A lean RFC8484-compatible (no JSON API support) DNS-over-HTTPS (DoH) proxy service which supports DoH servers ran by AdGuard, CleanBrowsing, Cloudflare, Google, ODVR (nic.cz) and Quad9. Please see the [README](https://github.com/stangri/openwrt_packages/blob/master/https-dns-proxy/files/README.md) for further information. Based on [@aarond10](https://github.com/aarond10)'s [https-dns-proxy](https://github.com/aarond10/https_dns_proxy).
- Web UI (```luci-app-https-dns-proxy```) available.
- (By default) automatically updates DNSMASQ settings to use DoH proxy when it's started and reverts to old DNSMASQ resolvers when DoH proxy is stopped.
This proxy requires the following packages to be installed on your router: ```libc```, ```libcares```, ```libcurl```, ```libev```, ```ca-bundle```. They will be automatically installed when you're installing ```https-dns-proxy```.
## Unmet Dependencies
If you are running a development (trunk/snapshot) build of OpenWrt/LEDE Project on your router and your build is outdated (meaning that packages of the same revision/commit hash are no longer available and when you try to satisfy the [requirements](#requirements) you get errors), please flash either current LEDE release image or current development/snapshot image.
## How To Install
Install ```https-dns-proxy``` and ```luci-app-https-dns-proxy``` packages from Web UI or run the following in the command line:
Default configuration has service enabled and starts the service with Google and Cloudflare DoH servers. In most configurations, you will keep the default ```DNSMASQ``` service installed to handle requests from devices in your local network and point ```DNSMASQ``` to use ```https-dns-proxy``` for name resolution.
By default, the service will intelligently override existing ```DNSMASQ``` servers settings on start to use the DoH servers and restores original ```DNSMASQ``` servers on stop. See the [Configuration Settings](#configuration-settings) section below for more information and how to disable this behavior.
## Configuration Settings
Configuration contains the (named) "main" config section where you can configure which ```DNSMASQ``` settings the service will automatically affect and the typed (unnamed) https-dns-proxy instance settings. The original config file is included below:
The ```update_dnsmasq_config``` option can be set to dash (set to ```'-'``` to not change ```DNSMASQ``` server settings on start/stop), can be set to ```'*'``` to affect all ```DNSMASQ``` instance server settings or have a space-separated list of ```DNSMASQ``` instances to affect (like ```'0 4 5'```). If this option is omitted, the default setting is ```'*'```.
Starting with ```https-dns-proxy``` version ```2019-12-03-3``` and higher, when the service is set to update the DNSMASQ servers setting on start/stop, it does not override entries which contain either ```#``` or ```/```, so the entries like listed below will be kept in use:
list server '/onion/'
list server '/openwrt.org/'
list server '/pool.ntp.org/'
list server ''
list server ''
list server ''
The https-dns-proxy instance settings are:
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
|bootstrap_dns|IP Address||The non-encrypted DNS servers to be used to resolve the DoH server name on start.|
|edns_subnet|Subnet||EDNS Subnet address can be supplied to supported DoH servers to provide local resolution results.|
|listen_addr|IP Address||The local IP address to listen to requests.|
|listen_port|port|5053 and up|If this setting is omitted, the service will start the first https-dns-proxy instance on port 5053, second on 5054 and so on.|
|logfile|Full filepath||Full filepath to the file to log the instance events to.|
|resolver_url|URL||The https URL to the RFC8484-compatible resolver.|
|proxy_server|URL||Local proxy server to use when accessing resolvers.|
|user|String|nobody|Local user to run instance under.|
|group|String|nogroup|Local group to run instance under.|
|use_http1|Boolean|0|If set to 1, use HTTP/1 on installations with broken/outdated ```curl``` package. Included for posterity reasons, you will most likely not ever need it on OpenWrt.|
|verbosity|Integer||Use setting between 1 to 4 to control the logging verbosity level.|String
## Thanks
This OpenWrt package wouldn't have been possible without [@aarond10](https://github.com/aarond10)'s [https-dns-proxy](https://github.com/aarond10/https_dns_proxy) and his active participation in the OpenWrt package itself. Special thanks to [@jow-](https://github.com/jow-) for general package/luci guidance.