@ -0,0 +1,51 @@ |
# Copyright (C) 2009-2015 OpenWrt.org
# This is free software, licensed under the GNU General Public License v2.
# See /LICENSE for more information.
include $(TOPDIR)/rules.mk |
PKG_NAME:=pycrypto |
PKG_VERSION:=2.6.1 |
PKG_SOURCE_URL:=https://ftp.dlitz.net/pub/dlitz/crypto/pycrypto/ |
PKG_MD5SUM:=55a61a054aa66812daf5161a0d5d7eda |
PKG_LICENSE:=Public Domain |
PKG_MAINTAINER:=Jeffery To <jeffery.to@gmail.com> |
include $(INCLUDE_DIR)/package.mk |
$(call include_mk, python-package.mk) |
define Package/python-crypto |
SECTION:=lang-python |
CATEGORY:=Languages |
SUBMENU:=Python |
TITLE:=python-crypto |
URL:=http://www.pycrypto.org/ |
DEPENDS:=+python +libgmp |
endef |
define Package/python-crypto/description |
A collection of both secure hash functions (such as MD5 and SHA), |
and various encryption algorithms (AES, DES, IDEA, RSA, ElGamal, etc.). |
endef |
define Build/Compile |
$(call Build/Compile/PyMod,,install --prefix=/usr --root=$(PKG_INSTALL_DIR)) |
endef |
define Package/python-crypto/install |
$(CP) \
$(1)$(PYTHON_PKG_DIR)/ |
endef |
$(eval $(call PyPackage,python-crypto)) |
$(eval $(call BuildPackage,python-crypto)) |