@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
# - IPv6 DDNS services
# - setting DNS Server to retrieve current IP including TCP transport
# - Proxy Server to send out updates or retrieving WEB based IP detection
# - force_interval=0 to run once (usefull for cron jobs etc.)
# - force_interval=0 to run once (useful for cron jobs etc.)
# - the usage of BIND's host instead of BusyBox's nslookup if installed (DNS via TCP)
# - extended Verbose Mode and log file support for better error detection
@ -32,17 +32,20 @@
SECTION_ID = "" # hold config's section name
VERBOSE_MODE = 1 # default mode is log to console, but easily changed with parameter
# allow NON-public IP's
ALLOW_LOCAL_IP = $( uci -q get ddns.global.allow_local_ip) || ALLOW_LOCAL_IP = 0
# directory to store run information to.
RUNDIR = $( uci -q get ddns.global.run_dir) || RUNDIR = "/var/run/ddns"
[ -d $RUNDIR ] || mkdir -p -m755 $RUNDIR
# NEW # directory to store log files
# directory to store log files
LOGDIR = $( uci -q get ddns.global.log_dir) || LOGDIR = "/var/log/ddns"
[ -d $LOGDIR ] || mkdir -p -m755 $LOGDIR
LOGFILE = "" # NEW # logfile can be enabled as new option
LOGFILE = "" # logfile - all files are set in dynamic_dns_updater.sh
PIDFILE = "" # pid file
UPDFILE = "" # store UPTIME of last update
DATFILE = "" # save stdout data of WGet and other extern programs called
ERRFILE = "" # save stderr output of WGet and other extern programs called
DATFILE = "" # save stdout data of WGet and other external programs called
ERRFILE = "" # save stderr output of WGet and other external programs called
TLDFILE = /usr/lib/ddns/tld_names.dat # TLD file used by split_FQDN
# number of lines to before rotate logfile
LOGLINES = $( uci -q get ddns.global.log_lines) || LOGLINES = 250
@ -314,8 +317,8 @@ get_service_data() {
# check is URL or SCRIPT is given
__URL = $( echo " $__DATA " | grep "^http: " )
# check if URL or SCRIPT is given
__URL = $( echo " $__DATA " | grep "^http" )
[ -z " $__URL " ] && __SCRIPT = " /usr/lib/ddns/ $__DATA "
eval " $1 =\" $__URL \" "
@ -340,15 +343,15 @@ get_seconds() {
timeout( ) {
# copied from http://www.ict.griffith.edu.au/anthony/software/timeout.sh
# only did the folloing changes
# only did the follow ing changes
# - commented out "#!/bin/bash" and usage section
# - replace exit by return for usage as function
# - some reformating
# - some reformatt ing
# timeout [-SIG] time [--] command args...
# Run the given command until completion, but kill it if it runs too long.
# Specifically designed to exit immediatal ly (no sleep interval) and clean up
# Specifically designed to exit immediate ly (no sleep interval) and clean up
# nicely without messages or leaving any extra processes when finished.
# Example use
@ -402,7 +405,7 @@ timeout() {
shift # next option
# run main command in backgrouds and get its pid
# run main command in backgroun ds and get its pid
" $@ " &
command_pid = $!
@ -443,28 +446,45 @@ timeout() {
verify_host_port( ) {
local __HOST = $1
local __PORT = $2
local __IP __IPV4 __IPV6 __RUNPROG __ERR
local __IP __IPV4 __IPV6 __RUNPROG __PROG __ ERR
# return codes
# 1 system specific error
# 2 nslookup error
# 2 nslookup/host error
# 3 nc (netcat) error
# 4 unmatched IP version
[ $# -ne 2 ] && write_log 12 "Error calling 'verify_host_port()' - wrong number of parameters"
__RUNPROG = " /usr/bin/nslookup $__HOST > $DATFILE 2> $ERRFILE "
write_log 7 " #> $__RUNPROG "
eval $__RUNPROG
__ERR = $?
# command error
[ $__ERR -gt 0 ] && {
write_log 3 " DNS Resolver Error - BusyBox nslookup Error ' $__ERR ' "
write_log 7 " $( cat $ERRFILE ) "
return 2
# check if ip or FQDN was given
__IPV4 = $( echo $__HOST | grep -m 1 -o " $IPV4_REGEX $" ) # do not detect ip in
__IPV6 = $( echo $__HOST | grep -m 1 -o " $IPV6_REGEX " )
# if FQDN given get IP address
[ -z " $__IPV4 " -a -z " $__IPV6 " ] && {
if [ -x /usr/bin/host ] ; then # use BIND host if installed
__PROG = "BIND host"
__RUNPROG = " /usr/bin/host -t ANY $__HOST > $DATFILE 2> $ERRFILE "
else # use BusyBox nslookup
__PROG = "BusyBox nslookup"
__RUNPROG = " /usr/bin/nslookup $__HOST > $DATFILE 2> $ERRFILE "
write_log 7 " #> $__RUNPROG "
eval $__RUNPROG
__ERR = $?
# command error
[ $__ERR -gt 0 ] && {
write_log 3 " DNS Resolver Error - $__PROG Error ' $__ERR ' "
write_log 7 " $( cat $ERRFILE ) "
return 2
# extract IP address
if [ -x /usr/bin/host ] ; then # use BIND host if installed
__IPV4 = $( cat $DATFILE | awk -F "address " '/has address/ {print $2; exit}' )
__IPV6 = $( cat $DATFILE | awk -F "address " '/has IPv6/ {print $2; exit}' )
else # use BusyBox nslookup
__IPV4 = $( cat $DATFILE | sed -ne " 3,\$ { s/^Address[0-9 ]\{0,\}: \( $IPV4_REGEX \).* $/\\1/p } " )
__IPV6 = $( cat $DATFILE | sed -ne " 3,\$ { s/^Address[0-9 ]\{0,\}: \( $IPV6_REGEX \).* $/\\1/p } " )
# extract IP address
__IPV4 = $( cat $DATFILE | sed -ne " 3,\$ { s/^Address [0-9]*: \( $IPV4_REGEX \).* $/\\1/p } " )
__IPV6 = $( cat $DATFILE | sed -ne " 3,\$ { s/^Address [0-9]*: \( $IPV6_REGEX \).* $/\\1/p } " )
# check IP version if forced
if [ $force_ipversion -ne 0 ] ; then
@ -487,9 +507,9 @@ verify_host_port() {
# connectivity test
# run busybox nc to HOST PORT
# busybox might be compiled with "FEATURE_PREFER_IPV4_ADDRESS=n"
# then nc will try to connect via IPv6 if there is any IPv6 availi ble on any host interface
# not worring, if there is an IPv6 wan address
# so if not "force_ipversion" to use_ipv6 then connect test via ipv4, if availi ble
# then nc will try to connect via IPv6 if there is any IPv6 availa ble on any host interface
# not worry ing, if there is an IPv6 wan address
# so if not "force_ipversion" to use_ipv6 then connect test via ipv4, if availa ble
[ $force_ipversion -ne 0 -a $use_ipv6 -ne 0 -o -z " $__IPV4 " ] && __IP = $__IPV6 || __IP = $__IPV4
if [ -n " $__NCEXT " ] ; then # BusyBox nc compiled with extensions (timeout support)
@ -512,7 +532,7 @@ verify_host_port() {
# verf iy given DNS server if connectable
# verif y given DNS server if connectable
# $1 DNS server to verify
verify_dns( ) {
local __ERR = 255 # last error buffer
@ -546,7 +566,7 @@ verify_dns() {
return 0
# analyse and verfi y given proxy string
# analyze and verif y given proxy string
# $1 Proxy-String to verify
verify_proxy( ) {
# complete entry user:password@host:port
@ -643,7 +663,7 @@ do_transfer() {
# 2nd choice is cURL IPv4/IPv6/HTTPS
# libcurl might be compiled without Proxy Support (default in trunk)
elif [ -x /usr/bin/curl ] ; then
__PROG = " /usr/bin/curl -sS -o $DATFILE --stderr $ERRFILE "
__PROG = " /usr/bin/curl -R sS -o $DATFILE --stderr $ERRFILE "
# force ip version to use
if [ $force_ipversion -eq 1 ] ; then
[ $use_ipv6 -eq 0 ] && __PROG = " $__PROG -4 " || __PROG = " $__PROG -6 " # force IPv4/IPv6
@ -730,10 +750,14 @@ send_update() {
[ $# -ne 1 ] && write_log 12 "Error calling 'send_update()' - wrong number of parameters"
# verify given IP / no private IPv4's / no IPv6 addr starting with fxxx of with ":"
[ $use_ipv6 -eq 0 ] && __IP = $( echo $1 | grep -v -E "(^0|^10\.|^127|^172\.1[6-9]\.|^172\.2[0-9]\.|^172\.3[0-1]\.|^192\.168)" )
[ $use_ipv6 -eq 1 ] && __IP = $( echo $1 | grep "^[0-9a-eA-E]" )
[ -z " $__IP " ] && write_log 4 " Private or invalid or no IP ' $1 ' given "
if [ $ALLOW_LOCAL_IP -eq 0 ] ; then
# verify given IP / no private IPv4's / no IPv6 addr starting with fxxx of with ":"
[ $use_ipv6 -eq 0 ] && __IP = $( echo $1 | grep -v -E "(^0|^10\.|^127|^172\.1[6-9]\.|^172\.2[0-9]\.|^172\.3[0-1]\.|^192\.168)" )
[ $use_ipv6 -eq 1 ] && __IP = $( echo $1 | grep "^[0-9a-eA-E]" )
[ -z " $__IP " ] && write_log 14 " Private or invalid or no IP ' $1 ' given! Please check your configuration "
__IP = " $1 "
if [ -n " $update_script " ] ; then
write_log 7 " parsing script ' $update_script ' "
@ -751,7 +775,7 @@ send_update() {
write_log 7 " DDNS Provider answered:\n $( cat $DATFILE ) "
return 0
# TODO analys e providers answer
# TODO analyz e providers answer
# "good" or "nochg" = dyndns.com compatible API
# grep -i -E "good|nochg" $DATFILE >/dev/null 2>&1
# return $? # "0" if found
@ -915,7 +939,7 @@ get_registered_ip() {
if [ " $__PROG " = "BIND host" ] ; then
__DATA = $( cat $DATFILE | awk -F "address " '/has/ {print $2; exit}' )
__DATA = $( cat $DATFILE | sed -ne " 3,\$ { s/^Address [0-9]* : \( $__REGEX \).* $/\\1/p } " )
__DATA = $( cat $DATFILE | sed -ne " 3,\$ { s/^Address[0-9 ]\{0,\} : \( $__REGEX \).* $/\\1/p } " )
[ -n " $__DATA " ] && {
write_log 7 " Registered IP ' $__DATA ' detected "
@ -974,7 +998,7 @@ trap_handler() {
write_log 4 " PID ' $$ ' exit WITH ERROR ' $__ERR ' at $( eval $DATE_PROG ) \n "
fi ; ;
1) write_log 6 " PID ' $$ ' received 'SIGHUP' at $( eval $DATE_PROG ) "
# reload config via starting the script again
# reload config via starting the script again
eval " /usr/lib/ddns/dynamic_dns_updater.sh $SECTION_ID $VERBOSE_MODE & "
exit 0 ; ; # and leave this one
2) write_log 5 " PID ' $$ ' terminated by 'SIGINT' at $( eval $DATE_PROG ) \n " ; ;
@ -999,3 +1023,55 @@ trap_handler() {
trap - 0 1 2 3 15
[ $1 -gt 0 ] && kill -$1 $$
split_FQDN( ) {
# $1 FQDN to split
# $2 name of variable to store TLD
# $3 name of variable to store (reg)Domain
# $4 name of variable to store Host/Subdomain
[ $# -ne 4 ] && write_log 12 "Error calling 'split_FQDN()' - wrong number of parameters"
_SET = " $@ " # save given parameters
local _FDOM = $( echo " $1 " | tr [ A-Z] [ a-z] ) # to lower
set -- $( echo " $_FDOM " | tr "." " " ) # replace DOT with SPACE and set as script parameters
_FDOM = "" # clear variable for later reuse
while [ -n " $1 " ] ; do # as long we have parameters
_FTLD = $( echo $@ | tr " " "." ) # build back dot separated as TLD
# look if match excludes "!" in tld_names.dat
grep -E " ^! $_FTLD $" $TLDFILE >/dev/null 2>& 1 || {
# Don't match excludes
# check if match any "*" in tld_names.dat
grep -E " ^*. $_FTLD $" $TLDFILE >/dev/null 2>& 1 && {
break # found leave while
# check if exact match in tld_names.dat
grep -E " ^ $_FTLD $" $TLDFILE >/dev/null 2>& 1 && {
break # found leave while
# nothing match so
_FHOST = " $_FHOST $_FDOM " # append DOMAIN to last found HOST
_FDOM = " $1 " # set 1st parameter as DOMAIN
_FTLD = "" # clear TLD
shift # delete 1st parameter and retry with the rest
set -- $_SET # set back parameters from function call
[ -n " $_FHOST " ] && _FHOST = $( echo $_FHOST | tr " " "." ) # put dots back into HOST
[ -n " $_FOUND " ] && {
eval " $2 = $_FTLD " # set found TLD
eval " $3 = $_FDOM " # set found registrable domain
eval " $4 = $_FHOST " # set found HOST/SUBDOMAIN
return 0
eval " $2 ='' " # clear TLD
eval " $3 ='' " # clear registrable domain
eval " $4 ='' " # clear HOST/SUBDOMAIN
return 1