@ -18,8 +18,10 @@ proto_openfortivpn_init_config() {
proto_config_add_string "username"
proto_config_add_string "password"
proto_config_add_string "trusted_cert"
proto_config_add_string "remote_status_check"
proto_config_add_int "set_dns"
proto_config_add_int "pppd_use_peerdns"
proto_config_add_int "peerdns"
proto_config_add_int "metric"
no_device = 1
available = 1
@ -27,12 +29,13 @@ proto_openfortivpn_init_config() {
proto_openfortivpn_setup( ) {
local config = " $1 "
local msg
json_get_vars host server port iface_name local_ip username password trusted_cert set_dns pppd_use_peerdns metric
json_get_vars host server port iface_name local_ip username password trusted_cert \
remote_status_check set_dns pppd_use_peerdns metric
ifname = " vpn- $config "
logger -t openfortivpn " $config : initializing... "
[ -n " $iface_name " ] && {
json_load " $( ifstatus $iface_name ) "
@ -40,27 +43,48 @@ proto_openfortivpn_setup() {
json_get_var iface_device_up up
logger -t "openfortivpn" " $config : $iface_name is status $iface_device_up "
[ " $iface_device_up " -eq 1 ] || {
logger -t "openfortivpn" " $config : $iface_name is not up $iface_device_up "
proto_notify_error " $config " " $iface_name is not up $iface_device_up "
msg = " $iface_name is not up $iface_device_up "
logger -t "openfortivpn" " $config : $msg "
proto_notify_error " $config " " $msg "
proto_block_restart " $config "
exit 1
server_ip = $( resolveip -t 10 " $server " )
[ $? -eq 0 ] || {
logger -t "openfortivpn" " $config : failed to resolve server ip for $server "
msg = " $config : failed to resolve server ip for $server "
logger -t "openfortivpn" " $msg "
sleep 10
proto_notify_error " $config " " failed to resolve server ip for $server "
proto_notify_error " $config " " $msg "
proto_setup_failed " $config "
exit 1
[ " $remote_status_check " = "curl" ] && {
curl -k --head -s --connect-timeout 10 ${ iface_name : +--interface } $iface_device_name https://$server_ip > /dev/null || {
msg = " failed to reach https:// ${ server_ip } ${ iface_name : + on $iface_device_name } "
logger -t "openfortivpn" " $config : $msg "
sleep 10
proto_notify_error " $config " " $msg "
proto_setup_failed " $config "
exit 1
[ " $remote_status_check " = "ping" ] && {
ping ${ iface_name : +-I } $iface_device_name -c 1 -w 10 $server_ip > /dev/null 2>& 1 || {
msg = " $config : failed to ping $server_ip on $iface_device_name "
logger -t "openfortvpn" " $config : $msg "
sleep 10
proto_notify_error " $config " " failed to ping $server_ip on $iface_device_name "
proto_setup_failed " $config "
exit 1
for ip in $( resolveip -t 10 " $server " ) ; do
logger -t "openfortivpn" " $config : adding host dependency for $ip on $iface_name at $config "
logger -p 6 - t "openfortivpn" " $config : adding host dependency for $ip on $iface_name at $config "
proto_add_host_dependency " $config " " $ip " " $iface_name "
@ -112,8 +136,7 @@ mru 1354" > $callfile
append_args " --pppd-call=openfortivpn/ $config "
proto_export INTERFACE = " $ifname "
logger -t openfortivpn " $config : executing 'openfortivpn $cmdline ' "
logger -t openfortivpn " $config : metric is $metric "
logger -p 6 -t openfortivpn " $config : executing 'openfortivpn $cmdline ' "
eval " proto_run_command ' $config ' /usr/sbin/openfortivpn-wrapper ' $pwfile ' $cmdline "
@ -127,7 +150,6 @@ proto_openfortivpn_teardown() {
rm -f $pwfile
rm -f $callfile
logger -t openfortivpn " $config : bringing down openfortivpn "
proto_kill_command " $config " 2