ vpn :- "0" } / ${ vpn_done } , mail: ${ trm_mail } / ${ mail_done } "
# write to syslog
f_log( )
f_log( ) {
local IFS class = " ${ 1 } " log_msg = " ${ 2 } "
if [ -n " ${ log_msg } " ] && {
[ " ${ class } " != "debug" ] || [ " ${ trm_debug } " = "1" ]
} ; then
if [ -n " ${ log_msg } " ] && { [ " ${ class } " != "debug" ] || [ " ${ trm_debug } " = "1" ] ; } ; then
if [ -x " ${ trm_logger } " ] ; then
" ${ trm_logger } " -p " ${ class } " -t " trm- ${ trm_ver } [ ${ $} ] " " ${ log_msg } "
printf '%s %s %s\n' " ${ class } " " trm- ${ trm_ver } [ ${ $} ] " " ${ log_msg } "
printf "%s %s %s\n" " ${ class } " " trm- ${ trm_ver } [ ${ $} ] " " ${ log_msg } "
if [ " ${ class } " = "err" ] ; then
trm_ifstatus = "error"
@ -754,16 +708,15 @@ f_log()
# main function for connection handling
f_main( )
f_main( ) {
local IFS cnt retrycnt spec scan_dev scan_list scan_essid scan_bssid scan_open scan_quality
local station_id section sta sta_essid sta_bssid sta_radio sta_iface sta_mac config_essid config_bssid config_radio
f_check "initial" "false"
f_log "debug" " f_main ::: status: ${ trm_ifstatus } , proactive: ${ trm_proactive } "
f_log "debug" " f_main-1 ::: status: ${ trm_ifstatus } , proactive: ${ trm_proactive } "
if [ " ${ trm_ifstatus } " != "true" ] || [ " ${ trm_proactive } " = "1" ] ; then
config_load wireless
config_foreach f_prepif wifi-iface ${ trm_proactive }
config_foreach f_setif wifi-iface " ${ trm_proactive } "
if [ " ${ trm_ifstatus } " = "true" ] && [ -n " ${ trm_activesta } " ] && [ " ${ trm_proactive } " = "1" ] ; then
json_get_var station_id "station_id"
config_radio = " ${ station_id %%/* } "
@ -772,19 +725,21 @@ f_main()
config_bssid = " ${ station_id ##*/ } "
config_bssid = " ${ config_bssid //-/ } "
f_check "dev" "true"
f_log "debug" " f_main ::: config_radio: ${ config_radio } , config_essid: \" ${ config_essid } \", config_bssid: ${ config_bssid :- "-" } "
f_log "debug" " f_main-2 ::: config_radio: ${ config_radio } , config_essid: \" ${ config_essid } \", config_bssid: ${ config_bssid :- "-" } "
uci_commit "wireless"
f_check "dev" "false"
f_log "debug" " f_main ::: radio_list: ${ trm_radiolist } , sta_list: ${ trm_stalist : 0 : trm_scanbuffer } "
f_log "debug" " f_main-3 ::: radio_list: ${ trm_radiolist } , sta_list: ${ trm_stalist : 0 : trm_scanbuffer } "
# radio loop
for radio in ${ trm_radiolist } ; do
if ! printf "%s" " ${ trm_stalist } " | grep -q " \\- ${ radio } " ; then
f_log "info" " no station on radio ' ${ radio } ' "
if [ " ${ trm_autoadd } " = "0" ] ; then
f_log "info" " no station on radio ' ${ radio } ' "
# station loop
@ -796,23 +751,26 @@ f_main()
sta_bssid = " $( uci_get "wireless" " ${ section } " "bssid" ) "
sta_iface = " $( uci_get "wireless" " ${ section } " "network" ) "
sta_mac = " $( f_mac "get" " ${ section } " ) "
if [ -z " ${ sta_radio } " ] || [ -z " ${ sta_essid } " ] || [ -z " ${ sta_iface } " ] ; then
f_log "info" " invalid wireless section ' ${ section } ' "
if [ " ${ sta_radio } " = " ${ config_radio } " ] && [ " ${ sta_essid } " = " ${ config_essid } " ] && [ " ${ sta_bssid } " = " ${ config_bssid } " ] ; then
f_contrack "refresh" " ${ config_radio } " " ${ config_essid } " " ${ config_bssid } "
if [ " ${ radio } " = " ${ config_radio } " ] && [ " ${ sta_radio } " = " ${ config_radio } " ] &&
[ " ${ sta_essid } " = " ${ config_essid } " ] && [ " ${ sta_bssid } " = " ${ config_bssid } " ] ; then
f_ctrack "refresh"
f_log "info" " uplink still in range ' ${ config_radio } / ${ config_essid } / ${ config_bssid :- "-" } ' with mac ' ${ sta_mac :- "-" } ' "
break 2
f_log "debug" " f_main ::: sta_radio: ${ sta_radio } , sta_essid: \" ${ sta_essid } \", sta_bssid: ${ sta_bssid :- "-" } "
f_log "debug" " f_main-4 ::: sta_radio: ${ sta_radio } , sta_essid: \" ${ sta_essid } \", sta_bssid: ${ sta_bssid :- "-" } "
if [ -z " ${ scan_list } " ] ; then
scan_dev = " $( ubus -S call network.wireless status 2>/dev/null | jsonfilter -q -l1 -e " @. ${ radio } .interfaces[0].ifname " ) "
scan_list = " $( " ${ trm_iwinfo } " " ${ scan_dev :- ${ radio } } " scan 2>/dev/null |
awk ' BEGIN{ FS = "[[:space:]]" } /Address:/{ var1 = $NF } /ESSID:/{ var2 = "" ; for ( i = 12; i<= NF; i++) if ( var2 = = "" ) { var2 = $i } else { var2 = var2" " $i } ;
gsub( /,/,"." ,var2) } /Quality:/{ split( $NF ,var0,"/" ) } /Encryption:/{ if ( $NF = = "none" ) { var3 = "+" } else { var3 = "-" } ; printf "%i,%s,%s,%s\n" ,( var0[ 1] *100/var0[ 2] ) ,var1,var2,var3} ' |
sort -rn | awk -v buf = " ${ trm_scanbuffer } " 'BEGIN{ORS=","}{print substr($0,1,buf)}' ) "
f_log "debug" " f_main ::: radio: ${ radio } , scan_device: ${ scan_dev } , scan_buffer: ${ trm_scanbuffer } , scan_list: ${ scan_list :- "-" } "
f_log "debug" " f_main-5 ::: radio: ${ radio } , scan_device: ${ scan_dev } , scan_buffer: ${ trm_scanbuffer } , scan_list: ${ scan_list :- "-" } "
if [ -z " ${ scan_list } " ] ; then
f_log "info" " no scan results on ' ${ radio } ' "
continue 2
@ -833,52 +791,39 @@ f_main()
scan_open = " ${ spec } "
if [ -n " ${ scan_quality } " ] && [ -n " ${ scan_bssid } " ] && [ -n " ${ scan_essid } " ] && [ -n " ${ scan_open } " ] ; then
f_log "debug" " f_main-6 ::: radio(sta/scan): ${ sta_radio } / ${ radio } , essid(sta/scan): \" ${ sta_essid //,/. } \"/ ${ scan_essid } , bssid(sta/scan): ${ sta_bssid } / ${ scan_bssid } , open: ${ scan_open } , quality: ${ scan_quality } "
if [ " ${ scan_quality } " -ge " ${ trm_minquality } " ] ; then
if {
[ " ${ scan_essid } " = " \" ${ sta_essid //,/. } \" " ] && {
[ -z " ${ sta_bssid } " ] || [ " ${ scan_bssid } " = " ${ sta_bssid } " ]
} ||
[ " ${ scan_bssid } " = " ${ sta_bssid } " ] && [ " ${ scan_essid } " = "unknown" ]
} && [ " ${ radio } " = " ${ sta_radio } " ] ; then
if { { [ " ${ scan_essid } " = " \" ${ sta_essid //,/. } \" " ] && { [ -z " ${ sta_bssid } " ] || [ " ${ scan_bssid } " = " ${ sta_bssid } " ] ; } ; } ||
{ [ " ${ scan_bssid } " = " ${ sta_bssid } " ] && [ " ${ scan_essid } " = "unknown" ] ; } ; } && [ " ${ radio } " = " ${ sta_radio } " ] ; then
f_vpn "disable"
f_log "debug" " f_main ::: scan_quality: ${ scan_quality } , scan_essid: ${ scan_essid } , scan_bssid: ${ scan_bssid :- "-" } , scan_open: ${ scan_open } "
if [ -n " ${ config_radio } " ] ; then
uci_set "wireless" " ${ trm_activesta } " "disabled" "1"
uci_commit "wireless"
f_con track "end" " ${ config_radio } " " ${ config_essid } " " ${ config_bssid } "
f_ctrack "end"
f_log "info" " uplink connection terminated ' ${ config_radio } / ${ config_essid } / ${ config_bssid :- "-" } ' "
unset trm_connection config_radio config_essid config_bssid
# retry loop
retrycnt = 1
trm_radio = " ${ sta_radio } "
retrycnt = "1"
f_getcfg " ${ sta_radio } " " ${ sta_essid } " " ${ sta_bssid } "
while [ " ${ retrycnt } " -le " ${ trm_maxretry } " ] ; do
if [ " ${ trm_randomize } " = "1" ] ; then
sta_mac = " $( f_mac "set" " ${ section } " ) "
sta_mac = " $( f_mac "set" " ${ section } " ) "
uci_set "wireless" " ${ section } " "disabled" "0"
f_check "sta" "false" " ${ sta_radio } " " ${ sta_essid } " " ${ sta_bssid } "
if [ " ${ trm_ifstatus } " = "true" ] ; then
unset IFS scan_list
rm -f " ${ trm_mailfile } "
uci_commit "wireless"
f_contrack "start" " ${ sta_radio } " " ${ sta_essid } " " ${ sta_bssid } "
if [ " ${ trm_randomize } " = "0" ] ; then
sta_mac = " $( f_mac "get" " ${ section } " ) "
f_ctrack "start"
f_log "info" " connected to uplink ' ${ sta_radio } / ${ sta_essid } / ${ sta_bssid :- "-" } ' with mac ' ${ sta_mac :- "-" } ' ( ${ retrycnt } / ${ trm_maxretry } ) "
return 0
uci -q revert "wireless"
f_check "rev" "false"
if [ " ${ retrycnt } " = " ${ trm_maxretry } " ] ; then
f_con track "disabled" " ${ sta_radio } " " ${ sta_essid } " " ${ sta_bssid } "
f_ctrack "disabled"
f_log "info" " uplink has been disabled ' ${ sta_radio } / ${ sta_essid } / ${ sta_bssid :- "-" } ' ( ${ retrycnt } / ${ trm_maxretry } ) "
break 2
@ -892,7 +837,7 @@ f_main()
elif [ " ${ trm_autoadd } " = "1" ] && [ " ${ scan_open } " = "+" ] && [ " ${ scan_essid } " != "unknown" ] ; then
scan_essid = " ${ scan_essid %? } "
scan_essid = " ${ scan_essid : 1 } "
f_addif " ${ sta_ radio} " " ${ scan_essid } "
f_addsta " ${ radio } " " ${ scan_essid } "
unset scan_quality scan_bssid scan_essid scan_open
@ -925,7 +870,7 @@ if [ "${trm_action}" != "stop" ]; then
while true; do
if [ -z " ${ trm_action } " ] ; then
rc = 0
rc = "0"
while true; do
if [ " ${ rc } " = "0" ] ; then
f_check "initial" "false"
@ -935,9 +880,7 @@ while true; do
if [ " ${ rc } " != "0" ] ; then
f_check "initial" "false"
if [ " ${ rc } " = "0" ] || {
[ " ${ rc } " != "0" ] && [ " ${ trm_ifstatus } " = "false" ]
} ; then
if [ " ${ rc } " = "0" ] || { [ " ${ rc } " != "0" ] && [ " ${ trm_ifstatus } " = "false" ] ; } ; then