@ -8,13 +8,18 @@
# All config needs to be done in /etc/config/wshaper
# All config needs to be done in /etc/config/wshaper
. /lib/functions.sh
. /lib/functions.sh
. /lib/functions/network.sh
config_load wshaper
config_load wshaper
for s in downlink uplink network nopriohostdst nopriohostsrc noprioportdst noprioportsrc; do
for s in downlink uplink network nopriohostdst nopriohostsrc noprioportdst noprioportsrc; do
config_get $s settings $s
config_get $s settings $s
device=$(uci_get_state network "$network" ifname "$network")
[ -z "$device" ] && logger -t wondershaper "Error: Could not find the device for network $network, aborting." && exit 1
if ! network_get_device device "$network"; then
logger -t wondershaper "Error: Could not find the device for network $network, aborting."
exit 1
[ -z "$downlink" ] && logger -t wondershaper "Error: Downlink speed not set, aborting." && exit 1
[ -z "$downlink" ] && logger -t wondershaper "Error: Downlink speed not set, aborting." && exit 1
[ -z "$uplink" ] && logger -t wondershaper "Error: Uplink speed not set, aborting." && exit 1
[ -z "$uplink" ] && logger -t wondershaper "Error: Uplink speed not set, aborting." && exit 1