@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ export LC_ALL=C |
export PATH="/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin" |
set -o pipefail |
trm_ver="2.0.5" |
trm_ver="2.0.6" |
trm_enabled="0" |
trm_debug="0" |
trm_iface="" |
@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ trm_action="${1:-"start"}" |
# load travelmate environment |
# |
f_env() { |
local check wpa_checks ubus_check result |
local check wpa_checks result |
if [ "${trm_action}" = "stop" ]; then |
return |
@ -85,17 +85,12 @@ f_env() { |
if [ "${trm_enabled}" != "1" ]; then |
f_log "info" "travelmate is currently disabled, please set 'trm_enabled' to '1' to use this service" |
/etc/init.d/travelmate stop |
fi |
if [ -n "${trm_iface}" ]; then |
ubus_check="$(ubus -t "${trm_maxwait}" wait_for network.wireless network.interface."${trm_iface}" 2>&1)" |
if [ -n "${ubus_check}" ]; then |
f_log "info" "travelmate interface '${trm_iface}' does not appear on ubus, please check your network setup" |
/etc/init.d/travelmate stop |
fi |
else |
elif [ -z "${trm_iface}" ]; then |
f_log "info" "travelmate is currently not configured, please use the 'Interface Setup' in LuCI or the 'setup' option in CLI" |
/etc/init.d/travelmate stop |
elif ! ubus -t "${trm_maxwait}" wait_for network.wireless network.interface."${trm_iface}" >/dev/null 2>&1; then |
f_log "info" "travelmate interface '${trm_iface}' does not appear on ubus, please check your network setup" |
/etc/init.d/travelmate stop |
fi |
wpa_checks="sae owe eap suiteb192" |
@ -153,23 +148,27 @@ f_char() { |
# wifi helper function |
# |
f_wifi() { |
local radio tmp_radio cnt="0" |
local status radio timeout="0" |
"${trm_wifi}" reconf |
for radio in ${trm_radiolist}; do |
while [ "$(ubus -S call network.wireless status | jsonfilter -q -l1 -e "@.${radio}.up")" != "true" ]; do |
if [ "${cnt}" -ge "${trm_maxwait}" ]; then |
while true; do |
if [ "${timeout}" -ge "${trm_maxwait}" ]; then |
break 2 |
fi |
if [ "${radio}" != "${tmp_radio}" ]; then |
"${trm_wifi}" up "${radio}" |
tmp_radio="${radio}" |
status="$("${trm_wifi}" status 2>/dev/null)" |
if [ "$(printf "%s" "${status}" | jsonfilter -q -l1 -e "@.${radio}.up")" != "true" ] || |
[ "$(printf "%s" "${status}" | jsonfilter -q -l1 -e "@.${radio}.pending")" != "false" ]; then |
timeout="$((timeout + 1))" |
sleep 1 |
else |
continue 2 |
fi |
cnt="$((cnt + 1))" |
sleep 1 |
done |
done |
f_log "debug" "f_wifi ::: radio_list: ${trm_radiolist}, radio: ${radio}, cnt: ${cnt}" |
sleep "$((trm_maxwait / 6))" |
timeout="$((timeout + (trm_maxwait / 6)))" |
f_log "debug" "f_wifi ::: radio_list: ${trm_radiolist}, radio: ${radio}, timeout: ${timeout}" |
} |
# vpn helper function |
@ -178,23 +177,26 @@ f_vpn() { |
local rc vpn vpn_service vpn_iface vpn_action="${1}" |
vpn="$(f_getval "vpn")" |
if [ -n "${vpn}" ] && [ -x "${trm_vpnpgm}" ]; then |
vpn_service="$(f_getval "vpnservice")" |
vpn_iface="$(f_getval "vpniface")" |
if [ -n "${vpn_service}" ] && [ -n "${vpn_iface}" ] && |
{ [ "${vpn_action}" = "disable" ] || { [ "${vpn}" = "1" ] && [ "${vpn_action}" = "enable" ] && [ ! -f "${trm_vpnfile}" ]; } || |
{ [ "${vpn}" = "0" ] && [ "${vpn_action}" = "enable" ] && [ -f "${trm_vpnfile}" ]; }; }; then |
vpn_service="$(f_getval "vpnservice")" |
vpn_iface="$(f_getval "vpniface")" |
if [ -z "${vpn_action}" ]; then |
[ "${vpn}" = "1" ] && vpn_action="enable" || vpn_action="disable" |
fi |
if [ -x "${trm_vpnpgm}" ] && [ -n "${vpn_service}" ] && [ -n "${vpn_iface}" ]; then |
if { [ "${vpn_action}" = "disable" ] && [ -f "${trm_vpnfile}" ]; } || |
{ [ "${vpn}" = "1" ] && [ "${vpn_action}" = "enable" ] && [ ! -f "${trm_vpnfile}" ]; } || |
{ [ "${vpn}" != "1" ] && [ "${vpn_action}" = "enable" ] && [ -f "${trm_vpnfile}" ]; }; then |
"${trm_vpnpgm}" "${vpn}" "${vpn_action}" "${vpn_service}" "${vpn_iface}" >/dev/null 2>&1 |
rc="${?}" |
fi |
if [ "${vpn}" = "1" ] && [ "${vpn_action}" = "enable" ] && [ "${rc}" = "0" ]; then |
: >"${trm_vpnfile}" |
elif { [ "${vpn}" = "0" ] || [ "${vpn_action}" = "disable" ]; } && [ -f "${trm_vpnfile}" ]; then |
elif { [ "${vpn}" != "1" ] || [ "${vpn_action}" = "disable" ]; } && [ -f "${trm_vpnfile}" ]; then |
rm -f "${trm_vpnfile}" |
fi |
[ -n "${rc}" ] && f_jsnup |
fi |
f_log "debug" "f_vpn ::: vpn_enabled: ${vpn:-"-"}, vpn_action: ${vpn_action}, vpn_service: ${vpn_service:-"-"}, vpn_iface: ${vpn_iface:-"-"}, rc: ${rc:-"-"}, vpn_program: ${trm_vpnpgm}" |
f_log "debug" "f_vpn ::: enabled: ${vpn:-"-"}, action: ${vpn_action}, service: ${vpn_service:-"-"}, iface: ${vpn_iface:-"-"}, rc: ${rc:-"-"}, program: ${trm_vpnpgm}" |
} |
# mac helper function |
@ -279,6 +281,23 @@ f_ctrack() { |
f_log "debug" "f_ctrack ::: action: ${action:-"-"}, uplink_config: ${trm_uplinkcfg:-"-"}" |
} |
# get wan gateway addresses |
# |
f_getgw() { |
local result wan4_if wan4_gw wan6_if wan6_gw |
network_flush_cache |
network_find_wan wan4_if |
network_find_wan6 wan6_if |
network_get_gateway wan4_gw "${wan4_if}" |
network_get_gateway6 wan6_gw "${wan6_if}" |
if [ -n "${wan4_gw}" ] || [ -n "${wan6_gw}" ]; then |
result="${wan4_gw} ${wan6_gw}" |
fi |
printf "%s" "${result}" |
f_log "debug" "f_getgw ::: wan4_gw: ${wan4_gw:-"-"}, wan6_gw: ${wan6_gw:-"-"}, result: ${result:-"-"}" |
} |
# get uplink config section |
# |
f_getcfg() { |
@ -295,7 +314,7 @@ f_getcfg() { |
fi |
cnt="$((cnt + 1))" |
done |
f_log "debug" "f_getcfg ::: status: ${status}, section: ${section}, active_sta: ${trm_activesta:-"-"}, uplink_config: ${trm_uplinkcfg:-"-"}" |
f_log "debug" "f_getcfg ::: status: ${status}, section: ${section}, uplink_config: ${trm_uplinkcfg:-"-"}" |
} |
# get travelmate option value in 'uplink' sections |
@ -319,7 +338,6 @@ f_setdev() { |
if [ "${disabled}" = "1" ]; then |
uci_set wireless "${radio}" "disabled" "0" |
fi |
if [ -n "${trm_radio}" ] && [ -z "${trm_radiolist}" ]; then |
trm_radiolist="${trm_radio}" |
elif [ -z "${trm_radio}" ] && ! printf "%s" "${trm_radiolist}" | grep -q "${radio}"; then |
@ -331,7 +349,7 @@ f_setdev() { |
# set 'wifi-iface' sections |
# |
f_setif() { |
local mode radio essid bssid disabled status con_start con_end con_start_expiry con_end_expiry section="${1}" proactive="${2}" |
local mode radio essid bssid enabled disabled con_start con_end con_start_expiry con_end_expiry section="${1}" proactive="${2}" |
mode="$(uci_get "wireless" "${section}" "mode")" |
radio="$(uci_get "wireless" "${section}" "device")" |
@ -341,46 +359,46 @@ f_setif() { |
f_getcfg "${radio}" "${essid}" "${bssid}" |
status="$(f_getval "enabled")" |
enabled="$(f_getval "enabled")" |
con_start="$(f_getval "con_start")" |
con_end="$(f_getval "con_end")" |
con_start_expiry="$(f_getval "con_start_expiry")" |
con_end_expiry="$(f_getval "con_end_expiry")" |
if [ "${status}" = "0" ] && [ -n "${con_end}" ] && [ -n "${con_end_expiry}" ] && [ "${con_end_expiry}" != "0" ]; then |
if [ "${enabled}" = "0" ] && [ -n "${con_end}" ] && [ -n "${con_end_expiry}" ] && [ "${con_end_expiry}" != "0" ]; then |
d1="$(date -d "${con_end}" "+%s")" |
d2="$(date "+%s")" |
d3="$(((d2 - d1) / 60))" |
if [ "${d3}" -ge "${con_end_expiry}" ]; then |
status="1" |
enabled="1" |
f_ctrack "end_expiry" |
fi |
elif [ "${status}" = "1" ] && [ -n "${con_start}" ] && [ -n "${con_start_expiry}" ] && [ "${con_start_expiry}" != "0" ]; then |
elif [ "${enabled}" = "1" ] && [ -n "${con_start}" ] && [ -n "${con_start_expiry}" ] && [ "${con_start_expiry}" != "0" ]; then |
d1="$(date -d "${con_start}" "+%s")" |
d2="$(date "+%s")" |
d3="$((d1 + (con_start_expiry * 60)))" |
if [ "${d2}" -gt "${d3}" ]; then |
status="0" |
enabled="0" |
f_ctrack "start_expiry" |
fi |
fi |
if [ "${mode}" = "sta" ]; then |
if [ "${status}" = "0" ] || { { [ -z "${disabled}" ] || [ "${disabled}" = "0" ]; } && |
if [ "${enabled}" = "0" ] || { { [ -z "${disabled}" ] || [ "${disabled}" = "0" ]; } && |
{ [ "${proactive}" = "0" ] || [ "${trm_ifstatus}" != "true" ]; }; }; then |
uci_set "wireless" "${section}" "disabled" "1" |
elif [ "${disabled}" = "0" ] && [ "${trm_ifstatus}" = "true" ] && [ "${proactive}" = "1" ]; then |
elif [ "${enabled}" = "1" ] && [ "${disabled}" = "0" ] && [ "${trm_ifstatus}" = "true" ] && [ "${proactive}" = "1" ]; then |
if [ -z "${trm_activesta}" ]; then |
trm_activesta="${section}" |
else |
uci_set "wireless" "${section}" "disabled" "1" |
fi |
fi |
if [ "${status}" = "1" ]; then |
if [ "${enabled}" = "1" ]; then |
trm_stalist="$(f_trim "${trm_stalist} ${section}-${radio}")" |
fi |
fi |
f_log "debug" "f_setif ::: status: ${status}, section: ${section}, active_sta: ${trm_activesta:-"-"}, uplink_config: ${trm_uplinkcfg:-"-"}" |
f_log "debug" "f_setif ::: enabled: ${enabled}, section: ${section}, active_sta: ${trm_activesta:-"-"}, uplink_config: ${trm_uplinkcfg:-"-"}" |
} |
# add open uplinks |
@ -398,7 +416,7 @@ f_addsta() { |
new_uplink="0" |
return 0 |
fi |
offset=$((offset + 1)) |
offset="$((offset + 1))" |
fi |
} |
config_load wireless |
@ -449,7 +467,7 @@ f_addsta() { |
f_net() { |
local err_msg raw html_raw html_cp json_raw json_ec json_rc json_cp json_ed result="net nok" |
raw="$(${trm_fetch} --user-agent "${trm_useragent}" --referer "http://www.example.com" --header "Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate" --header "Pragma: no-cache" --header "Expires: 0" --write-out "%{json}" --silent --connect-timeout $((trm_maxwait / 10)) "${trm_captiveurl}")" |
raw="$(${trm_fetch} --user-agent "${trm_useragent}" --referer "http://www.example.com" --header "Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate, max-age=0" --write-out "%{json}" --silent --max-time $((trm_maxwait / 6)) "${trm_captiveurl}")" |
json_raw="${raw#*\{}" |
html_raw="${raw%%\{*}" |
if [ -n "${json_raw}" ]; then |
@ -476,11 +494,15 @@ f_net() { |
if [ -n "${json_ed}" ] && [ "${json_ed}" != "${trm_captiveurl#http*://*}" ]; then |
result="net cp '${json_ed}'" |
fi |
elif [ "${json_ec}" = "28" ]; then |
if [ -n "$(f_getgw)" ]; then |
result="net ok" |
fi |
fi |
fi |
fi |
printf "%s" "${result}" |
f_log "debug" "f_net ::: fetch: ${trm_fetch}, timeout: $((trm_maxwait / 6)), cp (json/html): ${json_cp:-"-"}/${html_cp:-"-"}, result: ${result}, error: ${err_msg:-"-"}, url: ${trm_captiveurl}, user_agent: ${trm_useragent}" |
f_log "debug" "f_net ::: fetch: ${trm_fetch}, timeout: $((trm_maxwait / 6)), cp (json/html): ${json_cp:-"-"}/${html_cp:-"-"}, result: ${result}, error (rc/msg): ${json_ec}/${err_msg:-"-"}, url: ${trm_captiveurl}, user_agent: ${trm_useragent}" |
} |
# check interface status |
@ -518,15 +540,17 @@ f_check() { |
fi |
break |
elif [ "${mode}" = "rev" ]; then |
unset trm_connection |
trm_ifstatus="${status}" |
break |
else |
ifname="$(printf "%s" "${dev_status}" | jsonfilter -q -l1 -e '@.*.interfaces[@.config.mode="sta"].ifname')" |
if [ -n "${ifname}" ] && [ "${enabled}" = "1" ]; then |
result="$(f_net)" |
trm_ifquality="$(${trm_iwinfo} "${ifname}" info 2>/dev/null | awk -F '[ ]' '/Link Quality:/{split($NF,var0,"/");printf "%i\n",(var0[1]*100/var0[2])}')" |
if [ "${trm_ifquality}" -ge "${trm_minquality}" ]; then |
trm_ifstatus="$(ubus -S call network.interface dump 2>/dev/null | jsonfilter -q -l1 -e "@.interface[@.device=\"${ifname}\"].up")" |
if [ "${trm_ifstatus}" = "true" ]; then |
result="$(f_net)" |
if [ "${trm_captive}" = "1" ]; then |
cp_domain="$(printf "%s" "${result}" | awk -F '['\''| ]' '/^net cp/{printf "%s",$4}')" |
if [ -x "/etc/init.d/dnsmasq" ] && [ -f "/etc/config/dhcp" ] && |
@ -552,7 +576,7 @@ f_check() { |
fi |
fi |
if [ "${trm_netcheck}" = "1" ] && [ "${result}" = "net nok" ]; then |
f_log "info" "uplink has no internet (new connection)" |
f_log "info" "uplink has no internet" |
f_vpn "disable" |
trm_ifstatus="${status}" |
f_jsnup |
@ -562,22 +586,16 @@ f_check() { |
f_jsnup |
break |
fi |
elif [ -n "${trm_connection}" ]; then |
if [ "${trm_ifquality}" -lt "${trm_minquality}" ]; then |
f_log "info" "uplink is out of range (${trm_ifquality}/${trm_minquality})" |
f_vpn "disable" |
unset trm_connection |
trm_ifstatus="${status}" |
f_ctrack "end" |
elif [ "${trm_netcheck}" = "1" ] && [ "${result}" = "net nok" ]; then |
f_log "info" "uplink has no internet (existing connection)" |
f_vpn "disable" |
unset trm_connection |
trm_ifstatus="${status}" |
fi |
elif [ -n "${trm_connection}" ] && { [ "${trm_netcheck}" = "1" ] || [ "${mode}" = "initial" ]; }; then |
f_log "info" "uplink is out of range (${trm_ifquality}/${trm_minquality})" |
f_vpn "disable" |
unset trm_connection |
trm_ifstatus="${status}" |
f_ctrack "end" |
f_jsnup |
break |
elif [ "${mode}" = "initial" ]; then |
elif [ "${mode}" = "initial" ] || [ "${mode}" = "sta" ]; then |
unset trm_connection |
trm_ifstatus="${status}" |
f_jsnup |
break |
@ -612,7 +630,6 @@ f_jsnup() { |
local vpn section last_date last_station sta_iface sta_radio sta_essid sta_bssid sta_mac dev_status last_status status="${trm_ifstatus}" ntp_done="0" vpn_done="0" mail_done="0" |
if [ "${status}" = "true" ]; then |
vpn="$(f_getval "vpn")" |
status="connected (${trm_connection:-"-"})" |
dev_status="$(ubus -S call network.wireless status 2>/dev/null)" |
section="$(printf "%s" "${dev_status}" | jsonfilter -q -l1 -e '@.*.interfaces[@.config.mode="sta"].section')" |
@ -622,6 +639,8 @@ f_jsnup() { |
sta_essid="$(uci_get "wireless" "${section}" "ssid")" |
sta_bssid="$(uci_get "wireless" "${section}" "bssid")" |
sta_mac="$(f_mac "get" "${section}")" |
f_getcfg "${sta_radio}" "${sta_essid}" "${sta_bssid}" |
vpn="$(f_getval "vpn")" |
fi |
json_get_var last_date "last_run" |
json_get_var last_station "station_id" |
@ -641,7 +660,6 @@ f_jsnup() { |
unset trm_connection |
status="running (not connected)" |
fi |
if [ -z "${last_date}" ]; then |
last_date="$(date "+%Y.%m.%d-%H:%M:%S")" |
fi |
@ -666,16 +684,11 @@ f_jsnup() { |
json_add_string "system" "${trm_sysver}" |
json_dump >"${trm_rtfile}" |
if [ "${status%% (net ok/*}" = "connected" ]; then |
f_vpn "enable" |
if [ "${trm_mail}" = "1" ] && [ -x "${trm_mailpgm}" ] && [ "${ntp_done}" = "1" ] && [ "${mail_done}" = "0" ]; then |
if [ -z "${vpn}" ] || [ "${vpn_done}" = "1" ]; then |
: >"${trm_mailfile}" |
"${trm_mailpgm}" >/dev/null 2>&1 |
fi |
if [ "${status%% (net ok/*}" = "connected" ] && [ "${trm_mail}" = "1" ] && [ -x "${trm_mailpgm}" ] && [ "${ntp_done}" = "1" ] && [ "${mail_done}" = "0" ]; then |
if [ "${vpn}" != "1" ] || [ "${vpn_done}" = "1" ]; then |
: >"${trm_mailfile}" |
"${trm_mailpgm}" >/dev/null 2>&1 |
fi |
else |
f_vpn "disable" |
fi |
f_log "debug" "f_jsnup ::: section: ${section:-"-"}, status: ${status:-"-"}, sta_iface: ${sta_iface:-"-"}, sta_radio: ${sta_radio:-"-"}, sta_essid: ${sta_essid:-"-"}, sta_bssid: ${sta_bssid:-"-"}, ntp: ${ntp_done}, vpn: ${vpn:-"0"}/${vpn_done}, mail: ${trm_mail}/${mail_done}" |
} |
@ -703,8 +716,8 @@ f_log() { |
# main function for connection handling |
# |
f_main() { |
local cnt retrycnt scan_dev scan_list scan_essid scan_bssid scan_open scan_quality |
local station_id section sta sta_essid sta_bssid sta_radio sta_iface sta_mac config_essid config_bssid config_radio |
local radio cnt retrycnt scan_dev scan_list scan_essid scan_bssid scan_open scan_quality |
local station_id section sta sta_essid sta_bssid sta_radio sta_mac config_essid config_bssid config_radio |
f_check "initial" "false" |
f_log "debug" "f_main-1 ::: status: ${trm_ifstatus}, proactive: ${trm_proactive}" |
@ -735,6 +748,7 @@ f_main() { |
continue |
fi |
fi |
scan_list="" |
# station loop |
# |
@ -744,17 +758,17 @@ f_main() { |
sta_radio="$(uci_get "wireless" "${section}" "device")" |
sta_essid="$(uci_get "wireless" "${section}" "ssid")" |
sta_bssid="$(uci_get "wireless" "${section}" "bssid")" |
sta_iface="$(uci_get "wireless" "${section}" "network")" |
sta_mac="$(f_mac "get" "${section}")" |
if [ -z "${sta_radio}" ] || [ -z "${sta_essid}" ] || [ -z "${sta_iface}" ]; then |
if [ -z "${sta_radio}" ] || [ -z "${sta_essid}" ]; then |
f_log "info" "invalid wireless section '${section}'" |
continue |
fi |
if [ "${radio}" = "${config_radio}" ] && [ "${sta_radio}" = "${config_radio}" ] && |
if [ -n "${trm_connection}" ] && [ "${radio}" = "${config_radio}" ] && [ "${sta_radio}" = "${config_radio}" ] && |
[ "${sta_essid}" = "${config_essid}" ] && [ "${sta_bssid}" = "${config_bssid}" ]; then |
f_ctrack "refresh" |
f_log "info" "uplink still in range '${config_radio}/${config_essid}/${config_bssid:-"-"}' with mac '${sta_mac:-"-"}'" |
break 2 |
f_vpn |
return 0 |
fi |
f_log "debug" "f_main-4 ::: sta_radio: ${sta_radio}, sta_essid: \"${sta_essid}\", sta_bssid: ${sta_bssid:-"-"}" |
fi |
@ -773,19 +787,20 @@ f_main() { |
# scan loop |
# |
printf "%s\n" "${scan_list}" | while read -r scan_quality scan_open scan_bssid scan_essid; do |
while read -r scan_quality scan_open scan_bssid scan_essid; do |
if [ -n "${scan_quality}" ] && [ -n "${scan_open}" ] && [ -n "${scan_bssid}" ] && [ -n "${scan_essid}" ]; then |
f_log "debug" "f_main-6 ::: radio(sta/scan): ${sta_radio}/${radio}, essid(sta/scan): \"${sta_essid}\"/${scan_essid}, bssid(sta/scan): ${sta_bssid}/${scan_bssid}, quality(min/scan): ${trm_minquality}/${scan_quality}, open: ${scan_open}" |
if [ "${scan_quality}" -ge "${trm_minquality}" ]; then |
if { { [ "${scan_essid}" = "\"${sta_essid}\"" ] && { [ -z "${sta_bssid}" ] || [ "${scan_bssid}" = "${sta_bssid}" ]; }; } || |
{ [ "${scan_bssid}" = "${sta_bssid}" ] && [ "${scan_essid}" = "unknown" ]; }; } && [ "${radio}" = "${sta_radio}" ]; then |
f_vpn "disable" |
if [ -n "${config_radio}" ]; then |
f_vpn "disable" |
uci_set "wireless" "${trm_activesta}" "disabled" "1" |
uci_commit "wireless" |
f_check "rev" "false" |
f_ctrack "end" |
f_log "info" "uplink connection terminated '${config_radio}/${config_essid}/${config_bssid:-"-"}'" |
unset trm_connection config_radio config_essid config_bssid |
unset config_radio config_essid config_bssid |
fi |
# retry loop |
@ -801,6 +816,7 @@ f_main() { |
uci_commit "wireless" |
f_ctrack "start" |
f_log "info" "connected to uplink '${sta_radio}/${sta_essid}/${sta_bssid:-"-"}' with mac '${sta_mac:-"-"}' (${retrycnt}/${trm_maxretry})" |
f_vpn "enable" |
return 0 |
else |
uci -q revert "wireless" |
@ -822,25 +838,21 @@ f_main() { |
scan_essid="${scan_essid:1}" |
f_addsta "${radio}" "${scan_essid}" |
fi |
unset scan_quality scan_bssid scan_essid scan_open |
continue |
else |
unset scan_quality scan_bssid scan_essid scan_open |
continue |
fi |
fi |
done |
unset scan_quality scan_bssid scan_essid scan_open |
done <<-EOV |
${scan_list} |
done |
unset scan_list |
done |
fi |
} |
# source required system libraries |
# |
if [ -r "/lib/functions.sh" ] && [ -r "/usr/share/libubox/jshn.sh" ]; then |
if [ -r "/lib/functions.sh" ] && [ -r "/lib/functions/network.sh" ] && [ -r "/usr/share/libubox/jshn.sh" ]; then |
. "/lib/functions.sh" |
. "/lib/functions/network.sh" |
. "/usr/share/libubox/jshn.sh" |
else |
f_log "err" "system libraries not found" |
@ -848,37 +860,33 @@ fi |
# control travelmate actions |
# |
if [ "${trm_action}" != "stop" ]; then |
f_env |
fi |
while true; do |
if [ -z "${trm_action}" ]; then |
rc="0" |
while true; do |
if [ "${rc}" = "0" ]; then |
f_check "initial" "false" |
fi |
sleep "${trm_timeout}" 0 |
rc=${?} |
if [ "${rc}" != "0" ]; then |
f_check "initial" "false" |
fi |
if [ "${rc}" = "0" ] || { [ "${rc}" != "0" ] && [ "${trm_ifstatus}" = "false" ]; }; then |
break |
fi |
done |
elif [ "${trm_action}" = "stop" ]; then |
if [ "${trm_action}" = "stop" ]; then |
if [ -s "${trm_pidfile}" ]; then |
f_log "info" "travelmate instance stopped ::: action: ${trm_action}, pid: $(cat ${trm_pidfile} 2>/dev/null)" |
: >"${trm_rtfile}" |
: >"${trm_pidfile}" |
fi |
break |
else |
elif [ -n "${trm_action}" ]; then |
f_log "info" "travelmate instance started ::: action: ${trm_action}, pid: ${$}" |
f_env |
f_main |
unset trm_action |
fi |
while true; do |
sleep "${trm_timeout}" 0 |
rc="${?}" |
if [ "${rc}" != "0" ]; then |
if [ -z "$(f_getgw)" ]; then |
rc="0" |
fi |
fi |
if [ "${rc}" = "0" ]; then |
break |
fi |
done |
json_cleanup |
f_env |
f_main |
unset trm_action |
done |