@ -32,8 +32,7 @@ PKG_FIXUP=libtool |
define Package/openvswitch/Default |
SECTION:=net |
CATEGORY:=Network |
URL:=http://www.openvswitchswitch.org/ |
DEPENDS:=+libopenssl +librt +libpcap +libatomic |
URL:=http://openvswitch.org/ |
MAINTAINER:=Alexandru Ardelean <ardeleanalex@gmail.com> |
endef |
@ -47,48 +46,26 @@ define Package/openvswitch/Default/description |
1000V. |
endef |
define Package/openvswitch-common |
define Package/openvswitch |
$(call Package/openvswitch/Default) |
TITLE:=Open vSwitch Userspace Package |
DEPENDS:=+libpcap +libopenssl +librt +kmod-openvswitch |
DEPENDS:=+libpcap +libopenssl +librt +libatomic +kmod-openvswitch |
endef |
define Package/openvswitch-common/description |
openvswitch-common provides components required by openvswitch-switch. |
endef |
define Package/openvswitch-ipsec |
$(call Package/openvswitch/Default) |
TITLE:=Open vSwitch Userspace Package |
DEPENDS:=+openvswitch-common |
endef |
define Package/openvswitch-ipsec/description |
The ovs-monitor-ipsec script provides support for encrypting GRE tunnels with |
IPsec. |
define Package/openvswitch/description |
Provides the main userspace components required for Open vSwitch to function. |
endef |
define Package/openvswitch-benchmark |
$(call Package/openvswitch/Default) |
TITLE:=Open vSwitch Userspace Package |
DEPENDS:=+openvswitch-common |
DEPENDS:=@PACKAGE_openvswitch +PACKAGE_openvswitch:openvswitch |
endef |
define Package/openvswitch-benchmark/description |
Utility for running OpenVSwitch benchmarking |
endef |
define Package/openvswitch-switch |
$(call Package/openvswitch/Default) |
TITLE:=Open vSwitch Userspace Package |
DEPENDS:=+openvswitch-common |
endef |
define Package/openvswitch-switch/description |
openvswitch-switch provides the userspace components and utilities for the |
Open vSwitch kernel-based switch. |
endef |
define KernelPackage/openvswitch |
SECTION:=kernel |
CATEGORY:=Kernel modules |
@ -135,17 +112,7 @@ define Build/Compile |
endef |
define Package/openvswitch-ipsec/install |
$(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/usr/sbin/ |
$(INSTALL_BIN) $(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/debian/ovs-monitor-ipsec $(1)/usr/sbin/ |
endef |
define Package/openvswitch-benchmark/install |
$(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/usr/bin/ |
$(INSTALL_BIN) $(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/utilities/.libs/ovs-benchmark $(1)/usr/bin/ |
endef |
define Package/openvswitch-common/install |
define Package/openvswitch/install |
$(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/etc/openvswitch |
$(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/etc/init.d |
@ -161,15 +128,7 @@ define Package/openvswitch-common/install |
$(INSTALL_BIN) $(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/utilities/.libs/ovs-appctl $(1)/usr/bin/ |
$(INSTALL_BIN) $(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/utilities/.libs/ovs-ofctl $(1)/usr/bin/ |
$(INSTALL_BIN) $(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/ovsdb/.libs/ovsdb-client $(1)/usr/bin/ |
endef |
define Package/openvswitch-common/postinst |
[ -n "$${IPKG_INSTROOT}" ] || /etc/init.d/openvswitch enable || true |
endef |
define Package/openvswitch-switch/install |
$(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/usr/bin/ |
$(INSTALL_BIN) $(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/utilities/.libs/ovs-dpctl $(1)/usr/bin/ |
$(INSTALL_BIN) $(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/utilities/.libs/ovs-vsctl $(1)/usr/bin/ |
$(INSTALL_BIN) $(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/ovsdb/.libs/ovsdb-tool $(1)/usr/bin/ |
@ -182,9 +141,17 @@ define Package/openvswitch-switch/install |
$(INSTALL_CONF) $(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/vswitchd/vswitch.ovsschema $(1)/usr/share/openvswitch/ |
endef |
$(eval $(call BuildPackage,openvswitch-ipsec)) |
$(eval $(call BuildPackage,openvswitch-common)) |
$(eval $(call BuildPackage,openvswitch-switch)) |
define Package/openvswitch-benchmark/install |
$(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/usr/bin/ |
$(INSTALL_BIN) $(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/utilities/.libs/ovs-benchmark $(1)/usr/bin/ |
endef |
define Package/openvswitch/postinst |
[ -n "$${IPKG_INSTROOT}" ] || /etc/init.d/openvswitch enable || true |
endef |
$(eval $(call BuildPackage,openvswitch)) |
$(eval $(call BuildPackage,openvswitch-benchmark)) |
$(eval $(call KernelPackage,openvswitch)) |